showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Comparison of mammography and tomosynthesis in the assesement of margins status in breast cancer patients treated with breast conserving surgery at O…
Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome post-COVID-19
Predicting running performance and adaptations from intervals at maximal sustainable effort
This study examined the predictive quality of intervals performed at maximal sustainable effort to predict 3-km and 10-km running times. In addition, changes in interval performance and associated changes in running performance were investigated. Either 6-week (10-km group, n = 29) or 2-week (3-km group, n = 16) interval training periods were performed by recreational runners. A linear model was created for both groups based on the running speed of the first 6x3-min interval session and the test run of the preceding week (T1). The accuracy of the model was tested with the running speed of the last interval session and the test run after the training period (T2). Pearson correlation was used…
Pena illegale e poteri del giudice dell'esecuzione
Costituisce ipotesi di pena illegale, rilevabile dal giudice dell'esecuzione, l'aumento di pena disposto dal giudice della cognizione in applicazione della continuazione tra il reato giudicato in Italia e altro reato satellite giudicato con sentenza emessa da uno Stato dell'Unione europea non riconosciuta nell’ordinamento italiano, posto che detto vincolo non rientra in alcuna delle ipotesi in presenza delle quali tali sentenze assumono rilevanza ai sensi dell’art. 3 d.leg. 12 maggio 2016 n. 73. I penetranti poteri del giudice dell'esecuzione si giustificano in ragione della circostanza che il principio di legalità della pena informa di sé tutto il sistema penale, sicché l’operatività della…
Recovering ammonium by treated and untreated zeolitic mixtures: A comprehensive experimental and modelling study
The recovery of ammonium (NH4+) from aqueous solutions by zeolite is attractive. In this study, the physicalchemistry of NH4+ adsorption process from aqueous solution by two zeolitic mixtures, either treated or not treated with NaCl, was assessed. Results suggested that the zeolitic mixture richer in mordenite and with high specific surface area adsorbed more NH4+ than the one richer in clinoptilolite and heulandite showing a lower specific surface area. NaCl treatment increased the amount of NH4+ adsorbed by the zeolitic mixtures. The higher amount of NH4+ adsorbed by the zeolitic mixtures treated with NaCl was explained by the low/high density water model accounting for cation exchange am…
Edu-social Algorithm: educare con i social network a scuola. Un modello operativo per il Mobile Learning
In questo lavoro si mostreranno i presupposti teorici e operativi per lo sviluppo di un Mobile Learning capace di coniugare didattica in presenza ed esperienze digitali, sfruttando Instagram come social media privilegiato per una proposta di un modello metodologico volto a strumentalizzare le funzioni multimediali e interattive interne all’applicazione. I risultati qualitativi del progetto di ricerca-azione Edu-social Algorithm mostrano una serie di contenuti mediaeducativi che evidenziano il potenziale pedagogico dentro il social media Instagram e la replicabilità del modello metodologico sviluppato.
Distinguishing the Need to Belong and Sense of Belongingness: The Relation between Need to Belong and Personal Appraisals under Two Different Belongi…
People are frequently caught in the hold between the need to belong and the fear of exclusion. However, these needs might be expressed differently under different belongingness conditions, where other powerful social processes are accentuated. Thus, the need to belong and social exclusion are concepts that are subjectively appraised based on one’s social relations. The present study aims to examine the relationship between the need to belong and five personal appraisals under two different belongingness conditions: (1) social-emotion support and (2) social-value representation. A total of 201 participants from two different groups were presented with 69 different items measuring five person…
Recolonization and recovery of an Arctic benthic community subject to mine-tailings deposits
Resilient urban governance: Adaptation and innovation in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic
The pervasive, unpredictable, and unmanageable outcomes gener- ated by the coronavirus pandemic portray many features of what have been defined as “super-wicked ”problems ( Levin et al., 2012 ). In this regard, defeating COVID-19 is not the only issue. The main problem is, rather, how to make our societies more resilient also to possible similar kinds of viruses that might affect our lives in the near future, provided the structure of the socio-economic and ecological systems where we live. As noted by Levin et al. (2012 , p. 124), ‘super-wicked’ problems “comprise four key features: time is running out; those who cause the problem also seek to provide a solution; the central authority need…
Vibrational damping properties of finite microperforated plates
Microperforated plates (MPP) are traditionally used to advantageously absorb acoustic waves in sound control technologies. However, less is known concerning the additional structural damping they can induce. The latter is activated through exchanges in the viscous and thermal boundary layers near the fluid-structure interface of the microperforations. MPPs therefore offer an alternative to, or can be used together with, viscoelastic materials, commonly implemented to damp vibrations at medium and high frequencies. In this work, the structural damping capabilities of MPP are investigated. To this end, the damping performance of a finite size MPP is explored analytically through an alternativ…
The prognostic role of tumor budding and tumor-stroma ratio in pulmonary metastasis of colorectal carcinoma
Objective To evaluate the prognostic value of tumor budding and tumor-stroma ratio (TSR) in resected pulmonary metastases of colorectal carcinoma (CRC). Methods In total, 106 pulmonary metastasectomies were performed to 74 patients in two study hospitals during 2000–2020. All relevant clinical data were retrospectively collected. Tumor budding based on the International Tumor Budding Consensus Conference recommendations and TSR in the first resected pulmonary metastases and primary tumors were evaluated from diagnostic hematoxylin-eosin-stained histopathological slides. Results 60 patients (85.7%) had low tumor budding (≤5 buds/field) and 10 patients (14.3%) had high tumor budding (>5 buds/…
The genus Capparis L. (Capparaceae) in Laos and Cambodia
SummaryA taxonomic revision of the genus Capparis in Laos and Cambodia was undertaken. Based on examination of historical and recent herbarium collections coupled with field investigations, 25 species and 7 intraspecific taxa, all belonging to sect. Monostichocalyx, were recognised in the study area. Among these, a new species, C. averyanovii, and a new subspecies, C. acutifolia subsp. thamphae, from central and northern Laos are described and illustrated. A key to the species is provided, along with descriptions, synonyms, distribution ranges, autecological and phenological data, and 31 lectotypes are selected. When available, vernacular names and traditional uses of the species are also g…
Breakup and default risks in the great lockdown
Abstract In this paper, we exploit CDS quotes for contracts denominated in different currencies and with different default clauses to estimate the risk of a breakup of the Eurozone and the propagation of breakup and default risks after the COVID-19 shock. Our main result is that the risk of a Eurozone breakup is significant although, quantitatively, it is not larger than in the period before the COVID-19 shock. In addition, we find that an increase in the redenomination risk in one country is associated with an increase in default premia and bond spreads in other Eurozone countries. Finally, we find that a sizeable fraction of the changes in the cost of insuring against redenomination and d…
El cribado preoperatorio negativo mediante RT-PCR no garantiza la no infección por SARS-CoV-2
Fizikas, matemātikas un optometrijas fakultātes plenārsēde: tēžu krājums
Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Fizikas, matemātikas un optometrijas fakultātes (FMOF) plenārsēde ir iespēja iepazīt piecas LU FMOF struktūrvienības un uzzināt par aktuālāko fakultātes zinātniskajā darbībā.
Macrophytes in Inland Waters - From Knowledge to Management
Radiographic Outcomes of Hallux Valgus Deformity Correction With Chevron and Scarf Osteotomies
There is no gold standard in the treatment of hallux valgus deformity. The purpose of our study was to compare various aspects of radiographic assessment following scarf and chevron osteotomies and try to determine which technique helps achieve a more pronounced intermetatarsal angle (IMA) and hallux valgus angle (HVA) correction and produces lower rates of complications, including adjacent-joint arthritis. This study included patients who underwent hallux valgus correction with the scarf (n = 32) or chevron (n = 181) method with a follow-up period of over 3 years. We evaluated the following parameters: HVA, IMA, duration of hospital stay, complications, development of adjacent-joint arthri…
Macrosystem community change in lake phytoplankton and its implications for diversity and function
Aim We use lake phytoplankton community data to quantify the spatio-temporal and scale-dependent impacts of eutrophication, land-use and climate change on species niches and community assembly processes while accounting for species traits and phylogenetic constraints. Location Finland. Time period 1977–2017. Major taxa Phytoplankton. Methods We use hierarchical modelling of species communities (HMSC) to model metacommunity trajectories at 853 lakes over four decades of environmental change, including a hierarchical spatial structure to account for scale-dependent processes. Using a “region of common profile” approach, we evaluate compositional changes of species communities and trait profil…
Parte III – I fattori della produzione agricola: Capitolo III 3.1. L’azienda agricola contemporanea
Questo volume nasce dalla necessità di offrire una lettura contemporanea delle peculiari regole che tradizionalmente hanno attribuito al Diritto agra- rio un carattere di specialità. Facciamo riferimento alle norme che in un’ot- tica di programmazione di un settore produttivo centrale per l’economia del nostro paese disciplinano l’impresa agricola, la proprietà terriera, i contratti agrari, il lavoro agricolo, il credito agrario, il mercato dei prodotti agricoli. Regole la cui chiave di lettura è sempre passata dalla considerazione dell’esi- stenza di un legame stretto tra “agricoltura” e “terra”, considerazione che non riteniamo superata, ma piuttosto aggiornata, dalle numerose innovazio- …
Reply to Ben-Dor and Barkai: A low Zn isotope ratio is not equal to a low Zn content
However, we are afraid that there was a misunderstanding in the interpretation of our data. Ben-Dor and Barkai (2) wrote that "One explanation presented in the [our] paper was that Neandertals may have consumed body parts and animals that were relatively poor in zinc, like the liver or deer." This sentence is not reflecting our conclusions: We discussed Zn isotope ratios (i.e., 66Zn/64Zn ratio expressed as a δ66Zn value) and not Zn concentrations. To explain low δ66Zn values of the Neandertal tooth, we propose that Neandertals ate food items depleted in heavy Zn isotopes (and therefore enriched in light Zn isotopes), but those foods can have variable Zn contents, independent of the Zn isoto…
Ab initio calculation of muon capture on $^{24}$Mg
In this work we study ordinary muon capture (OMC) on $^{24}$Mg from a first principles perspective. Starting from a particular two- and three-nucleon interaction derived from chiral effective field theory, we use the valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group (VS-IMSRG) framework to construct effective Hamiltonians and muon-capture operators which nonperturbatively account for many-body physics outside the valence space. The obtained nuclear matrix elements are compared against those from the phenomenological shell model. The impact of including the correlations from the nuclear shell model (NSM) as well as including the induced two-body part is studied in detail. Furthermore,…
Anisotropic elliptic equations with gradient-dependent lower order terms and L^1 data
<abstract><p>We prove the existence of a weak solution for a general class of Dirichlet anisotropic elliptic problems such as $ \mathcal Au+\Phi(x, u, \nabla u) = \mathfrak{B}u+f $ in $ \Omega $, where $ \Omega $ is a bounded open subset of $ \mathbb R^N $ and $ f\in L^1(\Omega) $ is arbitrary. The principal part is a divergence-form nonlinear anisotropic operator $ \mathcal A $, the prototype of which is $ \mathcal A u = -\sum_{j = 1}^N \partial_j(|\partial_j u|^{p_j-2}\partial_j u) $ with $ p_j &gt; 1 $ for all $ 1\leq j\leq N $ and $ \sum_{j = 1}^N (1/p_j) &gt; 1 $. As a novelty in this paper, our lower order terms involve a new class of operators $ \mathfrak B $ such…
The Symbolism of Fear-Themed Drawings of Turkish and Polish Children
The article presents results of a study on fear-themed drawings, which was conducted in groups of Turkish and Polish children. The aim of the study was to learn about fears presented by 6-10-year-old children. The study consisted in comparing symbols recognized in drawings made by children of the two nationalities and their interpretation, taking into account the cultural context. For the needs of the comparative analysis the authors formulated the following questions: What kind of symbolism appears in the pictures created by the examined children? What are similarities and differences in the symbolism presented in the drawings? How can one interpret the recognized symbols? The largest numb…
Household Budget Management and Financial Behaviour of the Italian Family in Times of Crisis*
Why are Italians at the bottom of international rankings on financial literacy? Why do they fail to make speculative financial choices and have a marked aptitude for precautionary saving? Using a Weberian perspective on household “budget management” [haushalt] and analysing the results of recent research (e.g. OECD, CONSOB and Bank of Italy), the authors argue that there are always “good reasons” and thus specific rationality that encourages people to save and reject financial speculation. This economic choice emanates from cognitive bias, financial socialisation, financial literacy, and environmental conditions. The hypothesis is that Italian households demonstrate a weaker attitude toward…
A primer for choosing, designing and evaluating registered reports for qualitative methods
Registered reports are a publication format that involves peer reviewing studies both before and after carrying out research procedures. Although registered reports were originally developed to combat challenges in quantitative and confirmatory study designs, today registered reports are also available for qualitative and exploratory work. This article provides a brief primer that aims to help researchers in choosing, designing, and evaluating registered reports, which are driven by qualitative methods.
WhatsApp iconology: narratives on in-app photographic practices in (transnational) family communication
Sharing photographs and photo-chatting are common practices in doing family at a distance. This study looks at the processes of the production and circulation of photographs within the family network, analysing participants’ narratives about their image-based communication in WhatsApp. The data was collected as an ethnographic enquiry into the digitally mediated (transnational) family communication of five Polish women and their children living in Finland. It consists of five auto-driven visual elicitation interviews with an interactive collage, three elicitation interviews, with the participant’s smartphone used for fast reference to their in-app chats, and one semi-structured interview. T…
Educación literaria, diversidad cultural y manga
Durante las últimas décadas, se ha considerado la lectura de cómic japonés en diferentes contextos de alfabetización lectora; y se han desarrollado estudios diversos que contemplan la potencialidad didáctica de este medio, en propuestas sobre creatividad artística a partir de las prácticas letradas de jóvenes lectores, o como recurso didáctico para la educación literaria. Mediante un análisis cualitativo, este trabajo pretende estudiar las posibilidades de Tomoji, de Jiro Taniguchi, como ejemplo paradigmático de manga para la formación de lectores, con perspectiva intercultural y atendiendo a las opciones de vinculación temática en torno a la diversidad que la lectura presenta. Así, se real…
Salvadore Cammarano, Calisto Bassi e «l’orditura del libretto» di Alzira
On August 12, 1845, Alzira, Giuseppe Verdi’s eighth opera, made its debut at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples. Against the composer’s own expecta-tions, the opera—to a libretto by Salvadore Cammarano based on Vol-taire—proved a failure, getting only about 20 performances. Even subse-quent stagings (13 between 1845 and 1858) met with lukewarm reception. A year after the first performance, on August 17, 1846, Calisto Bassi, an experienced librettist and translator, sent some comments on the libretto and proposals for improvements to the publisher Tito Ricordi. In this con-tribution, I aim to discuss this hitherto unpublished letter as well as to re-flect on the dramaturgy of this opera and the …
Strain effects in phosphorus bound exciton transitions in silicon
Donor spin states in silicon are a promising candidate for quantum information processing. One possible donor spin readout mechanism is the bound exciton transition that can be excited optically and creates an electrical signal when it decays. This transition has been extensively studied in bulk, but in order to scale towards localized spin readout, microfabricated structures are needed for detection. As these electrodes will inevitably cause strain in the silicon lattice, it will be crucial to understand how strain affects the exciton transitions. Here we study the phosphorous donor bound exciton transitions in silicon using hybrid electro-optical readout with microfabricated electrodes. W…
Anthropocène, Sémiotique et Droit de l’Environnement. La remise en cause juridique des non-humains
The Anthropocene is not a time of a crisis of nature, but a time of an epistemic one. That stimulates the semiotics of culture to take up the project of an archaeology of knowledge. In this article, we give some indications of how to deal with this in the discourse of environmental law. We will focus on the turning point of the 1960s and 1970s, which is very significant for environmental law. Based on a corpus including French national law, international law and European regulations, we will start by proposing a semiotic genealogy of natural spaces ; then, we will show how it leads to the reformulation of legal temporalities ; finally, we will end by evoking its repercussions on the actoria…
Sero-Epidemiological Study of Varicella in the Italian General Population.
The aim of this study was to analyze the seroprevalence of varicella in Italy and to evaluate the impact of varicella vaccination, which has been mandatory for newborns since 2017. The levels of VZV-specific IgG antibodies were determined by the ELISA method in residual serum samples obtained from subjects aged between 6 and 64 years and residing in 13 Italian regions. Overall, 3746 serum samples were collected in the years 2019 and 2020. The overall seroprevalence was 91.6% (89.9% in males and 93.3% in females; p = 0.0002). Seroprevalence showed an increasing trend (p < 0.0001) starting in the younger age groups: 6–9 years: 84.1%; 10–14 years: 88.7%; 15–19 years: 89.3%…
Dal game-based learning ai serious games: alcune prospettive per l’apprendimento mediato dalla tecnologia digitale
In the last years, serious games have become popular in media education as they are useful tools in engaging, motivating, and helping students learn. However, few studies investigate the long-term effects of game-based learning, and many scholars declare themself skeptical about the learning mediated by digital technology. This paper reflects on the importance of new media and serious games for young people belonging to the Net Generation as defined by Prensky. In particular, I support the idea that game-based learning reflects a broader change in our society, coinciding with the rise of the phenomenon of Gamification and the Homo Ludens paradigm. Apart from the limitations of technology-me…
On the occurrence of Phallocryptus spinosus (Milne-Edwards, 1840) in Sicily (Crustacea, Branchiopoda)
The distribution, status, and phenology of the anostracan Phallocryptus spinosus in Sicily are described. The only population of the species to date known to occur with certainty on the island inhabits a few temporary water bodies located within the Natura2000 site “ITA010006 - Paludi di Capo Feto e Margi Spanò”. In these sites, the species co-occurs with an interesting halophilous flora and crustacean fauna. Based on available data, the concentration of dissolved salts in the water bodies seems to be the main driver of the life histories of the co-existing populations of the anostracans Artemia salina and Phallocryptus spinosus.
Evaluation of anxiety, depression, aggression, and life satisfaction of nurses working with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2-infected …
Background: Negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, and aggression are among the factors that influence the level of perceived life satisfaction. Life satisfaction is related to physical and mental health and is an important component of human functioning. Nurses are particularly vulnerable to negative emotions due to their high-risk occupation and contact with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-infected individuals. Aim of the study: The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between life satisfaction and levels of anxiety, depression, and aggression among nurses working with patients infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Material an…
La nacionalidad como llave para el ejercicio de los derechos humanos
La nacionalidad es un vínculo que une al Estado soberano con el individuo, pero va más allá de una simple relación jurídico-política entre ambos, puesto que, como poderosa herramienta de exclusión, afecta al sentimiento de pertenencia del ser humano a un grupo o comunidad. Son los propios Estados quienes controlan este poder, pues solo ellos deciden quiénes son sus nacionales a través de su legislación interna. Sin embargo, el Derecho internacional ha ido estableciendo ciertos límites hasta el punto de consagrar el derecho humano a una nacionalidad. Su importancia es manifiesta, puesto que, a pesar de que los derechos humanos son inherentes a todas las personas, en la práctica, solo las per…
Impact of Wavelet Kernels on Predictive Capability of Radiomic Features: A Case Study on COVID-19 Chest X-ray Images
Radiomic analysis allows for the detection of imaging biomarkers supporting decision-making processes in clinical environments, from diagnosis to prognosis. Frequently, the original set of radiomic features is augmented by considering high-level features, such as wavelet transforms. However, several wavelets families (so called kernels) are able to generate different multi-resolution representations of the original image, and which of them produces more salient images is not yet clear. In this study, an in-depth analysis is performed by comparing different wavelet kernels and by evaluating their impact on predictive capabilities of radiomic models. A dataset composed of 1589 chest X-ray ima…