showing 36 of ~574560 from 574555 documents
Como nueva dinastía, la precaria situación de los primeros Tudor, Enrique VII y Enrique VIII, en el trono de Inglaterra, los llevó a buscar diferentes fórmulas de legitimación. En este proceso fue clave el intento de vinculación con los grandes reyes medievales ingleses a través de la pervivencia de los ideales caballerescos. El presente estudio se centra en el análisis de la plasmación de dichos principios en la producción visual con tintes propagandísticos derivada de las campañas francesas de Enrique VIII, en la que se advierte la pervivencia de la imagen del rey como caballero hasta su abandono a partir de 1540.
Cambios en la demanda y estrategias de adaptación en producciones agrarias sostenibles durante el confinamiento por la pandemia COVID-19
La pandemia ha supuesto un verdadero shock, también en los mercados de productos agrícolas sostenibles. En este artículo se analizan, en primer lugar y a través de datos secundarios, los cambios en los patrones de consumo de productos agrícolas frescos de los españoles durante la pandemia por la COVID-19, así como los cambios en la tipología de canales y tipos de establecimientos de compra. En segundo lugar, con datos primarios (encuestas y entrevistas) se analiza la percepción que una muestra de agricultores valencianos (vinculados a producciones sostenibles) tiene respecto del impacto del confinamiento, y sus estrategias de respuesta y adaptación. Los resultados ponen de relieve, por el l…
Atomic, molecular and optical physics section: (LU FMOF Laser Centre section): Book of Abstracts : 31st of January 2023, 10.00 AM, online
This book of abstracts is made for the Laser Centre section "Atomic, molecular and optical physics section", that occurred as a part of the 81st International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. This section was organized by the staff of Laser Centre of the University of Latvia and was held on the 31st of January, 2023. The book of abstracts contains contributions from researchers working on various light-matter interaction problems from all four laboratories of the Laser Center - Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory, Molecule Optical Polarization Laboratory, Color centre laboratory and Laboratory of Astrospectroscopy.
The Intricate Role of Non-Coding RNAs in Sepsis-Associated Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) is a type of tissue and organ dysregulation in sepsis, due mainly to the effect of the inflammation on the coagulation system. Unfortunately, the underlying molecular mechanisms that lead to this disorder are not fully understood. Moreover, current biomarkers for DIC, including biological and clinical parameters, generally provide a poor diagnosis and prognosis. In recent years, non-coding RNAs have been studied as promising and robust biomarkers for a variety of diseases. Thus, their potential in the diagnosis and prognosis of DIC should be further studied. Specifically, the relationship between the coagulation cascade and non-coding RNAs should…
Saturation vapor pressure characterization of selected low-volatility organic compounds using a residence time chamber
Saturation vapor pressure (psat) is an important thermodynamic property regulating the gas-to-particle partitioning of organic compounds in the atmosphere. Low-volatility organic compounds (LVOCs), with sufficiently low psat values, primarily stay in the particle phase and contribute to aerosol formation. Obtaining accurate information on the psat of LVOCs requires volatility measurements performed at temperatures relevant to atmospheric aerosol formation. Here, we present an isothermal evaporation method using a residence time chamber to measure psat for dry single-compound nanoparticles at 295 K. Our method is able to characterize organic compounds with psat spanning from 10−8 to 10−4 Pa …
Sero-Epidemiological Study of Varicella in the Italian General Population.
The aim of this study was to analyze the seroprevalence of varicella in Italy and to evaluate the impact of varicella vaccination, which has been mandatory for newborns since 2017. The levels of VZV-specific IgG antibodies were determined by the ELISA method in residual serum samples obtained from subjects aged between 6 and 64 years and residing in 13 Italian regions. Overall, 3746 serum samples were collected in the years 2019 and 2020. The overall seroprevalence was 91.6% (89.9% in males and 93.3% in females; p = 0.0002). Seroprevalence showed an increasing trend (p < 0.0001) starting in the younger age groups: 6–9 years: 84.1%; 10–14 years: 88.7%; 15–19 years: 89.3%…
La estilización de la cultura cómica popular en el cine español
El monográfico de la revista Fotocinema que presentamos cobra todo su sentido al plantearse como una oportunidad de revisitar, en concreto, la cultura cómica popular española, que es actualizada y renovada en el cine español de todos los tiempos, sin dejar de lado los movimientos internacionales que pudieran terciar en el mestizaje final de las obras a estudio. Haciendo uso del análisis textual y de la indagación histórica y teórica, los artículos que forman parte del monográfico abordan la obra de directores como Luis García Berlanga, Fernando Fernán Gómez, Manuel Summers, Pedro Almodóvar, Fernando León de Aranoa, Pablo Berger o Ángeles Reiné; sin dejar de lado el papel de relevantes escri…
Importance of nutritional assessment tools in the critically ill patient: A systematic review
BackgroundAmong the risks of the critically ill patient, one of the aspects to be taken into account is the high probability of occurrence of malnutrition risk (40–50%). This process leads to increased morbimortality and worsening. The use of assessment tools allows the individualization of care.ObjectiveTo analyze the different nutritional assessment tools used during the admission of critically ill patients.MethodsSystematic review of the scientific literature related to the nutritional assessment of critically ill patients. Between January 2017 and February 2022, articles were rescued from the electronic databases “Pubmed,” “Scopus,” “CINAHL” and “The Cochrane Library”; which will analyz…
El Legitimista Español (1869-1870). Prensa y política del carlismo en la primera fase del Sexenio Democrático
Con la revolución de septiembre de 1868 se instaura un régimen político en el que las libertades civiles se ven más respetadas, en particular la libertad de prensa, por lo cual se desarrollan desde el comienzo y de forma significativa varias tipologías de actividades editoriales, desde las satíricas hasta las políticas, vinculadas a las distintas corrientes que hacen valer sus propuestas con respecto a las instituciones que deberán remplazar a las viejas. También el carlismo se muestra más bien activo en el ámbito periodístico, cuando –por primera vez en su historia– toma el camino de la lucha pacífica, si bien sin abandonar la opción de una vía armada. Tras un apartado de contextualización…
Impact of Wavelet Kernels on Predictive Capability of Radiomic Features: A Case Study on COVID-19 Chest X-ray Images
Radiomic analysis allows for the detection of imaging biomarkers supporting decision-making processes in clinical environments, from diagnosis to prognosis. Frequently, the original set of radiomic features is augmented by considering high-level features, such as wavelet transforms. However, several wavelets families (so called kernels) are able to generate different multi-resolution representations of the original image, and which of them produces more salient images is not yet clear. In this study, an in-depth analysis is performed by comparing different wavelet kernels and by evaluating their impact on predictive capabilities of radiomic models. A dataset composed of 1589 chest X-ray ima…
Effect of Ending the Nationwide Free School Fruit Scheme on the Intake of Fruits, Vegetables, and Unhealthy Snacks in Norwegian School Children Aged …
The Norwegian authorities started a nationwide free school fruit program in 2007, implemented in all secondary schools (grades 8–10) and combined schools (grades 1–10) in Norway. The program ended in 2014. This study evaluates the effect of ending the nationwide free school fruit program on the consumption of fruit, vegetables, and unhealthy snacks among Norwegian sixth and seventh graders. The study sample consists of pupils at 18 schools that participated in all data collections in the Fruits and Vegetables Make the Marks project (FVMM), initiated in 2001, with new data collections in 2008 and 2018. Four of the schools were combined schools, therefore children in sixth and seventh grade a…
γδ T cells and their clinical application in colon cancer
In recent years, research has focused on colorectal cancer to implement modern treatment approaches to improve patient survival. In this new era, γδ T cells constitute a new and promising candidate to treat many types of cancer because of their potent killing activity and their ability to recognize tumor antigens independently of HLA molecules. Here, we focus on the roles that γδ T cells play in antitumor immunity, especially in colorectal cancer. Furthermore, we provide an overview of small-scale clinical trials in patients with colorectal cancer employing either in vivo activation or adoptive transfer of ex vivo expanded γδ T cells and suggest possible combinatorial approaches to treat co…
Macrophytes in Inland Waters: From Knowledge to Management
The huge biodiversity of inland waters and the many different aquatic habitats or ecosystems occurring there are particularly threatened by human impacts. In this Special Issue, ten articles have been collected that show new data on the distribution and ecology of some rare aquatic macrophytes, including both vascular plants and charophytes, but also on the use of these organisms for the monitoring, management, and restoration of wetlands.
Quality of Life in COVID-Related ARDS Patients One Year after Intensive Care Discharge (Odissea Study): A Multicenter Observational Study
Background: Investigating the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) after intensive care unit (ICU) discharge is necessary to identify possible modifiable risk factors. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the HRQoL in COVID-19 critically ill patients one year after ICU discharge. Methods: In this multicenter prospective observational study, COVID-19 patients admitted to nine ICUs from 1 March 2020 to 28 February 2021 in Italy were enrolled. One year after ICU discharge, patients were required to fill in short-form health survey 36 (SF-36) and impact of event-revised (IES-R) questionnaire. A multivariate linear or logistic regression analysis to search for factors associated wi…
Filter Masks during the Second Phase of SARS-CoV-2: Study on Population
During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the most common countermeasure are the use of masks, which are supposed to filter inhaled and exhaled air to reduce the spread of the virus. The masks, which are medical devices, must be used by providing appropriate instructions for correct use. This study, which examined the population during the advanced stage of the pandemic, highlighted a substantial improvement in the management and choice of masks, even though the information disseminated to the population probably should be even more detailed and precise in order to avoid incorrect behavior that could compromise the effectiveness of these devices; in fact a high percentage of subjects had behaviors th…
Surgery equivalence relations for 3-manifolds
By classical results of Rochlin, Thom, Wallace and Lickorish, it is well-known that any two 3-manifolds (with diffeomorphic boundaries) are related one to the other by surgery operations. Yet, by restricting the type of the surgeries, one can define several families of non-trivial equivalence relations on the sets of (diffeomorphism classes of) 3-manifolds. In this expository paper, which is based on lectures given at the school ``Winter Braids XI'' (Dijon, December 2021), we explain how certain filtrations of mapping class groups of surfaces enter into the definitions and the mutual comparison of these surgery equivalence relations. We also survey the ways in which concrete invariants of 3…
The impurity of praxis : Arendt and Agamben
AbstractIf politics is understood as a foundational and open-ended activity, a general problem that arises from such a framing concerns the question of how to sustain the possibility of continuous openings without converting action into permanence and closure. In this article, we approach this problematic by treating Hannah Arendt as an exemplary figure in the current of political thought that emphasizes the indeterminate nature of action. We focus more specifically on how Arendt addressed the question of sustaining action by exploring the role of forgiveness, promises, divided power, and principles of action in her thought. While we show that the task of sustaining the indeterminacy of act…
Poor School Academic Performance and Benign Epilepsy with Centro-Temporal Spikes
Background: Poor academic performance of students with epilepsy seems to be a multifactorial problem related to difficulties in reading, writing, math, and logic skills. Poor school and academic performances refer to learning problems in a specific academic area due to learning disorders and learning difficulties not excluding the ability to learn in a different manner during school and academic life. Sometimes, school, academic difficulties, and Rolandic epilepsy can coexist together, and there may be comorbidities. Consequently, the risk of impaired academic performance in people with epilepsy is high. Methods: This review analyzed the relationship between Benign Epilepsy with Centro-Temp…
Influence of the Oxic-Settling-Anaerobic (OSA) Process on Methane Production by Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge
The present study evaluated different sludge-reduction mechanisms in the oxic-settling-anaerobic (OSA) process in terms of their effects on methane productivity by anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge. Two different layouts were investigated for the sludge return from an anaerobic side-stream reactor (ASSR) to the anoxic (scheme A) or the aerobic (scheme B) reactor of a pre-denitrification plant. Biochemical methane-potential (BMP) assays performed on the excess sludge revealed that scheme A promoted an overall increase of methane production in the OSA (20 mLCH4 gVSS−1d−1, +19%), although compared with a control CAS plant a significant decrease in the excess sludge production (3…
#How Can We Help You?: An Instagram-Based Online Self-Help for Eating Disorders
In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in online self-help treatments and peer-support programs for eating disorders. The possibility of easily accessing them anytime makes these programs an important support tool and an influencing source for increasing motivation to change. The aim of this work is to describe the #How can we help you? project, its initial feedback received from users, and its future directions. Researchers and clinicians developed an Instagram profile (Dicci Come Aiutarti) based on psychoeducation, aimed at orienting those suffering from a self-reported eating disorder towards clinical care, providing information about eating concerns and related constructs…
From Dysbiosis to Neurodegenerative Diseases through Different Communication Pathways: An Overview
The microbiome research field has rapidly evolved over the last few decades, becoming a major topic of scientific and public interest. The gut microbiota (GM) is the microbial population living in the gut. The GM has many functions, such as maintaining gut homeostasis and host health, providing defense against enteric pathogens, and involvement in immune system development. Several studies have shown that GM is implicated in dysbiosis and is presumed to contribute to neurodegeneration. This review focuses mainly on describing the connection between the intestinal microbiome alterations (dysbiosis) and the onset of neurodegenerative diseases to explore the mechanisms that link the GM to nerv…
The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit: a consolidated design for the system requirement review of the preliminary definition phase
The Athena X-ray Integral Unit (X-IFU) is the high resolution X-ray spectrometer, studied since 2015 for flying in the mid-30s on the Athena space X-ray Observatory, a versatile observatory designed to address the Hot and Energetic Universe science theme, selected in November 2013 by the Survey Science Committee. Based on a large format array of Transition Edge Sensors (TES), it aims to provide spatially resolved X-ray spectroscopy, with a spectral resolution of 2.5 eV (up to 7 keV) over an hexagonal field of view of 5 arc minutes (equivalent diameter). The X-IFU entered its System Requirement Review (SRR) in June 2022, at about the same time when ESA called for an overall X-IFU redesign (i…
Maturity in Leaps and Bounds : Organisational Listening for Customer Engagement
Much of organisational development occurs during times of crisis when answers and solutions are urgently needed. The research presented in this paper suggests that, during such times, what matters for organisational legitimacy is understanding stakeholders’ changing needs. This paper proposes that organisational listening become a core function for brands and organisations. Building on theories related to organisational listening, social media and stakeholder engagement in digital marketing, this article argues for incorporating mature online listening into the customer engagement in social media (CESM) framework introduced by Santini et al. (2020). In the practise of organisational listeni…
Digital Twins for Sustainable and Safe Living Environment: Book of Abstracts
Towards a post-democratic era? Moral educations agains new forms of authoritarianism
Educating in a convulsed political context demands a detailed analysis of the new circumstances of our times, especially the current democracy crisis. According to the latest reports issued by international evaluation organisations, one of the greatest challenges for democratic citizenship is the emergence and rise of authoritarianism within the framework of the so-called post-democracy, and also in the manifestations known as illiberal democracy. Moral and civic education has to respond to this challenge. With this in mind, we propose revitalising a participative and deliberative democracy model, rethinking the basic values in citizens' education, redefining the relation between what is pu…
Chemical, Antioxidant and Biological Studies of Brassica incana subsp. raimondoi (Brassicaceae) Leaf Extract
Brassica incana subsp. raimondoi is an endemic taxon present in a restricted area located on steep limestone cliffs at an altitude of about 500 m a.s.l. in eastern Sicily. In this research, for the first time, studies on the phytochemical profile, the antioxidant properties in cell-free and cell-based systems, the cytotoxicity on normal and cancer cells by 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide (MTT) assay, and on Artemia salina Leach, were performed. The total phenolic, flavonoid, and condensed tannin contents of the leaf hydroalcoholic extract were spectrophotometrically determined. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography—tandem mass spectrometer (UPLC-MS/MS) analysi…
This article describes varied place attachments manifested in public (communal) places in the two socioeconomically weakest suburbs of the city of Jyväskylä in central Finland. We conducted ethnographic research and observations, interviewed local experts on their views of the suburbs, and analysed discourses from various places where residents’ experiences of identity and social relations are connected to residential and community attachment. Our results show a strong connection to place evolving in both suburbs through bonds to the physical and the social environment. The local experts reported social connectedness and sense of belonging among the residents of both suburbs. The strength o…
« Le roman (comique) de la Fronde »
Cet article interroge la façon dont Le Roman comique (1651) de Scarron appartient à la Fronde comme événement d’écritures. En revenant sur la place du nom de « Scarron » dans les mazarinades, en montrant les processus de littérarisation et les discours critiques à l’œuvre dans des textes qui sont assignés au seul genre d’écrire des libelles, il montre la maîtrise que Scarron a du champ complexe où se déploient les usages burlesques de l’écriture et son investissement politique dans ce champ. À partir de là, la publication du Roman comique est ressaisie dans la question des réseaux clientélaires qui ont été fortement activés par certains acteurs politiques de la Fronde. L’article réfléchit…
Is the European Social Progress Index robust? Implications for the design of European Union regional Cohesion Policy
The European Social Progress Index (EU-SPI) is a composite index launched by the European Commission in 2016 to assess social progress. It is constructed using non-economic indicators, and is intended to serve as a tool for European regional policies. This paper shows that the 2020 release of the index is robust to multiple alternative designs, and thus suitable for policymaking. The EU-SPI and gross domestic product per capita (GDPpc) are positively correlated, although they are in no way substitutes. These findings suggest that the EU-SPI could complement the GDPpc as an instrument to determine eligibility and achieve a more citizen-oriented allocation of European Cohesion Policy funds.
Curcumin and Andrographolide Co-Administration Safely Prevent Steatosis Induction and ROS Production in HepG2 Cell Line
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an emerging chronic liver disease worldwide. Curcumin and andrographolide are famous for improving hepatic functions, being able to reverse oxidative stress and release pro-inflammatory cytokines, and they are implicated in hepatic stellate cell activation and in liver fibrosis development. Thus, we tested curcumin and andrographolide separately and in combination to determine their effect on triglyceride accumulation and ROS production, identifying the differential expression of genes involved in fatty liver and oxidative stress development. In vitro steatosis was induced in HepG2 cells and the protective effect of curcumin, andrographolide, and…
Il saggio analizza la fattispecie del giustificato motivo oggettivo di licenziamento e i connessi rimedi (art. 18 post riforma '"Fornero" e d.lgs. 23/2015), ed evidenzia la lettura 'liberista' operata dalla giurisprudenza. The essay analyses individual dismissals for economic grounds and related remedies (art. 18 Workers' Statute after "Fornerno" reform and legislative decree no. 23/2015), and it highlights the neoliberal reading made by labour courts.
Human Peopling and Population Dynamics in Sicily: Preliminary Analysis of the Craniofacial Morphometric Variation from the Paleolithic to the Contemp…
The geographic position, isolation, and the long and dynamic history of colonization created a human context in Sicily that allows for a particular anthropological study; information about “migratory flow” and “population influx” could be investigated in the cranial morphology of a localized geographical region. The research goals are the identification of temporal trends in facial morphology in order to assess the adaptations and the microevolutionary trends and to verify if the cranial morphology of humans was modified by the various genetic contributions and more or less related to the intense and significant migratory flows. This work includes a diachronic morpho…
Magnetic, Soft and Active Matter section: Abstract Book : Monday, 30 January 2023, 10.00 AM, online
This abstract book is made for the Magnetic Soft and Active Matter section of the 81st International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, held on January 30, 2023. It is organized primarily by the MMML lab (Lab of Magnetic Soft Materials). The section includes reports on the latest developments in the research on magnetism and its interplay with active and soft systems.
Photon and dilepton production rate in the quark-gluon plasma from lattice QCD
The photon emissivity of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is an important input to predict the photon yield in heavy-ion collisions, particularly for transverse momenta in the range of 1 to 2 GeV. Photon production in the QGP can be probed non-perturbatively in lattice QCD via (Euclidean) time-dependent correlators. Analyzing the spatially transverse channel, as well as the difference of the transverse and longitudinal channels as a consistency check, we determine the photon emissivity based on continuum-extrapolated correlators in two-flavour QCD. Estimates of the lepton-pair production rate can be derived by combining the two aforementioned channels. © Copyright owned by the author(s) under t…
Il saggio analizza la sentenza Mortier c. Belgique, con la quale la Corte EDU ha ritenuto lesiva dell’art. 2 della Convenzione la legge belga che ammette l’eutanasia, poiché carente di un sistema di controllo idoneo a verificare, in modo imparziale, la correttezza della procedura atta a procurare la morte. I giudici europei sembrano avere sottovalutato, però, il dovere dello Stato di assicurare – in linea coi precedenti della stessa Corte – la piena autodeterminazione della persona che riceve l’atto eutanasico, soprattutto, se affetta da disturbi psichiatrici. In assenza di una tale garanzia, infatti, il margine di apprezzamento dei legislatori nazionali potrebbe spingersi sino al punto da …
Use of xanthan gum and calcium ascorbate to prolong cv. Butirra pear slices shelf life during storage
After cut, pear fruit (Pyrus communis L.) during shelf-life can be subjected to colour and flavour changes. To maintain flesh colour and firmness, different technologies could be employed during shelf-life, such as chemical, physical and edible coating treatments. In the present study, the effects of two edible coating formulations containing xanthan gum and calcium ascorbate on fresh-cut pear fruit were investigated. After harvest, 200 fruits were cut and coated with Xanthan Gum (XAN) and distilled water or Xanthan gum + Calcium Ascorbate (ASC), respectively, while control (CTR) pear fruit slices were soaked in distilled water and lastly packed in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) packages …