Heikki Karjaluoto

The Process of Selecting Influencers for Marketing Purposes in an Organisation

Influencer marketing practices are growing on social media channels, while the usage of other mass-media channels is decreasing, prompting organisations to search for new tools with which to communicate efficiently with their target audiences. Influencers can affect purchase intentions if the audience identifies with them. For a successful collaboration with an influencer, an organisation needs to ensure that the brand fit is suitable, as the audience will become suspicious if the paid collaboration is too apparent. In addition, an organisation can ask an influencer to perform many roles during the collaboration. The objectives of this study, therefore, are to discover how organisations ens…

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Unlocking behaviors of long-term service consumers : the role of action inertia

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the antecedents of word-of-mouth (WOM) in long-term service settings. Specifically, the authors examine the moderating role of action inertia in the relationships between satisfaction and repatronage intention, satisfaction and WOM, and repatronage intention and WOM. Design/methodology/approach The proposed model was empirically tested using survey data from 1,385 telecommunications service subscribers. The data were analyzed using partial least squares path modeling. Findings Results suggest that a positive link between repatronage intention and WOM, hereto a neglected relationship in the marketing literature, in contrast to previous literat…

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Dual Perspectives on the Role of Artificially Intelligent Robotic Virtual Agents in the Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Industries

Robotics and artificial intelligence are challenging extant business services and fundamentally impacting business relationships and processes. While studies have elaborately investigated social robotic interactions in medical and health-related domains, studies are limited on artificially intelligent robotic virtual agents (AIRVA) and their impacts on consumer behavior in tourism and hospitality services. Building on the theories of user experience (UX), user interface (UI) and customer experience, this study conceptually examines the dual-value effects of AIRVA to the customer and the firm. It analyzes the customer journey and highlights critical touchpoints AIRVA deepens the customer exp…

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Crowdsourcing in the social media era: A case study of industrial marketers

In recent years crowdsourcing has increased in popularity as a method of gathering new ideas and innovations outside the organization. To make crowdsourcing work, there is a basic requirement to make external parties aware of the challenges or problems that need to be solved. Various digital marketing tools, especially social media platforms, provide new ways to foster the interaction between the parties. With the use of a case study, the study develops a framework to assess how social media and crowdsourcing can be integrated in an industrial context. The results reveal significant practical challenges to overcome before social media can be effectively utilized as a fully functioning crowd…

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sj-pdf-1-jig-10.1177_1069031X221129554 - Supplemental material for Becoming TikTok Famous: Strategies for Global Brands to Engage Consumers in an Emerging Market

Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jig-10.1177_1069031X221129554 for Becoming TikTok Famous: Strategies for Global Brands to Engage Consumers in an Emerging Market by Risqo Wahid, Heikki Karjaluoto, Kimmo Taiminen and Diah Isnaini Asiati in Journal of International Marketing

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Examining Consumer Mobile Money Usage Behaviour in Ghana

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Consumers’ acceptance of information and communications technology in tourism: A review

The review provides a conceptual framework on e-tourism research.Research on e-tourism is grouped into three classifications.Research on these three groups are uneven.Synthesis of theories, theories and frameworks provided. The impact of information and communications technology (ICT) in tourism (e-tourism) has altered the ways tourism services are accessed and consumed. Ubiquitous and highly innovative ICTs provide different channels for consumers to use tourism services; thus, studies on e-tourism are numerous and fragmented. Different factors account for how consumers embrace these channels. The purpose of this study is to review studies on consumers acceptance or adoption of e-tourism i…

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Online grocery shopping before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A meta-analytical review.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to limit their physical interactions, which has led to explosive growth in online grocery shopping. However, there is no clear consensus in the retailing literature on whether consumers prefer to buy groceries online. The objective of this current study is to synthesize research about online grocery shopping published before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and to develop a conceptual framework about online grocery purchase intentions and their determinants, the mediation effects of consumers’ attitudes, the moderating effects of COVID-19, and control variables. The meta-analysis presents data derived from 50 independent samples with a sample size of …

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Examining the Impact of eWOM-triggered Customer-to-Customer Interactions on Travelers’ Repurchase and Social Media Engagement

Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication on social media has revolutionized how travelers search for and share information and how they interact with one another digitally. This research examines the effects of eWOM-triggered customer-to-customer (C2C) interactions on travelers’ post-eWOM behaviors (i.e., repurchase and customer engagement) in a cross-cultural context. Drawing upon cognitive dissonance theory, a scenario-based experiment was conducted using a sample of 461 African tourists with recent intracontinental travel experience. Our findings suggest that a customer’s repurchase intention and engagement in social media C2C interactions are significantly influenced when their eWO…

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Leveraging Sport Sponsorship with Digital Marketing Communication : A Conceptual Model

Despite the demonstrated importance of social media platforms in leveraging the effects of sport sponsorship, surprisingly few studies have investigated this issue. The current study aims to broaden the knowledge of how major corporations could apply their marketing strategies related to sport sponsorship and utilise social media and digital channels for leveraging activities to meet their corporate goals through sponsorship-related digital marketing and public relations (PR) communication. This conceptual paper will contribute to the understanding of how sport sponsorship could be leveraged in social media and discuss key factors for creating a desirable leveraging effect. The main outcome…

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Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis of User-Generated Content Versus Firm-Generated Content

The enormous growth of social media has increased interest in this platform among marketers and marketing academics. However, the previous literature has not provided a clear consensus regarding the influence of social media content on consumers’ brand loyalty. The meta-analysis presented in this article integrates results from 223 independent samples, with a total of 97,709 respondents. The study synthesizes previous research to develop a conceptual framework around the dimensions of brand loyalty (cognitive, affective, and conative loyalty), user-generated and firm-generated social media content attributes, and the moderating effects of contextual characteristics and control variables. S…

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sj-pdf-1-jnm-10.1177_10949968231157281 - Supplemental material for Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis of User-Generated Content Versus Firm-Generated Content

Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jnm-10.1177_10949968231157281 for Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis of User-Generated Content Versus Firm-Generated Content by Olli Tyrväinen, Heikki Karjaluoto, and Dandison Ukpabi in Journal of Interactive Marketing

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sj-pdf-1-jnm-10.1177_10949968231157281 - Supplemental material for Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis of User-Generated Content Versus Firm-Generated Content

Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jnm-10.1177_10949968231157281 for Understanding the Role of Social Media Content in Brand Loyalty: A Meta-Analysis of User-Generated Content Versus Firm-Generated Content by Olli Tyrväinen, Heikki Karjaluoto, and Dandison Ukpabi in Journal of Interactive Marketing

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Digitaalinen markkinointi teollisuusyrityksissä : tutkimusraportti

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Personalization and hedonic motivation in creating customer experiences and loyalty in omnichannel retail

This study examines the effects of personalization and hedonic motivation on customer experience and its loyalty outcomes in omnichannel retail context. The study develops eight hypotheses which are tested using two survey samples (Finland (n = 2084) and Sweden (n = 2334). In addition, empirical analysis includes 20 semi-structured interviews. The findings support all the hypotheses confirming the positive relationships personalization and hedonic motivation have on cognitive and emotional customer experience components. Further, the positive effects of customer experience on loyalty are confirmed. The results provide both theoretical and managerial insights for improved CX and customer loy…

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Maatilayritysbarometri : tutkimusraportti

Maatilayritysbarometrin 2012 tarkoituksena on herättää keskustelua maaseudusta maatilayritysten toimintaympäristönä ja maatilayritysten tulevaisuuden odotuksista. Barometrin tavoitteena on tuottaa virikkeitä maaseutustrategiseen keskusteluun ja tietoa maaseudun kehittämis- ja ohjelmatyölle. Barometrin teemat voidaan pukea kysymysten muotoon: Millainen on keskisuomalaisten maatilayrittäjien suhde maaseutuun? Miten maatilayrittäjät näkevät Keski-Suomen maaseudun vuonna 2016? Miten maatilayrittäjät arvioivat maatilayrityksen liiketoimintaympäristön tulevaisuuden kehitystä ja tulevaisuuden kehitysnäkymiä? Entä miten he arvioivat toimintaedellytysten parantamista ja liiketoiminnan edellytyksiä K…

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Would you mind your language, please? : Consumer Incivility on Social Media Platforms

Consumer incivility on social media platforms has recently gained the attention of academic researchers. However, few studies have presented the role that consumer incivility plays in forming social media perspectives (e.g. experiencing uncivil comments or rude replies on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). Using the stimulus-organism-response theory, this study investigated the impacts of consumer incivility on social media brand representatives’ efforts to deal with it, social media brand community participation and social media brand trust. The study also investigated the influence of social media brand representatives’ efforts to deal with consumer incivility on social media brand communi…

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Digitaalisen markkinoinnin koulutusmalli pk-yrityksille

Digitaalisten välineiden käyttö on tullut lähtemättömäksi osaksi ihmisten arkea, mikä on haastanut myös yritykset pohtimaan uusia keinoja tavoittaa nykypäivän digikanavissa viihtyvät asiakkaat. Nopea muutos perinteisistä kanavista digitaalisiin on asettanut pk-yritysten markkinointipäättäjät haasteen eteen. Keskisuomalaisten pk-yritysten digimarkkinointivalmiuksia parantamaan aloitettiin keväällä 2012 kaksivuotinen DimarK-hanke. Hankkeen toteuttivat Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu (JSBE) ja Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu (JAMK) ja se on Keski-Suomen ELY-keskuksen ja EU:n sosiaalirahaston osarahoittama. Mukana oli myös 13 rahoittajayritystä, joiden digimarkkinointia tarkasteltiin, seu…

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Virtual Team Leadership and Collaborative Engineering Advancements

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Is There a Need for New Marketing Communications Performance Metrics for Social Media?

The objective of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework for measuring the effectiveness of social media marketing communications. With recent advances in information and communications technology, especially in social collaboration technologies, both academics and practitioners rethink whether the existing marketing communications performance metrics are still valid in the changing communications landscape, or is it time to devise entirely new metrics for measuring marketing communications performance. The study emphasizes that marketing communications performance measurement metrics have developed towards a customer orientation. The findings further indicate that a) there is no br…

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Digital communications in industrial marketing

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Antecedents and consequences of perceived investment value

To gain a more comprehensive view to non-institutional investment behavior, this study develops and tests a set of hypotheses linking self-congruence, risk profile and investment experience with perceived investment value (PIV). In addition, the study tests direct and indirect effects of PIV on positive word-of-mouth. The hypotheses are tested on data from 440 private investors. The findings reveal that 1) self-congruence and risk profile are positively associated with five out of six of the PIV dimensions, 2) the relationship between PIV and word-of-mouth are more complex than is generally thought, and 3) user experience moderates four out of the twelve hypothesized paths. The study contri…

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sj-docx-1-jtr-10.1177_00472875211050420 – Supplemental material for Examining the Impact of eWOM-Triggered Customer-to-Customer Interactions on Travelers’ Repurchase and Social Media Engagement

Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-jtr-10.1177_00472875211050420 for Examining the Impact of eWOM-Triggered Customer-to-Customer Interactions on Travelers’ Repurchase and Social Media Engagement by Ernest Emeka Izogo, Mercy Mpinganjira, Heikki Karjaluoto and Hongfei Liu in Journal of Travel Research

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Investigating the Impact of Rewarded Social Media Engagement, Trust, Perceived Switching Cost and Loyalty on Loyalty Members in Sports Industry

Social media has changed the way people interact with companies and one another as well as become a powerful tool for enhancing touchpoints with customers. While many studies on loyalty, loyalty/reward programmes exists, there is still a gap in our understanding of how social media, rewarded engagement and loyalty programmes (LPs) work together. Against this backdrop, this chapter aims to increase our understanding of the role of rewarded social media engagement in LPs and customer loyalty amongst members versus non-members. To explore the relationship and to differentiate between members and non-members, this study explores rewarded social media engagement, trust, perceived switching cost …

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Lisrel opas v1.0 : johdatus rakenneyhtälömallien tekemiseen

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Digitaalinen markkinointi keskisuomalaisissa yrityksissä : tutkimusraportti

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Who are the Showroomers? Socio-Demographic Factors Behind the Showrooming Behavior on Mobile Devices

This quantitative study focuses on socio-demographic variables and their associations with different forms of showrooming behavior. The purpose of this study is to find which consumer groups based on age, gender, and income level are demographically the most probable showroomers, and how much each of these variables explain showrooming. The data used is a structured online survey from 1,028 Finnish omnichannel consumers aged between 18 and 75 years. We compare the means of demographic groups’ shares on different aspects of showrooming, and then use partial least squares structural equation modeling with confirmatory factor analysis to see how much each of the variables explain showrooming. …

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An empirical assessment of employer branding as a form of sport event sponsorship

Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to expand and test Backhaus and Tikoo’s (2004) employer branding (EB) conceptual framework from the perspective of internal EB in a sport event sponsorship context. Design/methodology/approach. This study developed a set of hypotheses, which were tested in the context of a business-to-business multinational organization’s sport event sponsorship project. Empirical data were collected from 716 employees of the case company after the sponsorship project was complete. Findings. The results support all the hypotheses and reveal that a sport event sponsorship project can act as a means to achieving EB goals in the investigated context. Research limitations/i…

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Monialainen yritystoiminta Keski-Suomen maatiloilla vuosina 2005-2012

Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu ja Keski-Suomen elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus (ELY) käynnistivät loppuvuodesta 2011 tutkimuksen jonka lähtökohtana on ollut muodostaa ajantasainen kuva keskisuomalaisten aktiivimaatilojen kehitysnäkymistä ja monialaisesta yritystoiminnasta. Tutkimusaineisto tarjosi mahdollisuuden vertailla vuoden 2012 tutkimustuloksia vuonna 2005 tehtyyn tutkimukseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata keskisuomalaisten maatilojen kehityksen kulkua ja tulevaisuuden kehityssuuntia. Tutkimuksessa on selvitetty maatalouden nykytilan ja tulevaisuuden lisäksi erityisesti maatiloilla harjoitettavaa tai suunnitteilla olevaa muuta yritystoimintaa, sen työllistämisv…

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Value Co-Creation Opportunities: Managerial Transformation of Digitisation Risks into Success Factors

This chapter examines the challenges and risks managers in the healthcare sector perceive in relation to the development and implementation of digitised services in a healthcare case organisation. Using data collected from managers, focus group interviews and observation method within the case organisation, the authors present an analysis that demonstrates that the risks and success factors that influence the development and implementation of digital healthcare services are related to (1) setting a clear digital strategy and implementation plan, (2) integration of digital services with the overall process and ICT, (3) committed resources and engagement of personnel, and (4) the organisation…

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It Wetted my Appetite! Demographic Differences in Perceiving Gastronomy Content on Social Media : A Study of Fast Foods Restaurants in Port Harcourt

Fast food chains have emerged to be a dominant sector in the Nigerian retail industry, contributing to employment generation and the nation’s GDP. In the face of dynamic competitive business landscape, this sector has continuously relied on the traditional method of communicating, engaging and retaining customers. This anachronistic approach has cut them from a profitable customer segment which relies heavily on ICT tools such as social media. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine the differences in the rate fast food chains utilize social media through professionally handling posting of gastronomy content on their social media pages. Utilising gastronomy as an emerging concept and/or t…

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Factors affecting Finnish consumers' intention to receive SMS marketing: a conceptual model and an empirical study

The study examines factors that affect consumers' intentions to participate in mobile marketing and explores the relationship between consumers' intentions to participate in mobile marketing and their experience with mobile marketing. The authors develop and test a research model with a sample of 4062 mobile phone users. The empirical model highlights that Perceived Utility (PU), context, credibility and Perceived Social Utility (PSU) are the main contributors to consumers' intentions to participate in mobile-marketing initiatives. The paper provides several contributions to both theory and practice.

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Digital innovation & enterprise in the sharing economy : an action research agenda

In this digital era, Digital Innovation & Enterprise have emerged as a possible prescription in the sharing economy. Scholars have noted that digital innovation is transforming the technological landscape, entrepreneurial practices, and the behaviours, attitudes, and beliefs of consumers across the globe. This research note serves three purposes. First, it introduces digital innovation and enterprise as a fruitful area of research in the sharing economy. Second, it extends the agenda set by Yoo, Henfridsson, and Lyytinen (2010) on “new organising logics of Digital Innovation” to propose contemporary research questions for scholarly collaboration. Third, it attempts to move forward research …

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Value Co-Creation Through Digitalization

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Digital channels in the internal communication of a multinational corporation

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how digital communication tools are used for internal communication (IC) in multinational corporations (MNCs). Specifically, the study illustrates the role of digital channels in IC, the benefits they bring and the difficulties involved in using them. Design/methodology/approach – This research features a single-case study focusing on a listed Finnish multinational industrial corporation with a long history. Data for the study come from semi-structured theme interviews and a workshop in which the results were discussed. Findings – Digital IC tools are able to facilitate IC in MNCs, although some challenges may arise in relation to planning …

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Mobile financial services : Introduction, definition, and conceptualization

Incumbent business models in banking and payment are continuously challenged by new competition and evolving consumer expectations as banking and payment landscape have increasingly moved digital and mobile. Mobile financial services (MFS) and related technologies encompass a broad range of digital (including mobile) devices, channels, and financial transactions that consumers execute on their mobile phones or tablets. This chapter conceptualizes the term ‘MFS’ and investigates what constitutes the field of MFS. The chapter seeks to answer the following research questions: What is the mobile financial services landscape? What are MFS and how they have been conceptualized in the marketing an…

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Customer Environmental Values and Their Contribution to Loyalty in Industrial Markets

Concern over the effect of industries on the natural environment is growing on a multitude of levels. This study examines the effects of how perceptions of (a) environmental values, (b) green image and (c) perceived value of industrial customers influence their loyalty towards suppliers in existing relationships, and how the length of B2B relationships may moderate these linkages. A conceptual framework is developed and data are collected from a global sample (N =121) of B2B customers. We find that both green image and perceived value have a direct positive link with customer loyalty and that environmental values are positively linked to the green image of the supplier. Moreover, the effect…

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The role of Social Media on Sales strategy : A Conceptual Explication in a High-context Culture

People’s behaviours are shaped by their cultural values as much as it also influences the definition of friendship building and sustenance. Low-context cultures as marked with independent lifestyle, loosed family units and communication patterns are often characterized by fewer words. On the other hand, high-context cultures are markedly different. These cultures are characterized with high closed family units, high level of social cohesion and social identity. To achieve effective communication, it is important to understand the differences in the two cultural contexts especially when such communication is directed at the global marketplace. Interestingly, some technological innovations us…

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Marketing communication metrics for social media

The objective of this paper is to develop a conceptual framework for measuring the effectiveness of social media marketing communications. Specifically, we study whether the existing marketing communications performance metrics are still valid in the changing digitalised communications landscape, or whether it is time to rethink them, or even to devise entirely new metrics. Recent advances in information technology and marketing bring a need to re-examine measurement models. We combine two important research topics and set directions for potential future research. Metrics to measure marketing communications performance have developed towards a customer orientation. There is no broadly accep…

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Is it all about consumer engagement? : Explaining continuance intention for utilitarian and hedonic service consumption

This paper compares the explanatory power of consumer engagement (CE) regarding service continuance intention with the variables of attitude (utilitarian and hedonic) and satisfaction. Survey data were collected from users of mobile music (n = 596) and mobile parking (n = 297) services. The partial least squares method was applied to analyze the data. In line with expectations, the findings show that attitude and satisfaction are superior drivers of service continuance intention compared to CE when service is used for utilitarian reasons. In contrast, when service consumption is driven by hedonic reasons, CE is a stronger driver than satisfaction. However, no evidence for the superiority of…

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Muutoksen tuulet puhaltavat

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The Effects of General and Mobile Online Shopping Skilfulness and Multichannel Self-Efficacy on Consumer Showrooming Behaviour

Although showrooming behaviour is a characteristic aspect of modern omnichannel retailing, our understanding of its antecedents remains limited. In this study, we aim to address this gap in prior research by examining how showrooming behaviour is affected by three different kinds of perceived consumer capabilities: general online shopping skilfulness, mobile online shopping skilfulness, and multichannel self-efficacy. The examination is done by utilising data from 1,024 Finnish consumers, which was collected with an online survey in 2021 and is analysed with structural equation modelling (SEM). In summary, we find mobile online shopping skilfulness to have a strong positive effect on showro…

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When Customer base is not loyalty! : Differences in the Consumers' Appraisal of Performance of Mobile Telecommunications Service Providers in Port Harcourt

Reports from both local and international telecommunications agencies attest that Nigerian telecommunications industry is the fastest growing in Africa and one of the fastest growing in the world. Currently, the sector boasts of about 157 million active subscribers being serviced by four dominant operators. However, there have been strident calls by consumers to the regulatory agencies to apply sanctions to the operators as a result of persistent poor quality of service. As a matter of fact, all the service providers do not deliver uniform level of service. This study is therefore aimed at examining the differences in the consumers’ appraisal of the quality of service and offerings of the s…

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sj-pdf-1-jig-10.1177_1069031X221129554 - Supplemental material for Becoming TikTok Famous: Strategies for Global Brands to Engage Consumers in an Emerging Market

Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jig-10.1177_1069031X221129554 for Becoming TikTok Famous: Strategies for Global Brands to Engage Consumers in an Emerging Market by Risqo Wahid, Heikki Karjaluoto, Kimmo Taiminen and Diah Isnaini Asiati in Journal of International Marketing

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Simultaneous Support for and Opposition to Brands : A Study on Brand Love and Hate - the Two Poles of Brand Polarisation

This chapter discusses the drivers of brand polarisation (i.e. simultaneously loving and hating a brand). Despite its relevance for brand managers and public relations executives, brand polarisation remains heavily understudied among scholars. This study addresses the focal phenomenon by examining consumers and the role of social media within the research context. The key theoretical concepts introduced in this chapter include brand polarisation, brand attitude, brand relationships, brand love, brand hate, brand experience and social media brand communities. Using ten in-depth, semi-structured interviews, 36 loved and/or hated brands were discussed by the study participants. The findings de…

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Factors influencing mobile banking continuous use in Sub-Sahara Africa : A study of mobile banking users in Nigeria

The ubiquitous diffusion of information and communications technology is fundamentally impacting several sectors. In the financial services sub-sector, the convenience and speed that mobile banking (m-banking) applications offer users have made it one of the most popular applications in use. However, the growth trajectory of the application is questionably different as it has continually seen a decline in the Nigerian market. The aim of this study is therefore to examine the factors influencing m-banking continuous use in an emerging market context by using a hybrid of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2), uses and gratification, and privacy theories. Survey data were…

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SPSS opas markkinatutkijoille

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Electronic banking in Finland : consumer beliefs, attitudes, intentions and behaviors

This study focuses on developing a theoretical model with a practicaljustification within the field of electronic banking. We ground our discussion on the framework of consumer behavior and electronic banking by linking attitude research and electronic business research. Thus, the purpose of this dissertation is to determine those factors that influence the formation of consumer attitude toward electronic banking. Another important aspect of this study is to develop more insights into how attitude toward technology in general impacts on consumer behavior in an IT-environment.

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Future look : Communicating with customers using digital channels

Digital Marketing is a fast-moving field, and the future of Digital Marketing Communication is multifaceted. Communication with customers can be based on either their current geographical location, their past online behaviour or their actions across various social media platforms. Communications can vary from one-to-one to many-to-many with varying types of digital technology used to facilitate it. The focus of Digital Marketing is to deliver smooth, effortless and enjoyable experiences to customers no matter their location. Existing digital services will be enhanced by greater use of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and automation. Analytics, when combined with location-based services, wi…

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Data-driven marketing processes : Boundaries and how to overcome them

Data-driven decision-making is gaining attention across organisational industries and capacities, and marketing is no exception. Data analysis and varying marketing analytics empower organisations of different sizes and business volumes to use maintainable execution results and constant development through data-driven processes in a variety of areas, such as advertising. Despite marketing’s benefits, experts lack the toolsets, abilities and procedures needed to transform this information into insights and subsequently put them into practice. Furthermore, research has yet to determine the various boundaries for utilising data-driven marketing in practice. The existing gap in current research…

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Mobiililaitteet teollisuusyritysten myyntityössä : tutkimusraportti

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Monialainen yritystoiminta Keski-Suomen maatiloilla : tutkimusraportti

Maaseutuyrittäjyys on kiintoisa tutkimusaihe yrittäjyystutkimuksessa. Valtaosa aiemmasta tutkimuksesta kiinnittyy yksinyrittäjyyteen ja pienyrittäjyyteen. Tulevaisuuteen suuntaavalle yrittäjyyden tutkimukselle on kysyntää myös maaseudun yrittäjyyden kehittämis- ja ohjelmatyön kumppanina. Jyväskylän yliopisto ja Keski-Suomen elinkeino,- liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus (ELY) käynnistivät loppuvuodesta 2011 tutkimushankkeen, jonka lähtökohtana on ollut muodostaa ajantasainen kuva keskisuomalaisten aktiivimaatilojen monialaisesta yrittäjyydestä. Tutkimuskokonaisuudessa on selvitetty maatalouden nykytilan ja tulevaisuuden lisäksi erityisesti maatiloilla harjoitettavaa tai suunnitteilla olevaa muuta…

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