Beatriz Sora


Spillover outcomes of job insecurity: differences among men and women (Consecuencias indirectas de la inseguridad laboral: diferencias entre hombres y mujeres)

A vast literature on job insecurity can be found. However, there are still several significant research gaps. Little attention has been paid to the spillover effect of job insecurity on employees’ ...

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The influence of organizational factors on road transport safety

Road transport safety is a major concern across Europe due to the human and socio-economic costs associated with work-related traffic accidents. Traditional approaches have adopted regulatory and technical measures to prevent road accidents leaving aside the organizational factors that might contribute to road transport safety. However, contemporary sociotechnical systems theory acknowledges the need to take into account organizational factors. This study adopts a sociotechnical approach and it examines the relationship between a number of organizational factors (organizational learning and training) and road traffic accidents in the organizations under study. Our sample was composed of 107…

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Outcomes of Job Insecurity Climate: The Role of Climate Strength

The large majority of studies on job insecurity have focused upon the individual level. Recent research has also paid some attention to job insecurity at the level of the organisation, referred to as job insecurity climate. This research has shown negative relationships between job insecurity climate and employees' individual job attitudes. Nevertheless, in these studies no attention has been paid to organisational climate strength, in spite of the recommendations formulated in the literature on this topic. In response, this study aims to account for climate strength in the relationship between job insecurity and job attitudes. We hypothesise that climate strength is related to job satisfac…

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Nursing Education in Catalonia: Novice Professionals’ Appraisal of Its Quality and Usefulness. Does Mobility Play a Role?

The present study aimed to examine the relationship between the quality of undergraduate education perceived by novice nurses and their retrospective satisfaction with their education. It also studied the relationships between the perceived usefulness of their education for their current jobs and the quality of the jobs held by novice nursing professionals. The moderator role of mobility in this relationship was also analyzed, as it reflects a boundary condition in which additional preparation or job opportunities may occur. The study used data from the graduates’ survey carried out by the Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (AQU) in 2017. The analysis of data fr…

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Validation of a Short Form of Job Crafting Scale in a Spanish Sample

AbstractApplications of job crafting are widespread in the professional practice. In an attempt to measure this phenomenon, Tims, Bakker and Derks (2012) developed a Job Crafting Scale based on the Job Demand-Resources model (JD-R) and validated it in a Dutch sample. However, its application to other cultural contexts presented some difficulties. The present work aimed to validate a shorter version of scale by Tims et al. (2012) in a Spanish sample (n = 1,647). The data were randomly split in two independent subsamples (Sample 1: Explorative; Sample 2: Confirmative). The exploratory factor analysis showed a three-factor structure. Through a confirmatory factor analysis, the four-dimensional…

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The consequences of job insecurity for employees: The moderator role of job dependence

With globalization and increased international competition have come more flexible forms of employment and increased job insecurity. The authors address the impact of perceived job insecurity on employees' work attitudes and intentions. After reviewing relevant research on stress theory and the relationship between job insecurity and its consequences, they test two hypotheses on 942 employees in Spain, namely: first, that job insecurity relates negatively to job satisfaction and organiza- tional commitment and positively to intention to leave; and, second, that job insecur- ity, economic need and employability interact in the prediction of these outcomes. s a result of globalization and int…

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Actitudes laborales y bienestar de los trabajadores temporales de Europa e Israel

Valiendose de una tipologia novedosa, los autores analizan empiricamente cuatro tipos de trabajadores temporales y los comparan con un grupo de trabajadores fijos. En la muestra, que comprende 1.300 personas de seis paises, hallan diferencias significativas en numerosas variables —como caracteristicas demograficas y del puesto de trabajo, actitudes e inseguridad laboral—, pero no en la satisfaccion vital y el bienestar.Es erroneo considerar que los trabajadores temporales son personas poco cualificadas incapaces de encontrar un empleo fijo; ahora bien, conviene afinar las investigaciones al respecto para perfeccionar las politicas de «flexiseguridad».

research product

Organizations’ Use of Temporary Employment and a Climate of Job Insecurity among Belgian and Spanish Permanent Workers

Extensive use of temporary employment may create a climate of job insecurity among permanent workers in a specific organization. This climate is likely conditional upon the proportion of temporary workers in the organization, and upon the reasons for hiring temporary workers. The percentage of temporary workers may relate to permanent workers’ shared perceptions of job insecurity. Employers’ motives for hiring temporary workers may relate to permanent workers’ perceptions of job insecurity when these motives threaten the position of permanent workers. Conversely, the relationship with a climate of job insecurity is likely negative when the organization hires temporary workers to support pe…

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Los efectos de la inestabilidad laboral en el trabajador y la dependencia del empleo

La globalizacion y el avance de la competencia internacional van acompanados de unos regimenes de contratacion mas flexibles y un aumento de la inestabilidad del empleo. Los autores estudian los efectos de la inseguridad laboral que sienten los trabajadores en sus propias actitudes e intenciones en el trabajo. Tras pasar revista a las investigaciones realizadas acerca de la teoria del estres y las consecuencias de la inestabilidad laboral, ponen a prueba dos hipotesis en 942 trabajadores espanoles. La primera es que la inestabilidad disminuye la satisfaccion con el trabajo y la entrega a la empresa, a la vez que alienta la intencion de abandonar esta. La segunda es que la sensacion de inseg…

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Human resource practices and employee wellbeing from a gender perspective: The role of organizational justice

Introduction/objective: HR practices have been widely studied in the literature. However, critical research gaps remain unexplored. Little attention has been paid to the relationship between HR practices and well-being, or the mechanisms that explain the effect of HR on employees’ wellbeing, and the role of gender in this relationship. Hence, this study aims to examine the relationship between HR practices and well-being (eudemonic and hedonic) through organizational justice, taking into account gender. Method: A convenience sampling technique was used in a correlational design. The sample was composed of 1647 employees from 42 Spanish organizations. Our measures were HR practices, organiza…

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Job insecurity, worries about the future, and somatic complaints in two economic and cultural contexts: A study in Spain and Austria.

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Moderating influence of organizational justice on the relationship between job insecurity and its outcomes: A multilevel analysis

A great amount of research has illustrated the evident prevalence of job insecurity in working life and its harmful outcomes for employees and organizations. Some authors have identified factors that can reduce this negative influence. However, up until now, most of these factors have only been studied at an individual level, without taking into account the fact that contextual conditions can play a moderating role in organizations. Following this perspective, this article analyses the moderator role of organizational justice and organizational justice climate in the relationship between job insecurity and its outcomes. The study was carried out with a sample of 942 employees from 47 Spanis…

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Job insecurity climate's influence on employees' job attitudes: Evidence from two European countries

An important amount of literature about job insecurity and its consequences has been developed during the past few decades (Sverke, Hellgren, & Naswall, 2002). Most of this research has focused on an individual-analysis perspective, without taking into account social context. Although job insecurity climate has not been empirically examined, several authors have implicitly assumed that job insecurity contexts exist in some organizations where layoffs have occurred. Therefore, they examined layoff survivors' reactions. From this perspective, the aim of this study was to validate the job insecurity climate concept and examine its influence on employees' job attitudes. In order to provide addi…

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Job attitudes, behaviours and well-being among different types of temporary workers in Europe and Israel

Applying an innovative typology based on preference for temporary em- ployment and perceived employability, the authors empirically examine four types of temporary workers (and a group of permanent workers for comparison). In a sample of 1,300 employees from six countries, they find significant differences between the four types on a broad set of variables - including demographic and job characteristics, attitude and insecurity - but not in life satisfaction and well-being. They conclude with an argument against the equation of temporary employment with low-skilled workers unable to find a permanent job, stressing the valuable implications of more sensitive research for policy-making on fle…

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Employment contract, job insecurity and employees’ affective well-being: The role of self- and collective efficacy

A large amount of research has focused on job insecurity, but without obtaining consistent results. Some authors have pointed that this variability might be due to the operationalization of job insecurity. Different types of job insecurity can provoke different employee reactions. The aim of this study is to analyse the effect of job insecurity, understood as temporary employment (objective job insecurity) and personal perception (subjective job insecurity), on affective well-being. In addition, the moderator roles of job self-efficacy and collective efficacy are examined in the relationship between job insecurity and employees’ affective well-being. This study was carried out with 1435 emp…

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Job insecurity in the younger Spanish workforce: Causes and consequences

Abstract The Spanish labor market is currently an example of a flexible labor market. However, it involves a set of detrimental conditions for its workforce, such as lower employability in the labor market and underemployment (i.e. over-qualification and underemployment in time). In this study, we assume that all these conditions promote higher job instability, which is especially serious for the younger population. Hence, the present study aims to examine, on the one hand, how these specific labor conditions affect younger employees' concerns about job loss or job insecurity and, on the other, how this job insecurity can affect their current job performance and the future development of th…

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How might the Socio-moral Climate Buffer Job Insecurity Stressor A Multilevel Study in Spain and Austria

A major current work stressor is job insecurity, which presents a well-established negative impact on wellbeing. In this vein, the aims of this study were: 1) to provide additional evidence on this relationship; 2) to examine the socio-moral climate as a potential situational buffer to ameliorate its detrimental effect. A multilevel approach was adopted to examine the socio-moral climate at higher levels (i.e., organisational level). The sample was composed of 1,435 employees from Spain and Austria. Random coefficient model results corroborated the negative relationship between job insecurity and employee affective wellbeing, the positive relationship between job insecurity and emotional ex…

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