Mauro Manno


Interleukin 3- receptor targeted exosomes inhibit in vitro and in vivo chronic myelogenous Leukemia cell growth

Despite Imatinib (IM), a selective inhibitor of Bcr-Abl, having led to improved prognosis in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) patients, acquired resistance and long-term adverse effects is still being encountered. There is, therefore, urgent need to develop alternative strategies to overcome drug resistance. According to the molecules expressed on their surface, exosomes can target specific cells. Exosomes can also be loaded with a variety of molecules, thereby acting as a vehicle for the delivery of therapeutic agents. In this study, we engineered HEK293T cells to express the exosomal protein Lamp2b, fused to a fragment of Interleukin 3 (IL3). The IL3 receptor (IL3-R) is overexpressed in CML…

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The role of pH on instability and aggregation of sickle hemoglobin solutions

Understanding the physical basis of protein aggregation covers strong physical and biomedical interests. Sickle hemoglobin (HbS) is a point-mutant form of normal human adult hemoglobin (HbA). It is responsible for the first identified "molecular disease," as its propensity to aggregation is responsible for sickle cell disease. At moderately higher than physiological pH value, this propensity is inhibited: The rate of aggregate nucleation becomes exceedingly small and solubility after polymerization increases. These order-of-magnitude effects on polymer nucleation rates and concurrent relatively modest changes of solubility after polymerization are here shown to be related to both pH-induced…

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The Tempered Polymerization of Human Neuroserpin

Neuroserpin, a member of the serpin protein superfamily, is an inhibitor of proteolytic activity that is involved in pathologies such as ischemia, Alzheimer's disease, and Familial Encephalopathy with Neuroserpin Inclusion Bodies (FENIB). The latter belongs to a class of conformational diseases, known as serpinopathies, which are related to the aberrant polymerization of serpin mutants. Neuroserpin is known to polymerize, even in its wild type form, under thermal stress. Here, we study the mechanism of neuroserpin polymerization over a wide range of temperatures by different techniques. Our experiments show how the onset of polymerization is dependent on the formation of an intermediate mon…

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Thermodynamic versus Conformational Metastability in Fibril-Forming Lysozyme Solutions

The role of intermolecular interaction in fibril-forming protein solutions and its relation with molecular conformation is a crucial aspect for the control and inhibition of amyloid structures. Here, we study the fibril formation and the protein-protein interactions of lysozyme at acidic pH and low ionic strength. The amyloid formation occurs after a long lag time and is preceded by the formation of oligomers, which seems to be off-pathway with respect to fibrillation. By measuring the osmotic isothermal compressibility and the collective diffusion coefficient of lysozyme in solution, we observe that the monomeric solution is kept in a thermodynamically metastable state by strong electrosta…

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Additional file 1: of CD90+ liver cancer cells modulate endothelial cell phenotype through the release of exosomes containing H19 lncRNA

(a) Characterization of isolated exosomes. Left panel: DSL for exosomes released by SKHep Middle panel: Western blot forTsg101 and HSC70 in SkHep cells and their relative exosomes. Right panel: Confocal microscopy analysis on HUVECs treated for 1, 3 and 6 hours with 5 mg/ml of SKHep-derived exosomes. HUVECs were stained with phalloidin Alexa Fluor (green), nuclear counterstaining was performed using DAPI (blue), exosomes were labelled with PKH26 (red). (b) Target analysis. Real time-PCR analysis on HUVECs treated for 18 h with 5 mg/ml of SkHep-derived exosomes. Normalized for b-actin the DDct were indicated as fold of induction respect to control (untreated cells). *p<0.05. (c) Tubulogen…

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Natural history of chronic HBV carriers in northern Italy: morbidity and mortality after 30 years

Background & aims: Increased morbidity and mortality from liver disease have been reported in chronic hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) carriers, but data on survival are equivocal. To assess the impact of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection on survival and liver-related complications, we re-evaluated, after a mean follow-up of 30 years, a cohort of 296 blood donors excluded from donation 30 years ago when HBsAg screening became mandatory. Methods: Clinical and ultrasound examination and biochemical and virologic tests were performed. The cause of death was recorded and survival was compared with a control population of 157 HBV-negative blood donors selected at baseline. Results: Thirty-two…

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A simplified clinical risk score predicts the need for early endoscopy in non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Abstract Background Pre-endoscopic triage of patients who require an early upper endoscopy can improve management of patients with non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Aims To validate a new simplified clinical score (T-score) to assess the need of an early upper endoscopy in non variceal bleeding patients. Secondary outcomes were re-bleeding rate, 30-day bleeding-related mortality. Methods In this prospective, multicentre study patients with bleeding who underwent upper endoscopy were enrolled. The accuracy for high risk endoscopic stigmata of the T-score was compared with that of the Glasgow Blatchford risk score. Results Overall, 602 patients underwent early upper endoscopy, and…

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Palmitoylation is a post-translational modification of Alix regulating the membrane organization of exosome-like small extracellular vesicles.

Abstract Background Virtually all cell types have the capacity to secrete nanometer-sized extracellular vesicles, which have emerged in recent years as potent signal transducers and cell-cell communicators. The multifunctional protein Alix is a bona fide exosomal regulator and skeletal muscle cells can release Alix-positive nano-sized extracellular vesicles, offering a new paradigm for understanding how myofibers communicate within skeletal muscle and with other organs. S-palmitoylation is a reversible lipid post-translational modification, involved in different biological processes, such as the trafficking of membrane proteins, achievement of stable protein conformations, and stabilization…

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Microscopic theory for hopping transport in glass-forming liquids: mode coupling corrections

Abstract By introducing an order parameter that describes the geometry of clusters of particles, Liu and Oppenheim [Physica A 247 (1997) 183] developed a microscopic theory for hopping transport in glass-forming liquids. In this work we bring this theory within the frame of mode coupling theories in the highly viscous regime. We calculate corrections to the effective longitudinal viscosity that affect its long-time dynamical behavior. Nevertheless, the relation between the longitudinal viscosity and the hopping kernel is not qualitatively altered by mode coupling.

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Citrus limon-derived nanovesicles inhibit cancer cell proliferation and suppress CML xenograft growth by inducing TRAIL-mediated cell death

// Stefania Raimondo 1 , Flores Naselli 1 , Simona Fontana 1 , Francesca Monteleone 1 , Alessia Lo Dico 1 , Laura Saieva 1 , Giovanni Zito 2 , Anna Flugy 1 , Mauro Manno 3 , Maria Antonietta Di Bella 1 , Giacomo De Leo 1 , Riccardo Alessandro 1 1 Dipartimento di Biopatologia e Biotecnologie Mediche, Universita degli Studi di Palermo, sezione di Biologia e Genetica, Palermo, Italy 2 Laboratorio di Ingegneria Tissutale – Piattaforme Innovative per l’Ingegneria Tissutale (PON01–00829), Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, Palermo, Italy 3 Istituto di Biofisica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Palermo, Italy Correspondence to: Riccardo Alessandro, e-mail: riccardo.alessandro@unipa.it Keywords: canc…

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Functional and dysfunctional conformers of human neuroserpin characterized by optical spectroscopies and Molecular Dynamics

Neuroserpin (NS) is a serine protease inhibitor (SERPIN) involved in different neurological pathologies, including the Familial Encephalopathy with Neuroserpin Inclusion Bodies (FENIB), related to the aberrant polymerization of NS mutants. Here we present an in vitro and in silico characterization of native neuroserpin and its dysfunctional conformation isoforms: the proteolytically cleaved conformer, the inactive latent conformer, and the polymeric species. Based on circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, we present an experimental validation of the latent model and highlight the main structural features of the different conformers. In particular, emission spectra of aromatic res…

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Multiple myeloma-derived exosomes are enriched of amphiregulin (AREG) and activate the epidermal growth factor pathway in the bone microenvironment leading to osteoclastogenesis

Background Multiple myeloma (MM) is a clonal plasma cell malignancy associated with osteolytic bone disease. Recently, the role of MM-derived exosomes in the osteoclastogenesis has been demonstrated although the underlying mechanism is still unknown. Since exosomes-derived epidermal growth factor receptor ligands (EGFR) are involved in tumor-associated osteolysis, we hypothesize that the EGFR ligand amphiregulin (AREG) can be delivered by MM-derived exosomes and participate in MM-induced osteoclastogenesis. Methods Exosomes were isolated from the conditioned medium of MM1.S cell line and from bone marrow (BM) plasma samples of MM patients. The murine cell line RAW264.7 and primary human CD1…

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Two Latent and Two Hyperstable Polymeric Forms of Human Neuroserpin

AbstractHuman neuroserpin (hNS) is a serine protease inhibitor that belongs to the serpin superfamily and is expressed in nervous tissues. The serpin fold is generally characterized by a long exposed loop, termed the reactive center loop, that acts as bait for the target protease. Intramolecular insertion of the reactive center loop into the main serpin β-sheet leads to the serpin latent form. As with other known serpins, hNS pathological mutants have been shown to accumulate as polymers composed of quasi-native protein molecules. Although hNS polymerization has been intensely studied, a general agreement about serpin polymer organization is still lacking. Here we report a biophysical chara…

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Multiple interactions between molecular and supramolecular ordering

We report studies of the interplay among processes of molecular conformational changes, spinodal demixing of the solution, and molecular crosslinking involved in the physical gelation of a biopolysaccharide-water system. Multiple interactions and kinetic competition among these processes were studied under largely different absolute and relative values of their individual rates by appropriate choices of the quenching temperature at constant polymer concentration. Quenching temperature strongly affects the rate of growth but not the final value of the fractal dimension of the gel. Kinetic competition plays a central role in determining the final conformation of individual molecules and the s…

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Micro- and mesoscopic process interactions in protein coagulation

It has recently been recognized that pathological protein coagulation is responsible for lethal pathologies as diverse as amyloidosis, Alzheimer and TSE. Understanding the coagulation mechanisms is therefore stirring great interest. In previous studies we have shown that on profoundly different systems coagulation is the result of a strong interaction between two processes on different length scales (mesoscopic and microscopic). Here we report experiments on bovine serum albumin (BSA) showing that the overall mechanism is the result of at least 3 distinct and strongly intertwined processes, on both length scales: molecular conformational changes, solution demixing and intermolecular crossli…

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CD90+ liver cancer cells modulate endothelial cell phenotype through the release of exosomes containing H19 lncRNA

Background CD90+ liver cancer cells have been described as cancer stem-cell-like (CSC), displaying aggressive and metastatic phenotype. Using two different in vitro models, already described as CD90+ liver cancer stem cells, our aim was to study their interaction with endothelial cells mediated by the release of exosomes. Methods Exosomes were isolated and characterized from both liver CD90+ cells and hepatoma cell lines. Endothelial cells were treated with exosomes, as well as transfected with a plasmid containing the full length sequence of the long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) H19. Molecular and functional analyses were done to characterize the endothelial phenotype after treatments. Results …

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Osteosarcoma cell-derived exosomes affect tumor microenvironment by specific packaging of microRNAs

Abstract Bone microenvironment provides growth and survival signals essential for osteosarcoma (OS) initiation and progression. OS cells regulate communications inside tumor microenvironment through different ways and, among all, tumor-derived exosomes support cancer progression and metastasis. To define the contribution of OS-derived exosomes inside the microenvironment, we investigated the effects induced in bone remodeling mechanism and tumor angiogenesis. We demonstrated that exosomes promoted osteoclasts differentiation and bone resorption activity. Furthermore, exosomes potentiated tube formation of endothelial cells and increased angiogenic markers expression. We therefore investigat…

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Irreversible gelation of thermally unfolded proteins:structural and mechanical properties of lysozyme aggregates

The formation of protein aggregates is important in many fields of life science and technology. The morphological and mechanical properties of protein solutions depend upon the molecular conformation and thermodynamic and environmental conditions. Non-native or unfolded proteins may be kinetically trapped into irreversible aggregates and undergo precipitation or gelation. Here, we study the thermal aggregation of lysozyme in neutral solutions. We characterise the irreversible unfolding of lysozyme by differential scanning calorimetry. The structural properties of aggregates and their mechanisms of formation with the eventual gelation are studied at high temperature by spectroscopic, rheolog…

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Existence of metastable intermediate lysozyme conformation highlights the role of alcohols in altering protein stability.

Alcohols have a manifold effect on the conformational and thermodynamic stability of native proteins. Here, we study the effect of moderate concentrations of trifluoroethanol (TFE) on the thermal stability of hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL), by far-UV circular dichroism and by steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence of intrinsic tryptophans. Our results highlight that TFE affects lysozyme stability by preferential solvation of the protein molecule. Furthermore, we discovered the existence at 20% TFE of an equilibrium partially folded state of lysozyme, intermediate between the native and the unfolded state. A three-state model is therefore used to interpolate the thermal denaturation…

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Interacting processes in protein coagulation

A strong interest is currently focused on protein self-association and deposit. This usually involves conformational changes of the entire protein or of a fragment. It can occur even at low concentrations and is responsible for pathologies such as systemic amyloidosis, Alzheimer's and Prion diseases, and other neurodegenerative pathologies. Readily available proteins, exhibiting at low concentration self-association properties related to conformational changes, offer very convenient model systems capable of providing insight into this class of problems. Here we report experiments on bovine serum albumin, showing that the process of conformational change of this protein towards an intermedia…

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Curcumin inhibits in vitro and in vivo chronic myelogenous leukemia cells growth : a possible role for exosomal disposal of miR-21

// Simona Taverna 1 , Marco Giallombardo 1 , Marzia Pucci 1 , Anna Flugy 1 , Mauro Manno 2 , Samuele Raccosta 2 , Christian Rolfo 3 , Giacomo De Leo 1 , Riccardo Alessandro 1, 4 1 Dipartimento di Biopatologia e Metodologie Biomediche, Sezione di Biologia e Genetica, Universita di Palermo, Italy 2 Istituto di Biofisica, CNR, Palermo, Italy 3 Phase I - Early Clinical Trials Unit Oncology Department and Center of Oncological Research (CORE), University Hospital Antwerp & Antwerp University, Belgium 4 Istituto di Biomedicina e Immunologia Molecolare (IBIM), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Palermo, Italy Correspondence to: Riccardo Alessandro, e-mail: riccardo.alessandro@unipa.it Keywords: e…

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On the molecular structure of human neuroserpin polymers

The polymerization of serpins is at the root of a large class of diseases; the molecular structure of serpin polymers has been recently debated. In this work, we study the polymerization kinetics of human neuroserpin by Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy and by time-lapse Size Exclusion Chromatography. First, we show that two distinct neuroserpin polymers, formed at 45 and 85°C, display the same isosbestic points in the Amide I' band, and therefore share common secondary structure features. We also find a concentration independent polymerization rate at 45°C suggesting that the polymerization rate-limiting step is the formation of an activated monomeric species. The polymer structures…

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Corrigendum to “Kinetics of Different Processes in Human Insulin Amyloid Formation” [J. Mol. Biol. 366/1 (2007) 258-274]

Mauro Manno⁎, Emanuela Fabiola Craparo, Alessandro Podesta, Donatella Bulone, Rita Carrotta, Vincenzo Martorana, Guido Tiana and Pier Luigi San Biagio Institute of Biophysics at Palermo Italian National Research Council, via U. La Malfa 153, I-90146 Palermo, Italy Dipartimento di Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche Universita di Palermo via Archirafi 32 I-90123 Palermo, Italy Department of Physics and CIMAINA, University of Milano, via Celoria 16, I-20133 Milano, Italy Department of Physics, University of Milano and INFN, via Celoria 16, I-20133 Milano, Italy

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Kinetics of Insulin Aggregation: Disentanglement of Amyloid Fibrillation from Large-Size Cluster Formation

Kinetics of human insulin aggregation has been studied at pH 1.6 and 60 degrees C, when amyloid fibrils are formed. We developed a novel approach based on the analysis of scattered light intensity distribution, which allows distinguishing between small and large size aggregates. By this method, we observed an exponential growth of fibrillar aggregates implying a heterogeneous aggregation mechanism. Also, the apparent lag time observed, correlated with the major increase of thioflavin T fluorescence, has been assigned to the onset of large size cluster formation.

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Protofibril formation of amyloid beta-protein at low pH via a non-cooperative elongation mechanism.

Deposition of the amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) in senile or diffuse plaques is a distinctive feature of Alzheimer's disease. The role of Abeta aggregates in the etiology of the disease is still controversial. The formation of linear aggregates, known as amyloid fibrils, has been proposed as the onset and the cause of pathological deposition. Yet, recent findings suggest that a more crucial role is played by prefibrillar oligomeric assemblies of Abeta that are highly toxic in the extracellular environment. In the present work, the mechanism of protofibril formation is studied at pH 3.1, starting from a solution of oligomeric precursors. By combining static light scattering and photon correla…

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Involvement of multiple myeloma cell-derived exosomes in osteoclast differentiation

Bone disease is the most frequent complication in multiple myeloma (MM) resulting in osteolytic lesions, bone pain, hypercalcemia and renal failure. In MM bone disease the perfect balance between bone-resorbing osteoclasts (OCs) and bone-forming osteoblasts (OBs) activity is lost in favour of OCs, thus resulting in skeletal disorders. Since exosomes have been described for their functional role in cancer progression, we here investigate whether MM cell-derived exosomes may be involved in OCs differentiation. We show that MM cells produce exosomes which are actively internalized by Raw264.7 cell line, a cellular model of osteoclast formation. MM cell-derived exosomes positively modulate pre-…

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Isolation and characterization of Citrus limon L. derived nanovesicles: potential use as antineoplastic agent

We isolated and characterized nanovesicles from edible Citrus limon with size and composition similar to mammalian-derived exosomes. Furthermore we show an in vitro and in vivo anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effect of these vesicles. This study opens to the possibility of using this natural plant-derived nanovesicles as antineoplastic agents.

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Preliminary Results of CitraVes™ Effects on Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and Waist Circumference in Healthy Subjects after 12 Weeks: A Pilot Open-Label Study

Appropriate monitoring and control of modifiable risk factors, such as the level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and other types of dyslipidemia, have an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Recently, various nutraceuticals with lipid-lowering effects have gained attention. In addition to the plant-derived bioactive compounds, recent studies suggested that plant cells are able to release small lipoproteic structures named extracellular vesicles (EVs). The interaction between EVs and mammalian cells could lead to beneficial effects through anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities. The present study aimed to assess the safety of the new patente…

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Additional file 1: of Multiple myeloma-derived exosomes are enriched of amphiregulin (AREG) and activate the epidermal growth factor pathway in the bone microenvironment leading to osteoclastogenesis

Figure S1. Evaluation by quantitative Real Time PCR of mRNA expression of AREG in HMCLs (A) and in MM1.S cells and exosomes (B). (TIFF 2501 kb)

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Additional file 2: of Multiple myeloma-derived exosomes are enriched of amphiregulin (AREG) and activate the epidermal growth factor pathway in the bone microenvironment leading to osteoclastogenesis

Figure S2. Schematic representation of the role of MM-exosomes in bone microenvironment. (TIF 3372 kb)

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