Diego Planeta


COVID-19 and the Dairy and Meat Supply Chain

The Coronavirus health emergency and the lockdown adopted in Italy and many countries are head-hitting in the agricultural and agri-food sectors

research product

Analysis of aroma compounds of nine autochthonous and non-autochthonous loquat cultivars grown in Sicily

Loquat cultivation in Sicily is mainly based on nonnative cultivars and local ecotypes characterized by high nutraceutical value and appreciable physicochemical characteristics. Increased interest in commercial loquat production has increased the intention to provide premium quality loquat cultivars that include volatile substances capable of conditioning the sensorial properties and, therefore, the acceptability of fruits by consumers. This study determined the content of volatile compounds in nonnative and local loquat fruits grown in Sicily. Analyses were performed on five international cultivars and four local cultivars.

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The production of artisan gelato has always been a very important sector for the Italian economy, the aim of this work is to highlight the peculiarity of production in Sicily, in synergy with a young economic reality and the production reality that is expanding Gelateria Cappadonia, Caffè Morettino Srl Palermo and the academic world. The aim of this research is to solve the color change during the production of artisan coffee gelato.

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Characterization of monovarietal Sicilian olive oils

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Ochratoxin A in instant coffee in Italy

Abstract The occurrence of ochratoxin A (OTA) in instant coffee from different brands and types was assessed. The survey covered 44 soluble coffees, 10 of which were decaffeinated, and 6 coffee products; the samples were collected in supermarkets and retail stores of Italy in 2011. The OTA was extracted, cleaned-up by immunoaffinity columns, and detected by HPLC-fluorescence detection. The detection and quantification limits were 0.05 and 0.2 μg/kg, respectively. Recovery, from samples spiked at levels of 0.5, 3.0, and 6.0 μg/kg, was 86.0 ± 7.1%, 91.0 ± 4.2%, and 91.7 ± 5.9% respectively. Forty-eight samples (96%) contained OTA at levels ranging from 0.32 to 6.40 μg/kg, always below the Eur…

research product

Life cycle energy and CO2 emissions analysis of food packaging: an insight into the methodology from an Italian perspective

Packaging is strictly connected to environmental issues as it is a product characterised by high material consumption rate; it is often transported over long distances and has a short life. Providing environmental analysis is, therefore, urgent to identify energy and resources efficient solutions. The paper, taking advantage of a real case study, presents a life cycle-based comparative analysis among three different food packaging systems. The paper compares the life cycle of tin steel, polypropylene and glass-based packaging of an Italian preserves producer. The analysis leads to the conclusion that, for the baseline scenario, polypropylene packaging represents the greenest solution, where…

research product

Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of new 1-R-3-(2-Piridyl)-4-nitroso-5 carboxiethyl-1H-Pyrazoles

SYNTHESIS AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF NEW 1-R-3-(2-PIRIDYL)- 4-NITROSO- 5-CARBOXIETHYL-1H-PYRAZOLES. Stefania Aielloa , Carmelo Massimo Maidab, Fabio Venturellab, Diego Planetac Marco Giammancod, M.Milicib a Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari e Biomolecolari, Università degli Studi di Palermo bDipartimento di Scienze per la Promozione della Salute G. D’ Alessandro, Università degli Studi di Palermo cDipartimento dei Sistemi Agro-Abientali,Università degli Studi di Palermo d Dipartimednto di Studi Giuridici, Economici, Biomedici e Psicosociopedagogici delle Scienze Motorie e Sportive, Università degli Studi di Palermo Corresponding author: Stefania Aiello, Dipartimento di Scie…

research product

HPLC profile and evolution during storage of triglycerides and diglycerides in virgin olive oils

High-performance liquid chromatography has been used for determining the triglyceridice and diglyceridice composition of olive oils from main, minor and neglected Sicilians cultivars. The HPLC analysis has allowed the identification and the quantification of 16 triglycerides. Among these, OOO, POO+SOL, OOL and POL, have shown a content higher than 84% of the total area of peaks in the chromatographic profile. Dioleine (OO) and oleopalmitine (OP) resulted the most representative diglycerides. Analyses have been made in January 2007 and repeated after six months, submitting samples to a simulation of shelf life, to verify as the storage conditions may influence the hydrolitic processes of tri…

research product

Effect of nitrogen fertilizer level on quality and shelf-life of fresh cut Swiss chard

Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla L.) is a leafy vegetable highly appreciated in some areas for its nutritional properties and year round supply. Its production area is not commercially important, but this minor vegetable offers an interesting enlargement of the current vegetable assortment by using its stalks and leaves. Swiss chard is a very nutritive demanding species. The content of mineral elements, total quality and yield are influenced by the amount, frequency and method of fertilization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of high or low levels of nitrogen fertilization on the quality and shelf-life of minimally processed Swiss chard. Plants grown with a high (18…

research product

Approccio multiplo per l’indagine del microbiota dominante negli impasti acidi tradizionali siciliani

research product

Attitudine alla trasformazione in sidro di varietà di mele autoctone siciliane

Questo studio rappresenta un’indagine preliminare sulla caratterizzazione di sidri ottenuti in via sperimentale impiegando mele coltivate in sicilia. Per la sperimentazione sono state scelte tre varietà di mele autoctone siciliane (cardinale, Gelata e Virticchiaro). Prima del processo di trasformazione, i frutti sono stati sottoposti ad analisi delle caratteristiche morfologiche (peso, diametro, altezza), fisiche (consistenza della polpa) e microbiologiche (presenza di lieviti sulle bucce). Il succo proveniente dalla polpa di mele è stato analizzato chimicamente (contenuto in solidi solubili, polisaccaridi, ph ed acidità titolabile del succo). La polpa finemente triturata è stata sottoposta…

research product

Aspetti della qualità microbiologica di olive da mensa commercializzate sfuse

research product

Composizione polifenolica e maturazione di vin “Nero d’Avola” prodotti nell’ambiente della Sicilia occidentale

research product

Analysis of the filtration efficiency of white wines using different filter aids

The global wine market, having recently entered into full crisis, is suffering some changes in its production and marketing. The reasons for these changes are mainly due to new trends in consumer demand for wine safety and quality standards at low cost. Social cellars, in order to be included in this new trend, should focus on the rationalization of the production techniques to reduce the costs and improve the quality of wine. In the case of winemaking for the production of a wine stored in a bag-in-box, filtration is a very important technique because it gives the finished product clearness and stability. The experimentation was based on the application of a low cost filtration technique o…

research product

Polyphenols, methylxanthines, fatty acids and minerals in cocoa beans and cocoa products

In this study, the nutritional profile and some health benefit of three cocoa bean samples of different origins, including Perù, Ecuador (Criollo) and Ghana (Hybrid) and five samples of cocoa products from Criollo variety at different percentage of cocoa solids (from 70 to 100%), are investigated. The Ecuadorian beans were of the same batch used to obtain the chocolate samples (70% cocoa solids) by processing without conching. All samples were analyzed for their proximate composition, mineral content, fatty acids, total polyphenols, catechin, epicathechin theobromine and caffeine. Fatty acid profiles of the cocoa products were quite similar to those obtained in cocoa beans. The atherogenici…

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Qualitative comparision of olive oil mediterranean

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Indagine preliminare sulla produzione e composizione di succo fermentato di Fico d'India (Opuntia ficus-indica)

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High quality extra virgin olive oil from olives attacked by the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera Tephritidae): which is the tolerable limit? Data from experimental ‘Nocellara del Belice’ and ‘Cerasuola’ olive groves in Sicily

The infestation due to the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), the key pest in most of world olive groves, has been monitored in six years, from 2004 to 2008 and in 2014, in eight coastal Sicilian olive groves consisting of ‘Cerasuola’ and ‘Nocellara del Belice’ cultivars. Infestation was recorded following the classical sampling method based on olive collection and dissection, in order to count live olive fruit fly instars (eggs, larvae and pupae) and exit holes. Four different infestation indexes, all of them calculated using data recorded at harvest, have been used to assess their relationship with the main three quality parameters of the olive oil obtained from the same olive sam…

research product

A method to discriminate between the Candida stellata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in mixed fermentation on WLD and lysine agar media

This paper presents a simple method to distinguish between Candida stellata and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts during microbiological analyses. The method is based on differential yeast growth on a medium containing cycloheximide and a medium containing lysine as only nitrogen source (lysine agar). The cycloheximide resistance of 45 yeast strains belonging to Candida stellata, Hanseniaspora uvarum, Hanseniaspora guilliermondii, Metschnikowia pulcherrima, Torulaspora delbrueckii, Zygosaccharomyces bailii, Kluyveromyces thermotolerans and Zygoascus hellenicus, and 14 strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces bayanus on WL nutrient agar, was assayed. Cycloheximide resistance is ch…

research product

Contained in polyphenols of sicilian table olives

research product

Effect of grafting on yield and quality of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)

Eggplants have fruits with different sizes, shapes and colours, according to the cultivar. Skin colour is due to anthocyanins, pigments located in the cell vacuole of fruit skin that belong to phenolic flavonoids, a powerful antioxidants group. Environmental conditions and growing techniques may influence fruits characteristics and their content of phenolic compounds. Grafting is a non chemical alternative for overcoming the effects of intensive and continuous cropping. The rootstocks preferred for eggplant are hybrids of tomato or tomato KVFN. Also species taxonomically close, as Solanum torvum, have been used and showed good vigour, compatibility and resistance to wilt disease. Informatio…

research product

Selezione, caratterizzazione ed uso enologico di un nuovo ceppo di lievito isolato in Sicilia

research product

Presenza di micotossine in oli extra-vergini d’oliva e olive da mensa

La presenza di aflatossine e ocratossina A è stata ricercata in 28 oli extra vergini di oliva siciliani, delle annate 2002 e 2003, di produzione tradizionale o da agricoltura biologica, ed in 45 campioni di olive da mensa di diverse tipologie. Il 54% dei campioni di olio e il 33% dei campioni di olive sono risultati esenti da micotossine. Negli altri, i livelli di contaminazione oscillavano tra 6 e 40 ng/kg negli oli e tra 31 e 1.518 ng/kg nelle olive, quelli dell’ocratossina A fra 52 e 244 ng/kg negli oli e fra 101 e 8.391 ng/kg nelle olive. Un solo campione di olio e sei di olive erano contaminati sia da aflatossina B1, sia da ocratossina A. The occurrence of aflatoxins and ochratoxin A w…

research product


I maggiori produttori mondiali di pistacchi al giorno d’oggi l’Iran con 100.000 t, pari al 40% della produzione mondiale, e gli Stati Uniti con il 32%, seguiti da Turchia ed Siria. L’Italia è in questa classifica nettamente distaccata con una produzione che si aggira intorno ai 30.000 q. l’anno.Il colore è stato valutato, secondo il sistema CIE-Lab. tramite il colorimetro a riflessione MINOLTA mod. METER CR-210 ver. 3.0 con area di misura pari ad un disco di 50 mm di diametro.

research product


The aim of this paper is to assess the quality of the work performed by two machines for transplanting rooted vines, equipped with a laser alignment system, in a plain environment and known physical properties of the soil. Both the distances between plants and between rows with respect to the established one and the percent of missing plants were detected. The results, compared with those detected in a manual working team, showed that the quality of the work performed by the two transplanting machines is similar to that obtained in the manual working team.

research product

Correlazione tra indici di freschezza e tecniche di pesca artigianali (“a cianciolo”) di specie di pesce azzurro (E. Encrasicolus, S. Pilchardus)

research product

Cherry Tomato Drying: Sun versus Convective Oven

Solar drying and convective oven drying of cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) were compared. The changes in the chemical parameters of tomatoes and principal drying parameters were recorded during the drying process. Drying curves were fitted to several mathematical models, and the effects of air temperature during drying were evaluated by multiple regression analyses, comparing to previously reported models. Models for drying conditions indicated a final water content of 30% (semidry products) and 15% (dry products) was achieved, comparing sun-drying and convective oven drying at three different temperatures. After 26–28 h of sun drying, the tomato tissue had reached a moisture content…

research product

Quality of grapes grown inside paper bags in Mediterranean area

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of paper bagging of grape bunches on the morphological, mechanical, and chemical characteristics of berries of three table grapes varieties as an environmentally-friendly technique for protecting clusters from biotic and abiotic agents. Clusters of Italia, Autumn Royal, and Regal Seedless grape cultivars were bagged and compared to a not-bagged control. Air temperature inside and outside the bags was monitored. Bunch weight and length, number of berries per bunch, berry longitudinal and transversal diameter, berry mass, number of seeds per berry (normal in size and aborted), soluble solid content, titratable acidity, and skin color by CIEL…

research product

Ecologia delle popolazioni lattiche associate alle farine di frumento e studio delle attitudini tecnologiche per la produzione di impasti acidi

Il presente lavoro ha previsto inizialmente l’isolamento, la tipizzazione e l’identificazione dei batteri lattici (BL) presenti in campioni di farine utilizzate per prodotti da forno a lievitazione naturale prelevati presso diversi panifici siciliani. Le conte in piastra dei BL sono state ottenute su tre differenti terreni colturali, generici e specifici. I risultati hanno evidenziato una concentrazione massima di BL di 4.75 Log UFC/g. Tutte le colonie diverse sono state isolate e purificate. Le colture sono state differenziate sulla base delle caratteristiche fenotipiche e dei profili generati mediante la tecnica randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR che ha permesso il riconoscimen…

research product

Indagine preliminare sull’attitudine alla trasformazione in sidro di varietà di mele autoctone siciliane

research product

Fatty acids, sterols and antioxidant compounds of minor and neglected cultivar of Sicilian virgin olive oils

Acidic and sterol composition, pigment fraction and antioxidant compounds (tocopherols, total phenols and polar phenols) from eight monovarietal Sicilian olive oil samples, analyzed during the crop seasons from 2003/2004 to 2005/2006, are reported. Cultivars were divided, according to their diffusion, in main, minor and neglected cultivars. Encouraging data were observed for minor and neglected cultivars, for some revaluation in regard to their relevance, because they showed the highest content in tocopherols, in total phenols and polar phenols compared with main cultivars.

research product

Moscato Cerletti, a rediscovered aromatic cultivar with oenological potential in warm and dry areas

Baron Antonio Mendola was devoted to the study of grapevine, applying ampelography and dabbling in crosses between cultivars in order to select new ones, of which Moscato Cerletti, obtained in 1869, was the most interesting. Grillo, one of the most important white cultivars in Sicily, was ascertained to be an offspring of Catarratto Comune and Zibibbo, the same parents which Mendola claimed he used to obtain Moscato Cerletti. Thus the hypothesis of synonymy between Moscato Cerletti and Grillo or the same parentage for both sets of parents needs to be verified.In the present study, historical documents were consulted and genetic analyses and ampelographic, agronomic and qualitative character…

research product

Table olives contamination by mycotoxin

research product

Aspetti sulla qualità microbiologica delle olive da mensa commercializzate sfuse

Il consumo delle olive da mensa in questi ultimi anni è notevolmente aumentato. Lo scopo del lavoro è stato quello di andare ad investigare la qualità microbiologica e la sicurezza d uso di olive.

research product

Microencapsulation of Phenolic Extracts from Cocoa Shells to Enrich Chocolate Bars

AbstractCocoa bean shells were subjected to green extraction technologies, based on the absence of toxic organic solvents, to recover polyphenols; the extract was then encapsulated using a spray dryer and maltodextrin as coating agent. The best conditions observed in the spray drying tests (core-to-coating ratio 1:5; inlet temperature 150 °C; flow rate 6 ml min−1) were applied to produce the microcapsules used to enrich the same cocoa mass as the shells and processed for the preparation of the chocolate bars. Sensory analysis showed no significant differences between enriched chocolate bar and the unenriched reference one, except for the appearance. Both samples were then subjected to accel…

research product

Evaluation of the aroma compounds of Sicilian Cactus pear (Opuntia Ficus-Indica) fermented juice

research product

The Impact of COVID-19 in the Italian Wine and Olive Oil Sector

Coronavirus has produced worldwide many negative effects on the food economy, but wine industry is one of the main sector affected by the crisis especially due to the lock down involving restaurants and other retail distributions. 2019 ended in an extremely encouraging way for the Italian wine industry and especially for the sparkling wine sector, with an increase in foreign demand growing by almost 15%, This increase was largely due to the success of sales in Anglo-Saxon nations, such as the United States and less so in the United Kingdom due to Brexit, not to underestimate even exports to Japan, Russia and China.

research product

Microbiological and safety evaluation of green table olives marketed in Italy

The microbiological and safety conditions of green table olives sold on the Italian market were evaluated on 40 samples, 20 loose and 20 packed in containers, purchased at street markets and supermarkets. The olives were analyzed for microflora and food safety indices, and for aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A occurrence, and the results showed acceptable security. There was wide heterogeneity in the microflora, the numerical values being in relation to the olive type. The microbial population was dominated by the yeasts and lactic bacteria responsible for the fermentation process, and their numbers, together with the metabolic activity, led to conditions unfavorable for the development of path…

research product

Influence of different dehydration levels on volatile profiles, phenolic contents and skin hardness of alkaline pre-treated grapes cv Muscat of Alexandria (Vitis vinifera L.)

A dehydration experiment was carried out on Vitis vinifera L. cv Muscat of Alexandria (synonym Zibibbo) following the process for the production of renowned special dessert wines produced on Pantelleria island (Sicily, Italy). Harvested berries were pre-treated in a sodium hydroxide dipping solution (45 g/L, dipped for 185 s, 25 &deg

research product


Sicily, located in the center of the Mediterranean basin, has represented for centuries a meeting point between different civilizations that have contributed to creating a wide genetic diversification of the Sicilian olive heritage, which has led to an improvement in the quality of the olive trees. In Sicily, today this diversification is comparable with other typical varieties of the Mediterranean basin, especially from an analytical point of view. Two international varieties were analyzed such as Arbequina and Koroneiki, two main Sicilian varieties such as Biancolilla and Nocellare del Belice, two minor varieties in the Sicilian varietal panorama such as Crastu and Tonda Iblea and finally…

research product

Isolamento e caratterizzazione di un nuovo ceppo di lievito di interesse enologico

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La trasformazione degli agrumi del Giardino della Kolimbetra in marmellate

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Utilizzo alternativo dei frutti di vecchie varietà di melo siciliane mediante trasformazione in sidro

research product


La coltivazione dell’olivo (Olea europea, subsp. sativa) ha origini remote, riconducibili al 3500 a.C., così come evidenziano i ritrovamenti archeologici di noccioli e legname da costruzione. Si ritiene, però, che già dal 5000 a.C. la pianta di olivo fosse conosciuta ed utilizzata dall’uomo.Le analisi sono state condotte all’inizio dell’annata olivicola 2012 su 22 campioni di olio d’oliva seguendo il Reg. CEE 1989/03.

research product

Ruolo delle tecnologie alimentari nell’espressione del Terroir

research product

Influence of Variety and Maturity Stage on Sterolic Composition of Virgin Olive Oil from Central-Western Sicily

Olive oil is one of the most important food products throughout the Mediterranean Basin due to its high nutritional and dietetic value. In recent years, there has been increased interest in the sterols of olive oil for their health benefts and their importance to virgin olive oil quality regulation. The impact of sterols on the human health is proved by several studies, showing that a suffcient quantity of β-sitosterol inhibits the intestinal absorption of LDL-cholesterol. In olive oil the phytosterol concentration ranges from 800 to 2600 mg kg-1. Sterol esters evaluation has been proposed as useful parameter in studies related to varietal and geographical discrimination. Cultivar and matur…

research product

Effetto del portinnesto sulla attività antiossidante di melanzana

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Il settote delle "ptoduzioni bio-energetiche" rappresenta oggl un valido strumento per rendere competitive aree che per motlvazioni economiche o perché inquinate, sono state abbandonate. Uutl\zzo di energy crop, proprio in relazione alla crescente richiesta da parte del mercato, potrebbe determinare ricadute assolutamente positive sia sul piano economico che per l'attuazione di adeguati ed efficaci programmi pet la salvaguardia e valorizzazione di parte del territorio delle regioni meditetranee, già struttutalmente in conrlizioni di estrema fragflttà,a mbientale.L o scopo della presente ricerca è di produrre bioetanolo a basso costo risanando contemporaneamente I'ambiente. Infatti i1 fico d…

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Contaminanti chimici e microbiologici nel tonno

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Valutazione del grado di stagionatura del parmigiano mediante misure di rilassometria NMR a ciclo di campo

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Prove di sidrificazione da cv di mele autoctone siciliane

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Study on Fatty acids and Antioxidant compounds in monovarietal Sicilian olive oils

research product

Assessment of Postharvest Dehydration Kinetics and Skin Mechanical Properties of “Muscat of Alexandria” Grapes by Response Surface Methodology

The dipping of berries in a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide during a short time was evaluated as pretreatment undertaken prior to convective dehydration of wine grapes. The impact of the sodium hydroxide content and dipping time on weight loss (WL) at different dehydration times was thoroughly assessed using central composite design (CCD) and response surface methodology (RSM). Furthermore, the effects of these two variables were also investigated on the skin mechanical properties of dehydrated grapes. The effect of these two pretreatment factors on the dehydration kinetics and skin hardness was satisfactorily fitted to regression models. The berry pretreatment with low sodium hydroxide…

research product


Acidic and sterol composition, pigment fraction and antioxidant compounds (tocopherols, total phenols and polar phenols) from eight monovarietal Sicilian olive oil samples, analyzed during the crop seasons from 2003/2004 to 2005/2006, are reported. Cultivars were divided, according to their diffusion, in main, minor and neglected cultivars. Encouraging data were observed for minor and neglected cultivars, for some revaluation in regard to their relevance, because they showed the highest content in tocopherols, in total phenols and polar phenols compared with main cultivars.

research product

Indagine sulla sicurezza d'uso delle irroratrici su un campione di aziende siciliane

La sicurezza delle macchine agricole è un obiettivo fondamentale anche per il rispetto dell ambiente

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Acidi grassi, steroli e componenti antiossidanti di oli di oliva vergini siciliani da cultivar minori e neglette

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Instrumental evaluation of the texture of cv. Nocellara del Belice table olives

The Nocellara del Belice (Olea europaea L.) is the most important double-aptitude olive variety in western Sicily (Italy), it is one of the most important domestic varieties both for the production and the marketed quantities. Nowadays there is a lack of studies on its mechanical properties through instrumental analysis able to provide quantitative measurements of its flesh texture which is a very important quality attribute for the consumer. The aim of this study is to evaluate the texture of Nocellara del Belice table olives, packed in glass jars, through a mechanical system allowing us to continuously measure and record the compression force along the profile of the flesh of the fruit. F…

research product

Selezione di lieviti per l’industria enologica in Sicilia

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Compositions and Sensory Characterization of Olive Oils from CentralWestern Sicily

In Sicily, olive has been cultivated since ancient times and its germplasm is characterized by a wide genetic diversity that could be related to its domestication and spread in ancient times, and to some reproductive biological peculiarities as self-incompatibility. In this research, EVOO of Sicilian heritage such as Nocellara del Belice, Biancolilla, Biancolilla centinara and Passulunara, was been investigated. The assessment regards main chemical-physical parameters and sensory profles, based on the olfactory and gustatory characteristics. Samples were obtained from Bona Furtuna farm (Corleone, C-W Sicily), equipped with a continuous two and half phases cold extraction system. Results sho…

research product

IV Gamma, focus sulla bietola

La bietola da foglie, Beta vulgaris var. cicla, è una specie nativa dell'Europa meridionale, dove cresce spontanea nella regione del Mediterraneo; ne esistono numerose varietà dato che si coltiva in tutte le zone temperate del mondo. E' ampiamente apprezzata per le sue foglie, utilizzate crude nelle insalate o cotte come gli spinaci. Le bietole da foglia possono essere impiegate per la preparazione di prodotti di IV gamma, ovvero prodotti orticoli freschi che, previa pulitura e taglio vengono confezionati e risultano quindi pronti per essere consumati. Scopo della presente ricerca è stato quello di valutare l'adattabilità della bietola alla trasformazione in prodotto di IV gamma e le modifi…

research product


La bietola, Beta vulgaris var. cicla, è una specie nativa dell'Europa meridionale, dove cresce spontanea nella regione del Mediterraneo; ne esistono numerose varietà dato che si coltiva in tutte le zone temperate del mondo. E' ampiamente coltivata per le sue foglie, utilizzate nelle insalate o cotte come gli spinaci. La pianta è più robusta e più facile da coltivare degli spinaci. Dal punto di vista nutrizionale le foglie di bietole contengono concentrazioni significative di vitamine A, C e B, calcio, ferro e fosforo. Le bietole hanno anche proprietà ipoglicemizzanti. Molte subspecie di Beta vulgaris L. sono utilizzate come rimedio popolare per malattie del fegato e dei reni, per la stimola…

research product


Il consumo di pesce crudo in questo ultimo ventennio è notevolmente aumentato, ciò è dovuto non solo alle benefiche caratteristiche alimentari del pesce ma soprattutto alla moda di cui il consumatore è fortemente influenzato. Il pesce è una preziosa fonte di proteine, minerali e vitamine di alta qualità.

research product

Use of microbial enzyme on brewing

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Preliminary evaluation of durum wheat (Triticum Turgidum Subsp Durum) during malting process:

Durum (T. turgidum subsp. durum) wheat production worldwide is substantially less than that of common wheat (Triticum aestivum) mainly due to the relatively limited end-users. In order to evaluate malting and brewing suitability, sixteen old durum wheat landraces were malted at micro scale. Results show malt quality parameters in the range 78.2–85.9% for the extract, 72.9–80.9% for the fermentability, 3–5 EBC units for the colour, 0.49–0.79% dm for water-extractable arabinoxylans and 0.043–0.059% dm for the β-glucans. Regarding wort viscosity (1.53–1.92 mPa s), we found negative correlation with endo-1,4-β-D-xylanase, positive correlation with endo-β-glucanases and soluble proteins, while n…

research product

Dynamics of pistachio oils by proton nuclear magnetic resonance relaxtion dispersion

A number of pistachio oils were selected in order to test the efficacy of nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation dispersion (NMRD) technique in the evaluation of differences among oils (1) obtained from seeds subjected to different thermal desiccation processes, (2) retrieved from seeds belonging to the same cultivar grown in different geographical areas and (3) produced by using seed cultivars sampled in the same geographical region. NMRD measures relaxation rate values which are related to the dynamics of the chemical components of complex food systems. Results not only allowed to relate kinematic viscosity to relaxometry parameters but also were successful in the differentiation among the…

research product

Use of stevia and chia seeds for the formulation of traditional and vegan artisanal ice cream

Abstract Gelato is the name of the Italian-style artisanal ice cream, a nutritious product widely consumed in different parts of the world. Due to the high content in simple sugars, ice cream should be consumed moderately by diabetic patient. This research aimed to create artisanal ice cream, using Stevia rebaudiana, a plant well known for its sweet taste and its hypoglycemic effect. Traditional and vegan ice cream were formulated using stevia and chia seeds, in order to obtain products with appreciable rheological, textural and sensorial properties. Physical and sensorial properties of the ice cream formulation containing milk protein (traditional) or vegan substitute, were evaluated. Resu…

research product