Assunta Polizzi

La narración del espacio en 'Los duendes de la camarilla' de Galdós

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El espacio literario en Legioni e Falangi/Legiones y Falanges

The editorial program of the bilingual magazine that concerns us here, in addition to presenting himself as ideologically oriented, has the ambition to model the cultural paradigms of two countries starting of the political systems. The literary space in the two editions of the magazine is wide and of different generic adscription. El programa editorial de la revista bilingüe que aquí nos ocupa, además de presentarse como ideológicamente orientado, tiene la ambición de modelar los paradigmas culturales de dos países a partir de los sistemas políticos que, en la misma época, los hermanan. El espacio literario en las dos ediciones de la revista es amplio y de diferente adscripción genérica.

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- «Narrar los espacios íntimos. Reflexiones en torno a "Realidad" y "Su único hijo"»

Between the Eighties and the Nineties of the 19th century, the investigative area of the reality has exceeded, undoubtedly, the social dimension, opening cracks towards the intimate spaces of the individual. The reasons of the human conduct need now deeper polls, for what into the literature the environments fade away, the descriptions are outlined and the details become vague and absolutely personal, because the royal thing has become essentially symbolic. To give literary form, that is to say with narrative vesimilitude, which has his headquarters in the intimate spaces, to plan a verbal code, that is to say, of the passions, of the dramas, of the desires or of the obsessions of the indiv…

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El teatro de Galdós en la teoría dramática coeva

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Tradurre la 'palabra hablada'. "La diseredata" di Galdós

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La interacción oral como proceso significativo en el aprendizaje/ adquisición de la Lengua Extranjera

L’articolo prende in esame il ruolo dell’interazione orale in seno ai complessi meccanismi che interessano il processo di apprendimento/acquisizione di una lingua straniera e, in concreto, dello spagnolo. L’importanza dell’elemento interattivo è visto qui in una prospettiva funzionale non solo all’acquisizione di abilità e competenze linguistiche tout court, bensì in senso più ampio in relazione alla capacità del discente di appropriarsi di meccanismi e hábitos che gli permettano di interagire nelle diverse situazioni comunicative in modo non conflittuale nella lingua meta. Tale conflittualità con i propri interlocutori è da rintracciarsi nella mancata cooperazione negli aspetti conversazio…

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Monstruos de la razón. Alteración psíquica e indagación de la verdad en "La gota de sangre" de Emilia Pardo Bazán

This study focuses on the short novel "La gota de sangre" by Emilia Pardo Bazán and reveals, together with complex metatextual coordinates, that enliven the debate about gender and about the truth narrated, substantial elements of empowerment and personal experimentation so that concerns the police narrative. As a 'black novel', the Pardo-Saxon story expresses the relativization of the social moral system, the debate about criminality connected with social factors and with the individual psychic alterations that society condemns as 'monstrous', and also proposes the founding metaphor of research as a necessary process of search for truth, in areas not always in accordance with rational logi…

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La diseredata

Isidora Rufete è la protagonista del romanzo La diseredata (1881) di Benito Pérez Galdós, uno tra i maggiori narratori spagnoli e unanimamente ritenuto il più grande discepolo di Cervantes. Ambientato nella Madrid del 1872, il romanzo mostra un affresco della società spagnola che, tra la Rivoluzione ‘Gloriosa’ del 1868 e la Restaurazione borbonica del 1875, traccia le linee del fallimento ideologico e sociale di una classe, la borghesia, che si mostra incapace di staccarsi dal passato e di darsi una autentica fisionomia. Figlia del povero pazzo Tomás Rufete, che appare, con il suo delirio, nell’incipit del romanzo come uno tra i ricoverati del manicomio madrileno di Leganés, Isidora è convi…

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Scrittura autoreferenziale negli articoli letterari di Legioni e Falangi/Legiones y Falanges

Recovering the literary paradigms that the magazine collected and of which expression was made, the essay highlights a writing that is often based on the dimension of the self and for it is determined. The journalistic macrotext and the updating discourse on which it is based, although it welcomes the plurality of voices and visions, needs the immediacy and authorial responsibility on the part of a subject who in the present recounts from his own experience. These texts receive the updating pressure of the macrotext in which they are placed, the magazine, and teach an 'overload' of sociocultural and ideological references. This study offers some selected examples within a corpus, in both ed…

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Traducciones y traiciones. El caso de "Fortunata y Jacinta" en Italia

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El humorismo en el discurso periodístico: la "Crónica general" (1884-1905) de José Fernández Bremón

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Galdós drammaturgo : frontiere e soglie nel suo percorso letterario

Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920), ritenuto il più grande discepolo di Cervantes, è tra i maggiori narratori spagnoli. Dall’isola oceanica in cui nasce, si trasferisce a Madrid per gli studi universitari, che però lascia presto per dedicarsi alla letteratura, al teatro, alla musica e alla pittura. Di Madrid diventa il più attento osservatore e il più appassionato cantore. Galdós raccoglie con maturità e originalità essenzialmente la tradizione letteraria spagnola, mentre recepisce la lezione di Balzac, dei narratori russi e di Dickens, di cui traduce i Pickwik papers. Il Galdós drammaturgo si rivela, come il romanziere, un acuto ricettore e audace sperimentatore. La sua produzione teatrale si…

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"Fortunata e Giacinta": studio di una traduzione.

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La réception de la culture italienne dans La Ilustración Española y Americana

This study analyzes the various references to Italy in several sections of La Ilustración Española y Americana in order to assess the contribution of the magazine in the configuration of the reception of Italian culture in Spain in the late nineteenth century, through the newspaper and through network of textual features associated therewith. Este estudio analiza las diferentes referencias a Italia en varias de las secciones de La Ilustración Española y Americana con el fin de evaluar la contribución de revista en la configuración de la recepción de la cultura italiana en España a finales del siglo xix, a través del medio periodístico y de la red de rasgos textuales con él relacionada.

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Notas en torno a la introducción de la imprenta en Sicilia

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Edmondo De Amicis y Hermenegildo Giner de los Ríos: la traducción de Cuore dentro de una constante relación intelectual

The tanslation of Edmondo De Amicis works was undertaken in Spain by Hermenegildo Giner de los Ríos. This paper presents an analysis of the first edition of Cuore. Libro per I ragazzi (1886) and its first translation into Castillian, Corazón (Diario de un niño) (1887), in which we can see the frequent use of domesticating technique, with adaptations, omissions, amplifications and modulations. However, besides this, we can also perceive a strengthering of the text of by the translator, through a process that tries to readdress it to the new readers with a new literary efficiency.

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Convergencias poéticas en Alejandra Pizarnik y José Ángel Valente

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Frontiere di generi: Galdós tra romanzo e teatro

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Il racconto degli spazi intimi: riflessioni su Realidad e Sú único hijo

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El sentido de la recuperación cervantina en 'El caballero encantado'.

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"...el decir y lo indecible": la poesía de Josè Angel Valente

José Angel Valente se presenta al mundo literario en 1955, con su primer libro de poemas, A modo de esperanza, galardonado, el año anterior, con el 'Premio Adonais de Poesia', y se coloca en la produccidn literaria de postguera que ya ha superado el tema de lo social para aventurarse, junto con los poetas de la Generación del 50, por los derroteros de la nueva poesía del conocimiento'. Más allá de la escritura como recurso de la comunicación social y la denuncia, de hecho, estos poetas se plantean la actividad poética como forma de conocimiento, exploración de los límites inconfutables del signo lingüístico y experiencia poiética, siempre cuestionándose en torno a la gestación de la palabra…

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This book represents the third noteworthy product of the Memità Network. The essays within this book constitute a critical approach from a linguistic and cultural point of view regarding authoritarianism’s reception in the media. In particular, the work opens up with a session whose purpose is to demonstrate the role of colonial press as an instrument of identity construction.

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Recensione a: Ángel García Galiano, El fuego sordo. Lecciones de literatura contemporánea, Madrid, Ediciones Xorki, 2013, 243 pp. ISBN 9788494150524

Il saggio di Ángel García Galiano sposa con successo la sua costante riflessione critica su temi letterari e la sua vocazione didattica, la quale da anni lo avvicina a generazioni di studenti in una proficua osmosi di generosi arricchimenti. Il professore-critico-scrittore raccoglie, dalla sua avventura pedagogica, l’opportunità di “mettere in ordine” idee, frammenti di riflessioni o scritti articolati e complessi attorno alle figure di intellettuali del XX e del XXI secolo, di ampio riferimento geografico-culturale, che alimentano il proprio universo poetico o, comunque, configurano percorsi imprescindibili che il lettore specialista offre ai giovani appassionati della parola letteraria. T…

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Tres calas en las Novelas ejemplares de Cervantes, El licenciado vidriera, La ilustre fregona, Las dos doncellas

About Cervantes’s Novelas ejemplares, the study centres on El licenciado Vidriera, La ilustre fregonaLa ilustre fregona and Las dos doncellas, planning the critical fundamental lines that have approached these texts and proposing possible keys of reading. With regard to El licenciado Vidriera, the iconological interpretation of the first image that appears to the reader, in whom one seems to make concrete the reference to the esopic genre of the fable. The plastic, original incipit for the modern reader, that Cervantes chooses for his novelita had to provoke in the reader of the epoch a game of iconological and thematic references. The personage finds, after having been a victim of the tort…

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Conflictos individuales y sociale en "Los condenados" de Galdós

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Diálogo con la memoria: Memorias de un desmemoriado de Galdós

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El proceso de dramatización en "Casandra"

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«"Bárbara": Sicilia en el teatro de Galdós»

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Pensamiento y traducción en la obra de Hermenegildo Giner de los Ríos

The close connection of Hermenegildo Giner de los Ríos (Cádiz 1847- Granada 1923) with the intellectual movement of Spanish Krausism informs his experiential trajectory as well as his entire production, declining it in the different genres of the reflexive and informative essay, of the pedagogical manual, in addition to materialize in the literary creation - original and adaptation - and, of course, finding the most appropriate figure for their ideological-cultural position in the broad work of translation. This study, within the CYTES project of the University of Barcelona, tries to recover its intellectual trajectory and its activity as a translator. La estrecha vinculación de Hermenegild…

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El proceso existencial en "Celia en los infiernos" de Galdós

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"Lettera a Aloisio XIII". La traducción de la "Carta a Luis XIII" de Quevedo en la imprenta siciliana del siglo XVII

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Italia: Historia, política y sociedad

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"Fortunata e Giacinta": estudio de una traducción.

Fortunata e Giacinta. Storia di due donne maritate, the first and only italian translation of Galdós's novel, was published in Florence in 1926, for the publisher Adriano Salani, translated by Silvia Baccani Giani. The volume presents already to the first sight his peculiarity: the reduction of the textual substance that, after an analysis, forms a text that corresponds approximately to a third part with regard to the original Spanish. In Fortunata e Giacinta, the manipulations and the practised suppressions, beside revealing an interest especially to guarantee the comprehension on the part of the reader of the development of the argument, essentially are tacking a system of references with…

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Pérez Galdós y los maestros: ideas pedagógicas de un escritor

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La voz del yo en Las voces bajas de Manuel Rivas

Se estudia una obra autobiográfica de Manuel Rivas a través de los tres estadios que la escritura cruza: Storyboard (2010), colección de artículos, As voces baixas (2012), primera transposición novelesca en lengua gallega y Las voces bajas (2012), autotraducción del autor al castellano.   A lo largo del proceso de escritura y en el recorrido de géneros y lenguas, la narración autoreferencial va enseñando elementos proficuos para la reflexión en torno a la determinación, la perspectiva y la visión del yo en la narrativa actual.

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Prensa, populismo y resistencia. "Crónica sentimental de Esapaña" de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán en la revista Triunfo

In the fall of 1969, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán published five reports entitled Crónica sentimental de España, where he analyzes everyday life to reflect the sentimental evolution of Spaniards from the 1940s to the 1960s and highlights the mechanisms by which popular culture forges the collective imagination, while the Francoism makes it a transmitter of moral conduct norms within a program of populist propaganda. The aim of this study is to go through the narrative construction of the journalistic text and its focus on the populist discourse which becomes a proposal of resistance. En el otoño de 1969, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán publica cinco reportajes bajo el título Crónica sentimental de Esp…

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Galdós, el periodismo y la escritura. Reflexiones a partir del cuento "El artículo de fondo"

Galdós was experiencing in his formation and in his first stage of production the narrative space of the press. The short story “El artículo de fondo” was published in 1871 in Revista de España, in 1879, in three installments in El Océano and reappears in 1889 in a collection of brief narrative texts that accompany his Torquemada en la hoguera. This study tries to focus, on the one hand, the variants introduced by the author, especially in the last edition, in order to evaluate the process of maturation of galdosian writing. On the other hand, taking into account the essentially heterotextual consistency of this short story, it try to put it in relation to the pluritextual narrative texture…

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Escritores en el espejo de papel: Miguel Sánchez-Ostiz dialoga con Pío Baroja

Miguel Sánchez-Ostiz (Pamplona, 1950), escritor navarro entre los más prolíficos y premiados, a menudo en sus textos repasa la historia de su país, desplazando tramas atrás en el tiempo y en la tradición literaria española, experimentando estrategias narrativas que en todo caso siempre están conjugando la intensidad de la denuncia y la investigación psicológica del personaje. En esta trayectoria de escritura, en los últimos años, Sánchez-Ostiz ha producido tres textos que han hecho explícito su personal diálogo literario con la figura de Pío Baroja. A partir de Derrotero de Pío Baroja (2000), pasando por Pío Baroja, a escenas (2006) y terminando la trilogía barojiana con Tiempos de tormenta…

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Media, Power and Identity. Discursive Strategies in Ideologically-Oriented Discourses

This book represents the third noteworthy product of the International Research Network MEMITÀ - “Memory, Identity, Integration to identify analysis models in media communication” (www.memita.scienzeumanistiche.eu). The most ambitious goal of MEMITA’ Network, by means of the produced reflections, is, perhaps, to facilitate social, cultural and behavioural transformations in contemporary societies, namely with a more conscious production and a more participatory reception of discourses, instruments from which everything is created and everything is transformed. The essays within this book constitute a critical approach from a linguistic and cultural point of view regarding authoritarianism’s…

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En la otra orilla de la noche. En torno a la obra de Alejandra Pizarnik

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Editoria di interesse ispanico in Sicilia nei secoli XVI e XVII

Banca dati su catalogo on-line prodotto della ricerca PRIN 2008. La banca dati contiene circa 200 schede bibliografiche di esemplari del XVI e del XVII secolo di interesse ispanico pubblicate in Sicilia.

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Fermín Ezpeleta Aguilar. Maestro y formación en la novela galdosiana. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Cabildo de Gran Canaria, 2009. 265 pp.

Reseña del texto.

research product