Natascia Grimaldi
Multi-Functional Nanogels for Tumor Targeting and Redox-Sensitive Drug and siRNA Delivery
(1) Background: A new family of nanosystems able to discern between normal and tumor cells and to release a therapeutic agent in controlled way were synthetized by e-beam irradiation. This technique permits to obtain biocompatible, sterile, carboxyl-functionalized polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP-co-acrylic acid) nanogels (NGs); (2) Methods: Here, we performed a targeting strategy based on the recognition of over-expressed proteins on tumor cells, like the folate receptor. The selective targeting was demonstrated by co-culture studies and flow cytometry analysis, using folate conjugated NGs. Moreover, nanoparticles were conjugated to a chemotherapeutic drug or to a pro-apoptotic siRNA through a gl…
On the origin of functionalization in one-pot radiation synthesis of nanogels from aqueous polymer solutions
Radiation-engineered poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) nanogels are very interesting biocompatible nanocarriers for i.v. administration of therapeutics and contrast agents for bioimaging. The manufacturing process is fast and effective, it grants excellent control of particle size and simultaneous sterilization of the formed nanogels. Interestingly, primary amino groups and carboxyl groups, useful for (bio)conjugation, are also formed in a dose-dependent fashion. In this paper, by means of both numerical simulations and experiments, the origin of nanogel size control and functionalization is investigated. This understanding offers a new dimension for the design and production of radiation-sculpture…
Large-scale manufacturing of radiation sculptured therapeutic nanogels
Nanogels (NGs), or small particles formed by physically or chemically crosslinked polymer networks, represent a niche in the development of “smart” nanoparticles for drug delivery and diagnostics. Yet, they offerunique advantages over other systems, including a large and flexible surface for multivalent bio-conjugation; an internal 3D aqueous environment for incorporation and protection of (bio)molecular drugs; the possibility to entrap light-activemolecules, metal or mineral nanoparticles for imaging or phototherapeutic purposes; stimuli-responsiveness to achieve temporal and/or site control of the release function and biocompatibility. The availability of inexpensive, robust and versatile…
Radiation engineered functionalized nanogels as platform for biomedical nanocarriers
Polymeric and bio-hybrid nanovectors for drug delivery and imaging devices.
Nanotechnology applied to the Medicine is providing new tools to the current therapeutic and diagnostic approaches to fight cancer and other diseases. However, many of the proposed nanodevices show some deficits related to both their inherent properties and performance, and the synthetic strategies proposed for their production. In the present work, a new promising approach based on e-beam radiation-induced radical crosslinking of a water soluble, biocompatible synthetic polymer has been developed. In particular, the possibility of generating Poly-N-(Vinyl- Pyrrolidone)(PVP)-based nanocarriers, i.e. nanogels with a base PVP structure, tailored physico-chemical properties (particles size dis…
Minimalism in radiation synthesis of biomedical functional nanogels.
A scalable, single-step, synthetic approach for the manufacture of biocompatible, functionalized micro- and nanogels is presented. In particular, poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone)-grafted-(aminopropyl)methacrylamide microgels and nanogels were generated through e-beam irradiation of PVP aqueous solutions in the presence of a primary amino-group-carrying monomer. Particles with different hydrodynamic diameters and surface charge densities were obtained at the variance of the irradiation conditions. Chemical structure was investigated by different spectroscopic techniques. Fluorescent variants were generated through fluorescein isothiocyanate attachment to the primary amino groups grafted to PVP, to …
Structure and biological evaluation of amino-functionalized PVP nanogels for fast cellular internalization
Abstract Aminopropyl methacrylamide chloride-graft-poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) nanogels (NGs) were designed to exploit the favorable properties of poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP), such as its high affinity to water and complexation ability of ions, molecules and macromolecules, with the availability of primary amino groups for bioconjugation reactions. A thorough structural characterization of the nanoscalar networks was performed via 1 H NMR and solid state 13 C NMR spectroscopies, while solid state NMR relaxation time measurements completed the NGs description in terms of polymer network density. Information on the hydrodynamic size and surface charge densities were sought via dynamic light…
Radiation sculpured nanogels as platform for novel therapeutic systems
Multifunctional and Bio-hybrid Hydrogel As bioartificial Matrices and Drug Delivery Devices
Water-borne polymeric nanoparticles for glutathione-mediated intracellular delivery of anticancer drugs
A new family of water-borne, biocompatible and carboxyl- functionalized nanogels was developed for glutathione- mediated delivery of anticancer drugs. Poly(N-vinyl- pyrrolidone)-co-acrylic acid nanogels were generated by e- beam irradiation of aqueous solutions of a crosslinkable polymer, using industrial-type linear accelerators and set- ups. Nanogels physico-chemical properties and colloidal stability, in a wide pH range, were investigated. In vitro cell studies proved that the nanogels are fully biocompatible and able to quantitatively bypass cellular membrane. An anticancer drug, doxorubicin (DOX), was linked to the carboxyl groups of NGs through a spacer containing a disulphide cleavab…
Water-borne e-beam crosslinked nanogels as nanomaterials platform for drug delivery
E-Beam Crosslinked Polymeric and Bio-Hybrid Nanocarriers for Drug Delivery and Bioimaging
Radiation engineered polymer nanocarriers for a new generation of nanoparticles based tumor specific radiopharmaceuticals
High-energy radiation processing, a smart approach to obtain PVP-graft-AA nanogels
Abstract Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-grafted-acrylic acid biocompatible nanogels (NGs) were prepared using an exiting industrial-type electron accelerator and setups, starting from semi-dilute aqueous solutions of a commercial PVP and the acrylic acid monomer. As a result, NGs with tunable size and structure can be obtained quantitatively. Sterility was also imparted at the integrated dose absorbed. The chemical structure of the NGs produced was confirmed through Fourier Transformer Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). The molecular and physico-chemical properties of NGs, such as the hydrodynamic dimensions and surface charge densities, for various polymer and monomer concentrations in the irradiate…
Large-scale radiation manufacturing of hierarchically assembled nanogels
Nanogels (NGs), or small particles formed by physically or chemically crosslinked polymer networks, represent a niche in the development of "smart" nanoparticles for drug delivery and diagnostics. They offer unique advantages over other systems, including a large and flexible surface for multivalent bio-conjugation; an internal 3D aqueous environment for incorporation and protection of (bio)molecular drugs; the possibility to entrap active metal or mineral cores for imaging or phototherapeutic purposes; stimuli-responsiveness to achieve temporal and/or site control of the release function and biocompatibility. The availability of inexpensive and robust preparation methodologies is at the ba…
Large-scale Radiation Manufacturing of Hierarchically Assembled Nanogels
Nanogels (NGs), or small particles formed by physically or chemically crosslinked polymer networks, represent a niche in the development of “smart” nanoparticles for drug delivery and diagnostics. They offer unique advantages over other systems, including a large and flexible surface for multivalent bio-conjugation; an internal 3D aqueous environment for incorporation and protection of (bio)molecular drugs; the possibility to entrap active metal or mineral cores for imaging or phototherapeutic purposes; stimuli-responsiveness to achieve temporal and/or site control of the release function and biocompatibility. The availability of inexpensive and robust preparation methodologies is at the ba…
Gadolinium-chelating nanogels as MR contrast agents specifically targeting tumor cells
Aims and objectives Methods and materials Results Conclusion Personal information References
Synthetic and natural polymer nanoparticles as bio-imaging and therapeutic agent vectors
High-energy radiation process, a "facile" and "versatile" approach to obtain PVP-graft- AA nanogels
Poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-grafted-acrylic acid biocompatible nanogels (NGs) were prepared using an exiting industrial-type electron accelerator and setups, starting from semi-dilute aqueous solutions of a commercial PVP and the acrylic acid monomer. As a result, NGs with tunable size and structure can be obtained quantitatively. Sterility was also imparted at the integrated dose absorbed. The chemical structure of the NGs produced was confirmed through Fourier Transformer Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). The molecular and physico-chemical properties of NGs, such as the hydrodynamic dimensions and surface charge densities, for various polymer and monomer concentrations in the irradiated solutio…
Polymeric Nanogels: Nanocarriers For Drug Delivery Application.
The application of nanotechnology to medicine has enabled the development of functionalised nanoparticles that, acting as carriers, can be loaded with drugs or genetic material to be released with a controlled mechanism in specific districts of the organism. Even though nanomedicine is a relative new branch of science, many type of nanocarriers for drug delivery have been developed over the past 30 years, such as liposomes, dendrimers, quantum dots, solid lipid nanoparticles, viruses and virus-like nanoparticles as well as a wide var iety of polymeric nanoparticles. Among these last, in our opinion, nanogels deserve a special attention. Nanogels are nanoscalar polymer networks, with a tende…
Radiation-Engineered Functional Nanoparticles in Aqueous Systems.
Controlled synthesis of nanoscalar and nanostructured materials enables the development of novel functional materials with fine-tuned optical, mechanical, electronic, magnetic, conductive and catalytic properties that are of use in numerous applications. These materials have also found their potential use in medicine as vehicles for drug delivery, in diagnostics or in combinations thereof. In principle, nanoparticles can be divided into two broad categories, organic and inorganic nanoparticles. For both types of nanoparticles there are numerous possible synthetic routes. Considering the large difference in nature of these materials and the elementary reactions involved in the synthetic rout…
Oligonucleotides-decorated-poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) nanogels for gene delivery
Pulsed electron-beam irradiation of a semi-dilute poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) aqueous solution in the presence of acrylic acid has led to a carboxyl functionalized nanogel system. Nanoparticles hydrodynamic size and surface charge density, in water and as a function of pH, were investigated by dynamic light scattering and laser doppler velocimetry, respectively. Nanogels (NGs) were proved not to be cytotoxic at the cellular level. Indeed, they rapidly bypass the cellular membrane to accumulate in specific cell portions of the cytoplasm, in the perinuclear area. The availability of pendant carboxyl groups on the crosslinked PVP NGs core prompted us to attempt their decoration with a sing…
Radiation processing: a versatile methodology to tune the structure of polymeric materials
E-beam crosslinked nanogels conjugated with monoclonal antibodies in targeting strategies
Abstract Poly(N-vinyl pyrrolidone)-based-nanogels (NGs), produced by e-beam irradiation, are conjugated with monoclonal antibodies (mAb) for active targeting purposes. The uptake of immuno-functionalized nanogels is tested in an endothelial cell line, ECV304, using confocal and epifluorescence microscopy. Intracellular localization studies reveal a faster uptake of the immuno-nanogel conjugate with respect to the ‘bare’ nanogel. The specific internalization pathway of these immuno-nanogels is clarified by selective endocytosis inhibition experiments, flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Active targeting ability is also verified by conjugating a monoclonal antibody which recognizes the αv…
Studies of network structure and dynamics of e-beam crosslinked PVPs: From macro to nano
Much interest has been paid to develop a variety of radiation-crosslinked hydrated polymeric materials, which swell in water but do not dissolve, as biocompatible materials used for wound healing, drug delivery system, surface-coating material for medically used devices, etc. With the aim of establishing design rules to produce hydrogels of controlled size at the nanoscale and desired internal network structure using conventional electron accelerators and set-ups, here we attempt a description in terms of structural and dynamic properties of polymer networks generated through e-beam irradiation of aqueous solutions of the same model polymer, a commercial grade poly(N-vinyl-pyrrolidone), sub…