Shame in decision making under risk conditions: Understanding the effect of transparency.
The role played by the emotion of shame in the area of decision-making in situations of risk has hardly been studied. In this article, we show how the socio-moral emotions and the anticipated feeling of shame associated with different options can determine our decisions, even overriding the cognitive choice tendency proposed by the certainty effect. To do so, we carried out an experiment with university students as participants, dividing them into four experimental conditions. Our findings suggest that people avoid making unethical decisions, both when these decisions are made public to others and when they remain in the private sphere. This result seems to indicate that the main factor in …
The effect of the emotive decisions in prospect theory.
AbstractThe main purpose of this paper was to show that the certainty and reflection effects of prospect theory do not occur when stimuli have an affective value. To this end, 160 participants were asked to reply to a series of problems originally designed by Kahneman and Tversky (1979), but modified according to the contributions of Rottenstreich and Hsee (2001). The sample was divided into four experimental conditions, two in a gain situation and two in a loss situation. In both cases, affect-rich and affect-poor stimuli were applied in sure and probable alternatives. The findings showed that, in agreement with our hypotheses, the affective value of the stimuli altered the outcome predict…
Estudio piloto de la validez convergente de la adaptación española del Denison Organizational Culture Survey
espanolEl (DOCS, Cuestionario de Cultura Organizacional de Denison) es uno de los instrumentos mas utilizados en el analisis de la cultura organizacional. El objetivo de este articulo es analizar la validez convergente de la version en espanol del DOCS. Para ello hemos empleado otro instrumento de gran relevancia y utilizacion en el campo de la psicologia de las organizaciones, el Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI, Inventario de Cultura Organizacional) de Cooke y Lafferty. Hemos evaluado la validez convergente de estos cuestionarios por medio de correlaciones de Pearson, utilizando una muestra de 344 miembros de una universidad espanola pertenecientes a diferentes equipos de investigaci…
Integrating human resource management into lean production and their impact on organizational performance
PurposeThe first goal of this research is to analyse the effects of lean production (LP) on the policy of human resource management (HRM). The second is to determine whether or not implementation of HRM practices associated with LP explains the differences in organizational performance between manufacturing plants.Design/methodology/approachThe paper developed a questionnaire for data collection. Findings are presented from 76 establishments (79.17 per cent of the total sample) that specialise in single‐firing ceramic tiles in Spain.FindingsCompanies that make the most of LP practices are also those that take care to train workers in using these practices as well as improving their employme…
Further examination of the organizational culture scale of artifacts
The construct validity of a 10-item Organizational Culture Scale Focused on Artifacts oriented to measure traditional culture was analyzed under the unidimensionality hypothesis of the scale. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the unidimensional structure, which took into account the method effects associated with reverse-worded items. The results based on the data from a sample of 926 subjects, 79.8% male, mean age of 33.4 years (SD = 12.8), working in different types of companies suggested the proposed unidimensional factor structure, with the elimination of two items from the scale. The resulting 8-item scale was reanalyzed, this time with the data of a second split-sam…
Exploring working conditions as determinants of job satisfaction: an empirical test among Catalonia service workers
Job satisfaction is particularly important in the service industries since it involves direct contact with customers and thus has a direct influence on company performance. This paper analyses the impact of 10 working conditions on job satisfaction by means of structural equation modeling in a representative stratified random sample of 1553 service sector employees in Catalonia, Spain. Significant effects in social aspects (recognition of a job well done and social support) were found, followed by psychological loads (emotional demands and job insecurity) and by task contents (development and meaning, and predictability). These variables explained 50% of the variance in job satisfaction.
Understanding unethical behaviors at the university level: a multiple regression analysis
Unethical behaviors such as corruption pose an important challenge for students, professors, and other university members. We aimed to clarify students' willingness to engage in corruption in a Spanish public university. In all, 3,475 undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD students completed an online questionnaire assessing four corruption scenarios: favoritism, bribery, fraud, and embezzlement. Multiple regression analysis suggested that justifiability, risk perception, and perceived corruption played a key role in explaining corrupt intention. Behavioral intention to engage in corruption is a complex phenomenon explained by not only peers' behaviors, but also individuals' justifications of…
Estudio piloto de la validez convergente de la adaptación española del Denison Organizational Culture Survey (A pilot study of the convergent validity of the Denison Organizational Culture Survey (Spanish adaptation)
The Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS) is one of the most used instruments in the study of organizational culture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the convergent validity of the Spanish version of the DOCS using the Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) developed by Cooke and Lafferty. This instrument is the most widely used and researched tool in the field of organizational psychology. The convergent validity of these instruments was evaluated using Pearson’s correlation analysis. The sample comprised 344 members from different research groups of a Spanish university. A poor correlation was found between the DOCS and the aggressive-defensive culture dimension of the OCI. H…
Validez estructural de un cuestionario para medir comportamientos eficaces en los equipos de trabajo
Se presenta un estudio de la validez estructural del cuestionario planteado por Philip R. Harris (1995; traducción al castellano realizada por el Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, 2001) orientado a evaluar la eficacia del comportamiento individual de las personas que trabajan en un equipo. El instrumento se aplicó a una muestra compuesta por 771 empleados pertenecientes a distintos equipos de trabajo existentes en diversas organizaciones dedicadas a la atención a la dependencia. La realización del análisis factorial exploratorio reveló una estructura factorial de tres dimensiones, etiquetadas como 'habilidades comunicativas', 'expresión emocional' y 'aceptación', que explicaba el 63.2% de la…
An empirical study of lean production in ceramic tile industries in Spain
PurposeTo determine the degree of use of some of the most representative lean production (LP) practices in the Spanish ceramic tile industry, their relationship with plant size and their effect on the operational performance of the companies in the sector.Design/methodology/approachA questionnaire was developed for data collection. Findings are presented from 76 companies (79.17 per cent of the total sample) that specialise in single firing ceramics.FindingsIn the sector under study, there is one set of practices that have as yet scarcely been implemented (group technology, kanban, reduction of set‐up time, development of multi‐function employees and visual factory) and another set whose us…
Preliminary organizational culture scale focused on artifacts
In this preliminary study, an organizational culture scale was developed to assess cultural artifacts according to Schein´s typology (1985). It includes a set of cultural artifacts to measure the extent to which an organization is more or less traditional. A total of 249 managers from a range of different companies responded to the items. Preliminary analysis yielded a one-dimensional scale with 14 items with high internal consistency and homogeneity.
Análisis de la cultura organizacional de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Valencia
Resumen Este artículo analiza la cultura organizativa de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Valencia (España). Se ha utilizado el Inventario de Cultura Organizacional de Cooke y Lafferty, validado por la literatura científica y muy empleado. Mide tres estilos culturales: constructivo, pasivo-defensivo y agresivo-defensivo. El instrumento se ha aplicado a una muestra de 363 alumnos/as del grado de Psicología, obteniéndose bajos niveles en el índice de desviación media, lo que permite establecer conclusiones a nivel agregado. En suma, la cultura percibida en este centro universitario no sobresale especialmente por ningún estilo en particular, aunque apunta muy ligeramente hacia un…
Spanish Validation of the Leader Empowering Behavior Questionnaire (LEBQ)
The concept of empowering leadership has attracted widespread academic and practical interest and different questionnaires have been developed to measure it. However, there are no instruments to measure empowering leadership in the Spanish language. This article presents the translation, adaptation, and validation of a scale to measure this construct. In addition, it analyzes the relationship between managers’ empowering leadership and employees’ job satisfaction. In turn, the study analyzes whether employees who participate in a greater number of continuous improvement programs have supervisors who favor more empowering behaviors. A total of 739 participants with various occupations from d…
The impact of Kaizen Events on improving the performance of automotive components' first-tier suppliers
Purpose - The aim of this paper is to explore the possibility of improving production indicators by implementing Kaizen Events. The teams are composed of both managers and operators with the aim of developing and/or implementing improvements in three to five days. Methodology - The empirical research will consists of the description of the results obtained in 11 industrial companies from the automotive components industry. In each company, we have followed up different interventions over a 9-12-month period. Findings - We shall present the initial situation, the activities carried out by the companies and the evolution of manufacturing performance approximately three months after the activi…
Análisis de programas de mejora continua. Un estudio longitudinal en una empresa industrial
Las empresas han utilizado diversas herramientas que permiten que los operarios contribuyan al proceso de mejora continua. Entre las herramientas más usadas podemos destacar los sistemas de sugerencias tanto individuales como en grupo. En esta comunicación haremos un repaso de las principales características de ambos sistemas y los modos habituales de implantación. Nuestra ponencia pretende intentar responder a estas preguntas de investigación. ¿Qué resultados se derivan de la implantación de sistemas de sugerencias individuales o en grupo? ¿Cuál de los dos sistemas es más beneficioso para la empresa? ¿Qué problemas surgen durante el funcionamiento de estos programas? Para ello, analizaremo…
The use of employee participation in the USA and Spanish companies
Abstract This article presents a description of employee participation in Spain. The number of published papers in English about Spain regarding this subject is very low, and even lower by Spanish authors. In short, we can say that there is hardly any knowledge regarding employee participation in Spain in both the European and American settings. This paper summarized the results of a research project we carried out whose objective was to compare employee participation using samples from large American and Spanish companies following the works of Edward E. Lawler and his team. Our aim is to have professionals and researchers throughout the world better understand the actual situation in our …
La docencia de Estadística en el Grado de Psicología: una experiencia de colaboración interdisciplinar con la asignatura de Psicología Social del Trabajo.
Se presenta una experiencia de innovación docente fundamentada en la colaboración interdisciplinar entre los estudiantes y profesores de dos asignaturas de la titulación de Psicología de la Universitat de València: Estadística y Psicología Social del Trabajo. De acuerdo a la valoración de los propios estudiantes y de los profesores, esta experiencia ha tenido un efecto positivo en el aprendizaje de los contenidos de ambas asignaturas, a la vez que un importante papel motivador para los estudiantes, estimulándoles a valorar la estadística como una parte integral del proceso de investigación y como un elemento importante de su formación.
Strategic Priorities and Lean Manufacturing Practices in Automotive Suppliers. Ten Years After
Currently, automobile manufacturers have transformed their philosophy of production in favour of the lean manufacturing paradigm. By doing so, they hope to improve efficiency and to obtain better results in the markets in which they operate. This transformation must occur not only in their plants, but it seems important that their suppliers should also modify their production systems in line with the lean manufacturing philosophy (Liker & Wu, 2000; Morris et al., 2006; Oliver & Delbridge, 2002). The effects of this wave will probably result that one integrated supply chain can be built. Supply companies can see benefits from the implantation of lean manufacturing practices in certain of the…
Los Sistemas Productivos, el Aprendizaje Interno y los Resultados del Área de Producción de Baldosas-Cerámicas
El objetivo de la investigacion es comprobar la validez del modelo universal de gestion en la estrategia de produccion en el sector de fabricantes de pavimentos y baldosas ceramicas espanoles. El trabajo se centra en las decisiones de infraestructura, y pretende resaltar el efecto de los recursos internos y externos sobre la ventaja competitiva del area de produccion de las empresas. Los datos utilizados corresponden a 76 empresas espanolas fabricantes de pavimentos ceramicos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten comprobar que en este sector los recursos implantados guardan poca relacion con las prioridades manifestadas. Ademas, se demuestra que la ventaja competitiva esta mas explicada por el…
Relationship between employee involvement and lean manufacturing and its effect on performance in a rigid continuous process industry
Relationship between employee involvement and lean manufacturing and its effect on performance in a rigid continuous process industry DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2014.975852 Juan A. Marin-Garciaa* & Tomas Bonaviab Received: 1 Aug 2013 Accepted: 30 Sep 2014 Published online: 04 Nov 2014 This research aims to empirically test the effect of employee involvement on lean manufacturing (LM), and the effect of LM on production outcomes. Employee involvement is operationalised through four related variables: empowerment, training, contingent remuneration and communication. The effects are tested by recording management perceptions in a different industrial sector from those usually studied in previous re…
Empowerment and Employee Well-Being: A Mediation Analysis Study
This study examines the relationship between structural and psychological empowerment and its effects on employees’ psychological, physical, and social well-being. Despite the quantity of previously published works, empirical evidence about these relationships in the workplace is scarce. We developed a mediation model in which structural empowerment predicts employee well-being via psychological empowerment. We based our study on the EU-27 data from the 6th European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS). Data were collected from a questionnaire administered face-to-face to a random sample of employees and the self-employed representative of the working population in the European Union (number of…
A pilot study of the convergent validity of the Denison Organizational Culture Survey (Spanish adaptation)
El (DOCS, Cuestionario de Cultura Organizacional de Denison) es uno de los instrumentos más utilizados en el análisis de la cultura organizacional. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la validez convergente de la versión en español del DOCS. Para ello hemos empleado otro instrumento de gran relevancia y utilización en el campo de la psicología de las organizaciones, el Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI, Inventario de Cultura Organizacional) de Cooke y Lafferty. Hemos evaluado la validez convergente de estos cuestionarios por medio de correlaciones de Pearson, utilizando una muestra de 344 miembros de una universidad española pertenecientes a diferentes equipos de investigación. Los…
Changes in the Association between European Workers’ Employment Conditions and Employee Well-Being in 2005, 2010 and 2015
[EN] The aim of this paper is to study whether there is a change in the association between employment conditions and European employees' well-being at three different time points (the years 2005, 2010 and 2015), characterized by different socio-economic contexts. We based our study on the European Working Conditions Survey. Logistic regressions were performed by adjusting for gender, age, level of education, seniority, occupation, establishment size, activity sector and economic activity. Adjusted odds ratios (ORadj) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) are reported. In general, the association between employment conditions (type of employment contract, supervising, weekly working hours, …
Internal Communication System Analysis in a Small Company
[EN] The aim of this paper is to analyze the internal communication system in a small company. We used structured interviews in all hierarchical levels to compare the perceptive differences and the way of using the communication tools. A total of five one-hour interview sessions were made to evaluate the involved variables in every communicative tool appointed byor-ganization members. The results showed some contradictions between the respondentsand a low horizontal and descending communication caused by the limited use of these commu-nication tools. Finally, suggestions for improvements to prevent problems and enhance their positive effects were informed.