Rosa Redolat
Previous Training in the Water Maze
It has been shown that acquisition rates in the water maze vary across strains of mice, although the differential effects of previous experience in this spatial task have been scarcely evaluated. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of training in the water maze at an early age (2 months) in two strains of mice (NMRI and C57BL) using a longitudinal study. Mice with or without previous training were tested when they were 6 months, and retested when 10 months old. The results showed that trained NMRI mice performed better than all the other groups, both at test and retest, indicating that previous training had more beneficial effects in NMRI than in C57BL mice. These resul…
Effects of nicotine on spatial learning in C57BL mice
In the present study, the effects of nicotine on spatial memory in C57BL/6J mice was evaluated. Mice were trained in a water maze during four daily sessions of three trials each. In the first experiment, nicotine (0.7 and 0.35 mg/kg) or saline was administered once daily for 4 days, 15 min before the start of daily training: an impairment of performance of the water maze was observed in the group treated with 0.7 mg/kg of nicotine. In the second experiment, nicotine (0.7 and 0.35 mg/kg) or saline was administered from the 5 days prior to the beginning of the task and during the 4 days of acquisition. The results indicated an improvement in the rate of learning in the 9-day nicotine treated …
Corticosterone levels and behavioral changes induced by simultaneous exposure to chronic social stress and enriched environments in NMRI male mice
Environmental enrichment (EE) is an experimental model which is believed to counteract some of the effects induced by stressors, although few studies have exposed rodents simultaneously to EE and stress. Our aim was to compare the short- and long-term effects of different housing conditions in mice submitted to chronic stress. 128 NMRI male mice arrived at our laboratory on postnatal day (PND) 21. During Phase I (PND 28), animals were randomly assigned to four experimental conditions: 1) EE+STRESS: mice housed in EE and submitted to social stress (n=32); 2) EE+NO STRESS: mice housed in EE without stress (n=32); 3) SE+STRESS: mice maintained in standard conditions (SE) and submitted to socia…
Adolescent and adult mice display differential sensitivity to the effects of bupropion on the acquisition of a water maze task.
Abstract Background Adolescence is characterized by major neurobiological changes, and the effects of some psychoactive drugs seem to differ between adolescents and adults. Bupropion, an antidepressant that is also used to treat nicotine addiction, induces behavioral actions in both adolescent and adult rodents. However, the effects of this drug on spatial ability have not been compared in animals at different stages of their development. The present study was conducted to assess the effects of bupropion on spatial learning and memory in adolescent and adult mice. Methods Adolescent (post-natal day: PND35-36) and adult (PND >65) NMRI mice received bupropion (10, 20 and 40 mg/kg) or saline d…
Una revisión sistemática acerca del reconocimiento facial de las emociones en la Enfermedad de Alzheimer: una perspectiva evolutiva y de género
La correcta identificación de las emociones básicas (alegría, miedo, asco, tristeza, sorpresa e ira) desempeñan un importante papel en las relaciones sociales y conductas ligadas a la propia supervivencia. En la Enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) la capacidad de reconocimiento emocional podría estar ya alterada en fases iniciales. Por ello, el objetivo principal del presente trabajo fue realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura acerca del reconocimiento facial en personas con EA, identificando posibles variables moduladoras. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos Web of Science y PsycINFO. Después de aplicar los criterios de inclusión-exclusión se seleccionaron un total de 28 artí…
Effects of cigarette smoking on time estimation
Motor activity in group-housed and isolated mice with short and long attack latencies: Effects of scopolamine
Isolation-induced behavioral changes are well described in mice, although few studies have investigated the involvement of the cholinergic system in these effects. It has also been suggested that mice that display short or long attack latencies show differences in their reactions to a novel environment. The purpose of the present study was, first, to investigate locomotor activity in grouped and isolated mice that displayed short or long attack latencies and, second, to evaluate locomotor activity to determine whether it was affected interactively by differential housing and scopolamine treatment. Two experiments were performed in which NMRI mice, either isolated or group housed, were used …
Effects of housing and nicotine on shuttle-box avoidance in male NMRI mice
The present study aimed to evaluate whether housing condition could interact with nicotine administration in influencing the acquisition of a two-way active avoidance task. Male NMRI mice were either group- or individually housed for 30 days and, after this period, evaluated both in the actimeter and, 24h later, in the elevated plus-maze. On the basis of the percentage of time spent in the open arms of the plus-maze, both group- and individually housed mice were sub-classified into three groups with high, moderate or low anxiety baseline levels. Effects of nicotine on the acquisition of the two-way active avoidance task was assessed in each of these groups of mice using an automated shuttle…
Sulpiride has an antiaggressive effect in mice without markedly depressing motor activity
The atypical neuroleptic, sulpiride is a selective D2 antagonist, having a preferential action on mesolimbic regions. The effects of acute and chronic treatment with sulpiride on aggressive behaviour in male mice were studied using an ethologically based analysis. It was hypothesized that sulpiride would diminish "threat" and "attack" but would not produce marked "immobility", because of the mesolimbic effect referred to above. Isolated albino male mice (experimental animals) were confronted by "standard opponents". Acutely-treated experimental animals received an intraperitoneal injection of sulpiride (20, 50 or 100 mg/kg) 30 min before testing. Chronically-treated animals received sulpiri…
Effects of nicotine on motor activity, passive avoidance and plus-maze behavior in aged NMRI and C57BL mice
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effects of nicotine (0.35 and 0.175 mg/kg) on locomotor activity, passive avoidance and plus maze behavior in aged mice of two strains (C57BL and NMRI). In a first experiment, aged mice of these strains were injected with nicotine or saline and immediately afterwards were put on the actimeter. Results showed that nicotine significantly decreased locomotor activity in C57 mice. In a second experiment, nicotine was administered before training and retention sessions of a passive avoidance task. Results indicated that 0.175 mg/kg nicotine significantly increased entry latency in aged NMRI mice but had no effects on C57 mice. In the last experimen…
Effects of acute administration of nicotine and lobeline on agonistic encounters in male mice
The effects of acute administration of two nicotinic ligands, (-)-nicotine and (-)-lobeline were examined on isolation-induced aggression in mice. Individually housed male mice confronted anosmic “standard opponents” in a neutral arena 10 min after drug administration. Encounters were videotaped and evaluated using an ethologically based analysis facilitating estimation of time allocated to 11 broad behavioral categories. Nicotine did not have significant effects on threat or attack but significantly diminished time allocated to digging. The lowest dose of lobeline significantly diminished attack and induced a slight increase of immobility without significantly diminishing other behaviors w…
Individual Differences in Novelty-Seeking and Behavioral Responses to Nicotine: A Review of Animal Studies
Individual differences in the behavioral responses to a novel environment have been proposed as a research tool to predict responsiveness to other behavioral tasks, response to certain events and individual vulnerability to nicotine addiction. In rats and mice, novelty seeking (defined as enhanced specific exploration of novel situations) is a complex behavior confirmed by a large body of neurochemical, endocrinological and behavioral data. We review the main standardized procedures employed to measure the novelty seeking trait in rodents and the ontogeny of this behavior throughout the life-span taking into account that novelty seeking can be permanently modified as a consequence of partic…
Time estimation and aging: a comparison between young and elderly adults.
Studies about effects of aging on the estimation of short temporal intervals are not conclusive. The aim of the present research was to evaluate age-related differences in the reproduction of a short interval (10 s) using a computerized method. The sample comprised thirteen young adults ( M = 26.15 years) and twelve elderly adults ( M = 79.1 years). Three parameters of time estimation were measured: estimated time, absolute error, and standard deviation. Results showed that time estimates performed by elderly participants were shorter than those of younger ones, although there were no significant differences between the two age groups in the percentage of absolute errors or standard deviat…
Behavioral effects of combined environmental enrichment and chronic nicotine administration in male NMRI mice
Abstract Environmental enrichment (EE) is an experimental paradigm which provides sensory, social, physical and cognitive stimulation for rodents. Experimental evidence indicates that this type of housing induces different neurobiological and behavioral changes. However, few studies have evaluated the consequences of combined exposure to an enriched environment and nicotine administration during a critical period of development such as adolescence. Taking into account previous studies, it can be hypothesized that a chronic treatment with nicotine would modulate the effects of rearing animals in enriched environments. In the current study, our main aim was to evaluate the effects of EE and c…
Effects of lobeline on spatial learning in C57BL mice
In the present study, the effect of lobeline on water maze performance in C57BL/6J mice have been evaluated. In the first experiment, subjects were 2-month old mice to which lobeline (3.5 and 7 mg/kg) had been administered SC along 5 days 15 min before daily training in the water maze. Results showed that lobeline did not have effects on the acquisition of the task. In the second experiment, effects of lobeline were compared in 2, 6 and 20-month old mice. In this experiment the drug was administered daily five days prior to the beginning of the task and during the five days of acquisition. Results indicated that 20-month old mice learned the spatial task more slowly than 2 and 6-month old m…
Effects of acute administration of bupropion on behavior in the elevated plus-maze test by NMRI mice
Bupropion attenuates some symptoms of nicotine abstinence, although its effects on anxiety are unclear. The present study investigates acute effects of bupropion (5, 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg) on anxiety as expressed in the elevated plus-maze test in male NMRI mice. Given the influence of locomotion in this test, effects of bupropion were also evaluated in an actimeter. Spontaneous motor activity remained significantly increased in mice treated with 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg of bupropion during the 60 min recorded. Results from the elevated plus-maze showed that 20 mg/kg increased total arm entries and 40 mg/kg increased total and open arm entries. Although the increase in the number of visits to the o…
Physical activity and environmental enrichment: Behavioural effects of exposure to different housing conditions in mice.
Enriched environments and exercise provide complex environmental stimulation that can induce emotional and cognitive changes; however, few studies have evaluated the effects of these two components on other behaviours, such as novelty seeking or pain sensitivity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of voluntary physical activity provided through different housing conditions on anxiety, locomotor activity, pain sensitivity, and exploration. Male mice at postnatal day (PND) 21 and were randomly assigned to one of four different conditions on PND 28: Marlau cages (MC), a standardized cage designed to provide a complex environment; physical exercise in large groups (PE…
Effects of Early Training and Nicotine Treatment on the Performance of Male NMRI Mice in the Water Maze
This research aimed to evaluate the effect of nicotine treatment and prior training on a spatial learning task in differently aged NMRI male mice. In a longitudinal study, mice were randomly assigned to one of 14 experimental groups receiving different combinations of chronically injected nicotine (0.35 mg/kg) administered for 10 days (5 days before and during 5 days acquisition of task) or control treatments and training in the water maze at different ages. The mice displayed shorter escape latencies when evaluated at 6 and 10 months than when tested in this task at 2 months for the first time, demonstrating that early training preserves performance in the water maze up to 8 months after t…
Time estimation in minimally abstinent smokers
Cuidado de pacientes oncológicos: una revisión sobre el impacto de la situación de estrés crónico y su relación con la personalidad del cuidador y otras variables moduladoras
Objetivo: La incidencia y prevalencia de enfermedades de larga duración como el cáncer se ha incrementado en los últimos años. En este contexto, nuestro principal objetivo será el análisis de las principales consecuencias que la exposición a una situación de estrés crónico, como es el cuidado de un paciente oncológico, tiene sobre la salud psicosocial y la función cognitiva del cuidador informal y su relación con variables moduladoras. Método: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en las bases de datos PubMed y PsychINFO sobre las consecuencias de la situación de cuidado en pacientes crónicos. Resultados: Diversos estudios sugieren que la condición de cuidador de un paciente oncológico pued…
Research on Emotion Recognition and Dementias: Foundations and Prospects
Background: The study of emotion recognition could be crucial for detecting alterations in certain cognitive areas or as an early sign of neurological disorders. Objective: The main objective of the study is to characterize research development on emotion recognition, identifying the intellectual structure that supports this area of knowledge, and the main lines of research attracting investigators’ interest. Methods: We identified publications on emotion recognition and dementia included in the Web of Science Core Collection, analyzing the scientific output and main disciplines involved in generating knowledge in the area. A co-citation analysis and an analysis of the bibliographic couplin…
Behavioral effects of different enriched environments in mice treated with the cholinergic agonist PNU-282987.
Abstract Environmental enrichment is an experimental model in which rodents are housed in complex environments that favor lower levels of anxiety-like behavior. PNU-282987 (PNU) is a α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist with beneficial effects on learning though its effects on anxiety are unclear. Our main aim was to carry out a study of its effects in NMRI ( n = 96) mice reared in different environments: environmental enrichment (EE), Marlau™ cages (MC) and standard environment (SE). After a 4-month period, mice received acute treatment of PNU (2.5, 5 and 10 mg/kg) and were evaluated in the elevated plus-maze (EPM) and hole-board (HB). In the EPM, both EE and MC reared mice showed …
An Animal Model of Alcohol Binge Drinking: Chronic-Intermittent Ethanol Administration in Rodents
Binge drinking (BD), characterized by intermittent consumption of large quantities of alcohol in short periods of time, is the main alcohol consumption pattern in adolescents and young adults. BD has serious biomedical consequences, and it is a prominent risk factor for later development of alcohol use disorders. Rodent models offer exceptional power to study these negative consequences of BD. This chapter focuses on one of these BD models: the chronic-intermittent ethanol administration (CIEA) paradigm. Essentially, CIEA consists of the administration in rats or mice of i.p. injections of ethanol (doses: 3-4 g/kg) for several consecutive days each week, in alternation with several days wit…
A computerized system for measuring time perception in human subjects.
We describe an integrated computerized approach to the design, execution and recording of time perception experiments in human subjects. The program is menu driven and runs on an IBM-compatible microcomputer. The method is easy to use, non-obtrusive to the subjects, and flexible enough to allow the investigator to design studies with a wide range of experimental protocols and study parameters. The fact that the results do not depend on proctor bias or subject-proctor interactions are additional advantages. The technique was applied to study the effects of prompt positive feedback on the time perception of normal human subjects who undergo training. The results of this study are reported.
Abstract.According to the World Health Organization, it is estimated that more than 30 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease in the world. Currently, there is great interest in developing strategies to counteract the cognitive decline that accompanies aging and, to a greater extent, neurodegenerative diseases. The aim of the current study is to analyze the experimental evidence supporting the hypothesis that interventions based on novelty and complexity are more effective in order to achieve successful aging. In animal models it has shown that enriched environments and performing voluntary exercise can improve performance in learning and memory tasks, decrease anxiety response and …
Bupropion induces social anxiety in adolescent mice: Influence of housing conditions
Abstract Background The antidepressant bupropion has received increasing attention as a pharmacological tool to treat addiction although little is known about its effects on social behaviour in adolescents. The present study aimed to evaluate if environmental housing conditions influence bupropion’s actions on social behaviour of adolescent mice. Methods Mice were either group- or individually housed for 2-weeks and then randomly divided into 2 cohorts: half of the mice remained in the initial housing condition and the other half were changed to isolated conditions for further 2-weeks. The following groups were compared: isolated/isolated (ISO/ISO), isolated/group-housed (ISO/GR), group-hou…
Effects of bupropion, alone or coadministered with nicotine, on social behavior in mice
Bupropion, administered alone or combined with nicotine, is presently used to treat nicotine dependence. Despite experimental evidence of the complex behavioral actions of this drug, there have been little data reported about its effects on social behavior. Our main aim was to investigate the effects of acute administration of bupropion, alone or plus nicotine, on social interaction in mice. OF1 group-housed male mice were confronted in a neutral cage with an anosmic opponent during a 10 minutes encounter. Time allocated to body care and digging was reduced by administration of bupropion (40 mg/kg) both when administered alone and with nicotine (1 and 0.5 mg/kg). The lowest dose of bupropio…
Differential effects of bupropion on acquisition and performance of an active avoidance task in male mice.
Bupropion is an antidepressant drug that is known to aid smoking cessation, although little experimental evidence exists about its actions on active avoidance learning tasks. Our aim was to evaluate the effects of this drug on two-way active avoidance conditioning. In this study, NMRI mice received bupropion (10, 20 and 40mg/kg) or saline before a daily training session (learning phase, days 1-4) in the active avoidance task. Performance was evaluated on the fifth day (retention phase): in each bupropion-treated group half of the mice continued with the same dose of bupropion, and the other half received saline. Among the vehicle-treated mice, different sub-groups were challenged with diffe…
Spatial learning in male mice with different levels of aggressiveness: effects of housing conditions and nicotine administration
The main aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the possible modulation of spatial learning ability by housing conditions and level of aggressiveness in mice, also testing whether differences in locomotion and anxiety could influence this relationship. Additionally, we have examined effects of nicotine in the acquisition and retention of a spatial learning task in groups of mice differing in these variables. NMRI male mice were either group-housed or individually housed for 30 days and then classified into mice with short (SAL) and long (LAL) attack latency after a pre-screening agonistic encounter. Locomotor activity and baseline levels of anxiety of these groups were evaluated i…
Potential Benefits and Limitations of Enriched Environments and Cognitive Activity on Age-Related Behavioural Decline
The main aim of this chapter is to review preclinical studies that have evaluated interventions which may aid in preventing or delaying age-related behavioural decline. Animal models of Environmental Enrichment (EE) are useful for evaluating the influence of cognitive, physical and social stimulation in mitigating cognitive decline at different ages. The EE paradigm has been proposed as a non-invasive treatment for alleviating age-related memory impairment and neurodegenerative diseases. While in this complex environment, rodents can be stimulated at different levels (physical, social, cognitive and sensorial), although a synergism between all these components is likely to play an important…
Effects of early spatial training on water maze performance: a longitudinal study in mice
The aim of the present study is to establish whether in mice the effects of an early experience in the Morris water maze are maintained after a long period. A longitudinal study was performed in which mice of two different strains (NMRI and C57) received spatial training at 2 months of age and their performance was re-evaluated 8 and 16 months later. In both strains, results showed a beneficial effect of prior experience on this spatial memory task even 8 months after the initial training. At 18 months of age, performance of C57 mice that were trained at 2 months of age for the first time was similar to those who received their first training at 10 months of age. These findings suggest that…
Editorial: Environmental enrichment as a treatment? Epigenetic mechanisms, challenges and limitations
Methods for Evaluating the Interaction Between Social Stress and Environmental Enrichment in Animal Models of Nicotine Addiction
The environmental enrichment (EE) paradigm has been evaluated as a means of counteracting some of the consequences of chronic stress in rodents as well as a model of protective environment against drug abuse development. In the present chapter, our main aim is to describe the models of EE and chronic social stress and how they can be applied jointly in order to evaluate the effects of early psychosocial stress in animals exposed of different environments (enriched environment or standard environment). Furthermore, both paradigms could be applied in animal models of nicotine addiction, so the guidelines for the application of a chronic oral nicotine treatment in mice will be described. The h…
Effects of co-administration of bupropion and nicotinic agonists on the elevated plus-maze test in mice
There is evidence that the cholinergic nicotinic system is involved in the modulation of anxiety. Anxiolytic and anxiogenic effects of nicotine agonists have been reported in mice. Bupropion is an antidepressant drug which may alleviate some symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, although its effects on anxiety are not clear. It has been suggested that the interaction between bupropion and nicotinic mechanisms could be complex. The aim of the present study was to investigate acute effects of co-administration of bupropion and nicotinic agonists on the elevated plus-maze test in NMRI mice. Effects of nicotine, lobeline, and cytisine (0.35 and 0.175 mg/kg), administered alone or combined with bupro…
Environmental Enrichment Improves Novel Object Recognition and Enhances Agonistic Behavior in Male Mice
Environmental enrichment (EE) is an experimental paradigm in which rodents are housed in complex environments containing objects that provide stimulation, the effects of which are expected to improve the welfare of these subjects. EE has been shown to considerably improve learning and memory in rodents. However, knowledge about the effects of EE on social interaction is generally limited and rather controversial. Thus, our aim was to evaluate both novel object recognition and agonistic behavior in NMRI mice receiving EE, hypothesizing enhanced cognition and slightly enhanced agonistic interaction upon EE rearing. During a 4-week period half the mice (n = 16) were exposed to EE and the other…
Bupropion induced changes in exploratory and anxiety-like behaviour in NMRI male mice depends on the age
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of the antidepressant bupropion on anxiety and novelty-seeking in adolescent mice of different ages and adults. Behavioural differences between early adolescent, late adolescent and adult NMRI mice were measured both in the elevated plus-maze and the hole-board tasks following acute administration of bupropion (5, 10, 15, 20 mg/kg) or saline. In the plus maze test, early and late adolescent mice treated with bupropion (10, 15 mg/kg, respectively) had lower percentages of entries in the open-arms compared to their vehicle controls. Adult mice treated with bupropion did not differ from their vehicle controls. These results suggest that the effec…
Differential sensitivity to the effects of nicotine and bupropion in adolescent and adult male OF1 mice during social interaction tests.
Few studies have compared the action of both nicotine (NIC) and bupropion (BUP), an antidepressant used to treat NIC dependence, on social and aggressive behavior at different ages. This study aims to determine whether these drugs produce differential effects in adolescent (postnatal day: 36–37) and adult (postnatal day: 65–66) mice that have been housed individually for 2 weeks in order to induce aggressive behavior. Mice received BUP (40, 20, or 10 mg/kg), NIC (1, 0.5, and 0.25 mg/kg as base), or vehicle earlier to a social interaction test. BUP (40 mg/kg) decreased social investigation and increased nonsocial exploration in both adolescent and adult mice. The same effects were also obser…
Effects of acute bupropion administration on locomotor activity in adolescent and adult mice
Responses to some psychoactive substances seem to differ between adolescents and adults. Bupropion, an antidepressant which is also used for smoking cessation, induces a dose-dependent increase in locomotor activity in adult mice, although its behavioral actions in adolescents have not been evaluated. In the present study the effects of acute bupropion administration (5, 10, 15 and 20 mg/kg) on locomotor activity were examined in early adolescent (postnatal day (pnd): 29-31 days), late adolescent (pnd: 47-49 days) and adult (pnd > 70 days) male NMRI mice, using an infrared photocell system. Locomotion was recorded for a total period of 90 min. Results indicated that there were significant d…
Animal Models of Adolescent Binge Drinking
The Mediational Role of Burden and Perceived Stress in Subjective Memory Complaints in Informal Cancer Caregivers.
The role of informal caregiver of cancer patients is considered a situation of chronic stress that could have impact on cognitive functioning. Our aim was to evaluate differences in perceived stress, subjective memory complaints, self-esteem, and resilience between caregivers and non-caregivers, as well as the possible mediational role of burden in caregivers. The sample was composed of 60 participants divided into two groups: (1) Primary informal caregivers of a relative with cancer (CCG) (n = 34)
A specific anti-aggressive effect of repeatedly administered lobeline.
The effects of chronic treatments with nicotinic agonists on agonistic encounters have received little attention. The effects of repeated (for 10 days) SC administration of (-)-lobeline (9.3, 18.6 and 37.2 micromol/kg) and (-)-nicotine (0.93, 1.86 and 3.72 micromol/kg) were evaluated using the mouse isolation-induced aggression model. Individually housed OF1 male mice served as experimental animals and were confronted by 'standard opponents'. Each mouse was tested only once on the last day of the repeated drug treatment. Videotaped agonistic encounters were analysed estimating the times allocated to 11 behavioural categories. Repeated treatment with the highest dose of lobeline diminished a…
Enriched Environments for Rodents and their Interaction with Nicotine Administration
An active lifestyle throughout the life cycle seems to delay cognitive aging and dementia and has also been evaluated as an intervention against addiction to cocaine and other drugs of abuse. In epidemiological studies with humans, it has proved difficult to separate the cognitive, social and physical components from other variables that influence lifestyle. Studies in animal models are useful for evaluating the impact of each of these factors and for uncovering the underlying mechanisms of the benefits of complex environments. Preclinical studies have employed the Environmental Enrichment paradigm (EE) which has been proposed as a preclinical model of positive life experiences in humans. E…
Behavioral impact of experience based on environmental enrichment: Influence of age and duration of exposure in male NMRI mice
Prior studies have suggested that short periods of exposure to environmental enrichment (EE) in rodents induce physiological and behavioral effects. In the present study, our aim was to evaluate if the impact of experiences based on EE could be modulated by the age of onset and the developmental period of exposure. NMRI male mice (n = 64) were exposed to EE or standard environment (SE) and behavioral changes (anxiety, exploration, memory and social interaction) were evaluated. Groups compared were: (a) SE: exposure to SE on post-natal day (PND) 28 and lasting 6 months; (b) EE-6: exposure to EE on PND 28 and lasting 6 months; (c) EE-4: exposure to EE on PND 91 and lasting 4 months; (d) EE-2:…
Neuroprotective effects of behavioural training and nicotine on age-related deficits in spatial learning.
Studies in humans and animals show a clear decline in spatial memory with age and several approaches have been adopted to alleviate this impairment. The purpose of our review is to assess the studies that have suggested the possible neuroprotective actions of behavioural training and nicotine-applied both independently and in conjunction-on age-related deficits in spatial learning. Both spatial pretraining and nonspatial experiences influence an animal's performance in spatial tasks. In aged rats, the experience of training in the water maze task increases the number of newly generated neurons in the hippocampus. The neuroprotective effects of nicotine have been demonstrated in both in-vitr…