David Servera-francés
Value, satisfaction and loyalty in volunteerism. Application to a religious megaevent
This paper presents a study of the volunteer as an essential agent in the success of any event, and offers recommendations for improving management of megaevents. To achieve this goal we propose a structural model that analyses the multidimensionality of the value concept as antecedent of perceived value, satisfaction and loyalty. The study sample consists of volunteers who participated in the World Youth Day held in Madrid in 2011, obtaining a total number of 1427 cases. The results support all the hypotheses presented in the proposed model. Thus, it confirms that the multidimensionality of the value (spirituality, social value, play and efficiency) is an antecedent of perceived value whil…
Resumen: El fenómeno del voluntariado, como parte del sector no-lucrativo, puede ser estudiado desde una perspectiva de marketing como un comportamiento de consumo en el contexto de la realización de eventos especiales. En este estudio se busca explorar la dimensionalidad de la experiencia de ser voluntario en un megaevento religioso a través del concepto valor analizado con un enfoque diacrónico: pre-uso (valor esperado) vs. post-uso (valor percibido). Para ello, proponemos un estudio longitudinal sobre 711 voluntarios a través de dos análisis de componentes principales diferentes, antes y después del evento, sobre las mismas escalas de las dimensiones de valor. La estructura propuesta es …
Role of Marketing and Technological Innovation on Satisfaction and Word of Mouth in Retailing
Despite the importance of innovation in business performance, investigation into innovation in services is scanty and lacking consensus. In retailing, it is a topic that has been awakening considerable academic and business interest in recent years. In this study context, this work analyses innovation in retail experiences from two aspects—marketing innovation and technological innovation—to understand the role it exercises in satisfaction and subsequent recommendation. For that purpose, our objective is to investigate the direct and indirect influence of marketing and technological innovation on satisfaction and word of mouth through three core constructs: store image, consumer value, and …
Antecedents and consequences of logistics value: And empirical investigation in the Spanish market
Abstract In business practice and the academic study of logistics, the incorporation of concepts such as quality followed by value has been truly revolutionary. In addition, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has substantially modified the way inter-company relationships are managed. This has meant that logistics is no longer considered a routine, merely operational activity but a strategic variable which is a deciding factor in achieving customer satisfaction. There are, however, still a large number of companies which continue to ignore the differentiating potential of logistics and consider it to be a routine activity. Our contribution comes within the framework …
Participar como voluntario en eventos especiales: comparación entre el valor esperado y percibido
El fenómeno del voluntariado, como parte del sector no-lucrativo, puede ser estudiado desde una perspectiva de marketing como un comportamiento de consumo en el contexto de la realización de eventos especiales. En este estudio se busca explorar la dimensionalidad de la experiencia de ser voluntario en un megaevento religioso a través del concepto valor analizado con un enfoque diacrónico: pre-uso (valor esperado) vs. post-uso (valor percibido). Para ello, proponemos un estudio longitudinal sobre 711 voluntarios a través de dos análisis de componentes principales diferentes, antes y después del evento, sobre las mismas escalas de las dimensiones de valor. La estructura propuesta es consisten…
Effects of Retail Innovation and Image on “Value-Satisfaction-Loyalty” Chain
There has been a particular focus on research into the links between value, satisfaction, and loyalty in services in recent years. In this context, we have selected image as a key strategic retailing tool and retail innovation because it is a new line of investigation with interesting challenges. This work deals with the study of these two antecedents in the “value→satisfaction→loyalty” chain. We approach the individual perspective considering the self-oriented values of Holbrook (Consumer value. A framework for analysis and research. Routledge, London, 1999) as an appropriate typology for research into retailing experiences. Therefore we aim to analyze the effect of image and innovation on…
Strengthening Relational Ties and Building Loyalty Through Relational Innovation and Technology: Evidence from Spanish Hotel Guests
Smart tourism relies on the ability to collect enormous amounts of data and intelligently store, process, combine, analyse and use big data to inform business innovation, operations and services. Companies are becoming aware of the potential of analytics and big data and the need to invest in technology to remain competitive. Most of the research on big data, technology and innovation in tourism focuses on the firm’s perspective, paying scanty attention to customers’ perceptions. The present chapter aims to analyse the impact of hotel relational innovation and technology on brand equity and hotel-guest relational ties and customer loyalty. This objective has been pursued in quantitative res…
Information technology and logistics quality: a basis for companies' segmentation
The use of information technology (IT) is substantially modifying business areas in companies, and logistics is no exception. Moreover, the incorporation of concepts like 'Quality' has been truly revolutionary. This paper focuses on the study of these variables and aims to investigate their ability to group companies. To attain this goal we have carried out an empirical research in the Spanish market. The study carried out shows that companies can be grouped according to the level of introduction and use of IT and their perceptions on the level of service quality provided by the supplier.
A multiblock PLS-based algorithm applied to a causal model in marketing
Role of marketing and technological innovation on store equity, satisfaction and word-of-mouth in retailing
Purpose Despite the importance of innovation in business performance, investigation into innovation in services is scanty and lacking consensus. In retailing, it is a topic that has been awakening considerable academic and business interest in recent years. In this study context, this work aims to analyse innovation in retail experiences from two aspects – marketing innovation and technological innovation – to understand the role it exercises in satisfaction and subsequent recommendation. Design/methodology/approach The authors’ objective is to investigate the direct and indirect influence of marketing and technological innovation on satisfaction and word-of-mouth (WOM) through three core …
From retail innovation and image to loyalty: moderating effects of product type
This study aims to analyse value-satisfaction-loyalty relationships in retailing by examining the contribution of image and innovation and understanding value as a multidimensional construct. Furthermore, to identify possible differences in these relationships the moderating effect of the type of product marketed in the store is examined. On a sample of 820 customers from four types of stores, SEM methodology and multigroup analysis were applied. The results confirm that image has more influence than innovation on the dimensions of value and that entertainment and excellence are the main antecedents of satisfaction. Some relationships have also been found in which the type of product market…
Different levels of loyalty towards the higher education service: evidence from a small university in Spain
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) operate in a competitive environment in which the universities must address issues of customer satisfaction and loyalty. This process requires that educational institutions carefully analyse the key factors contributing to student loyalty in all its dimensions and develop strategies accordingly. Customer loyalty is a consistent commitment deeply held by customers to re-purchasing and/or recommending the product or service. This paper aims at understanding the different levels of student loyalty towards HEIs through an empirical study run with 705 graduate students from a small University. According to the students' personal and situational characteristic…