Tobias Feldhoff
Zentrum für Schul-, Bildungs- und Hochschulforschung
The Center for School, Education, and Higher Education Research is a central research facility of Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz that is supported by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Weiterbildung und Kultur des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz (Ministry of Science, Further Education, and Culture of Rhineland-Palatinate). The center combines the different expertises of JGU in three pillars: School, education, and higher education research. It supports strategic networking, academic exchange among researchers and scholars, and thus contributes to profile building of the three pillars.
Processes of Reflection in the Teaching and Learning Research Lab: Effects of Reflecting on Classroom Actions
The ability to reflect on teaching is crucially important for the professionalization of trainee teachers. The fostering of reflection processes – by means of the systematic analysis of one’s own and others’ teaching from subject-specific, methodological, and educational science perspectives – plays a central role in a continuing and consecutive two-semester teacher training seminar concept at the University of Mainz. This paper explores the different effects of reflection on teaching on the basis of a quasi-experimental pre-post test design. Additionally, it shows how systematic reflection on teaching affects the students’ subjective experience of competence as well as the extent the semin…
Recurrence Quantification Analysis as a Methodological Innovation for School Improvement Research
Contains fulltext : 240653.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) School improvement and educational change can be facilitated by learning through reflection, as this allows teachers to discover ways to develop and adapt to change. Higher levels of engagement in reflection have been found to be beneficial, but it is unclear from which everyday routine in engagement in reflection higher levels arise, and thus whether occasions to make knowledge explicit should be organized with a certain constancy. In this study, we therefore used a conceptualization of teacher learning through reflection as a situated and dynamic process in which available environmental information, learning activities,…
Concept and design developments in school improvement research: general discussion and outlook for further research
AbstractThis book aimed to present innovative designs, measurement instruments, and analysis methods by way of illustrative studies. Through these methodology and design developments, the complexity of school improvement in the context of new governance and accountability measures can be better depicted in future research projects. In this concluding chapter, we discuss what strengths the presented methodologies and designs have and to what extent they do better justice to the multilevel, complex, and dynamic nature of school improvement than previous approaches. In addition, we outline some needs for future research in order to gain new perspectives for future studies.
Why Must Everything Be So Complicated? Demands and Challenges on Methods for Analyzing School Improvement Processes
AbstractIn the recent years, awareness has risen by an increasing number of researchers that we need studies that appropriately model the complexity of school improvement if we want to increase our knowledge about school improvement substantially and to close the identified research gaps within this field (Feldhoff T, Radisch F, Klieme E, J Educ Admin 52(5):565–736, 2014; Hallinger P, Heck RH, School Effect School Improv 22(2):149–173, 2011; Sammons P, Davis S, Day C, Gu Q, J Educ Admin 52(5):565–589, 2014). So far, respective quantitative studies, that appropriately consider those complexities, have hardly been realized because of the high efforts of current methods and costs involved (Fel…
Von der Schulinspektion zur Schulentwicklung
Schulinspektionen in Deutschland sollen, als Teil einer evidenzbasierten Outputsteuerung, vor allem die Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung stimulieren. Hierbei wird erwartet, dass schulische Akteure die Informationen, die im Rahmen der Inspektion generiert werden, aktiv nutzen, um wissensbasierte Entscheidungen zur weiteren Ausgestaltung von Schule und Unterricht zu treff en. Bisher jedoch konnte kein eindeutiger Zusammenhang von Schulinspektion und Schulentwicklungsaktivitaten, bei allerdings hoher Akzeptanz der Schulinspektion, festgestellt werden. Dabei wird deutlich, dass den innerschulischen Verarbeitungsprozessen in Schulen bisher zu wenig Beachtung geschenkt wurde. Die vorliegende Stu…
Designs and methods in school improvement research: a systematic review
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to focus on challenges faced by longitudinal quantitative analyses of school improvement processes and offers a systematic literature review of current papers that use longitudinal analyses. In this context, the authors assessed designs and methods that are used to analyze the relation between school improvement processes and student outcomes. Based on this the authors point out to what extent the papers consider different aspects of the complex nature of school improvement (e.g. multilevel structure, indirect and nonlinear effects, reciprocity). The choice of study designs and methods of analysis substantially determines which aspects of this complex…
Unique Problems Require Unique Solutions—Models and Problems of Linking School Effectiveness and School Improvement
The article aims to outline the proposals for linking school effectiveness research and school improvement that are currently relevant in international discussion and to ask how they deal with the ‘technology deficit’ at the level of model improvement. We will first show the difference between school improvement and school effectiveness. Then, we outline areas showing basic problems associated with linking school effectiveness and school improvement. After that, we present a summary of two relevant models for linking school effectiveness research and school improvement—Comprehensive Framework of Effective School Improvement and Dynamic Model of Educational Effectiveness&md…
Schule im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Eigenverantwortlichkeit und Schulaufsicht
Schulische Arbeit findet im Spannungsverhaltnis zwischen eigenverantwortlichem Handeln sowie der Kontrolle und Unterstutzung durch die Schulaufsicht statt. Der Beitrag widmet sich der konkreten Umsetzung schulischer Eigenverantwortung, der damit verbundenen Rolle der Schulaufsicht und der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schulleitung und Schulaufsicht in diesem Kontext. Dazu wurden Schulleitungen und Mitglieder der Schulaufsicht im Bundesland Bremen befragt. Im Hinblick auf die Nutzung und Bewertung der Freiraume scheint die Steuerungsprogrammatik nach Einschatzung der Schulleitungen und Schulaufsicht trotz Einschrankungen weitestgehend intendiert zu funktionieren. Eine Ausnahme sind die als eher un…
Eine Unterrichtssequenz – unterschiedliche Einschätzungen. Analyse videografierter Unterrichtssequenzen als Bestandteil einer evidenzbasierten Lehrer/innenausbildung
Das Erkennen von relevanten Unterrichtsprozessen und deren Interpretation auf der Grundlage evidenzbasierter Wissensbestande sind wesentliche Elemente des professionellen Lehrerhandelns, die angehende Lehrer/innen im Verlauf ihrer Ausbildung erlernen sollen (vgl. Sherin und van Es 2009; Seidel et al. 2010). In diesem Kontext hat sich der Einsatz von Unterrichtsvideos bewahrt. Wie Studierende videografierte Unterrichtsequenzen hinsichtlich der Klassenfuhrung und der kognitiven Aktivierung vor und nach dem Besuch eines Seminars zur videobasierten Unterrichtsanalyse beurteilen und wie sie ihre Urteilsfindung begrunden bzw. durch den Besuch des Seminars gegebenenfalls verandern, sind zentrale F…