F. Klein
K− over K+ multiplicity ratio for kaons produced in DIS with a large fraction of the virtual-photon energy
The K$^{-}$ over K$^{+}$ multiplicity ratio is measured in deep-inelastic scattering, for the first time for kaons carrying a large fraction $z$ of the virtual-photon energy. The data were obtained by the COMPASS collaboration using a 160 GeV muon beam and an isoscalar $^6$LiD target. The regime of deep-inelastic scattering is ensured by requiring $Q^2>1$ (GeV/$c)^2$ for the photon virtuality and $W>5$ GeV/$c^2$ for the invariant mass of the produced hadronic system. Kaons are identified in the momentum range from 12 GeV/$c$ to 40 GeV/$c$, thereby restricting the range in Bjorken-$x$ to $0.010.75$. For very large values of $z$, $i.e.$ $z>0.8$, we observe the kaon multiplicity ratio to fall …
Transverse momentum distributions for exclusive $\varrho^{0}$ muoproduction
We have studied transverse momentum distributions for exclusive rho(0) muoproduction on protons and heavier nuclei at 2 < Q2 < 25 GeV2. The Q2 dependence of the slopes of the p(t)2 and t' distributions is discussed. The influence of the non-exclusive background is investigated. The p(t)2-slope for exclusive events is 4.3 +/- 0.6 +/- 0.7 GeV-2 at large Q2. The p(t)2 spectra are much softer than inclusive p(t)2 spectra of leading hadrons produced in deep inelastic scattering.
Search for exclusive photoproduction ofZc±(3900) at COMPASS
A search for the exclusive production of the Z(c)(+/-)(3900) hadron by virtual photons has been performed in the channel Z(c)(+/-)(3900). J/Psi pi(+/-). The data cover the range from 7GeV to 19GeV in the centre-of- mass energy of the photon-nucleon system. The full set of the COMPASS data set collected with a muon beam between 2002 and 2011 has been used. An upper limit for the ratio BR(Z(c)(+/-)(3900)-> J/Psi pi(+/-)) x sigma(gamma N) -> Z(c)(+/-)(3900) N/sigma gamma N -> J/Psi N 3.7 x10(-3) has been established at the confidence level of90%. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Spin alignment and violation of the OZI rule in exclusive ω and ϕ production in pp collisions
Exclusive production of the isoscalar vector mesons $\omega$ and $\phi$ is measured with a 190 GeV$/c$ proton beam impinging on a liquid hydrogen target. Cross section ratios are determined in three intervals of the Feynman variable $x_{F}$ of the fast proton. A significant violation of the OZI rule is found, confirming earlier findings. Its kinematic dependence on $x_{F}$ and on the invariant mass $M_{p\mathrm{V}}$ of the system formed by fast proton $p_\mathrm{fast}$ and vector meson $V$ is discussed in terms of diffractive production of $p_\mathrm{fast}V$ resonances in competition with central production. The measurement of the spin density matrix element $\rho_{00}$ of the vector mesons…
Spin Physics at MAMI
Measurement of the Recoil Polarization in thep(e→,e′p→)π0Reaction at theΔ(1232)Resonance
The recoil proton polarization has been measured in the $p(\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{e}{,e}^{\ensuremath{'}}\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{p}){\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}$ reaction in parallel kinematics around $W\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}1232\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}\mathrm{MeV}$, ${Q}^{2}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}0.121\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}(\mathrm{GeV}/c{)}^{2}$, and $\ensuremath{\epsilon}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}0.718$ using the polarized cw electron beam of the Mainz Microtron. All three proton polarization components, ${P}_{x}/{P}_{e}\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}=\phantom{\rule{0ex}{0ex}}(\ensuremath{-…
The reaction at Eγ = 60 and 80 MeV
Abstract The tagged photon technique has been used to measure the 12C photoproton cross section over the angular range θp = 30°–135° for Eγ = 60 and 80 MeV. Comparison of the results with quasifree knockout and quasideuteron calculations shows that photon interaction with two-nucleon pairs is dominant at least for high excitation energies in the residual nucleus.
Quark and gluon distributions and $\alpha_{s}$ from nucleon structure functions at low $x$
Abstract The Q2 dependence of the structure functions F2p and F2d recently measured by the NMC is compared with the predictions of perturbative QCD at next-to-leading order. Good agreement is observed, leading to accurate determinations of the quark and gluon distributions in the range 0.008 ⩽ × ⩽ 0.5. The strong coupling constant is measured from the low x data; the result agrees with previous determinations.
The horizontal drift chambers for the focal plane proton-polarimeter of the 3-spectrometer setup at MAMI
Abstract Large-area horizontal drift chambers have been built for use in a proton polarimeter. A gas mixture of 20% argon and 80% ethane is used. The left–right assignment is achieved by measuring the difference of the signals induced on neighboring potential wires. A spatial resolution of 300 μm is achieved.
Measurements of $R^{d}-R^{p}$ and $R^{Ca}-R^{C}$ in deep inelastic muon scattering
Results are presented on the difference in R, the ratio of longitudinally to transversely polarised virtual photon absorption cross sections, for the deuteron and the proton. They are obtained by c ...
Measurement of GEp/GMp via polarization transfer at Q2 = 0.4 GeV /c2
The polarization transfer from longitudinally polarized electrons to protons in the elastic scattering p( e, e' p) has been measured around Q2 = 0.4 (GeV/c)2 with the three-spectrometer facility at the Mainz microtron MAMI. From this polarization transfer the ratio G Ep/(G Mp/μp) has been determined. The ratio is found to be slightly less than unity in agreement with recent results from other laboratories and from the Rosenbluth separation of cross-sections measured with unpolarized electrons.
First measurement of the polarisation transfer on the proton in the reactions $$H(\vec e,e'\vec p)$$ and $$D(\vec e,e'\vec p)$$
The measurement of the polarisation transfer to the proton in the reactions\(H(\vec e,e'\vec p)\) and\(D(\vec e,e'\vec p)\) performed with longitudinally polarised electrons in quasi-free kinematics is presented. The coincidence measurement was executed atQ2≈8fm−2 using the 855 MeV, c.w. beam of the Mainz Microtron MAMI. The recoil polarisation was determined by means of a carbon analyser. The experiment shows that the binding of the nucleon does not modify the polarisationPx of the recoil proton within an error ofΔPx/Px≈10%. The measured polarisation agrees with recent theoretical predictions. Implications for the measurement of the electric form factor of the neutron using the\(D(\vec e,e…
Intermediate resonance excitation in the γp→pπ0π0 reaction
The helicity dependence of the total cross section for the (gamma) over right arrow(p) over right arrow -> p pi(0)pi(0) reaction has been measured for the first time at incident photon energies from 400 to 800 MeV. The measurement, performed at the tagged photon beam facility of the MAMI accelerator in Mainz, used the large acceptance detector DAPHNE and a longitudinally polarized frozen-spin target. This channel is found to be excited predominantly when the photon and proton have a parallel spin orientation, most likely due to the intermediate production of the D-13(1520) resonance. However, the contribution of the antiparallel spin configuration, arising from other reaction mechanisms, is…
First Measurement of Transverse-Spin-Dependent Azimuthal Asymmetries in the Drell-Yan Process
The first measurement of transverse-spin-dependent azimuthal asymmetries in the pion-induced Drell-Yan (DY) process is reported. We use the CERN SPS 190 GeV/$c$, $\pi^{-}$ beam and a transversely polarized ammonia target. Three azimuthal asymmetries giving access to different transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions (PDFs) are extracted using dimuon events with invariant mass between 4.3 GeV/$c^2$ and 8.5 GeV/$c^2$. The observed sign of the Sivers asymmetry is found to be consistent with the fundamental prediction of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) that the Sivers TMD PDFs extracted from DY have a sign opposite to the one extracted from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic sc…
Exclusive ϱ0 and φ muoproduction at large Q2
Abstract Exclusive ϱ 0 and φ muoproduction on deuterium, carbon and calcium has been studied in the kinematic range 2 Q 2 2 and 40 Q 2 dependence of the cross sections, the transverse momentum distributions for the vector mesons, the decay angular distributions and, in the case of the ϱ 0 , nuclear effects. The data for 0 production are compatible with a diffractive mechanism. The distinct features of φ production are a smaller cross section and less steep p t 2 distributions than those for the 0 mesons.
Precision measurement of the structure function ratiosF 2 He /F 2 D ,F 2 C /F 2 D andF 2 Ca /F 2 D
We present the structure function ratiosF2He/F2D,F2C/F2D andF2Ca/F2D measured in deep inelastic muon-nucleus scattering at an incident muon momentum of 200 GeV. The kinematic range 0.0035<x<0.65 and 0.5<Q2<90 GeV2 is covered. At lowx the three ratios are significantly smaller than unity and the size of the depletion grows with decreasingx and increasing mass numberA. At intermediatex the ratios show an enhancement of about 2% above unity for C/D and Ca/D, possibly less for He/D. There are indications of someQ2 dependence in the Ca/D data. The integrals of the structure function differencesF2A−F2D are discussed.
Precision measurement of structure function ratios for $^{6}$Li, $^{12}$C and $^{40}$Ca
The structure function ratiosF2C/F2Li,F2Ca/F2Li andF2Ca/F2C were measured in deep inelastic muonnucleus scattering at an incident muon energy of 90 GeV, covering the kinematic range 0.0085<x<0.6 and 0.8<Q2<17GeV2. The sensitivity of the nuclear structure functions to the size and mean density of the target nucleus is discussed.
Study of Σ(1385) and Ξ(1321) hyperon and antihyperon production in deep inelastic muon scattering
Large samples of \Lambda, \Sigma(1385) and \Xi(1321) hyperons produced in deep-inelastic muon scattering off a ^6LiD target were collected with the COMPASS experimental setup at CERN. The relative yields of \Sigma(1385)^+, \Sigma(1385)^-, \bar{\Sigma}(1385)^-, \bar{\Sigma}(1385)^+, \Xi(1321)^-, and \bar{\Xi}(1321)^+ hyperons decaying into \Lambda(\bar{\Lambda})\pi were measured. The heavy hyperon to \Lambda and heavy antihyperon to \bar{\Lambda} yield ratios were found to be in the range 3.8% to 5.6% with a relative uncertainty of about 10%. They were used to tune the parameters relevant for strange particle production of the LEPTO Monte Carlo generator.
Transverse-momentum-dependent Multiplicities of Charged Hadrons in Muon-Deuteron Deep Inelastic Scattering
A semi-inclusive measurement of charged hadron multiplicities in deep inelastic muon scattering off an isoscalar target was performed using data collected by the COMPASS Collaboration at CERN. The following kinematic domain is covered by the data: photon virtuality $Q^{2}>1$ (GeV/$c$)$^2$, invariant mass of the hadronic system $W > 5$ GeV/$c^2$, Bjorken scaling variable in the range $0.003 < x < 0.4$, fraction of the virtual photon energy carried by the hadron in the range $0.2 < z < 0.8$, square of the hadron transverse momentum with respect to the virtual photon direction in the range 0.02 (GeV/$c)^2 < P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} < 3$ (GeV/$c$)$^2$. The multiplicities are pres…
Triangle Singularity as the Origin of the a1(1420)
The COMPASS Collaboration experiment recently discovered a new isovector resonancelike signal with axial-vector quantum numbers, the a 1 ( 1420 ) , decaying to f 0 ( 980 ) π . With a mass too close to and a width smaller than the axial-vector ground state a 1 ( 1260 ) , it was immediately interpreted as a new light exotic meson, similar to the X , Y , Z states in the hidden-charm sector. We show that a resonancelike signal fully matching the experimental data is produced by the decay of the a 1 ( 1260 ) resonance into K * ( → K π ) K ¯ and subsequent rescattering through a triangle singularity into the coupled f 0 ( 980 ) π channel. The amplitude for this process is calculated using a new a…
The COMPASS experiment at CERN
The COMPASS experiment makes use of the CERN SPS high-intensitymuon and hadron beams for the investigation of the nucleon spin structure and the spectroscopy of hadrons. One or more outgoing particles are detected in coincidence with the incoming muon or hadron. A large polarized target inside a superconducting solenoid is used for the measurements with the muon beam. Outgoing particles are detected by a two-stage, large angle and large momentum range spectrometer. The setup is built using several types of tracking detectors, according to the expected incident rate, required space resolution and the solid angle to be covered. Particle identification is achieved using a RICH counter and both…
The Electric Formfactor of the Neutron Determined by Quasielastic Scattering of Longitudinally Polarized Electrons from 3He and 2D
The recent availability of polarized electron beams at electron accelerator laboratories adds another technique to probing the electromagnetic structure of nuclear matter [1]. The present paper discusses the application of polarized electron scattering to the determination of the electric formfactor of the neutron. Its value at medium energies is only poorly known hitherto. Electron scattering is dominated by interaction with the neutron magnetic moment. Therefore the contribution of the charge distribution to the scattering cross section is scarcely detectable in case of unpolarized collision partners. The elastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons from a polarized neutron ta…
A spin rotator for producing a longitudinally polarized electron beam with MAMI
Abstract The design and performance characteristics of a full 4 π-space spin rotator for 100 keV electrons are described. The spin rotator was developed as part of the acceleration scheme for polarized electrons in the MAINZ race track microtron cascade MAMI [1]. It allows to orientate the polarization vector in any direction before injection. Thus it is possible to optimize the longitudinal polarization component, required for experiments with polarized high energy electrons, at target position. With this scheme various experimental halls can be supplied with longitudinally polarized electrons in the full energy range of MAMI between 180 and 855 MeV.
First measurement of the helicity-dependent γ p↦pη differential cross-section
The helicity dependence of the (γ) over right arrow(p) over right arrow -+ peta reaction has been measured for the first time at a center-of-mass angle theta(eta)*= 70degrees in the photon energy range from 780 MeV to 790 MeV. The experiment, performed at the Mainz microtron MAMI, used a 4pi-detector system, a circularly polarized, tagged photon beam. and a longitudinally polarized frozen-spin target. The helicity 3/2 cross-section is found to be small and the results for helicity 1/2 agree with predictions from the MAID analysis.
First measurement of the electric formfactor of the neutron in the exclusive quasielastic scattering of polarized electrons from polarized 3He
Abstract A first measurement of the asymmetry in quasielastic scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons from a polarized 3 He gas target in coincidence with the knocked out neutron is reported. This measurement was made feasible by the cw beam of the 855 MeV Mainz Microtron MAMI. It allows a determination of the electric formfactor of the neutron G E n independent of binding effects to first order. At Q 2 =0.31 ( GeV /c) 2 two asymmetries A ∥ ( S He ∥ q ) and A ⊥ ( S He ⊥ q ) have been measured giving A ∥ =(−7.40±0.73)% and A ⊥ =(0.89±0.30)% . The ratio A ⊥ / A ∥ is independent of the absolute value of the electron and target polarization and yields G E n =0.035±0.012±0.005.
Helicity dependence of the γ→p→→nπ+π0 reaction in the second resonance region
The helicity dependence of the total cross section for the (γ) over right arrow(p) over right arrownpi(+) pi(0) reaction has been measured for the first time at incident photon energies from 400 to 800 MeV The measurement was performed with the large acceptance detector DAPHNE at the tagged photon beam facility of the MAMI accelerator in Mainz. This channel is found to be excited predominantly when the photon and proton have a parallel spin orientation, due to the intermediate production of the D-13 resonance. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised protons
Measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of high energy muons off transversely polarised protons are presented. The results were obtained using all the available COMPASS proton data, which were taken in the years 2007 and 2010. The Collins asymmetries exhibit in the valence region a non-zero signal for pions and there are hints of non-zero signal also for kaons. The Sivers asymmetries are found to be positive for positive pions and kaons and compatible with zero otherwise.
Cross sections for the reactionO16(γ, p0)N15at forward angles forEγ=80MeV
Measurement of azimuthal hadron asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering off unpolarised nucleons
Spin-averaged asymmetries in the azimuthal distributions of positive and negative hadrons produced in deep inelastic scattering were measured using the CERN SPS muon beam at $160$ GeV/c and a $^6$LiD target. The amplitudes of the three azimuthal modulations $\cos\phi_h$, $\cos2\phi_h$ and $\sin\phi_h$ were obtained binning the data separately in each of the relevant kinematic variables $x$, $z$ or $p_T^{\,h}$ and binning in a three-dimensional grid of these three variables. The amplitudes of the $\cos \phi_h$ and $\cos 2\phi_h$ modulations show strong kinematic dependencies both for positive and negative hadrons.
Measurement of the Charged-Pion Polarizability
The COMPASS collaboration at CERN has investigated pion Compton scattering, $\pi^-\gamma\rightarrow \pi^-\gamma$, at centre-of-mass energy below 3.5 pion masses. The process is embedded in the reaction $\pi^-\mathrm{Ni}\rightarrow\pi^-\gamma\;\mathrm{Ni}$, which is initiated by 190\,GeV pions impinging on a nickel target. The exchange of quasi-real photons is selected by isolating the sharp Coulomb peak observed at smallest momentum transfers, $Q^2<0.0015$\,(GeV/$c$)$^2$. From a sample of 63\,000 events the pion electric polarisability is determined to be $\alpha_\pi\ =\ (\,2.0\ \pm\ 0.6_{\mbox{\scriptsize stat}}\ \pm\ 0.7_{\mbox{\scriptsize syst}}\,) \times 10^{-4}\,\mbox{fm}^3$ under the …
Final COMPASS results on the deuteron spin-dependent structure functiong1dand the Bjorken sum rule
Final results are presented from the inclusive measurement of deep-inelastic polarised-muon scattering on longitudinally polarised deuterons using a 6 LiD target. The data were taken at 160 GeV beam energy and the results are shown for the kinematic range 1(GeV/c)2 4GeV/c2 in the mass of the hadronic final state. The deuteron double-spin asymmetry A1d and the deuteron longitudinal-spin structure function g1d are presented in bins of x and Q2 . Towards lowest accessible values of x , g1d decreases and becomes consistent with zero within uncertainties. The presented final g1d values together with the recently published final g1p values of COMPASS are used to again evaluate the Bjorken sum rul…
A Method for Measurements of the Total 2H(γ,π−)PP Cross Sections at Threshold
In recent years measurements of the total cross section for the reactions 2H(γ,π+ nn) and 2H(γ,π0)2H close to the production threshold were performed1. For the 2H(γ,π−)pp reaction data of similar good quality doesn’t exist. In this paper a method is prescribed and the feasibility for the reaction 2H(γ,π−)pp is demonstrated. Figure 1 shows the principle: The photon beam hits a liquid or high pressured gas target of 2H. π− are created on the deuteron and stopped in the same target cell. The major part of the tt are captured π− are captured by deuterons via the reaction 2H(π−,n)n. The energy is shared equally by the two neutrons (En= 68.2 MeV). One of these monochromatic neutrons is detected b…
"Table 1" of "First measurement of the polarization transfer on the proton in the reactions H (e (polarized), e-prime p (polarized)) and D (e (polarized), e-prime p (polarized))"
No description provided.