

The COMPASS experiment at CERN

P. AbbonE. AlbrechtV.yu. AlexakhinYu. AlexandrovG.d. AlexeevM.g. AlekseevA. AmorosoH. AngererV.a. AnosovB. BadełekF. BalestraJ. BallJ. BarthG. BaumM. BeckerY. BedferP. BerglundC. BernetR. BertiniM. BettinelliR. BirsaJ. BisplinghoffP. BordaloM. BosteelsF. BradamanteA. BraemA. BravarA. BressanG. BronaE. BurtinM.p. BussaV.n. BytchkovM. ChalifourA. ChapiroM. ChiossoP. CilibertiA. CicuttinM. ColantoniA.a. ColavitaS. CostaM.l. CrespoP. CristaudoT. DafniN. D’hoseS. Dalla TorreC. D’ambrosioS. DasS.s. DasguptaE. DelagnesR. De MasiP. DeckN. DedekD. DemchenkoO.yu. DenisovL. DharaV. DiazN. DibiaseA.m. DinkelbachA.v. DolgopolovA. DonatiS.v. DonskovV.a. DorofeevN. DoshitaD. DurandV. DuicW. DünnweberA. EfremovP.d. EversheimW. EyrichM. FaesslerV. FalaleevP. FaulandA. FerreroL. FerreroM. FingerM. FingerH. FischerC. FrancoJ. FranzF. FratnikJ.m. FriedrichV. FrolovU. FuchsR. GarfagniniL. GatignonF. GautheronO.p. GavrichtchoukS. GerassimovR. GeyerJ.m. GhellerA. GiganonM. GiorgiB. GobboS. GoertzA.m. GorinF. GougnaudS. GrabmüllerO.a. GrajekA. GrassoB. GrubeA. GrünemaierA. GuskovF. HaasR. HagemannJ. HannappelD. Von HarrachT. HasegawaJ. HeckmannS. HedickeF.h. HeinsiusR. HermannC. HeßF. HinterbergerM. Von HodenbergN. HorikawaS. HorikawaI. HornC. IlgnerA.i. IoukaevS. IshimotoI. IvanchinO. IvanovT. IwataR. JahnA. JanataR. JoostenN.i. JouravlevE. KabußV. KalinnikovD. KangF. KarstensW. KastaunB. KetzerG.v. KhaustovYu.a. KhokhlovJ. KieferYu. KisselevF. KleinK. KlimaszewskiS. KoblitzJ.h. KoivuniemiV.n. KolosovE.v. KomissarovK. KondoK. KönigsmannA.k. KonoplyannikovI. KonorovV.f. KonstantinovA.s. KorentchenkoA. KorzenevA.m. KotzinianN.a. KoutchinskiO. KouznetsovK. KowalikD. KramerN.p. KravchukG.v. KrivokhizhinZ.v. KroumchteinJ. KubartR. KuhnV. KukhtinF. KunneK. KurekN.a. KuzminM. LamannaJ.m. Le GoffM. LeberigA.a. LednevA. LehmannV. LevinskiS. LevoratoV. I LyashenkoJ. LichtenstadtT. LiskaI. LudwigA. MaggioraM. MaggioraA. MagnonG.k. MallotA. MannI.v. ManuilovC. MarchandJ. MarroncleA. MartinJ. MarzecL. MasekF. MassmannT. MatsudaD. MatthiäA.n. MaximovG. MenonW. MeyerA. MielechYu.v. MikhailovM.a. MoinesterF. MoliniéF. MotaA. MutterT. NagelO. NähleJ. NassalskiS. NelibaF. NerlingD. NeyretM. NiebuhrT. NiinikoskiV.i. NikolaenkoA.a. NozdrinA.g. OlshevskyM. OstrickA. PadeeP. PaganoS. PanebiancoB. ParsamyanD. PanzieriS. PaulB. PawlukiewiczH. PereiraD.v. PeshekhonovV.d. PeshekhonovD. PiedigrossiG. PiraginoS. PlatchkovK. PlatzerJ. PochodzallaJ. PolakV.a. PolyakovG. PontecorvoA.a. PopovJ. PretzS. ProcureurC. QuintansJ.-f. RajotteS. RamosI. RazaqP. RebourgeardD. ReggianiG. ReicherzA. RichterF. RobinetE. RoccoE. RondioL. RopelewskiJ.y. RousséA.m. RozhdestvenskyD. RyabchikovA.g. SamartsevV.d. SamoylenkoA. SandaczM. Sans MerceH. SantosM.g. SapozhnikovF. SauliI.a. SavinP. SchiavonC. SchillT. SchmidtH. SchmittL. SchmittP. SchönmeierW. SchroederD. SeeharschM. SeimetzD. SetterA. ShaliginO.yu. ShevchenkoA.a. ShishkinH.-w. SiebertL. SilvaF. SimonL. SinhaA.n. SissakianM. SluneckaG.i. SmirnovD. SoraS. SosioF. SozziA. SrnkaF. StinzingM. StolarskiV.p. SugonyaevM. SulcR. SulejG. TarteN. TakabayashiV.v. TchalishevS. TessaroF. TessarottoA. TeufelD. ThersL.g. TkatchevT. ToedaV.v. TokmeninS. TrippelJ. UrbanR. ValbuenaG. VenugopalM. ViriusN.v. VlassovA. VossenM. WagnerR. WebbE. WeiseQ. WeitzelU. WiednerM. WiesmannR. WindmoldersS. WirthW. WiślickiH. WollnyA.m. ZanettiK. ZarembaM. ZavertyaevJ. ZhaoR. ZieglerM. ZiembickiY.l. ZlobinA. Zvyagin


Nuclear and High Energy Physicsstraw tube detectorPhysics::Instrumentation and DetectorsProject commissioningFOS: Physical sciencesfixed-target experimentRICH detectorhadron structureHigh Energy Physics - ExperimenttargetMWPCNuclear physicsHigh Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)CompassHadron spectroscopyCOMPASS experimentscintillating fibre detectorNuclear Experimentsilicon microstrip detectorsInstrumentationSilicon microstrip detectorsPhysicsLarge Hadron ColliderStructure functionMicroMegas detectorfront-end electronicsDAQmicromegas detectordrift chamberPhysics::Accelerator PhysicsHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentpolarisedGEM detectorcalorimetryParticle Physics - Experimentpolarised DIS


The COMPASS experiment makes use of the CERN SPS high-intensitymuon and hadron beams for the investigation of the nucleon spin structure and the spectroscopy of hadrons. One or more outgoing particles are detected in coincidence with the incoming muon or hadron. A large polarized target inside a superconducting solenoid is used for the measurements with the muon beam. Outgoing particles are detected by a two-stage, large angle and large momentum range spectrometer. The setup is built using several types of tracking detectors, according to the expected incident rate, required space resolution and the solid angle to be covered. Particle identification is achieved using a RICH counter and both hadron and electromagnetic calorimeters. The setup has been successfully operated from 2002 onwards using a muon beam. Data with a hadron beam were also collected in 2004. This article describes the main features and performances of the spectrometer in 2004; a short summary of the 2006 upgrade is also given.
