R. Bertini
Experimental investigation of transverse spin asymmetries in muon-p SIDIS processes: Sivers asymmetries
The COMPASS Collaboration at CERN has measured the transverse spin azimuthal asymmetry of charged hadrons produced in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering using a 160 GeV positive muon beam and a transversely polarised NH_3 target. The Sivers asymmetry of the proton has been extracted in the Bjorken x range 0.003 0.03. The asymmetry is different from zero and positive also in the low x region, where sea-quarks dominate. The kinematic dependence of the asymmetry has also been investigated and results are given for various intervals of hadron and virtual photon fractional energy. In contrast to the case of the Collins asymmetry, the results on the Sivers asymmetry suggest a strong depende…
Transverse spin effects in hadron-pair production from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering
First measurements of azimuthal asymmetries in hadron-pair production in deep-inelastic scattering of muons on transversely polarised ^6LiD (deuteron) and NH_3 (proton) targets are presented. The data were taken in the years 2002-2004 and 2007 with the COMPASS spectrometer using a muon beam of 160 GeV/c at the CERN SPS. The asymmetries provide access to the transversity distribution functions, without involving the Collins effect as in single hadron production. The sizeable asymmetries measured on the NH_ target indicate non-vanishing u-quark transversity and two-hadron interference fragmentation functions. The small asymmetries measured on the ^6LiD target can be interpreted as indication …
Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (RCC): oncological outcomes and prognostic factors in a large multicentre series.
Study Type - Outcomes (cohort) Level of Evidence 2b What's known on the subject? and What does the study add? About 80% of RCCs have clear cell histology, and consistent data are available about the clinical and histological characteristics of this histological subtype. Conversely, less attention has been dedicated to the study of non-clear cell renal tumours Specifically, published data show that chromophobe RCC (ChRCC) have often favourable pathological stages and better nuclear grades as well as a lower risk of metastasizing compared with clear cell RCC (ccRCC). Patients with ChRCC were shown to have significantly higher cancer-specific survival (CSS) probabilities compared with ccRCC. H…
Prognostic role of tumour multifocality in renal cell carcinoma.
Study Type - Therapy (multi-centre cohort) Level of Evidence3b What's known on the subject? and What does the study add? In RCC about 5% of the patients presented multifocal disease. Prevalence of tumour multifocality was associated with a higher percentage of symptomatic RCC, higher pathological TNM stages, higher tumour grade and higher prevalence of tumour necrosis. Although in univariable analysis multifocal tumours had lower probability of CSS, tumour multifocality did not retain an independent predictive role in multivariable analysis. Patient age at surgery, gender, mode of presentation, pathological N stage and presence of metastases were independent predictors of CSS in multivariab…
Leading order determination of the gluon polarisation from DIS events with high-pThadron pairs
We present a determination of the gluon polarisation Delta g/g in the nucleon, based on the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry of DIS events with Q(2) > 1 (GeV/c)(2) including a pair of large transverse-momentum hadrons in the final state. The data were obtained by the COMPASS experiment at CERN using a 160 GeV/c polarised muon beam scattering off a polarised (LiD)-Li-6 target. The gluon polarisation is evaluated by a Neural Network approach for three intervals of the gluon momentum fraction x(g) covering the range 0.04 < x(g) < 0.27. The values obtained at leading order in QCD do not show any significant dependence on x(g). Their average is Delta g/g = 0.125 +/- 0.060 (stat.) +/- 0.063 (sy…
Exclusive muoproduction on transversely polarised protons and deuterons
The transverse target spin azimuthal asymmetry A(UT)(sin(phi-phi s)) in hard exclusive production of rho(0) mesons was measured at COMPASS by scattering 160 GeV/c muons off transversely polarised protons and deuterons. The measured asymmetry is sensitive to the nucleon helicity-flip generalised parton distributions E-q, which are related to the orbital angular momentum of quarks in the nucleon. The Q(2), x-B-j and p(T)(2) dependence of A(UT)(sin(phi-phi s)) is presented in a wide kinematic range: 1 (GeV/c)(2) < Q(2) < 10 (GeV/c)(2), 0.003 < xB(j) < 0.3 and 0.05 (GeV/c)(2) < p(T)(2) < 0.5 (GeV/c)(2) for protons or 0.10 (GeV/c)(2) < p(T)(2) < 0.5 (GeV/c)(2) for deuterons. Results for deuteron…
Spin asymmetry A1d and the spin-dependent structure function g1d of the deuteron at low values of x and Q2
Abstract We present a precise measurement of the deuteron longitudinal spin asymmetry A 1 d and of the deuteron spin-dependent structure function g 1 d at Q 2 1 ( GeV / c ) 2 and 4 × 10 −5 x 2.5 × 10 −2 based on the data collected by the COMPASS experiment at CERN during the years 2002 and 2003. The statistical precision is tenfold better than that of the previous measurement in this region. The measured A 1 d and g 1 d are found to be consistent with zero in the whole range of x.
External validation of the preoperative Karakiewicz nomogram in a large multicentre series of patients with renal cell carcinoma
Purpose: To perform a formal external validation of the preoperative Karakiewicz nomogram (KN) for the prediction of cancer-specific survival (CSS) using a large series of surgically treated patients diagnosed with organ-confined or metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Methods: Patient population originated from a series of retrospectively gathered cases that underwent radical or partial nephrectomy between years 1995 and 2007 for suspicion of kidney cancer. The original Cox coefficients were used to generate the predicted risk of CSS at 1, 2, 5, and 10 years following surgery and compared to the observed risk of CSS in the current population. External validation was quantified using meas…
The spin-dependent structure function of the proton g1p and a test of the Bjorken sum rule
Abstract The inclusive double-spin asymmetry, A 1 p , has been measured at COMPASS in deep-inelastic polarised muon scattering off a large polarised NH3 target. The data, collected in the year 2007, cover the range Q 2 > 1 ( GeV / c ) 2 , 0.004 x 0.7 and improve the statistical precision of g 1 p ( x ) by a factor of two in the region x 0.02 . The new proton asymmetries are combined with those previously published for the deuteron to extract the non-singlet spin-dependent structure function g 1 NS ( x , Q 2 ) . The isovector quark density, Δ q 3 ( x , Q 2 ) , is evaluated from a NLO QCD fit of g 1 NS . The first moment of Δ q 3 is in good agreement with the value predicted by the Bjorken su…
Flavour Separation of Helicity Distributions from Deep Inelastic Muon-Deuteron Scattering
We present a LO evaluation of helicity densities of valence, \Delta u_v+\Delta d_v, non-strange sea, \Delta\bar{u}+\Delta\bar{d}, and strange quarks, \Delta s (assumed to be equal to \Delta\bar{s}). They have been obtained from the inclusive asymmetry A_{3,d} and the semi-inclusive asymmetries A^{\pi+}_{1,d}, A^{\pi-}_{1,d}, A^{K+}_{1,d}, A^{K-}_{1,d} measured in polarised deep inelastic muon-deuteron scattering. The full deuteron statistics of COMPASS (years 2002-2004 and 2006) has been used. The data cover the range Q^2 > 1 (GeV/c)^2 and 0.004<x<0.3. Both non-strange densities are found to be in a good agreement with previous measurements. The distribution of \Delta s(x) is compatible wit…
The Polarised Valence Quark Distribution from semi-inclusive DIS
The semi-inclusive difference asymmetry A^{h^{+}-h^{-}} for hadrons of opposite charge has been measured by the COMPASS experiment at CERN. The data were collected in the years 2002-2004 using a 160 GeV polarised muon beam scattered off a large polarised ^6LiD target and cover the range 0.006 < x < 0.7 and 1 < Q^2 < 100 (GeV/c)^2. In leading order QCD (LO) the asymmetry A_d^{h^{+}-h^{-}} measures the valence quark polarisation and provides an evaluation of the first moment of Delta u_v + Delta d_v which is found to be equal to 0.40 +- 0.07 (stat.) +- 0.05 (syst.) over the measured range of x at Q^2 = 10 (GeV/c)^2. When combined with the first moment of g_1^d previously measured …
Collins and Sivers asymmetries for pions and kaons in muon-deuteron DIS
The measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries of identified hadrons produced in deep-inelastic scattering of 160 GeV/c muons on a transversely polarised 6LiD target at COMPASS are presented. The results for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons correspond to all data available, which were collected from 2002 to 2004. For all final state particles both the Collins and Sivers asymmetries turn out to be small, compatible with zero within the statistical errors, in line with the previously published results for not identified charged hadrons, and with the expected cancellation between the u- and d-quark contributions.
Erratum to: Hadron transverse momentum distributions in muon deep inelastic scattering at 160 GeV/ $$c$$ c
Author(s): Adolph, C; Alekseev, MG; Alexakhin, VY; Alexandrov, Y; Alexeev, GD; Amoroso, A; Andrieux, V; Austregesilo, A; Badelek, B; Balestra, F; Barth, J; Baum, G; Bedfer, Y; Berlin, A; Bernhard, J; Bertini, R; Bicker, K; Bieling, J; Birsa, R; Bisplinghoff, J; Boer, M; Bordalo, P; Bradamante, F; Braun, C; Bravar, A; Bressan, A; Buchele, M; Burtin, E; Capozza, L; Chiosso, M; Chung, SU; Cicuttin, A; Crespo, ML; Dalla Torre, S; Dasgupta, SS; Dasgupta, S; Denisov, OY; Donskov, SV; Doshita, N; Duic, V; Dunnweber, W; Dziewiecki, M; Efremov, A; Elia, C; Eversheim, PD; Eyrich, W; Faessler, M; Ferrero, A; Filin, A; Finger, M; Finger Jr, M; Fischer, H; Franco, C; du Fresne von Hohenesche, N; Friedri…
Study of Σ(1385) and Ξ(1321) hyperon and antihyperon production in deep inelastic muon scattering
Large samples of \Lambda, \Sigma(1385) and \Xi(1321) hyperons produced in deep-inelastic muon scattering off a ^6LiD target were collected with the COMPASS experimental setup at CERN. The relative yields of \Sigma(1385)^+, \Sigma(1385)^-, \bar{\Sigma}(1385)^-, \bar{\Sigma}(1385)^+, \Xi(1321)^-, and \bar{\Xi}(1321)^+ hyperons decaying into \Lambda(\bar{\Lambda})\pi were measured. The heavy hyperon to \Lambda and heavy antihyperon to \bar{\Lambda} yield ratios were found to be in the range 3.8% to 5.6% with a relative uncertainty of about 10%. They were used to tune the parameters relevant for strange particle production of the LEPTO Monte Carlo generator.
The COMPASS experiment at CERN
The COMPASS experiment makes use of the CERN SPS high-intensitymuon and hadron beams for the investigation of the nucleon spin structure and the spectroscopy of hadrons. One or more outgoing particles are detected in coincidence with the incoming muon or hadron. A large polarized target inside a superconducting solenoid is used for the measurements with the muon beam. Outgoing particles are detected by a two-stage, large angle and large momentum range spectrometer. The setup is built using several types of tracking detectors, according to the expected incident rate, required space resolution and the solid angle to be covered. Particle identification is achieved using a RICH counter and both…
The Deuteron Spin-dependent Structure Function g1(d) and its First Moment
We present a measurement of the deuteron spin-dependent structure function g1d based on the data collected by the COMPASS experiment at CERN during the years 2002-2004. The data provide an accurate evaluation for Gamma_1^d, the first moment of g1d(x), and for the matrix element of the singlet axial current, a0. The results of QCD fits in the next to leading order (NLO) on all g1 deep inelastic scattering data are also presented. They provide two solutions with the gluon spin distribution function Delta G positive or negative, which describe the data equally well. In both cases, at Q^2 = 3 (GeV/c)^2 the first moment of Delta G is found to be of the order of 0.2 - 0.3 in absolute value.
A new measurement of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries on a transversely polarised deuteron target
New high precision measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries of charged hadrons produced in deep-inelastic scattering of muons on a transversely polarised 6LiD target are presented. The data were taken in 2003 and 2004 with the COMPASS spectrometer using the muon beam of the CERN SPS at 160 GeV/c. Both the Collins and Sivers asymmetries turn out to be compatible with zero, within the present statistical errors, which are more than a factor of 2 smaller than those of the published COMPASS results from the 2002 data. The final results from the 2002, 2003 and 2004 runs are compared with naive expectations and with existing model calculations.
Elective partial nephrectomy is equivalent to radical nephrectomy in patients with clinical T1 renal cell carcinoma: results of a retrospective, comparative, multi-institutional study.
Study Type - Therapy (cohort) Level of Evidence 2b What's known on the subject? and What does the study add? Few studies supported the expanded indications for nephron-sparing surgery (NSS) in selected patients with 4.1 cm renal tumours in the size range (T1b). However, all these comparative studies included both imperative and elective partial nephrectomy and patient selection for analysis was based on pathological stage (pT1) and not on clinical stage (cT1). Patients with clinically organ-confined RCC (cT1) who are candidates for elective PN have a limited risk of clinical understaging. NSS is not associated with an increased risk of recurrence and cancer-specific mortality both in cT1a a…
Measurement of the Spin Structure of the Deuteron in the DIS Region
We present a new measurement of the longitudinal spin asymmetry A_1^d and the spin-dependent structure function g_1^d of the deuteron in the range 1 GeV^2 < Q^2 < 100 GeV^2 and 0.004< x <0.7. The data were obtained by the COMPASS experiment at CERN using a 160 GeV polarised muon beam and a large polarised 6-LiD target. The results are in agreement with those from previous experiments and improve considerably the statistical accuracy in the region 0.004 < x < 0.03.
Measurement of azimuthal hadron asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering off unpolarised nucleons
Spin-averaged asymmetries in the azimuthal distributions of positive and negative hadrons produced in deep inelastic scattering were measured using the CERN SPS muon beam at $160$ GeV/c and a $^6$LiD target. The amplitudes of the three azimuthal modulations $\cos\phi_h$, $\cos2\phi_h$ and $\sin\phi_h$ were obtained binning the data separately in each of the relevant kinematic variables $x$, $z$ or $p_T^{\,h}$ and binning in a three-dimensional grid of these three variables. The amplitudes of the $\cos \phi_h$ and $\cos 2\phi_h$ modulations show strong kinematic dependencies both for positive and negative hadrons.
Measurement of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries on transversely polarised protons
The Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged hadrons produced in deeply inelastic scattering on transversely polarised protons have been extracted from the data collected in 2007 with the CERN SPS muon beam tuned at 160 GeV/c. At large values of the Bjorken x variable non-zero Collins asymmetries are observed both for positive and negative hadrons while the Sivers asymmetry for positive hadrons is slightly positive over almost all the measured x range. These results nicely support the present theoretical interpretation of these asymmetries, in terms of leading-twist quark distribution and fragmentation functions.
Time to recurrence is a significant predictor of cancer-specific survival after recurrence in patients with recurrent renal cell carcinoma - Results from a comprehensive multi-centre database (CORONA/SATURN-Project)
Objectives To assess the prognostic impact of time to recurrence (TTR) on cancer-specific survival (CSS) after recurrence in patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) undergoing radical nephrectomy or nephron-sparing surgery. To analyse differences in clinical and histopathological criteria between patients with early and late recurrence. Patients and Methods Of 13 107 patients with RCC from an international multicentre database, 1712 patients developed recurrence in the follow-up (FU), at a median (interquartile range) of 50.1 (25-106) months. In all, 1402 patients had recurrence at ≤5 years (Group A) and 310 patients beyond this time (Group B). Differences in clinical and histopathological…
Gluon polarization in the nucleon from quasi-real photoproduction of high-pT hadron pairs
Abstract We present a determination of the gluon polarization Δ G / G in the nucleon, based on the helicity asymmetry of quasi-real photoproduction events, Q 2 1 ( GeV / c ) 2 , with a pair of large transverse-momentum hadrons in the final state. The data were obtained by the COMPASS experiment at CERN using a 160 GeV polarized muon beam scattered on a polarized 6 LiD target. The helicity asymmetry for the selected events is 〈 A ∥ / D 〉 = 0.002 ± 0.019 ( stat ) ± 0.003 ( syst ) . From this value, we obtain in a leading-order QCD analysis Δ G / G = 0.024 ± 0.089 ( stat ) ± 0.057 ( syst ) at x g = 0.095 and μ 2 ≃ 3 ( GeV / c ) 2 .