

Study of Σ(1385) and Ξ(1321) hyperon and antihyperon production in deep inelastic muon scattering

C. AdolphM. G. AlekseevV. Y. AlexakhinY. AlexandrovG. D. AlexeevA. AmorosoA. AustregesiloB. BadełekF. BalestraJ. BarthG. BaumY. BedferA. BerlinJ. BernhardR. BertiniK. BickerJ. BielingR. BirsaJ. BisplinghoffP. BordaloF. BradamanteC. BraunA. BravarA. BressanM. BücheleE. BurtinL. CapozzaM. ChiossoS. U. ChungA. CicuttinM. L. CrespoS. Dalla TorreS. S. DasguptaS. DasguptaO. Y. DenisovS. V. DonskovN. DoshitaV. DuicW. DünnweberM. DziewieckiA. EfremovC. EliaP. D. EversheimW. EyrichM. FaesslerA. FerreroA. FilinM. FingerM. FingerH. FischerC. FrancoN. Du Fresne Von HohenescheJ. M. FriedrichV. FrolovR. GarfagniniF. GautheronO. P. GavrichtchoukS. GerassimovR. GeyerM. GiorgiI. GnesiB. GobboS. GoertzS. GrabmüllerA. GrassoB. GrubeR. GushterskiA. GuskovT. GuthörlF. HaasD. Von HarrachF. H. HeinsiusF. HerrmannC. HeßF. HinterbergerC. HöppnerN. HorikawaN. D’hoseS. HuberS. IshimotoY. IvanshinT. IwataR. JahnV. JaryP. JasinskiR. JoostenE. KabußD. KangB. KetzerG. V. KhaustovY. A. KhokhlovY. KisselevF. KleinK. KlimaszewskiJ. H. KoivuniemiV. N. KolosovK. KondoK. KönigsmannI. KonorovV. F. KonstantinovA. M. KotzinianO. KouznetsovM. KrämerZ. V. KroumchteinN. KuchinskiF. KunneK. KurekR. P. KurjataA. A. LednevA. LehmannS. LevoratoJ. LichtenstadtA. MaggioraA. MagnonN. MakkeG. K. MallotA. MannC. MarchandA. MartinJ. MarzecH. MatsudaT. MatsudaG. MeshcheryakovW. MeyerT. MichigamiY. V. MikhailovY. MiyachiA. MorrealeA. NagaytsevT. NagelF. NerlingS. NeubertD. NeyretV. I. NikolaenkoJ. NovyW.-d. NowakA. S. NunesA. G. OlshevskyM. OstrickR. PankninD. PanzieriB. ParsamyanS. PaulG. PiraginoS. PlatchkovJ. PochodzallaJ. PolakV. A. PolyakovJ. PretzM. QuaresmaC. QuintansS. RamosG. ReicherzE. RoccoV. RodionovE. RondioN. S. RossiyskayaD. I. RyabchikovV. D. SamoylenkoA. SandaczM. G. SapozhnikovS. SarkarI. A. SavinG. SbrizzaiP. SchiavonC. SchillT. SchlüterA. SchmidtK. SchmidtL. SchmittH. SchmïdenK. SchönningS. SchopfererM. SchottO. Y. ShevchenkoL. SilvaL. SinhaS. SirtlS. SosioF. SozziA. SrnkaL. SteigerM. StolarskiM. SulcR. SulejH. SuzukiP. SznajderS. TakekawaJ. Ter WolbeekS. TessaroF. TessarottoF. ThibaudS. UhlI. UmanM. VandenbrouckeM. ViriusL. WangT. WeisrockM. WilfertR. WindmoldersW. WiślickiH. WollnyK. ZarembaM. ZavertyaevE. ZemlyanichkinaN. ZhuravlevM. Ziembicki


disParticle physicsStrange quarkdis; hyperon productionPhysics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)diLambda01 natural sciencesCOMPASSHigh Energy Physics - Experimenthyperon production0103 physical sciencesCHARGED CURRENT INTERACTIONSCHARGED CURRENT INTERACTIONS; (LAMBDA)OVER-BAR POLARIZATION; COMPASS010306 general physicsNuclear ExperimentEngineering (miscellaneous)Nuclear ExperimentPhysicsMuon010308 nuclear & particles physicsGenerator (category theory)High Energy Physics::PhenomenologyHyperon(LAMBDA)OVER-BAR POLARIZATIONSigmaProduction (computer science)High Energy Physics::ExperimentParticle Physics - ExperimentBar (unit)


Large samples of \Lambda, \Sigma(1385) and \Xi(1321) hyperons produced in deep-inelastic muon scattering off a ^6LiD target were collected with the COMPASS experimental setup at CERN. The relative yields of \Sigma(1385)^+, \Sigma(1385)^-, \bar{\Sigma}(1385)^-, \bar{\Sigma}(1385)^+, \Xi(1321)^-, and \bar{\Xi}(1321)^+ hyperons decaying into \Lambda(\bar{\Lambda})\pi were measured. The heavy hyperon to \Lambda and heavy antihyperon to \bar{\Lambda} yield ratios were found to be in the range 3.8% to 5.6% with a relative uncertainty of about 10%. They were used to tune the parameters relevant for strange particle production of the LEPTO Monte Carlo generator.
