

Flavour Separation of Helicity Distributions from Deep Inelastic Muon-Deuteron Scattering

K. ZarembaSoumen PaulV.a. PolyakovR. KuhnG. SbrizzaiA. AmorosoW. KaferM. ViriusR. PankninI.a. SavinF. HaasM. L. ColantoniR. GeyerA. GrassoR. GazdaT. NagelJ. PretzA. BravarS. SosioS. TakekawaC. FrancoS.-u. ChungA. SrnkaT. MichigamiD. NeyretK. KondoK. KondoN.v. VlassovFrançois HerrmannW. WislickiW. WislickiJean-francois RajotteD.i. RyabchikovO.p. GavrichtchoukGünter BaumO.yu. ShevchenkoR. HermannA. MutterA. MutterL. SinhaA. SandaczS. LevoratoP. SchiavonD. PanzieriLaura SilvaY. BedferT. LiškaT. MatsudaE.-m. KabussA. KorzenevYu.v. MikhailovM. SluneckaSayantan SarkarV.i. NikolaenkoA. ZvyaginH. SantosD. ReggianiYu. KisselevYu. KisselevR. BirsaNorihiro DoshitaNorihiro DoshitaN. D'hoseA. ChapiroM. ZiembickiJ. MarzecSt. GoertzSt. GoertzA. N. SissakianA.v. EfremovW. EyrichJ. KieferMoinesterR. GarfagniniM. FingerA. NagaytsevF. BalestraG. PiraginoG. D. AlexeevW. DünnweberTakahiro IwataM. AlekseevI. KonorovI. KonorovM. OstrickM. OstrickE. PerevalovaF. TessarottoM. KrämerO.a. GrajekG. JegouC. HessM. GiorgiM.g. SapozhnikovS. NegriniA. AustregesiloYu. AlexandrovOleg V. IvanovH. WollnyK. KowalikC. QuintansD.v. PeshekhonovF.h. HeinsiusG.b. PontecorvoA. M. KotzinianG.i. SmirnovJ. MarroncleBakur ParsamyanR. JoostenFabrice GautheronM. A. FaesslerG. PesaroL. G. TkatchevS. NeubertV.yu. AlexakhinM. StolarskiM. StolarskiAnne-laure MartinR. BertiniS. DasR. SulejL. SchmittO.yu. DenisovR. JahnA. FerreroA. FerreroFranco BradamanteE.v. KomissarovA.m. DinkelbachF. KunneP.d. EversheimP. BordaloJ. NassalskiA.a. LednevMiroslav SulcF. HinterbergerE. BurtinV.f. KonstantinovJ. BallA. MannQ. WeitzelF. NerlingB. GrubeH. FischerH.-w. SiebertK. WenzlS. IshimotoFrank KleinJohannes BernhardA. GuskovM. BettinelliS. PlatchkovAndrea BressanYu. IvanshinL. DharaB. BadelekB. KetzerF. RobinetJ.m. FriedrichJ. BisplinghoffE. ZemlyanichkinaD. Von HarrachG.v. KhaustovW. MeyerMaria Liz CrespoC. IlgnerC. IlgnerZ.v. KroumchteinA. MaximovV.d. SamoylenkoElena RoccoA.g. OlshevskyJ. ZhaoA. MagnonJ. PolakJ.h. KoivuniemiB. GobboW. SchröderN. I. ZhuravlevR. KonopkaA. TeufelB. Pawlukiewicz-kaminskaV. RapatskyS.s. DasguptaV.n. KolosovR. HagemannChristian SchillM. ChiossoT. DafniK. KurekA. PadeeA. KrálR. WindmoldersT. HasegawaE. RondioM.p. BussaO.m. KouznetsovP. JasinskiJ. BarthJ. M. Le GoffGrzegorz BronaGerhard K. MallotA. VossenF. SozziD. KangV. DuicA. El AlaouiS. GerassimovS. GerassimovN. HorikawaK. KönigsmannSergey DonskovS. KoblitzS. TessaroYu.a. KhokhlovCh. HöppnerA. MaggioraAchim RichterF. MassmannS. RamosM. V. ZavertyaevG. VenugopalC. MarchandA. LehmannV. DiazK. KlimaszewskiM. MaggioraAndres CicuttinG. ReicherzS. Dalla TorreS. GrabmüllerR. GushterskiJ. HeckmannJ. PochodzallaJ. Lichtenstadt


Strange quarkPOLARIZED TARGETNuclear TheoryVALENCE QUARK DISTRIBUTION; PARTON DISTRIBUTIONS; POLARIZED TARGET; NUCLEON; PROTON; DISPolarised DIS and SIDISPROTON01 natural sciencesCOMPASSParton distribution functionHigh Energy Physics - ExperimentCOMPASS; double-spin asymmetry; helicity density; parton distribution function; flavour sep- aration analysis; polarised DIS and SIDIS reactions; charged kaon asymmetrypolarised DIS and SIDIS reactionHigh Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)Helicity densityVALENCE QUARK DISTRIBUTIONNUCLEONNuclear Experimentmedia_commonQuantum chromodynamicsPhysicsFlavour separation analysisHelicityCharged kaon asymmetryNucleondouble-spin asymmetryParticle Physics - Experimentcharged kaon asymmetryParticle physicsNuclear and High Energy Physicsreactionsflavour sep- aration analysismedia_common.quotation_subjectFOS: Physical sciencesparton distribution functionAsymmetryNuclear physics0103 physical sciencesflavour sep- aration analysiPolarised DIS and SIDIS reactions010306 general physicsfunctionDISMuonValence (chemistry)010308 nuclear & particles physicsScatteringParton distributionPARTON DISTRIBUTIONSHigh Energy Physics::Experimenthelicity densityDouble-spin asymmetry


We present a LO evaluation of helicity densities of valence, \Delta u_v+\Delta d_v, non-strange sea, \Delta\bar{u}+\Delta\bar{d}, and strange quarks, \Delta s (assumed to be equal to \Delta\bar{s}). They have been obtained from the inclusive asymmetry A_{3,d} and the semi-inclusive asymmetries A^{\pi+}_{1,d}, A^{\pi-}_{1,d}, A^{K+}_{1,d}, A^{K-}_{1,d} measured in polarised deep inelastic muon-deuteron scattering. The full deuteron statistics of COMPASS (years 2002-2004 and 2006) has been used. The data cover the range Q^2 > 1 (GeV/c)^2 and 0.004<x<0.3. Both non-strange densities are found to be in a good agreement with previous measurements. The distribution of \Delta s(x) is compatible with zero in the whole measured range, in contrast to the shape of the strange quark helicity distribution obtained in most LO and NLO QCD fits. The sensitivity of the values of \Delta s(x) upon the choice of fragmentation functions used in the derivation is discussed.
