

The Polarised Valence Quark Distribution from semi-inclusive DIS

A. PadeeYu. AlexandrovNorihiro DoshitaP. SchiavonN. D'hoseLaura SilvaSayantan SarkarA. N. SissakianA. BravarA. ChapiroS. SosioV. DiazK. KlimaszewskiM. MaggioraG. D. AlexeevW. DünnweberA. ZvyaginSoumen PaulH. SantosF. TessarottoM. ChiossoAndres CicuttinR. KuhnS. DasguptaJ. PolakD. KangK. KönigsmannC. FrancoV.n. KolosovC. IlgnerJ. NassalskiO. NähleJ. ZhaoG. ReicherzS. Dalla TorreM.g. SapozhnikovV.a. DorofeevChristian SchillT. NagelJ. PretzL. FerreroJean-francois RajotteR. GazdaMassimo LamannaMassimo LamannaYu. KisselevYu. KisselevC. QuintansD.i. RyabchikovColin BernetA. SrnkaT. HasegawaO.p. GavrichtchoukD.v. PeshekhonovM. StolarskiM. StolarskiG.v. KhaustovA. MaggioraJ. FranzS. DasA.s. KorentchenkoD. PanzieriG.i. SmirnovFabrice GautheronL. SinhaM. OstrickM. A. FaesslerAndrej ArbuzovS. ProcureurT. LiškaO.a. GrajekR. JahnA. FerreroA. FerreroAchim RichterF. MassmannS. RamosN.i. JouravlevS. HorikawaV.yu. AlexakhinW. MeyerMaria Liz CrespoD. NeyretA. SandaczL. DharaB. BadelekT. DafniA. MutterA. MutterK. KurekA. GuskovM. BettinelliN.v. VlassovV.p. SugonyaevT. MatsudaG. VenugopalS. KoblitzR. SulejO.yu. DenisovF. KunneA.a. LednevK. ZarembaGünter BaumO.yu. ShevchenkoS. LevoratoAndrea BressanAndrea BressanFranco BradamanteI. LudwigG. PiraginoV.a. PolyakovJ. MarzecB. KetzerS. GrabmüllerF. RobinetL. G. TkatchevA.m. RozhdestvenskyZ.v. KroumchteinE.v. KomissarovF. NerlingA. MaximovJ. HeckmannM. GiorgiR. PankninA. LehmannSt. GoertzSt. GoertzV.i. NikolaenkoA. AmorosoV.d. SamoylenkoElena RoccoJ. BallS. HedickeJ.m. FriedrichL. SchmittE. M. KabußA. MannR. GarfagniniJ. PochodzallaA.i. IoukaevM. FingerJ. BisplinghoffF. StinzingR. GushterskiYu.v. MikhailovR. De MasiP. BordaloAlan D. MartinI.a. SavinA. JanataA. GrassoM. L. ColantoniOleg V. IvanovH. WollnyM. V. ZavertyaevE. ZemlyanichkinaPaolo PaganoTakahiro IwataTakahiro IwataE. RondioD. Von HarrachP. SchönmeierM. SluneckaV. FalaleevC. HeßE. BurtinC. MarchandV.f. KonstantinovJ. MarroncleO.m. KouznetsovN. DedekW. WiślickiMurray MoinesterQ. WeitzelJ. M. Le GoffS. NeubertS. WirthJ. HannappelV. DuicB. GobboMiroslav SulcF. HinterbergerM. ViriusVladimir PeshekhonovR. BirsaE. WeiseE. WeiseW. SchröderJ. LichtenstadtH. FischerB. GrubeP.d. EversheimV. FrolovR. C. WebbA. TeufelA. MielechS. IshimotoFrank KleinM.e. LadyginS. PlatchkovN.a. KoutchinskiR. HermannYu. IvanshinA. GorinS. GerassimovS. GerassimovN. HorikawaSergey DonskovS. TessaroYu.a. KhokhlovH. W. SiebertH. W. SiebertJ. BarthGrzegorz BronaGerhard K. MallotA. VossenF. SozziAram KotzinianAram KotzinianA. KrálR. WindmoldersK. NikolaevP. JasinskiV.v. TchalishevS. CostaJ.h. KoivuniemiJ.h. KoivuniemiS. PanebiancoB. Pawlukiewicz-kaminskaV. RapatskyF.h. HeinsiusA.g. OlshevskyA. MagnonI. KonorovI. KonorovA. KorzenevD. ReggianiA. NagaytsevF. BalestraS. NelibaF. HaasR. GeyerN.p. KravchukW. EyrichR. BertiniA.m. DinkelbachM. Von HodenbergK. KondoMaria Pia BussaY. BedferM. AlekseevR. JoostenR. Ziegler


QuarkNuclear and High Energy PhysicsParticle physicsmagnetic spectrometer: COMPASSStructure functionsmedia_common.quotation_subjectHadronpolarization: longitudinalFOS: Physical sciencespolarized targetcross section: ratioDeep inelastic scattering; Structure functionsmuon deuteron: deep inelastic scattering01 natural sciencesAsymmetryx-dependenceHigh Energy Physics - ExperimentNuclear physicsHigh Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)charged particle: multiple productionnegative particle: electroproductionExperiment-HEP13.88.+e0103 physical sciencesstructure function: moment010306 general physicsNuclear Experimentmedia_commonPhysicsQuantum chromodynamicsMuonValence (chemistry)010308 nuclear & particles physicsHigh Energy Physics::Phenomenologycross section: differenceCERN SPSDeep inelastic scatteringpositive particle: electroproductionDeuteriumquark: valenceHigh Energy Physics::Experimentmuon: polarized beamquark: polarization140-180 GeVspin: asymmetry13.60.HbDeep inelastic scatteringParticle Physics - Experimentexperimental results


The semi-inclusive difference asymmetry A^{h^{+}-h^{-}} for hadrons of opposite charge has been measured by the COMPASS experiment at CERN. The data were collected in the years 2002-2004 using a 160 GeV polarised muon beam scattered off a large polarised ^6LiD target and cover the range 0.006 < x < 0.7 and 1 < Q^2 < 100 (GeV/c)^2. In leading order QCD (LO) the asymmetry A_d^{h^{+}-h^{-}} measures the valence quark polarisation and provides an evaluation of the first moment of Delta u_v + Delta d_v which is found to be equal to 0.40 +- 0.07 (stat.) +- 0.05 (syst.) over the measured range of x at Q^2 = 10 (GeV/c)^2. When combined with the first moment of g_1^d previously measured on the same data, this result favours a non-symmetric polarisation of light quarks Delta u-bar = - Delta d-bar at a confidence level of two standard deviations, in contrast to the often assumed symmetric scenario Delta u-bar = Delta d-bar = Delta s-bar = Delta s.
