Ground-state fidelity and bipartite entanglement in the Bose-Hubbard model.
We analyze the quantum phase transition in the Bose-Hubbard model borrowing two tools from quantum-information theory, i.e. the ground-state fidelity and entanglement measures. We consider systems at unitary filling comprising up to 50 sites and show for the first time that a finite-size scaling analysis of these quantities provides excellent estimates for the quantum critical point.We conclude that fidelity is particularly suited for revealing a quantum phase transition and pinning down the critical point thereof, while the success of entanglement measures depends on the mechanisms governing the transition.
Scattering lengths and universality in superdiffusive L\'evy materials
We study the effects of scattering lengths on L\'evy walks in quenched one-dimensional random and fractal quasi-lattices, with scatterers spaced according to a long-tailed distribution. By analyzing the scaling properties of the random-walk probability distribution, we show that the effect of the varying scattering length can be reabsorbed in the multiplicative coefficient of the scaling length. This leads to a superscaling behavior, where the dynamical exponents and also the scaling functions do not depend on the value of the scattering length. Within the scaling framework, we obtain an exact expression for the multiplicative coefficient as a function of the scattering length both in the a…
Epidemic spreading and aging in temporal networks with memory
Time-varying network topologies can deeply influence dynamical processes mediated by them. Memory effects in the pattern of interactions among individuals are also known to affect how diffusive and spreading phenomena take place. In this paper we analyze the combined effect of these two ingredients on epidemic dynamics on networks. We study the susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) and the susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) models on the recently introduced activity-driven networks with memory. By means of an activity-based mean-field approach we derive, in the long time limit, analytical predictions for the epidemic threshold as a function of the parameters describing the distribution of …
Dipolar bosons on an optical lattice ring
We consider an ultra-small system of polarized bosons on an optical lattice with a ring topology interacting via long range dipole-dipole interactions. Dipoles polarized perpendicular to the plane of the ring reveal sharp transitions between different density wave phases. As the strength of the dipolar interactions is varied the behavior of the transitions is first-order like. For dipoles polarized in the plane of the ring the transitions between possible phases show pronounced sensitivity to the lattice depth. The abundance of possible configurations may be useful for quantum information applications.
Lévy-type diffusion on one-dimensional directed Cantor graphs.
L\'evy-type walks with correlated jumps, induced by the topology of the medium, are studied on a class of one-dimensional deterministic graphs built from generalized Cantor and Smith-Volterra-Cantor sets. The particle performs a standard random walk on the sets but is also allowed to move ballistically throughout the empty regions. Using scaling relations and the mapping onto the electric network problem, we obtain the exact values of the scaling exponents for the asymptotic return probability, the resistivity and the mean square displacement as a function of the topological parameters of the sets. Interestingly, the systems undergoes a transition from superdiffusive to diffusive behavior a…
Dynamical bifurcation as a semiclassical counterpart of a quantum phase transition
We illustrate how dynamical transitions in nonlinear semiclassical models can be recognized as phase transitions in the corresponding -- inherently linear -- quantum model, where, in a Statistical Mechanics framework, the thermodynamic limit is realized by letting the particle population go to infinity at fixed size. We focus on lattice bosons described by the Bose-Hubbard (BH) model and Discrete Self-Trapping (DST) equations at the quantum and semiclassical level, respectively. After showing that the gaussianity of the quantum ground states is broken at the phase transition, we evaluate finite populations effects introducing a suitable scaling hypothesis; we work out the exact value of the…
Active and inactive quarantine in epidemic spreading on adaptive activity-driven networks
We consider an epidemic process on adaptive activity-driven temporal networks, with adaptive behaviour modelled as a change in activity and attractiveness due to infection. By using a mean-field approach, we derive an analytical estimate of the epidemic threshold for SIS and SIR epidemic models for a general adaptive strategy, which strongly depends on the correlations between activity and attractiveness in the susceptible and infected states. We focus on strong social distancing, implementing two types of quarantine inspired by recent real case studies: an active quarantine, in which the population compensates the loss of links rewiring the ineffective connections towards non-quarantining …
Lévy walks and scaling in quenched disordered media.
We study L\'evy walks in quenched disordered one-dimensional media, with scatterers spaced according to a long-tailed distribution. By analyzing the scaling relations for the random-walk probability and for the resistivity in the equivalent electric problem, we obtain the asymptotic behavior of the mean square displacement as a function of the exponent characterizing the scatterers distribution. We demonstrate that in quenched media different average procedures can display different asymptotic behavior. In particular, we estimate the moments of the displacement averaged over processes starting from scattering sites, in analogy with recent experiments. Our results are compared with numerical…
Rare events and scaling properties in field-induced anomalous dynamics
We show that, in a broad class of continuous time random walks (CTRW), a small external field can turn diffusion from standard into anomalous. We illustrate our findings in a CTRW with trapping, a prototype of subdiffusion in disordered and glassy materials, and in the L\'evy walk process, which describes superdiffusion within inhomogeneous media. For both models, in the presence of an external field, rare events induce a singular behavior in the originally Gaussian displacements distribution, giving rise to power-law tails. Remarkably, in the subdiffusive CTRW, the combined effect of highly fluctuating waiting times and of a drift yields a non-Gaussian distribution characterized by long sp…
Quantum Criticality in a Bosonic Josephson Junction
In this paper we consider a bosonic Josephson junction described by a two-mode Bose-Hubbard model, and we thoroughly analyze a quantum phase transition occurring in the system in the limit of infinite bosonic population. We discuss the relation between this quantum phase transition and the dynamical bifurcation occurring in the spectrum of the Discrete Self Trapping equations describing the system at the semiclassical level. In particular, we identify five regimes depending on the strength of the effective interaction among bosons, and study the finite-size effects arising from the finiteness of the bosonic population. We devote a special attention to the critical regime which reduces to th…
Diffusive thermal dynamics for the spin-S Ising ferromagnet
We introduce an alternative thermal diffusive dynamics for the spin-S Ising ferromagnet realized by means of a random walker. The latter hops across the sites of the lattice and flips the relevant spins according to a probability depending on both the local magnetic arrangement and the temperature. The random walker, intended to model a diffusing excitation, interacts with the lattice so that it is biased towards those sites where it can achieve an energy gain. In order to adapt our algorithm to systems made up of arbitrary spins, some non trivial generalizations are implied. In particular, we will apply the new dynamics to two-dimensional spin-1/2 and spin-1 systems analyzing their relaxat…
Phase transition of light on complex quantum networks
Recent advances in quantum optics and atomic physics allow for an unprecedented level of control over light-matter interactions, which can be exploited to investigate new physical phenomena. In this work we are interested in the role played by the topology of quantum networks describing coupled optical cavities and local atomic degrees of freedom. In particular, using a mean-field approximation, we study the phase diagram of the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model on complex networks topologies, and we characterize the transition between a Mott-like phase of localized polaritons and a superfluid phase. We found that, for complex topologies, the phase diagram is non-trivial and well defined in the…
Critical dynamics of long range models on Dynamical L\'evy Lattices
We investigate critical equilibrium and out of equilibrium properties of a ferromagnetic Ising model in one and two dimension in the presence of long range interactions, $J_{ij}\propto r^{-(d+\sigma)}$. We implement a novel local dynamics on a dynamical L\'evy lattice, that correctly reproduces the static critical exponents known in the literature, as a function of the interaction parameter $\sigma$. Due to its locality the algorithm can be applied to investigate dynamical properties, of both discrete and continuous long range models. We consider the relaxation time at the critical temperature and we measure the dynamical exponent $z$ as a function of the decay parameter $\sigma$, highlight…
Transport and Scaling in Quenched 2D and 3D L\'evy Quasicrystals
We consider correlated L\'evy walks on a class of two- and three-dimensional deterministic self-similar structures, with correlation between steps induced by the geometrical distribution of regions, featuring different diffusion properties. We introduce a geometric parameter $\alpha$, playing a role analogous to the exponent characterizing the step-length distribution in random systems. By a {\it single-long jump} approximation, we analytically determine the long-time asymptotic behavior of the moments of the probability distribution, as a function of $\alpha$ and of the dynamic exponent $z$ associated to the scaling length of the process. We show that our scaling analysis also applies to e…
Stochastic sampling effects favor manual over digital contact tracing.
Isolation of symptomatic individuals, tracing and testing of their nonsymptomatic contacts are fundamental strategies for mitigating the current COVID-19 pandemic. The breaking of contagion chains relies on two complementary strategies: manual reconstruction of contacts based on interviews and a digital (app-based) privacy-preserving contact tracing. We compare their effectiveness using model parameters tailored to describe SARS-CoV-2 diffusion within the activity-driven model, a general empirically validated framework for network dynamics. We show that, even for equal probability of tracing a contact, manual tracing robustly performs better than the digital protocol, also taking into accou…
Quantum signatures of the self-trapping transition in attractive lattice bosons
We consider the Bose-Hubbard model describing attractive bosonic particles hopping across the sites of a translation-invariant lattice, and compare the relevant ground-state properties with those of the corresponding symmetry-breaking semiclassical nonlinear theory. The introduction of a suitable measure allows us to highlight many correspondences between the nonlinear theory and the inherently linear quantum theory, characterized by the well-known self-trapping phenomenon. In particular we demonstrate that the localization properties and bifurcation pattern of the semiclassical ground-state can be clearly recognized at the quantum level. Our analysis highlights a finite-number effect.