A. Arndt-hanser
Bedrohliche Reaktion bei diskontinuierlicher Rifampicingabe
Von den neueren Tuberculostatica hat Rifampicin, dank zuverlassiger tuberculostatischer Eigenschaften bei bisher im allgemeinen nur geringen Nebenwirkungen, eine breite Anwendung gefunden. Gelegentlich auftretende Magenbe- schwerden fuhren selten zum Absetzen der Medikation (Binda u. Mitarb., 1971), bei Alkoholikern und Leberkranken kann das Auftreten eines Ikterus die Anwendung limitieren (Lesobre u. Mitarb., 1969; Lees u. Mitarb., 1970). Zur weiteren Steigerung der tuberculostatischen Wirksamkeit wurde vor 2 Jahren in noch beschranktem Umfang mit einer zweimal wochentlich hoherdosierten, an Stelle einer taglichen Rifampicingabe in normalen Dosen begonnen (Doyle u. Mitarb., 1969; Larbaoui …
Studies on the Australia antigen
Australia antigen typings on leprosy and control samples from West Bengal (India) and Angola (Africa) showed a considerably higher incidence of this antigen in lepromatous lepers as compared with other types of this disease resp. controls. By this the findings of Blumberg et al. (1967) in the Philippines could be confirmed. The possible reasons for this observations are discussed.
A case of severe repeated immunological reactions to intermittent rifampicin treatment
A case is reported in which a 36-year-old patient twice suffered a rapidly-developing severe reaction to intermittent rifampicin therapy. The symptoms were upper abdominal and back pain, nausea and shivering. Acute renal failure, thrombocytopenia, jaundice and haemolytic anaemia also developed. Aetiologically this was due to an immunopathological effect. This case was unusual in that all the previously observed reactions to rifampicin of an immunological aetiology occurred together, resulting in a marked leucocytosis with the presence of immature cells. It appears that the immediate administration of high-dose corticosteroids can favourably influence this condition. We consider that despite…
ABO blood groups and Australia antigen
The distribution of ABO blood in two groups of people with Australia antigen was studied (121 blood donors and 128 patients) and in 3,091 controls was investigated. There was a significant excess of A in comparison with o when the two groups were combined, and when the two groups were tested for (A + B): (AB +O) individually and together, both were found to be statistically significant. The results are discussed.
A mother-child combination analysis for AB0-Hp interaction
Tests for interaction between AB0 and Hp were performed in 1824 mother-child pairs. There was no significant difference in the Hp distribution between mothers and children. When the children were divided into AB0-compatible and AB0-incompatible with their mothers there was an excess of the Hp1 gene in the incompatible group. The results are discussed.
Über die Häufigkeit der Serumgruppen Hp, Gc und Gm in Südwest-Deutschland
Es wird uber die Haufigkeit der Serumgruppen in Sudwestdeutschland berichtet. Die Haptoglobingruppen fanden sich unter 1856 Personen zu: Hp 1−1=15,4%, Hp 2−1=47,7%, Hp 2−2=36,9%; Hp1=.3928, Hp2=.6072. Die Haufigkeit der Gc-Gruppen betragt: (n=747): Gc 1−1=60,5%, Gc 2−1=34,5%, Gc 2−2=5,0%; Gc1=.7778, Gc2=.2222. Die Gm-Gruppen fanden sich bei 965 Personen zu: Gm (a+ x+)=26,5%, Gm (a+ x−) =29,2%, Gm (a−x−)=44,3%; Gma=.191, Gmax=.143, Gmb=.666. Wahrend sich in der Frequenz der Hp-Gene keine signifikanten Unterschiede zu verschiedenen europaischen Vergleichspopulationen ergaben, fanden sich solche hinsichtlich der Frequenz der Gc-Gene und besonders der Gm-Gene. Es wird kurz darauf hingewiesen, d…