Participación ciudadana en los perfiles de Facebook de los partidos españoles. Análisis de comentarios en la campaña electoral de 2015
El uso de redes sociales por parte de los partidos políticos para la difusión de sus mensajes posibilita la participación ciudadana y la creación de debate entre los usuarios. El presente estudio analiza esta participación a través de los comentarios que escriben los ciudadanos en las páginas de Facebook de los principales partidos políticos españoles durante la campaña de las elecciones generales de 2015. El objetivo es establecer las características de la participación ciudadana en un contexto político y comprobar si existen diferencias entre los comentarios publicados en los distintos partidos. El estudio utiliza una metodología cuantitativa articulada en dos fases. En primer lugar, se a…
A Twitter campaign against pseudoscience: The sceptical discourse on complementary therapies in Spain
The main objective of this article is to analyse the sceptical movement’s discourse on complementary therapies in Spain, as well as comprehend its mobilisation against these therapies. Over the past 2 years, the Spanish sceptical movement, constituted by citizen’s associations against unconventional therapies and in favour of evidence-based medicine, has increased its activism which, as a result, is now more familiar to the public. To perform this study, three sources of information were selected: (a) the #StopPseudociencias campaign, with a corpus of 6252 tweets; (b) 153 news articles published during the study timeline and (c) 7 interviews with members of the sceptical movement, journalis…
APPENDIX – Supplemental material for A Twitter campaign against pseudoscience: The sceptical discourse on complementary therapies in Spain
Supplemental material, APPENDIX for A Twitter campaign against pseudoscience: The sceptical discourse on complementary therapies in Spain by Lorena Cano-Orón in Public Understanding of Science
Communicative differences between emergent and traditional parties: An analysis of Facebook posts from Spain’s 2015 general election campaign
Social media has revolutionized political communication. It offers political parties a mass communication channel that lets them customize and create direct communication with citizens. This study analyses the posts of the main Spanish political parties on their Facebook pages during the 2015 general elections campaign. We quantitatively analyse the parties’ frequency of publication on this social network and the content of their messages through a computerized content analysis. The results indicate that traditional and emergent parties manage their Facebook pages in distinct ways.; Las redes sociales han supuesto una revolución para la comunicación política, posibilita a los partidos tener…
Exploratory study of the hoaxes spread via WhatsApp in Spain to prevent and/or cure COVID-19
Objective: To review the hoaxes’ characteristics spread through WhatsApp in Spain during COVID-19 lockdown and identify what kind of substances were promoted for consumption or application. Method: A phone number was activated to receive hoaxes via WhatsApp. A total of 2353 messages were collected, and among those 584 different hoaxes were identified and validated, between March 18 and April 18, 2020. From these 584 hoaxes, a sub-sample of 126 was selected, exclusively related to the object of study, and a content analysis table with fourteen registration fields was applied. Besides, the averages and medians of the quantitative fields were extracted. Results: Most of the messages received w…
La desinformación en las redes de mensajería instantánea. Estudio de las fake news en los canales relacionados con la ultraderecha española en Telegram
espanolOne of the most uncontrolled and wides-pread sources of misinformation are the instant messaging platforms, mainly due to the privacy of the communication spaces created in them. The dissemination of false news on these networks makes it difficult to detect them and thus complicates the task of fact-checking. Both WhatsApp and Tele-gram were used and integrated in the elec-toral campaign of the previous elections in the United States (Journell, 2017; Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017), in the United Kingdom on the occasion of the Brexit (Kucharski 2016), in Brazil (Novomisky, 2018), and recently in the autonomous elections of Andalusia (Spain) (Viejo, 2018). This research takes as a case stud…
Dr. Google, what can you tell me about homeopathy? Comparative study of the top10 websites in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Mexico and Spain
Users access to Google to find out about health issues is frequent among citizens. This research analyzes the best results of three generic searches on homeopathy, collected in four waves in five countries: Spain, France, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Specifically, the fluctuation of the corpus ranking is studied, and a sample of the ten best-positioned pages in each country is taken to analyze their content (the authorship of the website, the stance of the effectiveness of homeopathy, the presence of controversy and the type of content). The results show that the ranking is stable; that the stance of homeopathy is linked to the state of public opinion in the country; t…
Mediatització i mítings durant la campanya a les eleccions autonòmiques valencianes de 2019: entre la «lògica mediàtica» i la «lògica política»
Este artículo pretende analizar cómo se desarrollan los mítines electorales en un periodo de intensa mediatización, en el que los medios de comunicación y los políticos se influyen mutuamente. Para ello, tomamos como referencia las elecciones autonómicas en la Comunidad Valenciana celebradas en abril de 2019, que coincidieron por primera vez con unas elecciones generales, de modo que la campaña adquirió más relevancia que en citas electorales anteriores. En ese contexto, nos centramos en conocer cómo se diseñaron esos mítines y qué impacto tuvieron tanto en redes sociales como en televisión. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante un análisis observacional de tipo cualitativo de los mítines centra…
Global Spaces for Local Politics: An Exploratory Analysis of Facebook Ads in Spanish Election Campaigns
[EN] Sponsored content on Facebook has become an indispensable tool for implementing political campaign strategies. However, in political communication research, this channel is still unexplored due to its advertising model in which only target audiences are exposed to sponsored content. The launching of the Facebook Ad Library in May 2018 can be considered a turning point in this regard, inasmuch as it now offers users direct access to ads paid for by political parties, among other advertisers. This paper analyzes some aspects of the strategies implemented by six national parties during the campaigns running up to the two general elections held in Spain in 2019, by performing an analysis o…
The rise of skepticism in Spanish political and digital media contexts
Currently in Spain, there is a political and social debate over the use and sale of homeopathic products, which is promoted mainly by the skeptical movement. For the first time, this issue has become significant in political discourse. This study analyzes the role that homeopathy-related stories are playing in that political debate. We analyzed the viewpoints of headlines between 2015 and 2017 in eight digital dailies (n = 1,683), which published over 30 stories on homeopathy during the three-year study period. The results indicated that the stance on therapy's lack of scientific evidence gained ground during the period studied.
sj-pdf-1-jou-10.1177_1464884920985407 – Supplemental material for Media’s portrayal of CAM: Exploring 40 years of narratives and meanings in public discourse
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jou-10.1177_1464884920985407 for Media’s portrayal of CAM: Exploring 40 years of narratives and meanings in public discourse by Emilia H Lopera-Pareja and Lorena Cano-Orón in Journalism
The Mirage of Truth
Fact-checkers have grown recently, facing the decline of journalism and the acceleration of disinformation flows on the internet. Due to the recent scholarly attention to these journalistic outlets, some authors have pointed to diverse critics such as the political bias and the low impact of fact-checking initiatives. In line with the research approaching the weaponization of disinformation in politics, this chapter reflects on the instrumentalization of verifying practices as a fact to consider when studying fact-checking. The investigation applies a combined methodology to compare Bendita and Maldita initiatives. While the latter is internationally recognized as an entity of fact-checking…
Media crisis and disinformation: the participation of digital newspapers in the dissemination of a denialist hoax
Disinformation is a communicative phenomenon that frequently feeds on political or electoral topics, as well as other aspects of our reality. This research takes as a case study the coverage given by the Spanish digital media to a hoax broadcast during the Filomena storm in 2021 that insisted that the snow was plastic. The purpose of this work is to analyze the instrumentalization of fake information as an expression of the information media crisis in the current context of disinformation. We set out four specific objectives: (SO1) to study the spread of the hoax through the media, (SO2) to analyze the construction of headlines in the news pieces, (SO3) to investigate the treatment of the h…
sj-pdf-1-jou-10.1177_1464884920985407 – Supplemental material for Media’s portrayal of CAM: Exploring 40 years of narratives and meanings in public discourse
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jou-10.1177_1464884920985407 for Media’s portrayal of CAM: Exploring 40 years of narratives and meanings in public discourse by Emilia H Lopera-Pareja and Lorena Cano-Orón in Journalism
Media’s portrayal of CAM: Exploring 40 years of narratives and meanings in public discourse
The media are a key element in being able to assess how the climate of public opinion regarding Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) has evolved over the years. The aim of this study is to explore the variation of the media representations along 40 years (1979–2018) in Spanish newspapers to assess if the press has contributed to legitimise, delegitimise or maintain the status quo of these therapies. From quantitative and qualitative approaches, we evaluate the media attention, the narratives, linguistic terms and tone used, and the relations between them. Results indicate the media reporting on CAM has remained relatively stable during the first 37 years (1979–2015) of the study, …
El debate sobre Europa en Twitter. Discursos y estrategias de los candidatos de las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de 2014 en España.
En este artículo se realiza un análisis de la campaña electoral desarrollada en las redes sociales, y en concreto Twitter, por parte de los cabezas de lista de ocho formaciones políticas españolas en las Elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de mayo de 2014. El objetivo fundamental del análisis es comprobar en qué medida el discurso de los candidatos se ciñe a temáticas de alcance europeo o, por el contrario, encuadra su campaña en relación con cuestiones de ámbito nacional. Para ello, el artículo desarrolla tres perspectivas metodológicas complementarias: un análisis cuantitativo de la actividad de los candidatos en Twitter; un análisis de contenido de los mensajes publicados por los candidatos…
De la localización a la movilización. Evolución del uso electoral de Instagram en España de 2015 a 2019
Este artículo analiza la evolución del uso electoral de Instagram en España, desde sus inicios como canal de comunicación política hasta su actual consolidación. Se aplica un análisis de contenido de once variables a las dimensiones formal, espacial, personal, temático-discursiva e interactiva de la actividad desarrollada en esta red social por los candidatos a la presidencia del Gobierno de España de los partidos que concurrieron con una mayor expectativa de voto a las Elecciones Generales de diciembre de 2015, junio de 2016 y abril y noviembre de 2019 (571 publicaciones). Los resultados evidencian la consolidación de Instagram como herramienta de comunicación política y el creciente inter…
Las terapias no convencionales en la esfera pública digital. Representaciones mediáticas, sociales y políticas
Este trabajo ha analizado aquellas representaciones mediáticas sobre las terapias no convencionales que cualquier individuo, sin necesidad de formar parte de una red social o un grupo concreto, podría encontrarse siguiendo los flujos de información digitales contemporáneos. Asimismo, también se ha explorado el contexto sociopolítico en el que se desarrollan los acontecimientos, realizando una comparación internacional en determinados momentos para poder poner en valor el tipo de realidad que hay en España. El significante “terapias no convencionales” es una de las múltiples nomenclaturas que se pueden utilizar para designar aquellas técnicas que se realizan para sanar y proporcionar bienest…
Investigación social libre: Herramientas libres para las ciencias sociales
"Investigacion Social Libre : Guía de herramientas libres para las ciencias sociales" pretende ser un documento rápido de referencia para aquellos investigadores que estén buscando o quieran explorar una alternativa a los programas y aplicaciones que utilizan a diario tanto en tareas administrativas como de investigación. Están pensadas específicamente para el ámbito del colectivo de investigadoras e investigadores de ciencias sociales, y por ello, se ha intentado plantear alternativas a todas aquellas herramientas de propietario que se utilizan para ello. "Investigacion Social Libre : Guía de herramientas libres para las ciencias sociales" aims to be a quick reference document for those re…
Análisis del aumento de seguidores y de la presencia multiplataforma de la clase política en Facebook, Twitter e Instagram en campañas electorales (2011-2019)
[EN] The participation of politicians in social media is increasingly necessary in order to gain visibility. However, the logic of content dissemination is very different from conventional media. In social media, building a broad and varied base of followers facilitates a greater impact of the message. This article analyses the influence of various individual factors of the candidates on two aspects of the process: variation in the number of followers and multiplatform presence. Both issues are assessed on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in the context of three general elections held in Spain during the 2010s. The results show that the age and gender of the candidates, their frequency of p…
Valoración y confianza de los espectadores de los programas de salud de TVE
Televisión Española (TVE) has made possible the dissemination of medical topics in the 2016 season through four specialized health programs: Saber vivir, Centro médico, Esto es vida and El ojo clínico. In order to better understand their reception by spectators, this study analyzes, on the one hand, the data from the audiometry and, on the other hand, the results of a survey launched through social networks. The questionnaire, responded by 158 followers of the programs, measured the value of the programs and the spectators’ confidence in their informative and audiovisual treatment. This research corresponds to the second phase of a broader project in which the contents of television program…
Political candidates in infotainment programmes and their emotional effects on Twitter: an analysis of the 2015 Spanish general elections pre-campaign season
[EN] The infotainment format offers candidates an informal setting to show a more personal side of themselves to the electorate, opening themselves up to potential voters. An example of media hybridisation, social networks users can immediately comment on infotainment television programmes, a process known as second screening. These second screeners tend to be especially active in politics. This paper analyses the immediate emotional reaction of these users as they watch infotainment programmes that air during the campaign or pre-campaign seasons and feature political candidates as guests. We have confirmed that second screeners react more emotionally towards the candidate when his or her p…
The invisible setting of digital space: the Facebook case
La neutralidad en la red no existe. El espacio digital puede ser adaptado de forma automática al perfil de cada usuario. Sin que este tenga que identificarse, las empresas de gestión de contenidos en Internet disponen de suficientes datos de cualquier individuo para poder filtrar los resultados de su búsqueda y personalizarlos, sin previo aviso, condicionando así su experiencia en la red. Esta investigación, de carácter exploratorio, aborda en primer lugar la descripción del espacio público digital. En segundo lugar, plantea una tipología de espacios digitales que se definen en función del grado de adaptación de los contenidos al usuario. Finalmente, presenta un análisis de caso de espacio …
Citizen engagement on spanish political parties' facebook pages: analysis of the 2015 electoral campaign comments
Political parties' use of social networks to spread their messages allows for citizen engagement and fosters debate among social networks users. In this paper, we analyze said engagement in the comments written by citizens on the Facebook pages of the major Spanish political parties during the 2015 general election campaign. We describe the characteristics of citizen engagement in a political context and determine if there are any differences amongst the comments published on the political parties' pages. We employ a two-phase quantitative methodology. First, we analyze the distribution of the 68,747 citizen comments posted on the profiles of PP, PSOE, Podemos, and Ciudadanos, based on the …
What are data sprints for?
The data sprint approach enables various objectives for the digital methods community, from fostering interdisciplinary collaboration to providing teaching-learning spaces regarding creative methods. However, data sprints’ purpose, advantages and concrete results are still little known across disciplines. Thus, this paper presents four facets pertaining to and deriving from data sprints to explain their prospects for different (non-) academic communities. First, we define the data sprint approach, providing a detailed description of what data sprints are and what they involve in practice and, in turn, propose guidance to facilitate the replicability of this work method. Second, we elucidate…
Materiales y evaluación del nivel de alfabetización para el reconocimiento de bots sociales en contextos de desinformación política
espanolEl ecosistema de medios esta en constante cambio, transformandose a un ritmo que las instituciones educativas no pueden seguir. En esta transformacion mediatica se ha introducido la inteligencia artificial (IA), adaptada a las redes sociales con diversos fines, tambien politicos. Este trabajo se centra en la IA en formato bot como herramienta automatizada para publicar contenido en Twitter y en las competencias necesarias para identificarlos. Los bots buscan imitar el comportamiento humano para crear un clima de opi-nion concreto, participar en conversaciones politicas e interaccionar con cuentas reales para boicotearlas o aumentar su relevancia. Con el objetivo de conocer el nivel d…
Evolución de la comunicación política digital (2011-2019): ocaso de los blogs, declive de Facebook, generalización de Twitter y popularización de Instagram
Este trabajo estudia la utilización electoral de la blogosfera, Facebook, Twitter e Instagram por parte de la clase política española durante la última década. El objetivo es describir la evolución de su presencia en dichos canales, tanto de manera individual como multiplataforma, así como de su actividad y notoriedad en cada uno de ellos. La investigación aplica un análisis cuantitativo longitudinal a un corpus formado por los blogs y las cuentas en redes sociales de los líderes de las candidaturas al Congreso de los Diputados presentadas en todas las circunscripciones por los partidos con mayor expectativa de voto en las Elecciones Generales de noviembre de 2011 (PP y PSOE), diciembre de …
Perfil sociodemográfico del usuario de la homeopatía en España
Resumen: Objetivo: Identificar el perfil sociodemográfico del usuario de la homeopatía en España. Diseño: Estudio cuantitativo. Emplazamiento: España. Corpus: Base de datos del Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Estudio 3205, febrero de 2018), con un total de 2.486 entrevistas, y se analiza una submuestra (n = 124), que agrupa a todos los ciudadanos que afirman que han usado la homeopatía en España en los 12 meses anteriores. Mediciones principales: Se utilizaron los porcentajes, las medias y/o la desviación estándar de las medias, así como la significación de los cambios en las distintas variables analizadas entre la población en general y los usuarios específicos de la homeopatía en …
Media and Science Policy: Who Influences Whom Regarding Complementary and Alternative Medicines Regulation
This paper analyses the synergies between press and politics in the debate on the regulation of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) in Spain between 1979 and 2018. We argue that longitudinal analysis and comparison of this interaction and synergy reveal how the mainstream discourse has shifted. We use a dataset of news ( N = 2,059), a news sample ( n = 325) and a dataset of parliamentary records ( N = 86). Using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, the dynamics of the interaction between the different institutions and actors involved is assessed. Specifically, the study analyses the media and parliamentary attention to CAM issues (agenda setting), how CAM is addres…
Disinformation in Facebook Ads in the 2019 Spanish General Election Campaigns
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