David Jarriault
Short-term impact of a Western diet on the physiology of the peripheral olfactory system
Current feeding behaviors contribute to the epidemic levels of obesity and diabetes observed in Europe and worldwide. Both the quantity and the quality of ingested food are incriminated. Together with other sensory modalities, olfaction is involved in the control of food intake. Olfactory cues can influence eating behaviors, yet the nutritional status and diet can also alter olfactory abilities. Patients with metabolic disorders present impaired olfactory sensitivity which could in turn worsen their eating behaviors.Here we examined the short-term impact of a Western diet enriched in fat and sugar (High Fat High Sugar, HFHS) on the anatomy and physiology of the olfactory epithelium of postn…
P293 Le diabète de type 2 induit un phénotype anxieux irréversible et attenue la réponse aux antidépresseurs chez la souris
Introduction Une alimentation riche en graisse entraine des perturbations metaboliques associees a des troubles psychiatriques. Toutefois, l'impact des traitements antidepresseurs dans la comorbidite diabete/depression reste peu documente. Notre etude vise a comparer les effets d'un inhibiteur selectif de recapture de la serotonine, le escitalopram, sur le comportement anxiodepressif de souris nourries avec un regime hyperlipidique (High-Fat-Diet ou HFD). Materiels et methodes Des souris mâles ont recu un regime standard (STD) ou HFD pendant 16 semaines puis ont ete traitees avec du escitalopram (10mg/kg ; s.c.) ou son solvant (NaCl 0,9 %) pendant les 4 dernieres semaines de regime. Le poid…
Signal transformation from olfactory receptor neurons to central neurons
International audience
Short-term impact of a Western diet on the physiology of the peripheral olfactory system
Negative impact of high fructose diet on olfactory habilities
National audience
Impact of diets unbalanced in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the mouse olfactory function
Negative impact of high fructose diet on olfactory abilities
Plasticity in the olfactory system: modulation by the odorant environment and diet
As the primary neuronal element in the olfactory system, olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) are responsible for detecting odor molecules, transforming chemical information to electrical signals and sending these signals to the brain. Being exposed to the environment, their lifetime is limited. The olfactory epithelium has the remarkable ability to regenerate sensory neurons throughout life. There is little data showing the effects of the environment, such as odorant exposure, on the properties of OSNs. Similarly, knowledge on the modulation by the physiological state of the animal (i.e. nutritional status) is limited. The long-term goal of our group is to investigate how the OSNs function dur…
Negative impact of high fructose diet on olfactory performances: behavioral and functional analysis
Negative impact of high fructose diet on olfactory performances: behavioral and functional analysis. 9. Forum of Neuroscience FENS
High Fructose Diet inducing diabetes rapidly impacts olfactory epithelium and behavior in mice
AbstractType 2 Diabetes (T2D), a major public health issue reaching worldwide epidemic, has been correlated with lower olfactory abilities in humans. As olfaction represents a major component of feeding behavior, its alteration may have drastic consequences on feeding behaviors that may in turn aggravates T2D. In order to decipher the impact of T2D on the olfactory epithelium, we fed mice with a high fructose diet (HFruD) inducing early diabetic state in 4 to 8 weeks. After only 4 weeks of this diet, mice exhibited a dramatic decrease in olfactory behavioral capacities. Consistently, this decline in olfactory behavior was correlated to decreased electrophysiological responses of olfactory n…
Early impact of a diabetes inducing high-fructose diet on olfaction in mice
The influence of nutritional status on olfactory processes has been thoroughly investigated over the last few years. It is now well-established that both nutritional status and hormones implicated in food metabolism can effectively modulate the olfactory system from the single neuron to the behavior. Therefore, it seems likely that metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes (T2D) can induce olfactory dysfunctions. Indeed T2D patients display poor olfactory performances although the direct effects of diabetes on olfaction were not yet demonstrated. Here, we investigated the modulation of olfaction in young adult (5 weeks old) C57Bl/6 male mice caused by a high-fructose diet (HFruD), known t…
Impact of a high fat high sucrose maternal diet on the progeny's olfactory system
International audience
Olfactory receptor neurons: A comparative analysis of their response properties with diverse stimuli in different species
International audience
Multidisciplinary approach to explore interactions in odor mixture perception
Odors and aromas perceived in food and in the environment result from the processing of complex chemical mixtures of volatile compounds that should be efficiently processed by the olfactory system. It is known for decades that this processing generates perceptual interactions, such as masking, synergy, or perceptual blending, which contribute to elaborating a synthetic brain representation of the chemical information. Nevertheless, the perceptual processes underlying these interactions are still poorly known. In this project, we set out a multidisciplinary approach to identify the characteristics of odorants and olfactory receptors (ORs) that could support perceptual interactions. We hypoth…
High-fat diet-induced metabolic disorders impairs 5-HT function and anxiety-like behavior in mice
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The link between type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and depression is bidirectional. However, the possibility that metabolic disorders may elicit anxiogenic-like/depressive-like symptoms or alter the efficacy of antidepressant drugs remains poorly documented. This study explored the influence of T2DM on emotionality and proposed a therapeutic strategy that might be used in depressed diabetic patients. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH Mice were fed a high-fat diet (HFD) and subjected to a full comprehensive metabolic and behavioural analysis to establish correlations between metabolic and psychiatric disorders. In vivo intra-hippocampal microdialysis was also applied to propose a me…
Impact of a maternal high fat high sucrose diet on progeny's olfactory system
International audience
CA-139: Impact précoce d'un régime gras et sucré sur la perception olfactive
Introduction L'odorat est un sens primordial pour guider les choix alimentaires. Certains patients diabetiques presentent une alteration de leurs capacites olfactives. De nombreuses interactions existent entre les hormones impliquees dans la regulation de l'homeostasie energetique et le systeme olfactif. Cependant, les consequences du diabete sur le systeme olfactif sont peu connues. Nous avons ici etudie les effets precoces d'un regime diabetogene enrichi en gras et sucre sur le systeme olfactif de souris. Materiels et Methodes Des souris mâles ont ete alimentees pendant 8 semaines avec un regime diabetogene enrichi en graisse et en sucre (HFHS). L'etat metabolique des animaux a ete caract…
Perforated Patch-clamp Recording of Mouse Olfactory Sensory Neurons in Intact Neuroepithelium: Functional Analysis of Neurons Expressing an Identified Odorant Receptor.
Analyzing the physiological responses of olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) when stimulated with specific ligands is critical to understand the basis of olfactory-driven behaviors and their modulation. These coding properties depend heavily on the initial interaction between odor molecules and the olfactory receptor (OR) expressed in the OSNs. The identity, specificity and ligand spectrum of the expressed OR are critical. The probability to find the ligand of the OR expressed in an OSN chosen randomly within the epithelium is very low. To address this challenge, this protocol uses genetically tagged mice expressing the fluorescent protein GFP under the control of the promoter of defined ORs. O…