Edith Salès-wuillemin

Psychosocial factors burden in workers with acute cerebro- or cardiovascular events: A multidisciplinary prospective pilot study

Introduction Psychosocial stress at work has been proposed as a risk factor for cerebro- and cardiovascular event (CVE) such as stroke or acute myocardial infarction (MI). However, data on psychosocial factors (PSF) profile in patients with CVE are scarce. In a multidisciplinary approach, we aimed to characterize PSF burden in patients with acute stroke or MI. Patients In a prospective pilot study, 45 patients aged  Results Among the 44 patients included, 77% had acute MI and 23% stroke. Mean age was 50 years, 77% were male, 43% were current smokers, 39% had hypertension, 41% hypercholesterolemia and 36% obesity. Education level was at 4,65 (secondary education), and most (41%) had low soci…

research product

Linguistic intergroup bias at school : an exploratory study of black and white children in France and their implicit attitude towards another

International audience; " Linguistic intergroup bias " (LIB) (Maass et al., 2000) was investigated in French elementary schools between children of the French majority group (White children of European heritage) and a French minority group (Black children from Sub-Saharan Africa). Participants (N = 360; 7–11-year-old; mean age = 10.36, SD = .85) were shown photographs presenting a target character (ingroup or outgroup) engaging in a positive behavior (e.g., a helping action) or a negative behavior (e.g., an aggressive action). Demonstrations of ingroup favoritism with no outgroup derogation were expected for White children from the majority group. These hypotheses were confirmed. Unexpected…

research product

L'évolution de la représentation des médias de communication : le cas d'Internet

the aim of this study is to show the evolution of the social representation of an object which gradually anchored in daily practices. Our approach is longitudinal the study took place during 5 years. 315 subjects were divided in 3 independent groups of regular users of Internet. Measurement was done at 3 times: in 2001, 2003 and 2005. Subjects are solicited for a verbal association task. Results are treated by a lexical analysis followed by a prototypic analysis (VERGES, 1992). Results show an important evolution of general organization of elements constituting the social representation. Discussion underlies two main points. First concerns modifications appearing inside the representation d…

research product

Analyse du langage et analyse des discours : quelques applications en psychologie

Resume L’analyse des discours est encore peu developpee en Psychologie. Elle offre pourtant a la fois un cadre theorique precis et des methodes d’analyses variees, qui permettent de traiter de problematiques au cœur de la psychologie et des missions des psychologues. Tout discours est le fruit d’une co-construction, il integre les perceptions croisees et les dynamiques relationnelles, interindividuelles et intergroupes. Il n’y a pas de frontiere entre celui qui le produit et celui qui le recoit, l’un est dans l’autre et l’autre dans l’un. Cette conception est particulierement pertinente lorsqu’il s’agit d’analyser ce qui se deroule au cœur des rapports sociaux, quel que soit le domaine d’in…

research product

La représentation sociale de l'hygiène chez les professionnels de santé : Intérêt du recueil par entretien et de l'analyse discursive des opérateurs de liaison issus du modèle des Schèmes Cognitifs de Base (SCB)

This study deals with professional representations. The goal is to show the representation of hygiene by health care workers: Nurses (N) and Health Care Aides (HCA). Method follows the BSC (Bases Cognitive Schemes) procedure, explicative interviews substitute to the evaluation task. An analysis of associative words points out that for HCA hygiene is associated with acts linked with corporal hygiene and with two synonymous: no trace, no germ Discussion underlines the interest of this method for professional representations studies and nosocomial infections strength.

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Catégorisation et représentations sociales

Ce cours présente les relations existant entre les concept de représentation sociale et de catégorisation sociale

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La représentation du stage d'observation chez des étudiants de première année au travers de deux modes de recueil

National audience

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Comment le coronavirus bouleverse notre rapport au corps, interview pour Daphnée Leportois

Les mesures de distanciation sociale comme les gestes barrière risquent d'ancrer dans la durée une expérience corporelle inédite, intime comme sociale, transformant nos représentations.

research product

A web-based and mobile intervention with brochure support providing complementary feeding guidelines to first-time parents in France: Randomized Controlled Trial (NutrienT trial)

Purpose: In light of the latest epidemiological and nutritional knowledge and scientific evidence supporting responsive feeding, the French feeding guidelines for 0-3 years were recently updated and nationally disseminated through a brochure and media campaign by Santé publique France. Moreover, smartphone apps become increasingly popular and is likely relevant to provide timely information across development to inform parents about child feeding practices but their effect is seldom evaluated. This randomized controlled trial (RCT) aims to investigate whether the provision of guidelines through an app and a brochure (vs. brochure alone, usual service) results in healthier parental feeding p…

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Le bien-être à tout prix : du bien-être à la qualité de vie au travail

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Effet des pratiques et des connaissances sur la représentation sociale d'un objet : application à l'hygiène hospitalière

The current study deals with the representation of hospital hygiene. The purpose is twofold: 1- to understand how knowledge about hygiene is acquired by nursing staff during their training (effect of the level of knowledge); 2- to identify how this knowledge evolves while practising a job in direct connection with hygiene (effect of practice). Three groups of participants were questioned: nursing staff (nursing executives, nurses and nursing auxiliaries), students training in nursing care (first, second and third year students) and non-specialist students. The results show that the three groups clearly share a common cultural base. This result confirms the existence of an overall architectu…

research product

La qualité de vie au travail, le regard de la psychologie sociale psychologie du travail

National audience

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Differences in social representation of blood donation between donors and non-donors: an empirical study

Background. Both donors and non-donors have a positive image of blood donation, so donors and non-donors do not differ regarding their views on donation but do differ in converting their opinion into an active deed of donation. Several studies have identified altruism and empathy as the main factors underlying blood donation. However, a mixture of various motivational factors mould the complex behaviour of donation. This paper presents an exploratory study on differences of social representations of blood donation between blood donors and non-donors, in order to understand the reasons that bring someone to take the decision to become a blood donor. Materials and methods. Participants filled…

research product

Côte D’Or les bons conseils pour 2021. Interview donnée pour Anne-Lise BERTIN - 28 déc. 2020, Le Bien Public. https://www.bienpublic.com/education/2020/12/28/il-faut-transformer-la-menace-en-defi

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Knowledge of French Healthcare Workers about Antimicrobial Resistance: a Large Multicentre Study

International audience

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Management of implicit in interaction : an experiment on non collaboration

The experiment, presented to the subjects as an enquiry by means of an interview, tookplace in two stages. Stage 1 : measurement of the subjects' attitude. Only the "extremized" attitudes were retained (quite favourable, or quite unfavourable) or median (neutral). Stage 2 : the subject was invited to attend an interview during which the interviewer did not do any of the usual prompting : he stated and defended an opinion that varied according to the experimental conditions. It was either congruent or non congruent with the subjects' attitude. This argumentation was divided between seven interventions that were not developed in observing the rule of cooperation since their content was progra…

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La représentation Professionnelle de l'hygiène chez les personnels soignants

research product

WITHDRAWN: What is the role of Pôle Emploi? Crossed representations among job seekers and careers advisers: Between requests for help and types of support provision

Abstract Introduction Since 2008, Pole Emploi (PE), the French government agency responsible for handling unemployment matters and unemployment benefits, has undergone a major restructuring, influencing the work of careers advisers (CA) and the support and follow-up services provided to job seekers (JS). This study examines the representations of PE and support among both CAs and JSs. Objectives The aim of the study is to contribute to a reflection on CA training. Method In the first study, 84 CAs and 125 JSs responded to a questionnaire using a word association task (WAT). In the second study, interviews were conducted with 22 CAs and 19 JSs. The data were analyzed based on a lexicometric …

research product

Social Representation of "Maghrebins" : effect of the inductive word on elements activated in a verbal association task

International audience

research product

Source unreliability decreases but does not cancel the impact of social information on metacognitive evaluations

International audience; Through metacognitive evaluations, individuals assess their own cognitive operations with respect to their current goals. We have previously shown that non-verbal social cues spontaneously influence these evaluations, even when the cues are unreliable. Here, we explore whether a belief about the reliability of the source can modulate this form of social impact. Participants performed a two-alternative forced choice task that varied in difficulty. The task was followed by a video of a person who was presented as being either competent or incompetent at performing the task. That person provided random feedback to the participant through facial expressions indicating ag…

research product

Les effets de techniques d’engagement et de dissonance cognitive sur l’attitude, la force de l’attitude et les raisonnements

Resume Cette etude s’interesse a l’impact des techniques d’engagement et de dissonance sur l’attitude, la force de l’attitude et les raisonnements associes au changement d’attitude. Les participants etaient places dans une situation experimentale basee sur l’engagement ou la dissonance ou dans une condition controle, le changement portant sur le rapport a la nourriture a base d’insectes. L’attitude (instrumentale, affective, globale) et la force de l’attitude (ambivalence, importance, extremite, certitude, intensite) ont ete mesurees. Les discours recueillis a partir des consignes experimentales etaient analyses avec TROPES et la methode des schemes cognitifs de base. Les resultats revelent…

research product

Qualité de vie au travail : impact de l’écart entre la QVT perçue et idéale

International audience

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Gestes barrières, chassez le naturel …

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Psychologie sociale et communication : de la conception aux applications

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Effect of Healthcare worker's professional representation of hygiene on hand hygiene practices

International audience; Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAI) significantly affect patients, prolong hospital stays and present a major challenge for the quality of patient care. In France, around 4,500 individuals die every year from an HAI (Government Statistics, 2010). Hand hygiene studies focusing on beliefs and practices may

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Psychosocial factors burden in workers with acute cerebro- or cardiovascular events: A multidisciplinary prospective pilot study

International audience

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Psychologie sociale, communication, langage : de la conception aux applications

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Cancérologie, la douleur en question : Représentations sociales, Regards croisés des Médecins oncologues et des Patients

Conférence inaugurale présentée à la 15ème Journée d’étude de l’ACNRD; International audience

research product

La gestion de l'implicite dans l'interaction, une expérimentation sur la non collaboration

International audience

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L’impact du leadership participatif sur la réduction de l’incertitude et la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques des conseillers de Pôle Emploi

Resume Cette etude examine dans quelle mesure l’impact du leadership participatif sur les emotions et sur la satisfaction des besoins psychologiques est mediatise par une reduction de l’incertitude chez les collaborateurs. Parmi les conseillers a Pole Emploi, 108 ont ete interroges sur leurs perceptions de leadership, leurs incertitudes (i.e. ambiguite de role, besoin de cloture) et sur des indicateurs d’un fonctionnement psychologique satisfaisant au travail (i.e. emotions et satisfaction/frustration des besoins). Les resultats revelent que seul un leadership participatif est associe positivement a nos indicateurs de fonctionnement psychologique au travail et que cette relation est mediati…

research product

Logiques de choix des médecins sur la prise en charge thérapeutique des patients atteints d’un cancer : analyse qualitative du contenu des discours, résultats partiels de l’étude EOLE

National audience; Contexte : En France, la question de la poursuite, de la limitation ou de l’arrêt des traitements palliatifs en cas de cancer métastatique non résécable fait l’objet de débats nourris. Plusieurs études internationales estiment qu’entre 10 et 20% des patients atteints de cancer reçoivent une chimiothérapie dans le dernier mois de leur vie (Benson, 2001 ; Niedern Tollåli, Dalhaug et al. 2014 ; Earle, Landrum, Souza et al. 2008 ; Ho, Barbera, Saskin, et al. 2011). L’une des raisons de cette prescription est la surestimation faite par les médecins de l’espérance de vie de leurs patients (Nieder et al., 2014 ; Christakis & Lamont, 2000). Pourtant, ces traitements peuvent dimin…

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Les foyers de protection judiciaire de la jeunesse et la prise en charge des jeunes auteurs de délit : représentations sociales et réflexions autour de groupes d’adolescents et d’éducateurs

The educators’ work in juvenile justice residential communities and their capacity of affective attunement to the adolescent's needs is essential for the creation of a protective and enriching context for the adolescent and his life trajectories. This article aims to explore the social representations of educators and young people in residential communities in Italy, through the analysis of their discourses gathered during focus groups. Our results reveal the need to compare these representations and work to narrow the gap between the caregivers and the users, in order to improve the relationship between the different protagonists of the interaction and, consequently, the possibilities of g…

research product

Les discours produits pendant une séquence de changement basée sur la dissonance ou l’engagement peuvent-ils expliquer le changement ?

International audience; Nous analysons l'effet d'une procédure d'engagement et de dissonance sur l'attitude et la force de l'attitude associées à un comportement alimentaire (insectes). Nous nous intéressons aux formes de pensées sous-jacentes aux discours recueillis dans le cadre de ces procédures expérimentales. 65 participants recevaient une liste d'informations portant sur l'élevage et la consommation d'insectes. Dans la condition contrôle, ils devaient indiquer ce qu'ils pensaient de ces informations. Dans la condition dissonance, ils devaient indiquer parmi les arguments fournis quels étaient ceux qu'ils trouvaient valides, souhaitables, pertinents ou acceptés par la plupart des gens …

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Evolution of social representation of communication's media: the case of Internet

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Categorial points of view in social representation

En s'appuyant sur la theorie des points de vue developpee par MacLaury pour les couleurs, les As. examinent les processus categoriels en jeu dans les representations sociales associees aux differents noms utilises pour designer les immigres maghrebins de France

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Social representation of the quality of working life: gap between idealization and perception, an empirical study

International audience

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Le stress, les risques psychosociaux et la qualité de vie au travail : des concepts au cœur de la prévention et de la promotion de la santé

International audience; Salès-Wuillemin, E. (2018). Le stress, les risques psychosociaux et la qualité de vie au travail : des concepts au coeur de la prévention et de la promotion de la santé, Revue Actualité et Dossier en Santé Publique, N°103, Juin, 26-29.

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Mémorisation et rappel d'un texte en fonction d'une attitude

International audience

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