Patrick Gorria

Detection of surfaces for projection of texture

Augmented reality is used to improve color segmentation on human's body or on precious no touch artefacts. We propose a technique based on structured light to project texture on a real object without any contact with it. Such techniques can be apply on medical application, archeology, industrial inspection and augmented prototyping. Coded structured light is an optical technique based on active stereovision which allows shape acquisition. By projecting a light pattern onto the surface of an object and capturing images with a camera, a large number of correspondences can be found and 3D points can be reconstructed by means of triangulation.

research product

Rétine Vidéo Rapide Réalisée en Technologie CMOS

Nous présentons une rétine réalisée en technologie CMOS 0.6 μm dédiée à l’observation de phénomènes lumineux rapides. Le pixel que nous avons conçu est basé sur un principe de modulation de la durée d’une impulsion représentative du flux lumineux incident. Ce pixel a été validé par simulation SPICE grâce aux bibliothèques AMS du fondeur puis dessiné en full- custom de façon à optimiser sa surface, on a obtenu ainsi un pixel dont la dimension est de 49.2μm de coté avec un taux de remplissage de 18 %.

research product

Novel view synthesis for projective texture mapping on real 3D objects

Industrial reproduction, as stereography or lithography, have a lack in texture information, as they only deal with 3D reconstruction. In this paper, we provide a new technique to map texture on real 3D objects, by synthesizing a novel view from two camera images to a projector frame, considered as a camera acting in reverse. No prior information on the pose or the shape of the 3D object is necessary, however hard calibration of the complete system is needed.

research product

Automatic texture mapping on real 3D model

We propose a full automatic technique to project virtual texture on a real textureless 3D object. Our system is composed of cameras and projector and are used to determine the pose of the object in the real world with the projector as reference and then estimate the image seen by the projector if it would be a camera.

research product

A Continuous Time Pattern Recognition Retina

International audience; We present in this paper a pattern recognition retina operating in continuous time. During a programming phase, the reference image is acquired by the sensor. After thresholding, the resulting binary image is stored in the sensor's pixels. During the recognition phase, the retina calculates, in an analog way and in continuous time, the zero displacement intercorrelation of the current image with the binary reference image and its complement. These two intercorrelation values are output as currents. By comparing these currents to expected values, determined during the programming phase, a shift of the pattern or a difference between the observed and programmed pattern…

research product

2D virtual texture on 3D real object with coded structured light

Augmented reality is used to improve color segmentation on human body or on precious no touch artifacts. We propose a technique to project a synthesized texture on real object without contact. Our technique can be used in medical or archaeological application. By projecting a suitable set of light patterns onto the surface of a 3D real object and by capturing images with a camera, a large number of correspondences can be found and the 3D points can be reconstructed. We aim to determine these points of correspondence between cameras and projector from a scene without explicit points and normals. We then project an adjusted texture onto the real object surface. We propose a global and automat…

research product

Features extraction on complex images

The accessibility of inexpensive and powerful computers has allowed true digital holography to be used for industrial inspection using microscopy. This technique allows the capture of a complex image (i.e., one containing magnitude and phase), and the reconstruction of the phase and magnitude information. Digital holograms give a new dimension to texture analysis, since the topology information can be used as an additional way to extract features. This new technique can be used to extend previous work on the image segmentation of patterned wafers for defect detection. The paper presents a comparison between the features obtained using Gabor filtering on complex images under illumination and…

research product

Observation des modes d'un laser de puissance. Validation de la méthode

research product

A Correlation Retina in Standard 0.6um : Application in Positioning System

International audience; We have designed and fabricated a programmable retina that is capable of recognizing patterns stored in memory in real-time. Each of the pixels of the retina is composed of a photodiode and an electronic device used during the programming phase to digitize the image of the pattern to recognize into a binary image stored in latches. The array of pixels is thus partitioned into two complementary disjoint sub-sets with all the photodiodes of the same sub-set connected together in order to obtain the sum total of the currents. During the analysis phase, an optical correlation between the projected image and the reference binary image memorized in the circuit is done. The…

research product

Développement, optimisation et utilisation d'un simulateur de mastication "bouche artificielle"

National audience

research product

From human to artificial mouth, from basics to results

Papier publié également dans : Proceedings en ligne de American Institute of Physics http://proceedings.aip.org/dbt/dbt.jsp?KEY=APCPCS&Volume=1137&Issue=1 (RN 2508; Sensory perception of the flavor release during the eating of a food piece is highly dependent upon mouth parameters. Major limitations have been reported during in vivo flavor release studies, such as marked intra- and inter-individual variability. To overcome these limitations, a chewing simulator has been developed to mimic the human mastication of food samples. The device faithfully reproduces most of the functions of the human mouth. The active cell comprises several mobile parts that can accurately reproduce shear and comp…

research product

Non-Model Based Method for an Automation of 3D Acquisition and Post-Processing

Most of the automation for 3D acquisition concerns objects with simple shape, like mechanical parts. For cultural heritage artefacts, the process is more complex, and it doesn't exist general solution nowadays. This paper presents a method to generate a complete 3D model of cultural heritage artefacts. In a first step, MVC is used to solve the view planning problem. Then, holes remaining in 3D model are detected, and their features are calculated to finish acquisition. Different post-processing are applied on each view to increase quality of the 3D model. This procedure has been tested with simulated scanner, before being implemented on a motion system with five degrees of freedom.

research product

A novel prototype to closely mimic mastication for in vitro dynamic measurements of flavour release

International audience; Flavour release during eating of a food depends upon many parameters that can hardly be managed. In-vivo measurements by the APCI MS-nose method allowed temporal sensory evaluation and flavour release data to be directly correlated, but several limitations have frequently been reported. These were: high inter-individual variability, low repeatability of measurements, and weak experiment throughput due to panellists' exhaustion. To overcome most of these limitations, the use of an artificial mouth for online mesurement of flavour release is recommended. However, the systems used in previous reports were limited in terms of reproducing in-vivo oral functions and parame…

research product

Active lighting applied to three-dimensional reconstruction of specular metallic surfaces by polarization imaging

International audience; In the field of industrial vision, the three-dimensional inspection of highly reflective metallic objects is still a delicate task. We deal with a new automated three-dimensional inspection system based on polarization analysis. We first present an extension of the shape-from-polarization method for dielectric surfaces to metallic surfaces. Then, we describe what we believe to be a new way of solving the ambiguity concerning the normal orientation with an active lighting system. Finally, applications to shape-defect detection are discussed, and the efficiency of the system to discriminate defects on specular metallic objects made by stamping and polishing is presente…

research product

Gabor filtering for feature extraction on complex images: application to defect detection on semiconductors

AbstractThis paper is an extension of previous work on the image segmentation of electronic structures on patterned wafers to improve the defect detection process on optical inspection tools. Die-to-die wafer inspection is based upon the comparison of the same area on two neighbourhood dies. The dissimilarities between the images are a result of defects in this area of one of the dies. The noise level can vary from one structure to the other, within the same image. Therefore, segmentation is needed to create a mask and apply an optimal threshold in each region. Contrast variation on the texture can affect the response of the parameters used for the segmentation. This paper shows a method of…

research product

Patterned wafer segmentation

This paper is an extension of our previous work on the image segmentation of electronic structures on patterned wafers to improve the defect detection process on optical inspection tools. Die-to-die wafer inspection is based upon the comparison of the same area on two neighborhood dies. The dissimilarities between the images are a result of defects in this area of one of the die. The noise level can vary from one structure to the other, within the same image. Therefore, segmentation is needed to create a mask and apply an optimal threshold in each region. Contrast variation on the texture can affect the response of the parameters used for the segmentation. This paper shows a method to antic…

research product

Dimensional control of metallic objects by artificial vision: contribution to lighting condition studies

We present an original method that enables real time automatic dimensional control of defects on metallic objects. The method is based on the theoretical and experimental study of light reflection mechanisms that can be seen as a function of the surface roughness and of the light source size. We show that it is possible to reconstruct the profile of an object from a single gray level image. An industrial application enables us to validate our results. Finally, an error computation fixes the limits of our method and enables us to better understand illumination problems.

research product

Study of the imaging conditions and processing for the aspect control of specular surfaces

A vision system capable of imaging and detecting defects on reflective nonplanar surfaces in the production line at a high cadence is presented in this paper. Defects are typically dust located under the metallic layer of packaging products used in cosmetic industries. To realize this processing, structured lighting which reveals the defects in the image is proposed. Defects appear clearly in the images like a set of brilliant pixels in dark zones. The signature of the defect is then obtained. The size of this signature does not depend linearly on the size of the defect. It is a function of the observation angle. In order to realize a precise and robust process, the necessity of acquiring s…

research product

3D reconstruction of hot metallic surfaces for industrial part characterization

During industrial forging of big hot metallic shells, it is necessary to regularly measure the dimensions of the parts, especially the inner and outer diameters and the thickness of the walls, in order to decide when to stop the forging process. The inner and outer diameters of the shells range from 4 to 6 meters and to measure them a large ruler is placed horizontally at the end of the shell. Two blacksmiths standing on each side of the ruler at about ten meters from it visually reads the graduations on the ruler in order to determine the inner and outer diameters from which the thickness of the wall is determined. This operation is carried out several times during a forging process and it…

research product

Masquer l'Objet pour Mieux le Reconnaître

National audience; L’évolution des technologies de pointe a repoussé les limites des domaines d’application de l’imagerie numérique de sorte que les capteurs d’images sont aujourd’hui omniprésents dans beau- coup d’applications, que ce soit des applications scientifiques ou des appli- cations liées au divertissement et à un usage grand public. Ces capteurs four- nissent en général une image qui est par la suite traitée par un ordinateur ou des circuits électroniques spécialisés. La course vers la miniaturisation et vers des systèmes autonomes compacts et légers nécessite aujourd’hui des cap- teurs d’images de plus en plus petits et de faible consommation. De plus, il existe des applications…

research product

3D dimensional measurement of large hot metallic shells

research product

Éclairage structuré et vision active pour le contrôle qualité de surfaces métalliques réfléchissantes

Dans le domaine de la vision artificielle, l’inspection de surfaces parfaitement reflechissantes est une tâche particulierement delicate, car elle implique de maitriser completement l’eclairage de la scene. Nous proposons dans ce papier, deux methodes complementaires permettant le controle qualite de surfaces metalliques reflechissantes. La premiere methode est un systeme d’acquisition utilisant un eclairage dynamique a franges. Elle permet de reveler les defauts d’aspect sur les surfaces a faible courbure. Dans des zones locales a plus forte courbure, il devient necessaire d’avoir acces a des informations tridimensionnelles afin de pouvoir segmenter les defauts. Nous proposons ainsi une me…

research product

Active Lighting Applied to Shape from Polarization

We present a new way of solving the ambiguity that appears in the shape from polarization method. This ambiguity, concerning the normals orientation of the surface, was previously solved thanks to a propagation algorithm. In this paper, the ambiguity is solved thanks to a special active lighting. This method is less time computing and is more robust to noise acquisition. We first demonstrate how to compute the right normals on the whole surface. Then, we show an application on the 3D reconstruction of a specular metallic object made by stamping and polishing.

research product

Content based segmentation of patterned wafers

We extend our previous work on the image segmentation of electronic structures on patterned wafers to improve the defect detection process on optical inspection tools. Die-to-die wafer in- spection is based on the comparison of the same area on two neigh- boring dies. The dissimilarities between the images are a result of defects in this area of one of the dies. The noise level can vary from one structure to the other, within the same image. Therefore, seg- mentation is required to create a mask and apply an optimal thresh- old in each region. Contrast variation on the texture can affect the response of the parameters used for the segmentation. We show a method to anticipate these variation…

research product

Development of a chewing simulator for food breakdown and the analysis of in vitro flavor compound release in a mouth environment

International audience; Flavor release during eating is highly dependent upon mouth parameters. Major limitations have been reported during in vivo flavor release studies, such as marked intra- and inter-individual variability. To overcome these limitations, a chewing simulator has been developed to mimic the human mastication of food samples. Several devices had already been developed for diverse applications, but they only reproduced certain oral functions and were therefore not characteristic of the natural mouth environment. The newly developed device faithfully reproduces most of the functions of the human mouth. The active part of the system is a special cell, precisely tooled using a…

research product

Attitude measurement by artificial vision

The recent development of light and low-cost airborne platforms (microlight, drones, kites, balloons,...) has led to the need for simple and low-cost devices allowing attitude measurement with respect to a reference horizon of the platform itself or of an embedded setting. A theoretical study of the conditions for measuring attitude angles from artificial vision is proposed and an original practical algorithm allowing these measurements to be performed in real time is described. An implementation in a CMOS retina circuit is also presented. These points are illustrated by experiments confirming the feasibility of the device.

research product

3D laser system for shell dimension measurement during forging

research product

Vision system for defect imaging, detection, and characterization on a specular surface of a 3D object

Abstract A vision system capable of imaging, detecting, and characterizing defects onto highly reflective, non-plane surfaces, is presented in this paper. Defects are typically dust, and hair located under the metallic layer of packaging products used in cosmetic industries. The vision system comprises an innovative lighting solution to reveal defects onto highly reflective non-plane surfaces. Several image acquisitions are performed to build a synthetic image, where defects clearly appear white on a mid-gray background. Our lighting system allows imaging defects on various-shaped objects. The vision system measures the defect size to make a decision on the product rejection. The authors as…

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