ÁNgela G. Correas
Uso de la infografía en la optativa “Alimentación y Dietética” del grado de Medicina
[ES] Como sustitución de la clase magistral, en la sesión dedicada a tratar las características de “dietas occidentales de moda” de la asignatura optativa 34493-Alimentación y Dietética del Grado en Medicina de la Universitat de Valencia, se utilizaron infografías previamente diseñadas por los estudiantes. Con esta iniciativa se pretendía mejorar la participación del alumnado en la asignatura, además de profundizar en la materia, mejorar sus habilidades digitales y de búsqueda y síntesis de información. Esta propuesta fue bien valorada por el estudiantado, que mostró su preferencia por esta forma de trabajar frente a la clase magistral. Además, opinó que la actividad mejoraba su capacidad d…
Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Diet: Role in Healthy Aging
Inflammation is a physiological process involved in the defenses of the body and the repair of tissues. It is acutely activated by infections, trauma, toxins, or allergic reactions. However, if it becomes chronic, inflammation can end up stimulating the development of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, neurological disease, or cancer. Additionally, during aging, inflammation becomes increasingly more chronic. Furthermore, we found that certain foods, such as saturated fats, have pro-inflammatory activity. Taking this into account, in this review we have discussed different diets with possible anti-inflammatory activity, the commonly ingested components of each diet…
Physical exercise in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Highlights • Low levels of physical activity are a risk factor associated with Alzheimer's disease. • Older adults who exercise are more likely to maintain cognition. • Exercise modulates amyloid β turnover, inflammation, synthesis, and release of neurotrophins, and cerebral blood flow.
Reversal of age-associated frailty by controlled physical exercise: The pre-clinical and clinical evidences.
Demographic aging is one of the most serious challenges facing our society. Although we live longer, we do not live better because it is considered that approximately 16–20% of our life is spent in late-life morbidity. Older people have the greatest risk of developing frailty increasing the risk of presenting various adverse health events such as low quality of life, disability, hospitalization and even death. Frail men and women over 65 years old have lower muscle quality and muscle mass and higher percentage of body fat than non-frail people of the same age. In this review we will address the main physiological changes in the muscular and nervous system associated to aging. More specifica…
Uso del debate como herramienta metodológica docente en estudios del Grado en Medicina: DEBATMITAL
[EN] The main purpose of the DEBATMITAL project is to increase the participation of students in the practical session on "Myths of Food" that is part of the optional subject “Nutrition and Dietetics" of the degree in Medicine of the University of Valencia. In front of the master class, which was basically the tool used in previous courses, students are organized into discussion groups to debate some food-related statements commonly heard. The assessment that students make of this initiative is very positive. They indicate that they have learned, they have had fun while participating in the debates, and that they prefer this tool to the master class. Therefore, the debate is a teaching tool …
Glucose 6-P dehydrogenase delays the onset of frailty by protecting against muscle damage.
Background: Frailty is a major age-associated syndrome leading to disability. Oxidative damage plays a significant role in the promotion of frailty. The cellular antioxidant system relies on reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) that is highly dependent on glucose 6-P dehydrogenase (G6PD). The G6PD-overexpressing mouse (G6PD-Tg) is protected against metabolic stresses. Our aim was to examine whether this protection delays frailty. Methods: Old wild-type (WT) and G6PD-Tg mice were evaluated longitudinally in terms of frailty. Indirect calorimetry, transcriptomic profile, and different skeletal muscle quality markers and muscle regenerative capacity were also investigate…
Redox-related biomarkers in physical exercise
Research in redox biology of exercise has made considerable advances in the last 70 years. Since the seminal study of George Pake's group calculating the content of free radicals in skeletal muscle in resting conditions in 1954, many discoveries have been made in the field. The first section of this review is devoted to highlight the main research findings and fundamental changes in the exercise redox biology discipline. It includes: i) the first steps in free radical research, ii) the relation between exercise and oxidative damage, iii) the redox regulation of muscle fatigue, iv) the sources of free radicals during muscle contractions, and v) the role of reactive oxygen species as regulato…