Peter Van Loock

Error-corrected quantum repeaters with GKP qudits

The Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) code offers the possibility to encode higher-dimensional qudits into individual bosonic modes with, for instance, photonic excitations. Since photons enable the reliable transmission of quantum information over long distances and since GKP states subject to photon loss can be recovered to some extent, the GKP code has found recent applications in theoretical investigations of quantum communication protocols. While previous studies have primarily focused on GKP qubits, the possible practical benefits of higher-dimensional GKP qudits are hitherto widely unexplored. In this paper, we carry out performance analyses for three quantum repeater protocols based o…

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Quantum error correction against photon loss using multi-component cat states

We analyse a generalised quantum error correction code against photon loss where a logical qubit is encoded into a subspace of a single oscillator mode that is spanned by distinct multi-component cat states (coherent-state superpositions). We present a systematic code construction that includes the extension of an existing one-photon-loss code to higher numbers of losses. When subject to a photon loss (amplitude damping) channel, the encoded qubits are shown to exhibit a cyclic behaviour where the code and error spaces each correspond to certain multiples of losses, half of which can be corrected. As another generalisation we also discuss how to protect logical qudits against photon losses,…

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Heralded creation of photonic qudits from parametric down conversion using linear optics

We propose an experimental scheme to generate, in a heralded fashion, arbitrary quantum superpositions of two-mode optical states with a fixed total photon number $n$ based on weakly squeezed two-mode squeezed state resources (obtained via weak parametric down conversion), linear optics, and photon detection. Arbitrary $d$-level (qudit) states can be created this way where $d=n+1$. Furthermore, we experimentally demonstrate our scheme for $n=2$. The resulting qutrit states are characterized via optical homodyne tomography. We also discuss possible extensions to more than two modes concluding that, in general, our approach ceases to work in this case. For illustration and with regards to pos…

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Memory-assisted long-distance phase-matching quantum key distribution

We propose a scheme that generalizes the loss scaling properties of twin-field or phase-matching quantum key distribution (QKD) related to a channel of transmission $\eta_{total}$ from $\sqrt{\eta_{total}}$ to $\sqrt[2n]{\eta_{total}}$ by employing n-1 memory stations with spin qubits and n beam-splitter stations including optical detectors. Our scheme's resource states are similar to the coherent-state-based light-matter entangled states of a previous hybrid quantum repeater, but unlike the latter our scheme avoids the necessity of employing 2n-1 memory stations and writing the transmitted optical states into the matter memory qubits. The full scaling advantage of this memory-assisted phas…

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3/4-efficient Bell measurement with passive linear optics and unentangled ancillae

It is well known that an unambiguous discrimination of the four optically encoded Bell states is possible with a probability of $50\%$ at best, when using static, passive linear optics and arbitrarily many vacuum mode ancillae. By adding unentangled single-photon ancillae, we are able to surpass this limit and reach a success probability of at least $75\%$. We discuss the error robustness of the proposed scheme and a generalization to reach a success probability arbitrarily close to $100\%$.

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Quantum repeater based on cavity-QED evolutions and coherent light

In the framework of cavity QED, we propose a quantum repeater scheme that uses coherent light and chains of atoms coupled to optical cavities. In contrast to conventional repeater schemes, we avoid the usage of two-qubit quantum logical gates by exploiting solely the cavity QED evolution. In our previous paper [D. Gonta and P. van Loock: Phys. Rev. A 88, 052308 (2013)], we already proposed a quantum repeater in which the entanglement between two neighboring repeater nodes was distributed using controlled displacements of input coherent light, while the produced low-fidelity entangled pairs were purified using ancillary (four-partite) entangled states. In this paper, the entanglement distrib…

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Deterministic quantum teleportation of photonic quantum bits by a hybrid technique.

The continuous-variable teleportation of a discrete-variable, photonic qubit is deterministic and allows for faithful qubit transfer even with imperfect continuous-variable entangled states: for four qubits, the overall transfer fidelities all exceed the classical limit of teleportation. Quantum teleportation is one of the most important elementary protocols in quantum information processing. Previous studies have achieved quantum teleportation, but usually randomly and at low rates. Two groups reporting in this issue of Nature have used contrasting methods to achieve the same aim —more efficient quantum teleportation. Takeda et al. describe the experimental realization of fully determinist…

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Optimal Entanglement Swapping in Quantum Repeaters.

We formulate the problem of finding the optimal entanglement swapping scheme in a quantum repeater chain as a Markov decision process and present its solution for different repeater's sizes. Based on this, we are able to demonstrate that the commonly used "doubling" scheme for performing probabilistic entanglement swapping of probabilistically distributed entangled qubit pairs in quantum repeaters does not always produce the best possible raw rate. Focussing on this figure of merit, without considering additional probabilistic elements for error suppression such as entanglement distillation on higher "nesting levels", our approach reveals that a power-of-two number of segments has no privil…

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Quantum error correction against photon loss using NOON states

The so-called NOON states are quantum optical resources known to be useful especially for quantum lithography and metrology. At the same time, they are known to be very sensitive to photon losses and rather hard to produce experimentally. Concerning the former, here we present a scheme where NOON states are the elementary resources for building quantum error correction codes against photon losses, thus demonstrating that such resources can also be useful to suppress the effect of loss. Our NOON-code is an exact code that can be systematically extended from one-photon to higher-number losses. Its loss scaling depending on the codeword photon number is the same as for some existing, exact los…

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Beating the One-Half Limit of Ancilla-Free Linear Optics Bell Measurements

We show that optically encoded two-qubit Bell states can be unambiguously discriminated with a success probability of more than 50% in both single-rail and dual-rail encodings by using active linear-optical resources that include Gaussian squeezing operations. These results are in contrast to the well-known upper bound of 50% for unambiguous discrimination of dual-rail Bell states using passive, static linear optics and arbitrarily many vacuum modes. We present experimentally feasible schemes that improve the success probability to 64.3% in dual-rail and to 62.5% in single-rail for a uniform random distribution of Bell states. Conceptually, this demonstrates that neither interactions that i…

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A simple comparative analysis of exact and approximate quantum error correction

We present a comparative analysis of exact and approximate quantum error correction by means of simple unabridged analytical computations. For the sake of clarity, using primitive quantum codes, we study the exact and approximate error correction of the two simplest unital (Pauli errors) and nonunital (non-Pauli errors) noise models, respectively. The similarities and differences between the two scenarios are stressed. In addition, the performances of quantum codes quantified by means of the entanglement fidelity for different recovery schemes are taken into consideration in the approximate case. Finally, the role of self-complementarity in approximate quantum error correction is briefly ad…

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Timing Control of a Heralded Single Photon Emission

We experimentally demonstrate controlling the emission timing of a heralded single photon from a non-degenerate optical parametric oscillator, by placing another quickly tunable cavity at the exit as a shutter.

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Hybrid quantum teleportation

Quantum teleportation allows for the transfer of arbitrary, in principle, unknown quantum states from a sender to a spatially distant receiver, who share an entangled state and can communicate classically. It is the essence of many sophisticated protocols for quantum communication and computation. In order to realize flying qubits in these schemes, photons are an optimal choice. However, teleporting a photonic qubit has been limited due to experimental inefficiencies and restrictions. Major disadvantages have been the probabilistic nature of both entangled resource states and linear-optics Bell-state measurements (BSM), as well as the need for post-selecting the successful events by destroy…

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All-Optical Storage of Phase-Sensitive Quantum States of Light.

We experimentally demonstrate storage and on-demand release of phase-sensitive, photon-number superposition states of the form $\alpha |0\rangle + \beta e^{i\theta} |1\rangle$ for an optical quantized oscillator mode. For this purpose, we introduce a phase-probing mechanism to a storage system composed of two concatenated optical cavities, which was previously employed for storage of phase-insensitive single-photon states [Phys. Rev. X 3, 041028 (2013)]. This is the first demonstration of all-optically storing highly nonclassical and phase-sensitive quantum states of light. The strong nonclassicality of the states after storage becomes manifest as a negative region in the corresponding Wign…

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An entropic analysis of approximate quantum error correction

The concept of entropy and the correct application of the Second Law of thermodynamics are essential in order to understand the reason why quantum error correction is thermodynamically possible and no violation of the Second Law occurs during its execution. We report in this work our first steps towards an entropic analysis extended to approximate quantum error correction (QEC). Special emphasis is devoted to the link among quantum state discrimination (QSD), quantum information gain, and quantum error correction in both the exact and approximate QEC scenarios.

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Exploring a new regime for processing optical qubits: squeezing and unsqueezing single photons

We implement the squeezing operation as a genuine quantum gate, deterministically and reversibly acting `online' upon an input state no longer restricted to the set of Gaussian states. More specifically, by applying an efficient and robust squeezing operation for the first time to non-Gaussian states, we demonstrate a two-way conversion between a particle-like single-photon state and a wave-like superposition of coherent states. Our squeezing gate is reliable enough to preserve the negativities of the corresponding Wigner functions. This demonstration represents an important and necessary step towards hybridizing discrete and continuous quantum protocols.

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Measurement-induced optical Kerr interaction

We present a method for implementing a weak optical Kerr interaction (single-mode Kerr Hamiltonian) in a measurement-based fashion using the common set of universal elementary interactions for continuous-variable quantum computation. Our scheme is a conceptually distinct alternative to the use of naturally occurring, weak Kerr nonlinearities or specially designed nonlinear media. Instead, we propose to exploit suitable offline prepared quartic ancilla states together with beam splitters, squeezers, and homodyne detectors. For perfect ancilla states and ideal operations, our decompositions for obtaining the measurement-based Kerr Hamiltonian lead to a realization with near-unit fidelity. Non…

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Entanglement Swapping between Discrete and Continuous Variables

We experimentally realize "hybrid" entanglement swapping between discrete-variable (DV) and continuous-variable (CV) optical systems. DV two-mode entanglement as obtainable from a single photon split at a beam splitter is robustly transferred by means of efficient CV entanglement and operations, using sources of squeezed light and homodyne detections. The DV entanglement after the swapping is verified without post-selection by the logarithmic negativity of up to 0.28$\pm$0.01. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the optimally transferred state can be post-selected into a highly entangled state that violates a Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality by more than four standard deviations, and …

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Phase Locking between Two All-Optical Quantum Memories.

Optical approaches to quantum computation require the creation of multi-mode photonic quantum states in a controlled fashion. Here we experimentally demonstrate phase locking of two all-optical quantum memories, based on a concatenated cavity system with phase reference beams, for the time-controlled release of two-mode entangled single-photon states. The release time for each mode can be independently determined. The generated states are characterized by two-mode optical homodyne tomography. Entanglement and nonclassicality are preserved for release-time differences up to 400 ns, confirmed by logarithmic negativities and Wigner-function negativities, respectively.

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Vacuum Suppression in Gain-tuned Continuous-Variable Quantum Teleportation of a Single Photon by Conditioning on Sender

We experimentally demonstrate bolstering the strength of gain-tuned continuous variable quantum teleportation of a single photon by conditioning on the sender's measurement results to eliminate excess vacuum contamination in the output.

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Synchronization of optical photons for quantum information processing

We observe the Hong-Ou-Mandel interference via homodyne tomography on two photons extracted from two quantum memories.

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Cavity QED of a leaky planar resonator coupled to an atom and an input single-photon pulse

In contrast to the free-space evolution of an atom governed by a multi-mode interaction with the surrounding electromagnetic vacuum, the evolution of a cavity-QED system can be characterized by just three parameters, (i) atom-cavity coupling strength g, (ii) cavity relaxation rate \kappa, and (iii) atomic decay rate into the non-cavity modes \gamma. In the case of an atom inserted into a planar resonator with an input beam coupled from the outside, it has been shown by Koshino [Phys. Rev. A 73, 053814 (2006)] that these three parameters are determined not only by the atom and cavity characteristics, but also by the spatial distribution of the input pulse. By an ab-initio treatment, we gener…

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Ultrafast Fault-Tolerant Long-Distance Quantum Communication with Static Linear Optics

We present an in-depth analysis regarding the error resistance and optimization of our all-optical Bell measurement and ultrafast long-distance quantum communication scheme proposed in [arXiv:1503.06777]. In order to promote our previous proposal from loss- to fault-tolerance, we introduce a general and compact formalism that can also be applied to other related schemes (including non-all-optical ones such as [PRL 112, 250501]). With the help of this new representation we show that our communication protocol does not only counteract the inevitable photon loss during channel transmission, but is also able to resist common experimental errors such as Pauli-type errors (bit- and phase-flips) a…

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Gain tuning for continuous-variable quantum teleportation of discrete-variable states

We present a general formalism to describe continuous-variable (CV) quantum teleportation of discrete-variable (DV) states with gain tuning, taking into account experimental imperfections. Here the teleportation output is given by independently transforming each density matrix element of the initial state. This formalism allows us to accurately model various teleportation experiments and to analyze the gain dependence of their respective figures of merit. We apply our formalism to the recent experiment of CV teleportation of qubits [S. Takeda et al., Nature 500, 315 (2013)] and investigate the optimal gain for the transfer fidelity. We also propose and model an experiment for CV teleportati…

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Generation of two-mode quantum states of light with timing controllable memories

We created and experimentally verified two-mode entangled states of light, α|0,1⟩ + βe*+|1,0⟩, by means of two phase-sensitive optical quantum memories. The release timing of each optical mode can be independently controlled for up to 400 ns.

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Observation of high-purity single photons hopping between optical cavities

We experimentally demonstrate high-purity single photons hopping coherently between coupled optical cavities. The system shows high performance also as a controllable single-photon source, which emits single photons with a negative Wigner function.

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All-optical storage of a qubit encoded in an oscillator

The efficient and reliable storage of quantum states plays a crucial role for the realization of quantum computation and communication. For example, in linear optics quantum computation as represented by the KLM scheme [1], quantum storage enables one to store intermediate “results” or to boost scalability and reliability of the computation. To employ quantum storage for quantum computation, the storage should be applicable to superposition states, including phase information of the superposition as well as the amplitude information of the state's coefficients. Some schemes exist for such storage using electron or nuclear spins [2]. However, an all-optical storage without the use of atoms o…

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Ultrafast Long-Distance Quantum Communication with Static Linear Optics

We propose a projection measurement onto encoded Bell states with a static network of linear optical elements. By increasing the size of the quantum error correction code, both Bell measurement efficiency and photon-loss tolerance can be made arbitrarily high at the same time. As a main application, we show that all-optical quantum communication over large distances with communication rates similar to those of classical communication is possible solely based on local state teleportations using optical sources of encoded Bell states, fixed arrays of beam splitters, and photon detectors. As another application, generalizing state teleportation to gate teleportation for quantum computation, we…

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Hybrid quantum repeater for qudits

We present a "hybrid quantum repeater" protocol for the long-distance distribution of atomic entangled states beyond qubits. In our scheme, imperfect noisy entangled pairs of two qudits, i.e., two discrete-variable $d$-level systems, each of, in principle, arbitrary dimension $d$, are initially shared between the intermediate stations of the channel. This is achieved via local, sufficiently strong light-matter interactions, involving optical coherent states and their transmission after these interactions, and optical measurements on the transmitted field modes, especially (but not restricted to) efficient continuous-variable homodyne detections ("hybrid" here refers to the simultaneous expl…

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Approximate quantum error correction for generalized amplitude damping errors

We present analytic estimates of the performances of various approximate quantum error correction schemes for the generalized amplitude damping (GAD) qubit channel. Specifically, we consider both stabilizer and nonadditive quantum codes. The performance of such error-correcting schemes is quantified by means of the entanglement fidelity as a function of the damping probability and the non-zero environmental temperature. The recovery scheme employed throughout our work applies, in principle, to arbitrary quantum codes and is the analogue of the perfect Knill-Laflamme recovery scheme adapted to the approximate quantum error correction framework for the GAD error model. We also analytically re…

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All-optical long-distance quantum communication with Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill qubits

Quantum repeaters are a promising platform for realizing long-distance quantum communication and thus could form the backbone of a secure quantum internet, a scalable quantum network, or a distributed quantum computer. Repeater protocols that encode information in single- or multi-photon states are limited by transmission losses and the cost of implementing entangling gates or Bell measurements. In this work, we consider implementing a quantum repeater protocol using Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) qubits. These qubits are natural elements for quantum repeater protocols, because they allow for deterministic Gaussian entangling operations and Bell measurements, which can be implemented at ro…

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Optical quantum information processing and storage

Here we report our recent experimental progresses in optical quantum information processing. In particular, the following topics are included. First, we extend the heralding scheme to multi-mode states and demonstrate heralded creation of qutrit states. Next, we demonstrate storage of single-photon states and synchronized release of them. Then, we demonstrate real-time acquisition of quadrature values of heralded states by making use of an exponentially rising shape of wave-packets. Finally, we demonstrate cluster states in an arbitrarily long chain in the longitudinal direction.

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Dynamical quantum repeater using cavity-QED and optical coherent states

In the framework of cavity QED, we propose a quantum repeater scheme that uses coherent light and atoms coupled to optical cavities. In contrast to conventional schemes, we exploit solely the cavity QED evolution for the entire quantum repeater scheme and, thus, avoid any explicit execution of quantum logical gates. The entanglement distribution between the repeater nodes is realized with the help of pulses of coherent light interacting with the atom-cavity system in each repeater node. In our previous paper [D. Gonta and P. van Loock, Phys. Rev. A 86, 052312 (2012)], we already proposed a dynamical protocol to purify a bipartite entangled state using the evolution of atomic chains coupled …

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Demonstration of a fully tuneable entangling gate for continuous-variable one-way quantum computation

We introduce a fully tuneable entangling gate for continuous-variable one-way quantum computation. We present a proof-of-principle demonstration by propagating two independent optical inputs through a three-mode linear cluster state and applying the gate in various regimes. The genuine quantum nature of the gate is confirmed by verifying the entanglement strength in the output state. Our protocol can be readily incorporated into efficient multi-mode interaction operations in the context of large-scale one-way quantum computation, as our tuning process is the generalisation of cluster state shaping.

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Protocols and prospects for building a quantum repeater

An overview will be given of various approaches to implementing a quantum repeater for quantum communication over large distances. This includes a discussion of systems and protocols that are experimentally feasible and thus realizable in the midterm in order to go beyond the current limit of a few hundred km given by direct quantum-state transmissions. At the same time, these schemes should be, in principle, scalable to arbitrary distances. In this context, the influence of various elements and strategies in a quantum repeater protocol on the final fidelities and rates shall be addressed: initial entanglement distribution, Bell measurements, multiplexing, postselection, quantum memories, a…

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Unconditional generation of bright coherent non-Gaussian light from exciton-polariton condensates

Exciton-polariton condensates are considered as a deterministic source of bright, coherent non-Gaussian light. Exciton-polariton condensates emit coherent light via the photoluminescence through the microcavity mirrors due to the spontaneous formation of coherence. Unlike conventional lasers which emit coherent Gaussian light, polaritons possess a natural nonlinearity due to the interaction of the excitonic component. This produces light with a negative component to the Wigner function at steady-state operation when the phase is stabilized via a suitable method such as injection locking. In contrast to many other proposals for sources of non-Gaussian light, in our case, the light typically …

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Steady-state generation of negative-Wigner-function light using feedback

We propose a method of producing steady-state coherent light with negative Wigner functions in nonlinear media combined with feedback control. While the nonlinearities are essential to produce the Wigner negativities, this alone is insufficient to stabilize steady-state light with negativities. Using feedback control to control the phase in the cavity, we find that this produces significant total negativities for reasonable experimental parameters. The negative Wigner function is produced continuously and does not appear to be restricted to low-amplitude light. The technique is applicable to systems such as exciton-polaritons, where strong natural nonlinearities are present.

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Creation, storage, and on-demand release of optical quantum states with a negative Wigner function

Highly nonclassical quantum states of light, characterized by Wigner functions with negative values, have been created so far only in a heralded fashion. In this case, the desired output emerges rarely and randomly from a quantum-state generator. An important example is the heralded production of high-purity single-photon states, typically based on some nonlinear optical interaction. In contrast, on-demand single-photon sources were also reported, exploiting the quantized level structure of matter systems. These sources, however, lead to highly impure output states, composed mostly of vacuum. While such impure states may still exhibit certain single-photon-like features such as anti-bunchin…

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Quantum teleportation of an optical qutrit

Quantum teleportation is an important building block of quantum information processing. For practical applications, a quantum teleporter with the potential to include quantum error correction should be realized.

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Extending Quantum Links: Modules for Fiber‐ and Memory‐Based Quantum Repeaters

We analyze elementary building blocks for quantum repeaters based on fiber channels and memory stations. Implementations are considered for three different physical platforms, for which suitable components are available: quantum dots, trapped atoms and ions, and color centers in diamond. We evaluate and compare the performances of basic quantum repeater links for these platforms both for present-day, state-of-the-art experimental parameters as well as for parameters that could in principle be reached in the future. The ultimate goal is to experimentally explore regimes at intermediate distances, up to a few 100 km, in which the repeater-assisted secret key transmission rates exceed the maxi…

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Probabilistic Fault-Tolerant Universal Quantum Computation and Sampling Problems in Continuous Variables

Continuous-Variable (CV) devices are a promising platform for demonstrating large-scale quantum information protocols. In this framework, we define a general quantum computational model based on a CV hardware. It consists of vacuum input states, a finite set of gates - including non-Gaussian elements - and homodyne detection. We show that this model incorporates encodings sufficient for probabilistic fault-tolerant universal quantum computing. Furthermore, we show that this model can be adapted to yield sampling problems that cannot be simulated efficiently with a classical computer, unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses. This allows us to provide a simple paradigm for short-term experi…

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Near-deterministic creation of universal cluster states with probabilistic Bell measurements and three-qubit resource states

We develop a scheme for generating a universal qubit cluster state using probabilistic Bell measurements without the need for feed-forward. Borrowing ideas from percolation theory, we numerically show that using unambiguous Bell measurements that succeed with 75% success probability one could build a cluster state with an underlying pyrochlore geometry such that the probability of having a spanning cluster approaches unity in the limit of infinite lattice size. The initial resources required for the generation of a universal state in our protocol are three-qubit cluster states that are within experimental reach and are a minimal resource for a Bell-measurement-based percolation proposal. Si…

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Teleportation-assisted optical controlled-sign gates

Reliable entangling gates for qubits encoded in single-photon states represent a major challenge on the road to scalable quantum computing architectures based on linear optics. In this work, we present two approaches to develop high-fidelity, near-deterministic controlled-sign-shift gates based on the techniques of quantum gate teleportation. On the one hand, teleportation in a discrete-variable setting, i.e., for qubits, offers unit-fidelity operations but suffers from low success probabilities. Here, we apply recent results on advanced linear optical Bell measurements to reach a near-deterministic regime. On the other hand, in the setting of continuous variables, associated with coherent …

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Characterization of Hong-Ou-Mandel bunched states by quantum homodyne tomography

We experimentally demonstrate quantum homodyne tomography of Hong-Ou-Mandel bunched states, which are created by dynamically adjusting emission timings of two heralded single photons using coupled cavities.

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Entanglement Theory with Continuous Variables

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Hybrid discrete- and continuous-variable quantum information

Research in quantum information processing has followed two different directions: the use of discrete variables (qubits) and that of high-dimensional, continuous-variable Gaussian states (coherent and squeezed states). Recently, these two approaches have been converging in potentially more powerful hybrid protocols. The traditional approaches to quantum information processing using either discrete or continuous variables can be combined in hybrid protocols for tasks including quantum teleportation, computation, entanglement distillation or Bell tests.

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Quantum Nondemolition Gate Operations and Measurements in Real Time on Fluctuating Signals

We demonstrate an optical quantum nondemolition (QND) interaction gate with a bandwidth of about 100 MHz. Employing this gate, we are able to perform QND measurements in real time on randomly fluctuating signals. Our QND gate relies on linear optics and offline-prepared squeezed states. In contrast to previous demonstrations on narrow sideband modes, our gate is compatible with quantum states temporally localized in a wave-packet mode including non-Gaussian quantum states. This is the cornerstone of realizing quantum error correction and universal gate operations.

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Efficiencies of logical Bell measurements on Calderbank-Shor-Steane codes with static linear optics

We show how the efficiency of a logical Bell measurement (BM) can be calculated for arbitrary Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) codes with the experimentally important constraint of using only transversal static linear-optical BMs on the physical single-photon qubit level. For this purpose, we utilize the codes' description in terms of stabilizers in order to calculate general efficiencies for the loss-free case, but also for specific cases including photon loss. These efficiencies can be, for instance, used for obtaining transmission rates of all-optical quantum repeaters. In the loss-free case, we demonstrate that the important class of CSS codes with identical physical-qubit support for the t…

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Noiseless Conditional Teleportation of a Single Photon

We experimentally demonstrate the noiseless teleportation of a single photon by conditioning on quadrature Bell measurement results near the origin in phase space and thereby circumventing the photon loss that otherwise occurs even in optimal gain-tuned continuous-variable quantum teleportation. In general, thanks to this loss suppression, the noiseless conditional teleportation can preserve the negativity of the Wigner function for an arbitrary pure input state and an arbitrary pure entangled resource state. In our experiment, the positive value of the Wigner function at the origin for the unconditional output state, W(0,0) = 0.015 $\pm$ 0.001, becomes clearly negative after conditioning, …

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Quantum repeaters and quantum key distribution: analysis of secret key rates

We analyze various prominent quantum repeater protocols in the context of long-distance quantum key distribution. These protocols are the original quantum repeater proposal by Briegel, D\"ur, Cirac and Zoller, the so-called hybrid quantum repeater using optical coherent states dispersively interacting with atomic spin qubits, and the Duan-Lukin-Cirac-Zoller-type repeater using atomic ensembles together with linear optics and, in its most recent extension, heralded qubit amplifiers. For our analysis, we investigate the most important experimental parameters of every repeater component and find their minimally required values for obtaining a nonzero secret key. Additionally, we examine in det…

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Continuous-Variable Quantum Teleportation of Discrete-Variable Entanglement

We experimentally demonstrate continuous-variable quantum teleportation of discrete-variable entanglement in the form of a split single photon. Entanglement is optimally transferred for finite resource squeezing by tuning the teleporter's feedforward gain.

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Quantum error correction and detection: Quantitative analysis of a coherent-state amplitude-damping code

We re-examine a non-Gaussian quantum error correction code designed to protect optical coherent-state qubits against errors due to an amplitude damping channel. We improve on a previous result [Phys. Rev. A 81, 062344 (2010)] by providing a tighter upper bound on the performance attained when considering realistic assumptions which constrain the operation of the gates employed in the scheme. The quantitative characterization is performed through measures of fidelity and concurrence, the latter obtained by employing the code as an entanglement distillation protocol. We find that, when running the code in fully-deterministic error correction mode, direct transmission can only be beaten for ce…

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