Current Rectification in Junctions with Spin-Split Superconductors
Spin-split superconductors exhibit an electron-hole asymmetric spin-resolved density of states, but the symmetry is restored upon averaging over spin. On the other hand, asymmetry appears again in tunneling junctions of spin-split superconductors with a spin-polarized barrier. As demonstrated recently in both theory and experiment, this fact leads to a particularly strong thermoelectric effect in superconductor-ferromagnet structures. In this work we show another important effect stemming from the electron-hole asymmetry: current rectification. We calculate the charge current in spin-polarized tunnel junctions of a normal metal and a spin-split superconductor with ac and dc voltage bias. In…
Nonadiabatic dynamics in strongly driven diffusive Josephson junctions
By measuring the Josephson emission of a diffusive Superconductor-Normal metal-Superconductor (SNS) junction at a finite temperature we reveal a non-trivial sensitivity of the supercurrent to microwave irradiation. We demonstrate that the harmonic content of the current-phase relation is modified due to the energy redistribution of quasiparticles in the normal wire induced by the electromagnetic field. The distortion originates from the phase-dependent out-of-equilibrium distribution function which is strongly affected by the ac-response of the spectral supercurrent. For phases close to $\pi$, transitions accross the Andreev gap are dynamically favored leading to a supercurrent reduction. T…
Giant enhancement to spin battery effect in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator systems
We develop a theory of the spin battery effect in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator (SC/FI) systems taking into account the magnetic proximity effect. We demonstrate that the spin-energy mixing enabled by the superconductivity leads to the enhancement of spin accumulation by several orders of magnitude relative to the normal state. This finding can explain the recently observed giant inverse spin Hall effect generated by thermal magnons in the SC/FI system. We suggest a nonlocal electrical detection scheme which can directly probe the spin accumulation driven by the magnetization dynamics. We predict a giant Seebeck effect converting the magnon temperature bias into the nonlocal voltag…
Superconductor-ferromagnet hybrids for non-reciprocal electronics and detectors
We review the use of hybrid thin films of superconductors and ferromagnets for creating non-reciprocal electronic components and self-biased detectors of electromagnetic radiation. We start by introducing the theory behind these effects, as well as different possible materials that can be used in the fabrication of these components. We proceed by discussing in detail the fabrication and characterization of Al/EuS/Cu and EuS/Al/Co based detectors, along with their noise analysis. We also indicate some routes for multiplexing such self-biased detectors.
Thermal, electric and spin transport in superconductor/ferromagnetic-insulator structures
A ferromagnetic insulator (FI) attached to a conventional superconductor (S) changes drastically the properties of the latter. Specifically, the exchange field at the FI/S interface leads to a splitting of the superconducting density of states. If S is a superconducting film, thinner than the superconducting coherence length, the modification of the density of states occurs over the whole sample. The co-existence of the exchange splitting and superconducting correlations in S/FI structures leads to striking transport phenomena that are of interest for applications in thermoelectricity, superconducting spintronics and radiation sensors. Here we review the most recent progress in understandin…
Coexistence of superconductivity and spin-splitting fields in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator bilayers of arbitrary thickness
Ferromagnetic insulators (FI) can induce a strong exchange field in an adjacent superconductor (S) via the magnetic proximity effect. This manifests as spin splitting of the BCS density of states of the superconductor, an important ingredient for numerous superconducting spintronics applications and the realization of Majorana fermions. A crucial parameter that determines the magnitude of the induced spin splitting in FI/S bilayers is the thickness of the S layer d: In very thin samples, the superconductivity is suppressed by the strong magnetism. By contrast, in very thick samples, the spin splitting is absent at distances away from the interface. In this work, we calculate the density of …
Hypersensitive tunable Josephson escape sensor for gigahertz astronomy
Sensitive photon detection in the gigahertz band constitutes the cornerstone to study different phenomena in astronomy, such as radio burst sources, galaxy formation, cosmic microwave background, axions, comets, gigahertz-peaked spectrum radio sources and supermassive black holes. Nowadays, state of the art detectors for astrophysics are mainly based on transition edge sensors and kinetic inductance detectors. Overall, most sensible nanobolometers so far are superconducting detectors showing a noise equivalent power (NEP) as low as 2x10-20 W/Hz1/2. Yet, fast thermometry at the nanoscale was demonstrated as well with Josephson junctions through switching current measurements. In general, det…
Superconductivity near a magnetic domain wall
We study the equilibrium properties of a ferromagnetic insulator/superconductor structure near a magnetic domain wall. We show how the domain wall size is affected by the superconductivity in such structures. Moreover, we calculate several physical quantities altered due to the magnetic domain wall, such as the spin current density and local density of states, as well as the resulting tunneling conductance into a structure with a magnetic domain wall.
Colloquium: Nonequilibrium effects in superconductors with a spin-splitting field
This Colloquium discusses the recent progress in understanding the properties of spin-split superconductors under nonequilibrium conditions. Recent experiments and theories demonstrate a rich variety of transport phenomena occurring in devices based on such materials that suggest direct applications in thermoelectricity, low-dissipative spintronics, radiation detection, and sensing. This text discusses different experimental situations and presents a theoretical framework based on quantum kinetic equations. This framework provides an accurate description of the nonequilibrium distribution of charge, spin, and energy, which are the relevant nonequilibrium modes, in different hybrid structure…
SciPy 1.0 : fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python
SciPy is an open-source scientific computing library for the Python programming language. Since its initial release in 2001, SciPy has become a de facto standard for leveraging scientific algorithms in Python, with over 600 unique code contributors, thousands of dependent packages, over 100,000 dependent repositories and millions of downloads per year. In this work, we provide an overview of the capabilities and development practices of SciPy 1.0 and highlight some recent technical developments. peerReviewed
Microwave nanobolometer based on proximity Josephson junctions
We introduce a microwave bolometer aimed at high-quantum-efficiency detection of wave packet energy within the framework of circuit quantum electrodynamics, the ultimate goal being single microwave photon detection. We measure the differential thermal conductance between the detector and its heat bath, obtaining values as low as $5\phantom{\rule{}{0ex}}\text{fW}/\mathrm{K}$ at $50\phantom{\rule{}{0ex}}\text{mK}$. This is one tenth of the thermal conductance quantum and corresponds to a theoretical lower bound on noise-equivalent power of order ${10}^{\ensuremath{-}20}\phantom{\rule{}{0ex}}\text{W}/\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$ at $50\phantom{\rule{}{0ex}}\text{mK}$. By measuring the dif…
Lindblad equation approach for the full counting statistics of work and heat in driven quantum systems
We formulate the general approach based on the Lindblad equation to calculate the full counting statistics of work and heat produced by driven quantum systems weakly coupled with a Markovian thermal bath. The approach can be applied to a wide class of dissipative quantum systems driven by an arbitrary force protocol. We show the validity of general fluctuation relations and consider several generic examples. The possibilities of using calorimetric measurements to test the presence of coherence and entanglement in the open quantum systems are discussed. QC 20141010
Spin Pumping and Torque Statistics in the Quantum Noise Limit
We analyze the statistics of charge and energy currents and spin torque in a metallic nanomagnet coupled to a large magnetic metal via a tunnel contact. We derive a Keldysh action for the tunnel barrier, describing the stochastic currents in the presence of a magnetization precessing with the rate Ω. In contrast to some earlier approaches, our result is valid for an arbitrary ratio of ℏΩ/kBT. We illustrate the use of the action by deriving spintronic fluctuation relations, the quantum limit of pumped current noise, and consider the fluctuations in two specific cases: the situation with a stable precession of magnetization driven by spin transfer torque, and the torque-induced switching betw…
Effect of disorder on Majorana localization in topological superconductors: a quasiclassical approach
Two-dimensional (2D) topological superconductors (TS) host chiral Majorana modes (MMs) localized at the boundaries. In this work, we study the effect of disorder on the localization length of MMs in two-dimensional spin-orbit (SO) coupled superconductors within quasiclassical approximation. We find nonmonotonic behavior of the Majorana localization length as a function of disorder strength. At weak disorder, the Majorana localization length decreases with an increasing disorder strength. Decreasing the disorder scattering time below a crossover value ${\ensuremath{\tau}}_{c}$, the Majorana localization length starts to increase. The crossover scattering time depends on the relative magnitud…
Long-range spin accumulation from heat injection in mesoscopic superconductors with Zeeman splitting
Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).
Phase-dependent dissipation and supercurrent of a graphene-superconductor ring under microwave irradiation
A junction with two superconductors coupled by a normal metal hosts Andreev bound states whose energy spectrum is phase-dependent and exhibits a minigap, resulting in a periodic supercurrent. Phase-dependent dissipation also appears at finite frequency due to relaxation of Andreev bound states. While dissipation and supercurrent versus phase have previously been measured near thermal equilibrium, their behavior in nonequilibrium is still elusive. By measuring the ac susceptibility of a graphene-superconductor junction under microwave irradiation, we find supercurrent response deviates from adiabatic ac Josephson effect as irradiation frequency is larger than relaxation rate. Notably, when i…
Sub- to Super-Poissonian crossover of current noise in helical edge states coupled to a spin impurity in a magnetic field
Edge states of two-dimensional topological insulators are helical and single-particle backscattering is prohibited by time-reversal symmetry. In this work, we show that an isotropic exchange coupling of helical edge states (HES) to a spin 1/2 impurity subjected to a magnetic field results in characteristic backscattering current noise (BCN) as a function of bias voltage and tilt angle between the direction of the magnetic field and the quantization axis of the HES. In particular, we find transitions from sub-Poissonian (antibunching) to super-Poissonian (bunching) behavior as a direct consequence of the helicity of the edge state electrons. We use the method of full counting statistics with…
Superconducting spintronic tunnel diode
Diodes are key elements for electronics, optics, and detection. Their evolution towards low dissipation electronics has seen the hybridization with superconductors and the realization of supercurrent diodes with zero resistance in only one direction. Here, we present the quasi-particle counterpart, a superconducting tunnel diode with zero conductance in only one direction. The direction-selective propagation of the charge has been obtained through the broken electron-hole symmetry induced by the spin selection of the ferromagnetic tunnel barrier: a EuS thin film separating a superconducting Al and a normal metal Cu layer. The Cu/EuS/Al tunnel junction achieves a large rectification (up to ∼…
Microwave photoassisted dissipation and supercurrent of a phase-biased graphene-superconductor ring
Irradiating normal-superconducting junctions with microwave photons produce spectacular effects, such as Shapiro steps and photoinduced modifications of the dc supercurrent. Moreover, microwave irradiation can also have other, hitherto unexplored consequences, such as a photoassisted dissipation which is phase dependent. Here we present a finite-frequency measurement of both the dissipation and the supercurrent of a phase-biased graphene-superconductor junction in response to microwave photons. We find that, while the supercurrent response is well described by existing theory, the dissipation exhibits unexpected effects which need new theoretical elucidation. Especially with high frequency …
Nonlinear spin torque, pumping, and cooling in superconductor/ferromagnet systems
We study the effects of the coupling between magnetization dynamics and the electronic degrees of freedom in a heterostructure of a metallic nanomagnet with dynamic magnetization coupled with a superconductor containing a steady spin-splitting field. We predict how this system exhibits a non-linear spin torque, which can be driven either with a temperature difference or a voltage across the interface. We generalize this notion to arbitrary magnetization precession by deriving a Keldysh action for the interface, describing the coupled charge, heat and spin transport in the presence of a precessing magnetization. We characterize the effect of superconductivity on the precession damping and th…
Array programming with NumPy.
Array programming provides a powerful, compact and expressive syntax for accessing, manipulating and operating on data in vectors, matrices and higher-dimensional arrays. NumPy is the primary array programming library for the Python language. It has an essential role in research analysis pipelines in fields as diverse as physics, chemistry, astronomy, geoscience, biology, psychology, materials science, engineering, finance and economics. For example, in astronomy, NumPy was an important part of the software stack used in the discovery of gravitational waves1 and in the first imaging of a black hole2. Here we review how a few fundamental array concepts lead to a simple and powerful programmi…
Spin Pumping and Torque Statistics in the Quantum Noise Limit
We analyze the statistics of charge and energy currents and spin torque in a metallic nanomagnet coupled to a large magnetic metal via a tunnel contact. We derive a Keldysh action for the tunnel barrier, describing the stochastic currents in the presence of a magnetization precessing with the rate $\Omega$. In contrast to some earlier approaches, we include the geometric phases that affect the counting statistics. We illustrate the use of the action by deriving spintronic fluctuation relations, the quantum limit of pumped current noise, and consider the fluctuations in two specific cases: the situation with a stable precession of magnetization driven by spin transfer torque, and the torque-…
Predicted very large thermoelectric effect in ferromagnet-superconductor junctions in the presence of a spin-splitting magnetic field.
We show that a huge thermoelectric effect can be observed by contacting a superconductor whose density of states is spin split by a Zeeman field with a ferromagnet with a nonzero polarization. The resulting thermopower exceeds kB/e by a large factor, and the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT can far exceed unity, leading to heat engine efficiencies close to the Carnot limit. We also show that spin-polarized currents can be generated in the superconductor by applying a temperature bias. © 2014 American Physical Society.
Stimulated quasiparticles in spin-split superconductors
Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).
Spin Hanle effect in mesoscopic superconductors
Under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY).
Quasiclassical expressions for the free energy of superconducting systems
In the seminal work by G. Eilenberger [Z. Phys. 214, 195 (1968)], the quasiclassical expression for the free energy of spin-singlet superconductor has been suggested. Starting from the Luttinger-Ward formulation we derive the Eilenberger free energy and find its generalization for superconductor or superfluid with spin-triplet correlations. Besides ordinary superconductors with various scattering mechanisms, the obtained free energy functional can be used for systems with spin-triplet pairing such as superfluid $^3$He and superconducting systems with spatially-inhomogeneous exchange field or spin-orbit coupling. Using this general result we derive the simplified expression for the free ener…
Thermodynamics of a Phase-Driven Proximity Josephson Junction
We study the thermodynamic properties of a superconductor/normal metal/superconductor Josephson junction {in the short limit}. Owing to the proximity effect, such a junction constitutes a thermodynamic system where {phase difference}, supercurrent, temperature and entropy are thermodynamical variables connected by equations of state. These allow conceiving quasi-static processes that we characterize in terms of heat and work exchanged. Finally, we combine such processes to construct a Josephson-based Otto and Stirling cycles. We study the related performance in both engine and refrigerator operating mode.
Superconducting size effect in thin films under electric field: Mean-field self-consistent model
We consider effects of an externally applied electrostatic field on superconductivity, self-consistently within a BCS mean field model, for a clean 3D metal thin film. The electrostatic change in superconducting condensation energy scales as $\mu^{-1}$ close to subband edges as a function of the Fermi energy $\mu$, and follows 3D scaling $\mu^{-2}$ away from them. We discuss nonlinearities beyond gate effect, and contrast results to recent experiments.
Quasiclassical free energy of superconductors : Disorder-driven first-order phase transition in superconductor/ferromagnetic-insulator bilayers
In the seminal work by G. Eilenberger, Z. Phys. 214, 195 (1968), a closed-form expression for the free energy of inhomogeneous spin-singlet superconductor in terms of quasiclassical propagators has been suggested. However, deriving this expression and generalizing it for superconductors or superfluids with general matrix structure, e.g., spin-triplet correlations, has remained problematic. Starting from the Luttinger-Ward formulation, we discuss here the general solution. Besides ordinary superconductors with various scattering mechanisms, the obtained free-energy functional can be used for systems, such as superfluid $^{3}\mathrm{He}$ and superconducting systems with spatially inhomogeneou…
Code for manuscript: Nonreciprocal Josephson linear response
Codes related to manuscript "Nonreciprocal Josephson linear response", including the scripts that generate the figures in the manuscript. The preprint is available at This is a snapshot of the code dataset that has been taken on 06.07.2023. A more detailed description of the data and the address to the GitLab repository for the latest version of the code can be found from the parent dataset of this data publication.