Giuseppe Pizzo
Ipersensibilità dentinale: una nuova strategia di trattamento
A combined treatment regimen for desquamative gingivitis in patients with oral lichen planus
Background: Chronic desquamative gingivitis (DG) is a condition characterized by erythema, ulceration, and desquamation of the free and attached gingiva, usually expression of a district-systemic disease, such as oral lichen planus (OLP). Methods: A combined protocol of oral hygiene and topic corticosteroid therapy was applied in 30 patients with DG associated with OLP. Plaque index (PI) and bleeding on probing (BoP) were evaluated at baseline and after 3 months. Results: PI scoring was significantly lower after treatment in anterior, posterior, and all sites (P < 0.0001) as well as in vestibular and lingual ones (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0001, respectively). BoP measures were found to be re…
Effetto di due collutori contenenti oli essenziali sulla formazione della placca batterica sopragengivale: studio comparativo in vivo
The effects of an amine fluoride/stannous fluoride and an essential oil mouthrinse on supragingival plaque regrowth
Clinical and Microbiologic Effects of Subgingival Controlled-Release Delivery of Chlorhexidine Chip in the Treatment of Periodontitis: A Multicenter Study
Background: The main therapeutic approach for periodontal diseases is mechanical treatment of root surfaces via scaling and root planing (SRP). Multicenter clinical trials have demonstrated that the adjunctive use of a chlorhexidine (CHX) chip is effective in improving clinical results compared to SRP alone. However, some recent studies failed to confirm these clinical results, and conflicting results were reported regarding the effects of the CHX chip on subgingival microflora. The aim of this study was to provide further data on the clinical and microbiologic effects of CHX chips when used as an adjunct to SRP. Methods: A total of 116 systemically healthy individuals with moderate to adva…
Effect of desquamative gingivitis on periodontal status: a pilot study
Objective: Desquamative gingivitis (DG) represents the gingival manifestation associated with several mucocutaneous disorders and systemic conditions. Little is known of whether or not DG could influence the onset or progression of plaque-related periodontitis. In this study, the potential impact of DG on plaque-related attachment loss and pocket formation has been evaluated. Methods: A cross-sectional evaluation of 12 patients with DG [eight oral lichen planus (OLP), four mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP)], never treated for DG lesions or plaque-related periodontitis, was carried out. Probing depth (PD), clinical attachment loss (CAL), full-mouth plaque (FMPS), and bleeding (FMBS) scores …
Pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation
Background: Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of premature death worldwide. The physical addiction to nicotine is a key factor in continued tobacco use. The current guidelines for tobacco cessation interventions include a pharmacotherapy program (nicotine replacement therapies and non-nicotine therapies). Health professionals who deliver smoking cessation interventions should give smokers accurate information and advise them on these pharmacotherapies. Objective: To review the pharmacological agents currently used to treat nicotine addiction. Methods: Original papers, reviews and current guidelines on this subject, published in English from 2000 to 2006, were located in the MEDLI…
In vitro evaluation of the antibacterial activity of cured dentin/enamel adhesive incorporating the antimicrobial agent MDPB
The aim of this study was to investigate in vitro the antibacterial effect of a dentin/enamel adhesive containing MDPB (Clearfil Protect Bond) after curing and to compare it with an adhesive not containing MDPB (Clearfil SE Bond). The antibacterial effect of the cured adhesives was tested on Enterococcus faecalis by the evaluation of growth inhibition in a 48-h microplate direct contact test (DCT). The presence of antibacterial activity due to soluble components was also investigated by an agar diffusion test (ADT) performed with the adhesives cured on the surface of dentin disks. In the DCT, both the tested materials showed complete inhibition of bacterial growth until the 7-h reading, reg…
Gingival displacement using diode laser or retraction cords: A comparative clinical study.
PURPOSE: To compare two systems used for conditioning the gingival sulcus and exposing the finish line before the final impression for a fixed denture: retraction cords and diode laser. METHODS: All subjects participating in the study had healthy gingival and periodontal status before intervention for fixed prosthesis. 74 abutments for complete crown restoration were randomly divided into two groups for displacing the gingival sulcus before the final impression: gingival retraction cords (RC) and diode laser (DL). The height of the clinical crowns was measured by a blinded examiner in three points of the buccal surface (mesial, midline and distal) at four different times: after tooth prepar…
L'ipersensibilità dentinale, un possibile effetto indesiderato della terapia causale: attuali possibilità terapeutiche.
[The effect of instrumentation on original apical foramen shape using steel vs niti rotatory: computerized analysis]
BACKGROUND. A fundamental requirement to obtain a correct endodontic preparation depends on the respect, during cleaning and shaping, of the original morphology of the apical foramen, (AF), so that the filling material will form a complete seal. METHODS. In our previous studies, in order to verify if this presumption was respected using rotary NiTi instruments with cutting tip, we instrumented extracted teeth characterised by a different degree of root curvatures. Using a standardized system to replace the sample, the original shape of the apical foramen of each tooth was recorded using a computerised technique and then compared to the shape after instrumentation. The data showed difference…
Efficacia nella rimozione della placca di un nuovo spazzolino manuale (Colgate Omni): valutazione clinica
Efficacia di un collutorio contenente fluoruro amminico/fluoruro stannoso nel management della gengivite desquamativa: studio pilota
Obiettivi: L’utilizzo prolungato di un agente chimico antiplacca potrebbe essere utile nella gestione clinica dei pazienti affetti da lesioni gengivali desquamative (LGD), associate a patologie muco-cutanee autoimmuni. Scopo di questo studio pilota è stato quello di valutare l’efficacia di un collutorio contenente fluoruro amminico/fluoruro stannoso (ASF) (Meridol, GABA) in pazienti affetti da LGD e sottoposti a terapia parodontale di mantenimento (PST). Materiali e metodi: Sono stati selezionati ed inclusi nello studio 18 pazienti di razza caucasica (15:3, F:M) di età compresa tra 42 e 78 anni, aventi manifestazioni cliniche orali riconducibili a LGD. La diagnosi istopatologica effettuata …
Diagnostic delay in oral squamous cell carcinoma: the role of cognitive and psychological variables
This retrospective study investigated, in two cohorts of subjects living in Southern Italy and awaiting treatment for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), the variables related to diagnostic delay ascribable to the patient, with particular reference to the cognitive and psychological ones. A total of 156 patients with OSCC (mean age: 62 years, M/F: 2.39∶1) were recruited at the Universities of Palermo and Naples. Risk factors related to patient delay included: sociodemographic, health-related, cognitive and psychological variables. The analysis was conducted by considering two different delay ranges: dichotomous (≤1 month vs. >1 month) and polytomous (3 months) delay. Data were investigated…
Advances in paediatric restorative dentistry
Dental caries has been a highly prevalent and costly disease in the world, representing the most common infectious disease in the paediatric population. Caries lesions are also increasingly isolated in specific teeth and tooth morphology types, and there is growing controversy about the most appropriate restorative material for these lesions in deciduous teeth. In fact, restorative materials continuously improved in durability, strength, aesthetics, and anti-cariogenic properties. Moreover, the increasing demand for aesthetic restorative treatment has totally transformed the practice of paediatric dentistry in the last decade. Traditionally, the use of amalgam was a standard procedure in th…
Efficacia nella rimozione della placca di un nuovo spazzolino manuale: valutazione comparativa in vivo.
Salute orale in età pediatrica: indagine epidemiologica in un campione di soggetti della città di Palermo.
Perceived and measurable performance of daily brushing and rinsing with essential oils mouthrinse
Aims. To determine whether the oral health benefits of recommending twice daily brushing and rinsing with an essential oil mouthrinse (EOM) are perceived and measurable by dentists and also perceived by their patients at a 3-month recall visit. Methods. This is a monadic, open label, uncontrolled study involving 766 generally healthy Italian subjects aged 19-66 years, with mild to moderate levels of gingivitis, no pockets of more than 4 mm, and at least 20 scorable teeth. Eight dentists scored subjects for plaque and gingivitis at baseline and at 90 days using simplified 4-point plaque and gingivitis indices. All subjects brushed twice daily, immediately followed by rinsing for 30 sec with …
In vitro evaluation of antibacterial activity of a dental adhesive incorporating the antibacterial agent MDPB
La malattia parodontale necrotizzante:un aggiornamento
.Sco po di qu es to lavo ro è qu ello di pr esentare un aggio rnam ento su lla malatti aparodo nta le ne cro ti zza nt e (NPD). Attr averso laba nca dat i ME DLINE /Pu bMed, sono stati selezi onati i lav ori orig inali pubblicati in lingua inglese sull ’arg omento da gennaio 2002 a dicembre 2007. Altre fonti sono state seleziona te da i riferimenti bibliografici citati nei lavori consultati. La NPD è caratterizzata sul piano clinico da necrosi e ulcera zione del margine gengivale e della papilla interdentale, associat e ad alitosi, dolore, sanguinamento gengi vale spontaneo, malessere generale e talvolta febbre. La malattia è particolarmente diffusa nei paesi in via di sviluppo, ma può inso…
Il ruolo dell'igienista dentale nel counselling anti-tabacco
Valutazione della performance clinica di nuovi portaimpronta monouso
L’igienista dentale e il counselling anti-tabacco
Salute orale e diabete mellito di tipo I (IDDM): indagine su un campione di soggetti in età pediatrica
Tecniche diagnostiche innovative per la diagnosi precoce della carie dentale
Risk factors of oral candidosis: a twofold approach of study by fuzzy logic and traditional statistic.
Abstract Objective To assess a panel of risk factors associated to oral candidosis (OC) onset and its chronic maintenance by means of fuzzy logic (FL) approach and statistical traditional methodology (STM); to investigate their casual relationship within a multifactorial framework. Design Case–control study. Setting One hospital-based clinic. Patients Eighty-nine patients with OC infection microbiologically diagnosed and 98 healthy subjects were consecutively recruited. Outcome measurements Anamnestic and clinical evaluations for OC, microbiological assessment (i.e. culture, CFU/mL counting and identification) were performed. The commonest predisposing factors for OC onset and its chronic s…
The effects of an amine fluoride/stannous fluoride and an antimicrobial host protein mouthrinse on supragingival plaque regrowth.
BACKGROUND: Chlorhexidine (CHX)-containing mouthrinses are recommended as adjuncts to mechanical oral hygiene. The problem associated with side effects, however, has stimulated the search for alternative antiplaque agents. The aim of this study was to investigate the plaque inhibitory effects of two mouthrinses containing amine fluoride/stannous fluoride (ASF) and antimicrobial host proteins (lactoperoxidase, lysozyme and lactoferrin; LLL), respectively. METHODS: The study was an observer-masked, randomized 4x4 Latin square cross-over design balanced for carryover effects, involving 12 healthy volunteers in a 4-day plaque regrowth model. A 0.12% CHX mouthrinse and a saline solution served a…
Efficacia clinica di uno spazzolino manuale di nuova generazione. Valutazione comparativa
Protocol of BRONJ prevention: successful use of antiseptics during oral surgical procedures
Aim: The overall prevention and treatment of Bisphosphonates related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ) have been the goals of our project structured (labelled PROMaB) within the hospital AOUP “P. Giaccone” (Italy) in order to make better quality life of patients in therapy with amminobisphosphonates (NBP). Material and Methods: Among all procedures, in case of preprogrammed oral surgical procedure, oral antimicrobial rinses (i.e. chlorexidine 0,2% mouthwash and 0,5% gel, three times/day) plus oral systemic antibiotic therapy –e.g. amoxicilin/clavulanate- have been used to reduce the risk of BRONJ in secondary prevention (1 day before and 6 days after). Three hundred and twenty-one patients …
Condizioni di edentulia e necessità di trattamento protesico in un campione di popolazione della città di Palermo
Disinfezione per immersione di due elastomeri: valutazione dell’efficacia di due disinfettanti e relative variazioni dimensionali
In vivo investigation on stem cells isolated from dental pulp and gingival tissues from periodontally compromised teeth
The role of antibiotic prophylaxis in reducing bacterial contamination of autologous bone graft collected from implant site
The aim of this study was to evaluate if antibiotic prophylaxis reduces the bacterial contamination of bone particles collected directly from the burs used for implant site preparation. Thirty-four patients underwent the surgical procedures for a total of 34 implant sites. One 1 gr. tablet of amoxicillin + clavulanic acid was given to the test group 12 hours and 1 hour before the surgery. The control group did not take antibiotic prophylaxis. Bone particles were collected and centrifuged. The suspensions were subjected to serial dilutions and each dilution was examined twice using a spatulation technique in Trypticase Soy Agar (TSA), in Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, and in Mitis Salivarius Agar …
Caratteristiche capillaroscopiche del microcircolo labiale di pazienti affetti da tiroidite di Hashimoto.
Importanza dell’indagine micologica nei pazienti con sospetta candidosi orale
Condizioni di edentulismo e necessità di trattamento protesico in un campione della popolazione adulta della città di Palermo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of edentulousness and the prosthetic treatment need in a sample of the over 18-year-old inhabitants of Palermo (Italy). A stratified sample of 385 subjects (183 female and 202 male) was taken to represent the population of the city. Each subject included in the study was examined to record the level of edentulousness (complete edentulousness, partial edentulousness, intact dentition) and the level of denture wearing. Requirement for repair of dentures was recorded according to the marginal fitting for fixed dentures, and to the extension, stability and retention for removable dentures. Complete edentulousness of one or both arches was present …
Cyclosporin- and nifedipine-induced gingival overgrowth in renal transplant patients: correlations with periodontal and pharmacological parameters, and HLA-antigens
The factors associated with cyclosporin A (CsA)- and nifedipine (Nif)-induced gingival overgrowth were investigated in 113 renal transplant recipients receiving CsA alone (Group 1) [n = 61], CsA and Nif (Group 2) [n = 28], or azathioprine (Aza) (Control Group) [n = 24]. Periodontal and pharmacological parameters were assessed for each patient. The patients with a gingival overgrowth index (GOI) score1 were considered responders (R); those with a score/= 1 were non-responders (NR). Gingival overgrowth occurred in 33.7% of the patients in Groups 1 and 2; 60% of the responders were receiving CsA+Nif. In R, no relationship was found between the GOI and the periodontal and pharmacological parame…
The Treatment of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ): A Systematic Review with a Pooled Analysis of Only Surgery versus Combined Protocols
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a serious adverse reaction of antiresorptive and antiangiogenic agents, and it is also a potentially painful and debilitating condition. To date, no specific studies have prospectively evaluated the efficacy of its treatment and no robust standard of care has been established. Therefore, a systematic review (2007–2020) with a pooled analysis was performed in order to compare MRONJ surgical techniques (conservative or aggressive) versus combined surgical procedures (surgery plus a non-invasive procedure), where 1137 patients were included in the pooled analysis. A statistically significant difference in the 6-month improvement rate, comp…
Complicanze orali in pazienti affetti da carcinoma del cavo orale e sottoposti a radio e chemioterapia. Mucositi e xerostomia
Efficacia nella rimozione della placca di uno spazzolino manuale di nuova generazione: valutazione clinica comparativa
ABSTRACT: A group of subgingival isolates of C. albicans recovered from Italian HIV-positive (HIV+) subjects were characterized both phenotypically and genotypically. Phenotyping of the isolates was carried out by a biotyping method based on the enzyme profiles, carbohydrate assimilation patterns and boric acid resistance of the yeasts. Genotyping was performed through randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Five biotypes were found among the 29 subgingival C. albicans strains examined. The predominant biotypes were A1R (55.17%), A1S (24.14%), and A2R (13.79%), while the biotypes A11R and A13R were represented by a single isolate each. RAPD profiles identified 15 genotypes among…
Key Highlights - Gingival inflammation is caused by bacterial plaque (dental biofilm) that accumulates daily on the teeth. Results in redness, slight swelling, or "puffiness" of the gums and bleeding on tooth brushing. Treatment involves thorough professional tooth cleaning and effective daily removal of dental plaque by tooth brushing and cleaning between the teeth. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) is a more serious condition that is mainly found in developing countries associated with people with severe malnutrition or HIV/AIDS with low CD4 T-cell counts.
The effects of two essential oil mouthrinses on supragingival plaque regrowth: a comparative study
Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the plaque inhibiting effects of two commercially available mouthrinses containing essential oils (EO): Listerine (Johnson & Johnson Consumer Healthcare, S. Palomba-Pomezia, I) and Curasept Daycare (Curaden Healthcare, Saronno, I). Both products contain the same concentration of EO, but Curasept Daycare does not contain ethanol as a solvent. Material and Methods: The study was a single-center, observermasked, cross-over design with 12 subjects randomly allocated to treatment sequence according to three replicates of a 4x4 Latin square, incorporating balance for any carryover. A 0.12% chlorhexidine (CHX) rinse and a saline solution served as posit…
Additional file 2: Table S1. of Mesenchymal stem cells derived from inflamed dental pulpal and gingival tissue: a potential application for bone formation
The expression values of putative mesenchymal surface stem cells markers. (DOC 31 kb)
Effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on periodontal status of postmenopausal women.
Summary Background The risks/benefits balance of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is controversial. The aim of this study was to assess the periodontal status of a postmenopausal women group receiving HRT and to determine the effects of HRT on clinical measures of periodontal disease. Material/Methods Ninety-one postmenopausal women, 52 taking HRT (HRT+) and 39 not taking HRT (HRT−), completed the study. Clinical parameters measured included visible supragingival plaque, probing pocket depth (PD) and clinical attachment level (CAL). Gingival status was recorded as gingival bleeding on probing (BOP). Previous oral contraceptive use and current and past smoking status were also assessed. Res…
Cavo orale: distretto obbligato nella diagnostica di patologie sistemiche e della cute. Patologie infettive
Clinical effectiveness of platelet concentrates for periodontal regeneration
Candida pararugosa isolation from the oral cavity of an Italian denture wearer
Candida pararugosa was first isolated from human feces, but after the initial description no further recovery from humans has been reported. During a study on oral Candida colonization in denture wearers living in Palermo (Italy), we isolated C. pararugosa from a 61-year-old woman without signs of oral candidosis. This constitutes, to the authors' knowledge, the first isolation of C. pararugosa from the oral cavity. After six months, colonization by C. pararugosa persisted, suggesting that this species could be a component of the normal oral microbiota. The identification procedure we used could be useful in elucidating the epidemiology of C. pararugosa and for establishing its clinical sig…
Chronic inflammation and immune activation in vesciculobullous disease could be a trigger factor for oral cancer? A case report
Growth and Osteogenic Differentiation of Discarded Gingiva-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on a Commercial Scaffold
Background In periodontal patients with jawbone resorption, the autologous bone graft is considered a "gold standard" procedure for the placing of dental prosthesis; however, this procedure is a costly intervention and poses the risk of clinical complications. Thanks to the use of adult mesenchymal stem cells, smart biomaterials, and active biomolecules, regenerative medicine and bone tissue engineering represent a valid alternative to the traditional procedures. Aims In the past, mesenchymal stem cells isolated from periodontally compromised gingiva were considered a biological waste and discarded during surgical procedures. This study aims to test the osteoconductive activity of FISIOGRAF…
Gingival inflammation is caused by bacterial plaque (dental biofilm) that accumulates daily on the teeth. Results in redness, slight swelling, or "puffiness" of the gums and bleeding on tooth brushing. Treatment involves thorough professional tooth cleaning and effective daily removal of dental plaque by tooth brushing and cleaning between the teeth. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) is a more serious condition that is mainly found in developing countries associated with people with severe malnutrition or HIV/AIDS with low CD4 T-cell counts.
Sindrome di Ehlers-Danlos: manifestazioni orali in due gemelle omozigoti.
Evaluating the statistical methodology of randomized trials on dentin hypersensitivity management
The present study aimed to evaluate the characteristics and quality of statistical methodology used in clinical studies on dentin hypersensitivity management. An electronic search was performed for data published from 2009 to 2014 by using PubMed, Ovid/MEDLINE, and Cochrane Library databases. The primary search terms were used in combination. Eligibility criteria included randomized clinical trials that evaluated the efficacy of desensitizing agents in terms of reducing dentin hypersensitivity. A total of 40 studies were considered eligible for assessment of quality statistical methodology. The four main concerns identified were i) use of nonparametric tests in the presence of large samples…
Plaque removal efficacy of power and manual toothbrushes: a comparative study
The aim of this study was to compare the plaque removal efficacy of a new oscillating/rotating/pulsating toothbrush [Oral-B® Professional Care® 8500 (PC 8500)] with two manual toothbrushes [Oral-B® CrossAction™ Vitalizer (CAV) and Oral-B® Indicator™ (IND), respectively]. The safety of the PC 8500 was also assessed. The study was a single-use, observer-masked, randomised 3×3 Latin square crossover design balanced for carryover effects. The enrolled subjects (n=66) refrained from brushing for 23–25 h before each clinical examination. Plaque scores were recorded before and after brushing with the allocated toothbrush using the Turesky et al. modification of the Quigley and Hein plaque index. T…
Rimozione meccanico-chimica del biofilm sopragenginvale tramite l'ausilio di una garza medicata con clorexidina 0,12%. Studio clinico randomizzato e controllato in età pediatrica
Probiotics and oral health
Probiotics are living microorganisms (e.g., bacteria) that are either the same as or similar to organisms found naturally in the human body and may be beneficial to health. Current researches have shown that the balance between beneficial and pathogenic bacteria is essential in order to maintain the oral health. Therefore, oral cavity has recently been suggested as a relevant target for probiotic applications. Dental caries can be seen as a microbial imbalance where the oral microbiota shift towards community dominance which produces acidogenic and acid-tolerant gram positive bacteria. Similarly, the accumulation of bacteria within the biofilm, facilitated by poor oral hygiene, predisposes …
Attitudes of Italian dental and dental hygiene students to tobacco-use cessation (TUC)
Identification of Candida dubliniensis among oral yeast isolates from an Italian population of human immunodeficiency virus-infected (HIV+) subjects
Candida dubliniensis, an emerging oral pathogen, phenotypically resembles Candida albicans so closely that it is easily misidentified as such. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the usefulness of two phenotypic methods, growth at 45 degrees C and 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) reduction, for confirming presumptive identification of C. dubliniensis and C. albicans by colony color on CHROMagar Candida (CAC) medium. A combination of these methods was used to establish the prevalence of oral C. dubliniensis in an Italian population of 45 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected subjects. Twenty-two samples (48.9%) were positive for yeasts on CAC medium producing a total …
Knowledge and attitudes towards smoking cessation counselling: an Italian cross-sectional survey on tertiary care nursing staff
Background One of the most effective smoking cessation strategies involves care and advice from nurses due to their role in the front line of treatment. Lack of education on smoking cessation counselling may be detrimental, and adequate smoking cessation training during healthcare studies is needed. Objectives The study aimed to examine nurses’ attitudes, belief, and knowledge of smoking cessation counselling; knowledge of the health risks associated with smoking was also assessed. Design A cross-sectional survey on 77 nurses from the nursing staff of Cardiology, Cardiac Intensive Care and Surgical Oncology Units of two tertiary hospitals. Methods Cronbach’s alpha was calculated to assess …
Farmaci ad azione antimicrobica locale nel trattamento della parodontite
Tobacco use by adolescents and young adults: oral health effects and cessation strategies
Background: The use of smoking and smokeless tobacco worldwide has greatly increased in recent years, especially among adolescent boys and young men. Tobacco use can produce a wide range of negative effects on oral tissues, including periodontal tissue destruction and the onset of oral pre-malignant lesions. In the United States, major gains have been made to reduce smoking among adults. Similar gains, however, have not been realized with adolescents. In recent years, substantial interest has been directed to tobacco cessation studies with adolescents. The previously limited interest in adolescent cessation programs was attributable in large part to the mistaken assumptions that: (1) adoles…
Cavo orale: distretto obbligato nella diagnostica di patologie sistemiche e della cute. Approccio clinico-semeiologico
Rationale and advantages of chemical and mechanical plaque control in no plaque-related gingivitis. A combined protocol.
Counselling anti-fumo e team odontoiatrico.
The aim of this paper was to present specific strategies to guide dental professionals providing smoking cessation interventions. Original papers, reviews and current guidelines on this subject, published in English from 2001 to the first semester of 2005, were located in the MEDLINE/Pubmed database. Additional publications were obtained by searching the reference lists of retrieved studies. The "Five A's" strategic approach represents a brief and effective protocol for smoking cessation that members of dental team can use with all patients in their office practice. Intensive interventions, more effective than brief ones, can be further adopted with any smokers willing to make a quit attemp…
The effects of antimicrobial sprays and mouthrinses on supragingival plaque regrowth: a comparative study.
BACKGROUND: Due to the side effects of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) mouthrinsing, a spray has been proposed as an alternative method of CHX delivery to the oral cavity. The aim of this study was to investigate the plaque inhibitory effects of CHX, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), and triclosan (TRN) delivered by sprays and mouthrinses. METHODS: The study was an observer-masked, randomized cross-over design balanced for carryover effects, involving 15 healthy volunteers in a 4-day plaque regrowth model. Products being tested (0.2% CHX, 0.12% CHX, 0.05% CPC, and 0.03% TRN) were used both as sprays and mouthrinses. A saline solution served as a negative control. On day 1, subjects received p…
Resistance to disinfection of a polymicrobial association contaminating the surface of elastomeric dental impressions.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability to resist disinfection of a polymicrobial association contaminating the surface of dental impressions obtained with two different elastomers: a polyether (Impregum) and an addition-polymerized silicone (Elite). Impressions were contaminated with a mixture of three biofilm-forming microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans) and disinfected immediately after contamination, or after microbial layers were allowed to develop during a six-hour storage. Two commercial disinfectants were tested: MD 520 containing 0.5% glutaraldehyde and Sterigum Powder without glutaraldehyde. Residual contamination was recover…
Periodontal disease and systemic diseases: interrelationships and interactions
The focal infection theory, which for almost half a century justified indiscriminate extraction of teeth to cure focal infections, since the end of the 1940s has become progressively a discarded concept. In parallel with the declining importance assigned to pulp and periapical infections in the pathogenesis of focal diseases, over the last decade there has been increasing interest in the possible relationship between periodontal infection and systemic diseases. Periodontal pathogens and their products, as well as inflammatory mediators produced in gingival tissue, might enter the bloodstream through ulcerated pocket epithelium, causing systemic effects (focal diseases). On the basis of this…
Efficacia nella rimozione della placca e profilo di sicurezza di un nuovo spazzolino elettrico: valutazione comparativa in vivo.
Gengivite cronica desquamativa: approccio multidisciplinare in pazienti con lichen planus orale. Risultati di un open clinical trial.
Gingival inflammation is caused by bacterial plaque (dental biofilm) that accumulates daily on the teeth. Results in redness, slight swelling, or "puffiness" of the gums and bleeding on tooth brushing. Treatment involves thorough professional tooth cleaning and effective daily removal of dental plaque by tooth brushing and cleaning between the teeth. Necrotizing gingivitis is a more serious condition that is mainly found in developing countries and is associated with people with severe malnutrition or people living with HIV with low CD4 counts.
Analisi in vitro della quantità di tessuti duri asportati in seguito a preparazioni coronali in protesi fissa
Demographic and behavioural profiles of patients with common oral mucosal lesions by a homogeneity analysis
Oral Diseases (2012) 18, 396–401 Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the main oral mucosal lesions (OMLs) within a hospital base and to provide an anamnestic, diagnostic model based on homogeneity analysis of some variables. Methods: The demographic and behavioural data (i.e. gender, age, smoking status, alcohol consumption and therapeutic drug usage) of 1753 patients with at least one OML were considered. Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and multivariate tests of the simultaneous marginal homogeneity hypothesis (SMH) were used to analyse the evidence of any differences between the demographic and behavioural profiles relating to OMLs diagnoses. Statistical significance of…
In vitro and in vivo anticryptococcal activities of a new pyrazolo-isothiazole derivative
We investigated the activity of a pyrazolo-isothiazole derivative (G8) against Cryptococcus neoformans. A first screening test showed that G8 at 10 mg/L inhibited the growth of 14 of 15 clinical isolates tested. Killing experiments showed that fungicidal activity was achieved after 8 h of treatment with G8 at concentrations > or =10 mg/L. In a murine model of systemic cryptococcosis, G8 was effective at prolonging survival compared with the controls. Our data indicate that this new derivative has a potential therapeutic role in infections caused by C. neoformans.
Malattia parodontale e malattia cardiovascolare: correlazione o semplice coincidenza? Revisione della letteratura
The present paper reviews relationship between chronic periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases. Original papers on this subject, published in English in the period between 2001 and the first semester 2006, were located in the MEDLINE/PubMed database. Additional studies were obtained by searching reference lists of previously published papers. Periodontal infection provides a chronic reservoir of inflammatory mediators and cytokines, lipopolysaccharide, which contribute to the formation of atheroma. Moreover, periodontal pathogens can penetrate the epithelial barrier of the periodontal tissues and reach the blood stream, carrying out a local atherogenic activity. Some studies indicated tha…
Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase in inflamed gingival tissue: immunohistochemical and image analysis
We have used 12 Epulis taken during surgical operation and as control, some normal gingival specimen. The aim was to clarify the relationship between the degree of inflammation and NO production in several cases of Epulis, exhibiting different degree of inflammatory process and verifying the presence of cells involved in NO production. From the immuhistochemical data in our possession we can conclude that NO is one of the factor which module the pathogenecity degree of Epulis.
Odontoiatria preventiva integrata
Odontoiatria Preventiva Integrata fornisce una risorsa di facile uso che unisce informazioni di base scientifica e di pratica clinica in tutti gli aspetti dell'odontoiatria preventiva. Questa risorsa di carattere onnicomprensivo offre tecniche e strategie per mantenere nei pazienti una eccellente igiene orale, attraverso un sistema di misure preventive. Odontoiatria Preventiva Integrata è fondato su una filosofia incentrata sul paziente, preventiva e minimamente invasiva. La prima parte del libro analizza patologie individuali, come carie, malattia parodontale e cancro orale, così come le terapie (sigillanti, fluoro) e altre condizioni rilevanti (usura dentale, ipersensibilità). Oltre a ciò…
Periodontitis and preterm delivery. A review of the literature
The aim of this paper was to review the relationship between periodontitis and preterm delivery (PTD). Original papers on this subject, published in English until the first quarter of 2004, were located in the MEDLINE/PubMed database. Additional papers were obtained by searching reference lists of previously published review papers. Case control studies pointed to an association between periodontitis and increased rates of PTD of low birth-weight (LBW) infants. Longitudinal studies showed that the incidence or progression of periodontitis during pregnancy may be an independent risk factor for PTD and LBW. Microbiological, immunological and animal model studies suggested that periodontal pat…
Bifocal manifestation of eosinophilic granuloma in a paediatric patient-A case report
Background: Eosinophilic granuloma (EG) is a clinical variant of the Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) characterized by unifocal or multifocal bone lesions which predominantly affects children, adolescents, and young adults. Case Report: A case is reported of a 13-year-old Caucasian boy who presented unifocal EG in the mandible as the first clinic manifestation. Radiographic examination and skeletal scintigraphy revealed a further localization with an osteolytic lesion in the right femur. The therapeutic protocol used for the mandibular lesion included causal periodontal therapy, extraction of the compromised teeth, alveolar curettage, and intralesional injections of corticosteroids, in c…
Valutazione della forza di un sistema adesivo su dentina di denti decidui
Report di localizzazione mandibolare dell'istiocitosi a cellule di Langherans
Stabilità cromatica di resine per protesi fissa provvisoria: valutazione comparativa in vitro.
Disfagia in medicina orale
Per non perdere il sorriso
Oral and dental health of Italian drug addicted in methadone treatment
Objectives: Our group recorded the characteristic of oro-dental health among a group of drug addicts in recovery treatment with methadone, and it evaluated the changes related to the withdrawal therapy. Methodology: A sample of 50 drug addicts in treatment with methadone was included in this study. At the beginning of the withdrawal therapy, the authors recorded the parameters involved in the most common oral diseases. Moreover, it was evaluated how, during the rehabilitation protocol, the behavioral parameters and the xerostomia that influence the oral health changed. A medical history especially referring to drug addiction features was made. An intraoral objective exam was done for each p…
Dental pulp stem cells for bone tissue engineering: a review of the current literature and a look to the future.
The aim of this narrative review is to investigate the implication of mesenchymal stem cells harvested from human dental pulp in in vivo bone tissue regeneration. We focused on studies related to roles of human dental pulp stem cells in in vivo bone regeneration. A total of 1021 studies were identified; after the assessment of eligibility, only 39 studies were included in the review. The evaluated information of the studies regards the experimental strategies (e.g., the isolation method, the scaffold, the in vivo animal models). The overall main evidences highlighted from the analysis are that dental pulp stem cells and human-exfoliated deciduous teeth stem cells supported by a suitable sc…
Gingival inflammation is caused by bacterial plaque (dental biofilm) that accumulates daily on the teeth. Results in redness, slight swelling, or "puffiness" of the gums and bleeding on tooth brushing. Treatment involves thorough professional tooth cleaning and effective daily removal of dental plaque by tooth brushing and cleaning between the teeth. Necrotizing gingivitis (NG) is a more serious condition that is mainly found in developing countries and is associated with people with severe malnutrition or people living with HIV with low CD4 counts.
Attività antibatterica di un adesivo smalto-dentinale: valutazione della diffusione del monomero MDPB
Assessment of tobacco dependence education in Italian Dental Hygiene programs
Attività antibatterica di un cemento endodontico contenente ortofenilfenolo: valutazione comparativa in vitro mediante direct contact test.
Effetto sulla formazione della placca batterica di alcuni chewing gum sugar-free. Indagine comparativa in vivo.
Counselling anti-fumo: indagine su conoscenze e competenze di un campione di studenti di Odontoiatria e di Igiene dentale
Prevenzione primaria del carcinoma orale e counselling per la cessazione del fumo
Root resorption and orthodontic treatment. Review of the literature.
The aim of this paper was to provide a systematic review of the literature on the root resorption caused by orthodontic treatment. Original papers on this subject, published in English from January 2000 until December 2005, were located in the MEDLINE/PubMed database. Other sources were taken from the references of the selected papers. Root resorption is the most common sequela of the orthodontic treatment. It is an inflammatory process that leads to an ischemic necrosis localized in the periodontal ligament when the orthodontic force is applied. The onset and progression of root resorption are associated with risk factors related to the orthodontic treatment such as the duration of treatme…
In vitro antifungal properties of mouthrinses containing antimicrobial agents
The purpose of this study was to investigate the in vitro antifungal properties of seven commercial mouthrinses containing antimicrobial agents. These included cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX), hexetidine (HEX), sanguinarine (SNG), and triclosan (TRN). The minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) against six species of yeasts was determined by a broth macrodilution method. The kill-time of mouthrinses at half the concentration of the commercial formulations was also determined. MFCs were achieved with each mouthrinse, except the SNG-containing mouthrinse, against all the organisms being tested. However, the CPC-containing mouthrinse appeared more active than the…
Traumatic dental injuries: preventive and public health approaches
Dental trauma can involve injuries to hard tissues and pulp, to periodontal tissues, to bone tissue, and to gingiva and oral mucosa. The aetiology of dental injuries is multi-factorial as they are caused by a complex array of individual clinical factors and social/environmental determinants. Traumatic dental injuries are mainly sustained during sports, through accidents and as a direct result of violence. The prevalence of traumatic dental injuries is not high but there is evidence that the incidence in children’s teeth is increasing. Primary prevention of traumatic dental injuries addresses the control of preventable risk factors through the early treatment of large overjet, the provision …
The effects of sugar-free chewing gums on dental plaque regrowth: a comparative study
Abstract Sugar-free chewing gum has been claimed to be a useful means of reducing dental plaque accumulation. The incorporation of additives, such as enzymes, abrasives and divalent metal ions, into gum formulations might improve their antiplaque activity, particularly at the buccal and lingual surfaces of the teeth. Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the plaque inhibitory effects of three sugar-free chewing gums each containing lactoperoxidase (LP), micro granules of silicon dioxide (SD), and zinc gluconate (ZG). Methods The study was an observer-masked, randomized cross-over design balanced for carryover effects, involving 12 healthy volunteers in a 4-day plaque regrowth …
Umanizzazione delle cure in odontostomatologia. Una tendenza emergente
OBIETTIVI Scopo del presente lavoro è fornire agli specialisti della salute orale la descrizione delle caratteristiche del colloquio narrativo, inteso come differente dalla tradizionale anamnesi e in grado di rilevare l’universo del paziente, alla base del processo di umaniz-zazione delle cure in odontostomatologia, e illustrare un modello di umanizzazione di cure odontoiatriche. METODI Nell’articolo vengono descritti i punti chiave del processo di umanizzazione delle cure e come tale pratica sia stata integrata nella U.O. di Medicina Orale, A.O.U. P. Giaccone di Palermo per l’approccio al paziente fragile. La comunità scientifica ha già messo in discussione il tradizionale approccio medico…
Gingival inflammation is caused by bacterial plaque (dental biofilm) that accumulates daily on the teeth. Results in redness, slight swelling, or "puffiness" of the gums and bleeding on tooth brushing. Treatment involves thorough professional tooth cleaning and effective daily removal of dental plaque by tooth brushing and cleaning between the teeth. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) is a more serious condition that is mainly found in developing countries associated with people with severe malnutrition or HIV/AIDS with low CD4 T-cell counts.
La malattia parodontale come fattore di rischio per l'insorgenza delle cardiopatie associate ad aterosclerosi. Risultati preliminari
Dentistry and internal medicine: from the focal infection theory to the periodontal medicine concept
Abstract During past decades the relationship between dentistry and internal medicine and especially the concept of the so-called focal infection theory have long been a matter of debate. The pathogenesis of focal diseases has been classically attributed to dental pulp pathologies and periapical infections. Nonetheless, in recent years, their role is being dismissed while increasing interest is being devoted to the possible associations between periodontal infection and systemic diseases. In fact, periodontal pathogens and their products, as well as inflammatory mediators produced in periodontal tissues, might enter the bloodstream, causing systemic effects and/or contributing to systemic d…
Disegno e conduzione di trial sull'efficacia clinica di spazzolini e collutori
non applicabile
Epidemiology, clinical manifestations, risk-reduction and treatment strategies of jaw osteonecrosis in cancer patients exposed to antiresorptive agents
Osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ) is an adverse side event of bisphosphonates and denosumab, antiresorptive agents that effectively reduce the incidence of skeletal-related events in patients with metastatic bone cancer and multiple myeloma. Available data suggest that 0–27.5% of individuals exposed to antiresorptive agents can develop ONJ. There is increasing evidence that avoidance of surgical trauma and infection to the jawbones can minimize the risk of ONJ, but there are still a significant number of individuals who develop ONJ in the absence of these risk factors. Bone necrosis is almost irreversible and there is no definitive cure for ONJ with the exclusion, in certain cases, of surgica…
Bocca in salute, attenti agli stili di vita. Dieta e igiene orale binomio vincente
Manifestazioni orali da reflusso gastroesofageo-Cross sectional survey in progress
Attitudes of Italian dental and dental hygiene students toward tobacco-use cessation
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the smoking habits of Italian dental and dental hygiene students and to assess their knowledge on the health effects of cigarette smoking and their attitudes toward tobacco-use cessation (TUC) in dental practice. Materials and methods: Data was collected from 220 students attending the Dental and Dental Hygiene Schools (DS and DHS, respectively) at the University of Palermo (Italy). Results: The percentage of smokers amongst DS and DHS students was similar (32.78% vs. 32.5%) with 67.77% of DS students and 77.5% of DHS agreeing that the damages to health caused by smoking were covered in their didactic course work. A high percentage of DS (…
Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) osteomyelitis of the mandible: a case report in pediatric patient
Pigmentazioni dentarie da clorexidina: una revisione critica
OBIETTIVI Obiettivo di questo lavoro è proporre una revisione critica della letteratura sulle pigmentazioni orali indotte dalla clorexidina, in particolare sul meccanismo di formazione delle pigmentazioni, sulla loro prevalenza, sui fattori che ne influenzano l’insorgenza e la gravità e sull’efficacia clinica del sistema antipigmentazione a base di sodio metabisolfito e di acido ascorbico (ADS). MATERIALI E METODI È stata effettuata una ricerca bibliografica utilizzando in combinazione le seguenti parole chiave: Chlorhexidine, Mouthwash, Staining, Anti-Discoloration System, Gingivitis, Plaque. Sono stati presi in considerazione articoli scientifici e revisioni della letteratura in inglese, …
Mesenchymal stem cells derived from inflamed dental pulpal and gingival tissue: a potential application for bone formation
Background Chronic periodontal disease is an infectious disease consisting of prolonged inflammation of the supporting tooth tissue and resulting in bone loss. Guided bone regeneration procedures have become common and safe treatments in dentistry, and in this context dental stem cells would represent the ideal solution as autologous cells. In this study, we verified the ability of dental pulp mesenchymal stem cells (DPSCs) and gingival mesenchymal stem cells (GMSCs) harvested from periodontally affected teeth to produce new mineralized bone tissue in vitro, and compared this to cells from healthy teeth. Methods To characterize DPSCs and GMSCs, we assessed colony-forming assay, immunophenot…
Accuratezza del DIAGNOdent Pen nell’individuazione di lesioni cariose occlusali in denti decidui e permanenti
Effects of a nonsurgical exercise program on the decreased mouth opening in patients with systemic scleroderma.
The decreased mouth opening (microstomia) represents a frequent finding in patients with systemic scleroderma (SSD), but little information is available about the efficacy of nonsurgical management of this condition. The aim of this study is to assess the effects of a nonsurgical exercise program on the decreased mouth opening in a group of 10 SSD patients with severe microstomia (maximal mouth opening 0.1). At the end of the 18-week period, all patients commented that eating, speaking and oral hygiene measures were easier. The edentulous subjects also experienced less difficulty inserting their own dentures. These findings suggest that regular application of the proposed exercise program m…
Salute orale in età pediatrica: indagine epidemiologica in un campione di popolazione della città di Palermo
La presenza di alcool nei collutori antiplacca: sicurezza confermata
This study aims to evaluate the validity and reliability of the TRIOS3 Color intraoral scanner (3Shape A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark) and its associated Ortho Analyzer™ software in measuring parameters of smile aesthetics compared with measurements on plaster casts. The study sample comprised plaster casts and digital models obtained from 30 subjects. Height (H), mesiodistal diameter (MDD) and connecting space (CS) of the anterior teeth were measured with a digital calliper on the plaster models and with the orthodontic software on the digital models. Validity was assessed using a 2-tailed paired t-test; the reliability of measurements for intra-examiner was evaluated with the Intra-class Correl…
The Effects of an Essential Oil and an Amine Fluoride/Stannous Fluoride Mouthrinse on Supragingival Plaque Regrowth
Background: The side effects of chlorhexidine (CHX) have stimulated the search for alternative antiplaque agents such as amine fluoride/stannous fluoride (ASF) and essential oils (EO). The aim of the study was to investigate the plaqueinhibiting effects of two commercially available mouthrinses containing ASF and EO, respectively. Methods: The study was an observer-masked, randomized, 5 · 5 Latin square cross-over design, balanced for carryover effects, involving 15 volunteers in a 4-day plaque regrowth model. A 0.12% CHX rinse and a saline solution served as positive and negative controls, respectively. On day 1, subjects received professional prophylaxis, suspended oral hygiene measures, …
The effects of two essential oil mouthrinses on supragingival plaque regrowth: a comparative in vivo study
Tobacco cessation or the treatment of tobacco dependence?
Colonizzazione orale da Candida spp. in pazienti con carcinoma squamocellulare in fase pre-trattamento
Gingival inflammation is caused by bacterial plaque (dental biofilm) that accumulates daily on the teeth. Results in redness, slight swelling, or "puffiness" of the gums and bleeding on tooth brushing. Treatment involves thorough professional tooth cleaning and effective daily removal of dental plaque by tooth brushing and cleaning between the teeth. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) is a more serious condition that is mainly found in developing countries associated with people with severe malnutrition or HIV/AIDS with low CD4 T-cell counts.
Periodontal status in postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Challenges in dental statistics: survey methodology topics

 This paper gathers some contributions concerning survey methodology in dental research, as discussed during the first Workshop of the SISMEC STATDENT working group on statistical methods and applications in dentistry, held in Ancona on the 28th September 2011.
 The first contribution deals with the European Global Oral Health Indicators Development (EGOHID) Project which proposed a comprehensive and standardized system of epidemiological tools (questionnaires and clinical forms) for national data collection on oral health in Europe. The second contribution regards the design and conduct of trials to evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of toothbrushes and mouthrinses. Final…
Gingival inflammation is caused by bacterial plaque (dental biofilm) that accumulates daily on the teeth. Results in redness, slight swelling, or "puffiness" of the gums and bleeding on tooth brushing. Treatment involves thorough professional tooth cleaning and effective daily removal of dental plaque by tooth brushing and cleaning between the teeth. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) is a more serious condition that is mainly found in developing countries associated with people with severe malnutrition or HIV/AIDS with low CD4 T-cell counts.
Valutazione dell'efficacia clinica dello spazzolino elettrico Oral-B Professional Care 8500
Efficacia di un protocollo terapeutico multidisciplinare per la gengivite cronica desquamativa.
Tobacco-use cessation counselling in dental practice: an evidence-based approach
Stress psico-fisico e malattie del cavo orale
Cavo orale: distretto obbligato nella diagnostica di patologie sistemiche e della cute. Patologie malformative e genetiche
In vitro activities of antimicrobial agents against Candida species
Objective. Antimicrobial mouthrinses may represent a valid alternative to topical antifungal agents. However, the action of antimicrobials could be affected by the different ingredients incorporated into mouthrinse products. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the in vitro antifungal and fungicidal activities of antimicrobials alone. Study Design. A broth macrodilution method was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration of 4 antimicrobial agents against Candida species. Minimum fungicidal concentration was also determined. Results. All antimicrobials showed antifungal activity against all tested organisms, but cetylpyridinium chloride received significantly low…
Periodontal Medicine, an emerging reality
Effetti clinici e microbiologici di chips di clorexidina nel trattamento di parodontiti severe:Studio multicentrico
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) in Dental Extraction of Patients at Risk of Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: A Two-Year Longitudinal Study
: Dental extraction has often been described as the main trigger event of osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ). This longitudinal hospital-based study aimed to evaluate the outcome at 2 years of a standardized medical-surgical protocol for dental extraction, combined with platelet rich-plasma (PRP) application, compared with conventional protocol not combined with PRP or any other autologous platelet concentrate in cancer (ONC) and osteometabolic (OST) patients, at risk of bisphosphonate (BP)-related ONJ. Twenty patients were consecutively recruited: six received BPs for cancer skeletal-related events (34.17 ±
Fumo, alcol e salute orale
Obiettivi. Il fumo di sigaretta, seconda causa di morte nel mondo, e l’abuso di alcol, una delle principali cause di mortalità e morbilità, costituiscono importanti fattori di rischio per le patologie del cavo orale. Scopo di questo lavoro è presentare gli effetti del fumo di sigaretta e dell’abuso di alcol sulla salute orale. Sono inoltre illustrate le modalità di realizzazione di interventi di cessazione dell’abitudine al fumo nell’ambito dell’attività professionale dell’odontoiatra e dell’igienista dentale. Materiali e metodi. Attraverso la banca dati Medline/Pubmed sono stati selezionati i lavori originali, le revisioni della letteratura e le linee guida in lingua inglese e in italiano …
Salute parodontale e terapia ormonale sostitutiva (HRT): indagine su un campione di donne in menopausa
Lifestyle medicine and psychological well-being toward health promotion: a cross-sectional study on Palermo (Southern Italy) undergraduates
(1) Aim: To assess the attitude toward Lifestyle Medicine and healthy behaviours among students in the healthcare area and to demonstrate its association to psychological well-being
Cut-off di carica fungina e diagnosi di candidosi orale
Dental Erosions and Halitosis as Oral Manifestations of GERD
Management del paziente con gengivite desquamativa. Studio caso controllo
The Humanization of Health Care: In-Depth Knowledge Regarding the Ethics of Dental Care in Oncological Patients
This chapter provides an illuminating insight into the processes of the humanization of care in order to increase specialist knowledge regarding the nature of the doctor-patient relationship. It will deal with the notion of care and its various aspects, including the existential dimension of the process of caregiving by means of a narrative (storytelling) interview. After a brief analysis of the changes which have affected medical science in past centuries, the focus of the paper will be directed to the remarkable transformation which clinical practice has undergone, by virtue of which the concept of the taking care of the patient has gained increasing attention. Thus, care can be provided …
Gender differences in human immunodeficiency virus–related oral lesions: An Italian study
Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between oral lesions and gender, age, CD4+ cell count, human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) viral load, antiretroviral therapy, and route of transmission in a group of HIV-infected (HIV+) persons from the Mediterranean region. Study Design: The participants in this study were HIV+ adults who sought dental care between January 1999 and June 1999 in the Department of Oral Medicine (University of Palermo, Italy). Results: One hundred thirty-six HIV+ adults came in for an initial oral examination. Their mean age was 35.2 years (SD ± 7.97), and 33% were women. Their mean CD4+ cell count was 325.3 × 106 /L (SD ± 2…
Community water fluoridation and caries prevention: a critical review.
The aim of this paper was to critically review the current role of community water fluoridation in preventing dental caries. Original articles and reviews published in English language from January 2001 to June 2006 were selected through MEDLINE database. Other sources were taken from the references of the selected papers. For the past 50 years community water fluoridation has been considered the milestone of caries prevention and as one of the major public health measures of the 20th century. However, it is now accepted that the primary cariostatic action of fluoride occurs after tooth eruption. Moreover, the caries reduction directly attributable to water fluoridation have declined in the…
Gingival inflammation is caused by bacterial plaque (dental biofilm) that accumulates daily on the teeth. Results in redness, slight swelling, or "puffiness" of the gums and bleeding on tooth brushing. Treatment involves thorough professional tooth cleaning and effective daily removal of dental plaque by tooth brushing and cleaning between the teeth. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) is a more serious condition that is mainly found in developing countries associated with people with severe malnutrition or HIV/AIDS with low CD4 T-cell counts.
Patologie parodontali in età pediatrica
Le patologie parodontali, sebbene più frequenti nel soggetto adulto, sono riscontrabili anche in età pediatrica con valori di prevalenza più elevati negli adolescenti (12-17 anni). Tali patologie sono caratterizzate da reperti clinici spesso aspecifici. Esse riconoscono sovente fattori eziologici locali, ma possono pure essere influenzate, nel loro decorso clinico e nella gravità, dalle condizioni di salute generale del piccolo paziente. In alcuni casi, inoltre, l’insorgenza di lesioni a carico dei tessuti parodontali può essere la prima manifestazione di patologie extra orali.
Efficacia clinica e sicurezza dello spazzolino elettrico Oral-B Professional Care 8500
Socio-behavioural determinants of dental caries in schoolchildren in the city of Palermo, Southern Italy
Candidal carriage in the oral cavity of human immunodeficiency virus–infected subjects
Abstract Objectives. We sought to assess asymptomatic oral carriage of Candida species and relative density in human immunodeficiency virus-infected (HIV+) subjects, as well as to determine whether yeast carriage is associated with CD4+cell count, HIV-1 RNA quantity, gender, route of HIV transmission, antiretroviral therapy, or smoking. Study Design. A cross-sectional analysis of oral rinses from HIV+ and healthy subjects was undertaken. Oral candidal carriage and relative species were investigated in 42 HIV+ and 41 healthy individuals, all of whom were seen at the Palermo University Department of Oral Sciences, Italy. Data were managed and analyzed by means of the computer software package…
Assessment of tobacco dependence curricula in Italian dental hygiene schools
The aim of this study was to assess the level of tobacco dependence education offered by Italian dental hygiene programs. A fifty-question survey was mailed to the thirty-one active public and private dental hygiene programs in Italy during the 2008-09 academic year. The survey assessed faculty confidence in teaching tobacco treatment, which courses contained tobacco dependence content, the number of minutes spent on specific content areas, and the level of clinical competence that dental hygiene graduates should be able to demonstrate. Surveys were returned by sixteen programs for a response rate of 52 percent. Respondents indicated tobacco dependence education was included in clinic or cl…
Candidal carriage in untreated OSCC
Prevenzione primaria, counselling anti-fumo, comunicazione odontoiatra-paziente
Il carcinoma a cellule squamose, la più frequente neoplasia maligna del cavo orale, è gravato da un elevato tasso di mortalità, spesso correlato a ritardo diagnostico, e da un forte impatto sulla qualità della vita nei pazienti che ne sono affetti. Si tratta di una malattia con fattori di rischio noti, prevenibile e facilmente diagnosticabile, nei confronti della quale, tuttavia, non sono messe in atto misure preventive appropriate sia di prevenzione primaria (controllo dei fattori di rischio) che di prevenzione secondaria (diagnosi precoce). L’incidenza di tale neoplasia, infatti, è aumentata negli ultimi decenni; parimenti, non sono stati rilevati significativi miglioramenti nei tassi di …
Il controllo chimico della placca nella terapia delle malattie parodontali e perimplantari placca-indotte
Manifestazioni orali della sindrome di Smith-Lemli-Opitz: un case report.
Manifestazioni orali in corso di patologie gastrointestinali
Il management dell’ipersensibilità dentinale: dalla ricerca alla clinica
Obiettivi. Scopo di questo lavoro è presentare le più recenti acquisizioni in tema di epidemiologia, diagnosi, eziopatogenesi e management clinico dell’ipersensibilità dentinale. Vengono inoltre descritti i prodotti disponibili per il suo trattamento e gli studi sperimentali e clinici condotti per valutarne l’efficacia. Materiali e metodi. Attraverso la banca dati Medline/Pubmed sono stati selezionati i lavori originali, le revisioni della letteratura e le linee guida pubblicate in lingua inglese e in italiano sull’argomento dal 2009 al 2013. Altre fonti sono state selezionate dai riferimenti bibliografici individuati. Risultati e conclusioni. Il management dell’ipersensibilità prevede il c…
Validity and reliability of measurements of the parameters of smile aesthetics: a comparison between digital and plaster models
This study aims to evaluate the validity and reliability of the TRIOS3 Color intraoral scanner (3Shape A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark) and its associated Ortho Analyzer™ software in measuring parameters of smile aesthetics compared with measurements on plaster casts. The study sample comprised plaster casts and digital models obtained from 30 subjects. Height (H), mesiodistal diameter (MDD) and connecting space (CS) of the anterior teeth were measured with a digital calliper on the plaster models and with the orthodontic software on the digital models. Validity was assessed using a 2-tailed paired t-test; the reliability of measurements for intra-examiner was evaluated with the Intra-class Correl…
Report di localizzazione mandibolare dell'istiocitosi a cellule di Langerhans
The effect of immersion disinfection procedures on dimensional stability of two elastomeric impression materials
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of immersion disinfection procedures on the dimensional stability of two elastomeric impression materials. Impressions of a stainless steel die were made with polyether (PE) and with additionpolymerized silicone rubber (PVS). The test specimens underwent disinfection treatment by immersion in two commercially available solutions containing quaternary ammonium compounds (Sterigum Powder, SP) and glutaraldehyde plus an amino derivative (MD520, MD), respectively. The impressions were measured at 4 different time points: before any disinfection treatment (T0); after the first disinfection (T1); 6 hours after the first disinfection (T2); after th…
In-vitro and In-vivo study results, what tells what?
Efficacia di un protocollo terapeutico multidisciplinare per la gengivite desquamativa
Gengivite desquamativa: studio pilota sull'efficacia di un collutorio contenente fluoruro amminico/fluoruro stannoso
Efficacia clinica di un collutorio contenente fluoruro amminico/fluoruro stannoso (ASF) in pazienti con lesioni gengivali desquamative (LGD)
The role of oral health professionals in tobacco cessation
Tobacco is the major independent risk factor for the development of oral cancer and potentially malignant lesions. It is also involved in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. The members of the dental team can play an effective role in tobacco preventing and cessation as they provide preventive and therapeutic services to a basically healthy population on a regular basis. In this paper, the authors present specific strategies to guide oral health professionals (i.e. dentist and dental hygienist) providing smoking cessation interventions. The “Five A’s” strategic approach represents a brief and effective protocol for smoking cessation that members of dental team can use with all patients…
In vitro antibacterial activity of endodontic sealers
Summary Objectives To evaluate the antibacterial activity of four endodontic sealers: one epoxy resin sealer (AH Plus), two zinc oxide eugenol (ZOE)-based sealers (Endomethasone, Pulp Canal Sealer), and one sealer containing both ZOE and orthophenilphenol (Vcanalare). Methods A direct contact test (DCT) was performed. A 10 μl suspension of Enterococcus faecalis was placed on the test material 20 min, 24 h and 7 days after mixing. Bacteria were allowed to directly contact the sealers for 1 h at 37 °C. Bacterial growth was then spectrophotometrically measured every 30 min for 7 h, and again after 24 h as well. Results All freshly mixed sealers showed complete inhibition of bacterial growth. S…
Topical Fluoride for Preventing Dental Caries in Children and Adolescents
The use of topically applied fluoride has been widely researched as a means to reduce the risk of dental caries in conjunction with other treatment modalities (mechanical oral hygiene, dietary control, antimicrobial intervention, pit and fissure sealants). There is overwhelming evidence that reports not only the significance and importance of the use of fluoride as a caries-preventive agent, but also how safe fluoride application is when used appropriately, particularly in higher risk individuals and populations. This paper reviews the caries-protective benefits of topical fluoride application in children and adolescents, with an emphasis on the clinical efficacy and safety of the vehicles …
Caries Severity, Decayed First Permanent Molars and Associated Factors in 6-7 Years Old Schoolchildren Living in Palermo (Southern Italy).
To date, there are very few epidemiologic studies on caries disease in 6–7 year old children living in Sicily (Southern Italy). The first permanent molar (FPM) is the most commonly affected tooth in this target population, and a one-unit increase in the number of decayed FPMs is predictive of caries in other teeth and in adulthood. The primary aim of this research is to estimate the prevalence of caries in 6–7 year old schoolchildren living in Palermo and, as a secondary aim, to estimate the prevalence of affected FPMs. It was designed as a cluster cross-sectional survey on 995 children from 16 schools, selected based on their geographical location, in one of the eight city districts. Carie…
Il mantenimento della salute orale nel paziente in trattamento ortodontico
I trattamenti ortodontici vengono eseguiti con dispositivi rimovibili o fissi che, modificando l’ecosistema del cavo orale, aumentano il rischio d’insorgenza e progressione di lesioni cariose e di malattia parodontale. Pertanto, occorre attuare un protocollo individualizzato di prevenzione che preveda un adeguato addestramento all’igiene orale domiciliare, con rinforzi motivazionali nelle varie fasi del trattamento ortodontico, e l’attuazione di programmi di fluoroprofilassi topica professionale e domiciliare. Fixed or removable appliances impede the maintenance of good oral hygiene resulting in dental plaque accumulation. Plaque retention surrounding orthodontic appliances can increase the…
The mesiodistal crown diameters in Sicilian schoolchildren
Gingival inflammation is caused by bacterial plaque (dental biofilm) that accumulates daily on the teeth. Results in redness, slight swelling, or "puffiness" of the gums and bleeding on tooth brushing. Treatment involves thorough professional tooth cleaning and effective daily removal of dental plaque by tooth brushing and cleaning between the teeth. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) is a more serious condition that is mainly found in developing countries associated with people with severe malnutrition or HIV/AIDS with low CD4 T-cell counts.
Paediatric Sleep Questionnaire for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome Screening: Is Sleep Quality Worthy of Note?
Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) is the most severe condition on the spectrum of sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBDs). The Paediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ) is one of the most used and validated screening tools, but it lacks the comprehensive assessment of some determinants of OSAS, specifically anamnestic assessment and sleep quality. This study aims to assess the accuracy of some specific items added to the original PSQ, particularly related to the patient’s anamnestic history and to the quality of sleep, for the screening of OSAS in a paediatric population living in Sicily (Italy). Fifteen specific items, divided into “anamnestic” and “related to sleep quality” were added…
Not a current fashion, but a truth since 1884
We thank Kucharz [1] for the valuable historical comment to our review focusing on the role of oral infection on systemic diseases [2]. The majority of scientists today write and read the English language whereas articles in Polish and German are scarcely known outside of Poland and Germany, respectively. For these reasons, the contribution of Kaczorowsky [3] is commonly forgotten in medical literature, but the letter of Kurchaz properly acknowledges this pioneer researcher in the periodontal medicine. We also thank Blum [4] for adding his results [5,6] to our review article. As the number of references citable is limited, we did not cite the articles written by Blum et al. [5,6], but we re…
Effetto sulla formazione della placca batterica in vivo di collutori contenenti fluoruro amminico/fluoruro stannoso e oli essenziali
Periodontal clinical and microbiological data in desquamative gingivitis patients.
Objectives: A series of patients affected by desquamative gingivitis (DG) was investigated in order to evaluate relation patterns among clinical parameters relevant to plaque induced periodontitis, periodontal microbiological data and the presence of DG lesions. Patients and methods: Eight oral lichen planus (OLP) and four mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) patients were examined. Periodontal measurements (performed at six sites per tooth on all teeth) included probing depth (PD), gingival recession (REC), clinical attachment loss (CAL) and full mouth plaque (FMPS) and bleeding (FMBS) scores; the presence and the exact location (site by site) of DG lesions were carefully recorded. Sub-gingiva…
Plaque removal efficacy of an electric toothbrush: a comparative study.
Management del paziente con diatesi emorragica: ruolo dell'igienista dentale
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Occurrence of invading bacteria in radicular dentin of periodontally diseased teeth: Microbiological findings
Bacterial invasion in roots of periodontally diseased teeth, which has been recently documented using cultural and microscopic techniques, may be important in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the occurrence and the species of invading bacteria in radicular dentin of periodontally diseased teeth. Samples were taken from the middle layer of radicular dentin of 26 periodontally diseased teeth. 14 healthy teeth were used as controls. Dentin samples were cultured anaerobically. The chosen methodology allowed the determination of the numbers of bacteria present in both deeper and outer part of dentinal tubules, and the bacterial concentra…
Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Mesenchymal stem cells derived from inflamed dental pulpal and gingival tissue: a potential application for bone formation
A) Bar graph represents the MTT absorbance mean values ± SD of P-DPSCs and P-GMSCs vs. their healthy control. The differences were not significant. B) The histograms represent the comparison of DT. Mean values ± SD are based on three independent experiments. n.s = not significant (p value > 0.05). C) Each field shows a cell cycle analysis representative of each sample investigated. (TIF 11728 kb)
Additional file 3: Figure S2. of Mesenchymal stem cells derived from inflamed dental pulpal and gingival tissue: a potential application for bone formation
A, B) Basal gene expression of IL-1β and TNF-α receptors in P-DPSCs, H-DPSCs, P-GMSCs, and H-GMSCs. C, D) Gene expression of IL-1β and TNF-α receptors under cytokine stimulation at 24, 48, and 72 h (cytokine treatment: 20 ng/ml IL-1β + 40 ng/ml TNF-α). *p value