Virgilio Caleca

Studio del controllo di Bactrocera oleae, di funghi agenti filloptosi e carpoptosi anticipata nell’olivicoltura da mensa e da olio in Sicilia.

Abstract STUDY ON THE CONTROL OF BACTROCERA OLEAE AND FUNGI INDUCING EARLY LEAF AND FRUIT DROP IN OLIVE GROWING FOR TABLE OLIVES AND OIL PRODUCTION IN SICILY. Susceptibility of olive cultivars to olive fruit fly, damage thresholds, sampling methods, effectiveness of products deterring olive fruit fly oviposition, foliar chlorosis and withering of branches have been investigated. Riassunto Tra le cultivar saggiate (16 siciliane e 6 estere) esiste un ampio gradiente nella suscettibilità agli attacchi di B. oleae, andando dalle più suscettibili Nocellara del Belice, Giarraffa, Cerasuola alle meno preferite; tra queste ultime vi sono cultivar con caratteristiche peculiari diversificate: Nocella…

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Osservazioni sull’acarocenosi dell’agrumeto e tecniche di controllo di Acari fitofagi, di Phyllocnistis citrella e di Aspidiotus nerii.

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Olive oil quality and trace element profile of Sicilian virgin olive oils

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New Records of Sceliotrachelinae (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) in Iran

The hymenopteran family Platygastridae is a large group of parasitic wasps. A survey was carried out on the subfamily Sceliotrachelinae (Hym.: Platygastridae) in East Azerbaijan and Fars provinces of Iran. The genus Fidobia Ashmead and three species, Allotropa conventus Maneval, Fidiobia hofferi Kozlov and Isolia mongolica (Kozlov) are newly recorded from Iran. Illustrations of the morphological characteristics and their geographical distribution are presented.

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Effectiveness of mass trapping by bottle traps baited with salt sardines to control Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)

Various substances are known as attractants of tephritid flies; the putrescine and other compounds coming from animal decay have been positively tested for attraction of Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) and other tephritids. In Sicilian coastal areas, usually heavily infested by Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin), few organic farmers producing high quality olive oil apply mass trapping by using bottle traps baited with salt sardines. The aim of this paper is to test the effectiveness of this kind of mass trapping to control the olive fruit fly. In 2005 and 2006 mass trapping was tested in an organic olive grove (Cerasuola cultivar) located in Trapani. In 2005 two plots were delineated: 189 untreat…

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Strategie di controllo di Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) nell’olivicoltura biologica da olio e da tavola.

I buoni risultati ottenuti nell’olivicoltura biologica da olio sono legati alla raccolta anticipata che limita le infestazioni tardive di Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) e gli effetti negativi delle infestazioni in atto. Molto utilizzate per il controllo della mosca sono le catture massali. L’infestazione dannosa registrata nei due mesi precedenti la raccolta risulta strettamente correlata alla qualità dell’olio, mentre non lo è l’infestazione totale alla raccolta. Gli insetticidi consentiti nell’olivicoltura biologica sono molto poco utilizzati. Nelle situazioni di forte pressione della mosca soltanto i trattamenti con argille e prodotti del rame riescono a mantenere bassi i livelli d’infestazion…

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Indagine su presenza e dannosità di Rhagoletis cerasi (L.) nella Sicilia Occidentale.

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Description of the sexual generation of Dryocosmus destefanii (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) and disclosure of its life cycle

The sexual generation of Dryocosmus destefanii Cerasa & Melika, 2018 that emerges from galls on Q. suber L. in Italy is described for the first time, establishing its heterogonic life cycle. We provide observations on its distribution, illustration of adults and galls and information on its biology as supported by morphological and molecular data. An illustrated identification key to Western Palaearctic Dryocosmus species is also given. 

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Risk assessment of non-target effects of Closterocerus chamaeleon (Girault) parasitoid of the eucalypt gall maker Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae)

The pre-release risk assessment, a recommended practice in biological control programmes, was carried out before introducing Closterocerus chamaeleon (Girault), a eulophid parasitoid of the eucalypt gall maker Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), in Sicily, Italy. We evaluated its host specificity in laboratory small arena no-choice tests on six non-target hosts, using O. maskelli as a control species. The non-target species fit with at least one of the following criteria: a) common geographical origin; b) ecological or behavioural affinities with the target host; c) concealed habit of the preimaginal stages; d) taxonomic affinity; e) taxonomic affinity with hosts of cong…

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Efficacia delle reti protettive, del rotenone e dello spinosad nel controllo di Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) su pesco biologico

In the organic farming the control of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) is problematic for late ripening peach cultivars. In 2007 and 2008 we tested a protective net, rotenone and spinosad in a biodynamic peach orchard in Castrofilippo (AG). Traps baited with Trimedlure were placed in July and observed weekly. In 2007 there were 3 plots: rotenone, net cover and untreated. In 2008 a thesis with spinosad was added. Since the beginning of August four rotenone and spinosad treatments were done weekly. The net plot was covered since the end of July. At the commercial harvesting sampling on peaches were done collecting and analysing 50 peaches for each thesis, recording infested fruits. First male c…

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Current status of the biological control of the citrus leafminer in Sicily

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Prove di controllo di Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in pescheti, aranceti e clementineti biologici

Tests to control Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in organic peach, orange and clementine orchards. The Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), is considered the key pest of several fruit species in organic farming. Experiments for the control of this pest have been carried out in organic peach orchards (in 2009 on a medium-late ripening cultivar, ‘Bella di Bivona’; in 2011 on a very early ripening one, ‘San Pedro’) testing nets, spinosad and pyrethrum (year 2009), in orange citrus groves (cv. Navelina, early ripening period), comparing spinosad, kaolin and bentonite (years 2009 and 2010) and in a clementine grove (cv. Monreal), using kaolin and bentonite. The very early ripe…

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Introduzione ed acclimatamento di Closterocerus sp. in Sicilia per il controllo biologico di Ophelimus maskelli Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) galligeno esotico degli eucalipti.

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Introduzione di Closterocerus sp. in Sicilia per il controllo biologico di Ophelimus maskelli Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) galligeno esotico sugli eucalipti

Ophelimus maskelli Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), galligeno sugli eucalipti, è stato accidentalmente introdotto di recente in Italia ed in numerosi paesi del Mediterraneo, causando allarmanti infestazioni, che hanno determinato in taluni casi vistose defogliazioni sulle piante adulte e deperimento delle piantine in vivaio e nei giovani impianti. In considerazione della vastità del patrimonio boschivo siciliano potenzialmente a rischio (25.835 ha, il più esteso d’Italia), è stato avviato un programma di controllo biologico classico, in collaborazione con il Volcani Center (ARO) di Bet Dagan (Israele) e lo CSIRO di Canberra (Australia), mediante l’introduzione del suo parassitoide Closter…

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Dannosità e controllo di Rhagoletis cerasi (L.) in ceraseti biologici della Sicilia occidentale.

Damage and control of Rhagoletis cerasi (L.) in organic cherry orchards in Western Sicily The study was carried out in 2009, 2010 and 2011 in organic cherry orchards in Western Sicily, were the control of Rhagoletis cerasi (L.), the cherry fly, is a problem for medium-late ripening cultivars. Presence and infestation of the dipteran were monitored on local cultivars and the effectiveness of pyrethrum, allowed in organic farming, was tested, comparing it with net bags. The presence of the cherry fly was recorded in all cherry orchards except in one isolated and recently planted. The infestation on fruits was not very high; it was absent until the end of May. Nets drastically reduced the infe…

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The use of kaolin to control Ceratitis capitata in organic citrus groves

The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera Tephritidae), is the key pest in some organically managed citrus orchards in Sicily. The effectiveness of processed kaolin (Surround WP) for control of C. capitata damage was tested in field trials carried out in 2003-2004 on two early ripening citrus species: satsuma (Citrus unshiu Markow.) and clementine (Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.). Although the number of males captured in trimedlure baited traps was high in both years and in both orchards, the percentage of damaged fruit varied greatly from almost 0% (satsuma 2003) to more than 60% (clementine, both years). Nevertheless, the application of processed kaolin signifi…

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Primi reperti in Sicilia su diffusione e biologia di Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann (Hetroptera: Coreidae), cimice americana dei semi delle conifere

In this paper the first data on the distribution and biology of L. occidentalis in Sicily are reported; this bug, belonging to the family Coreidae, originates from North America, where it is regarded as a serious pest of conifer seed orchards. The first Sicilian specimens of L. occidentalis were found in September 2002 near Gangi (PA), while the first collecting data published until now refer to November 2003 in Niscemi (CL). The coreid is distributed in all Sicily provinces (30 collecting sites), from the sea level to 1.430 m a.s.l. on the mountains; it was collected on cones and plants of Pinus halepensis Miller, P. laricio Poiret, P. pinea L., P. nigra J.F.Arnold and Pseudotsuga menziesi…

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Modeling Environmental Influences in the Psyllaephagus bliteus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae)-Glycaspis brimblecombei (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae) Parasitoid-Host System.

Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae) is an invasive psyllid introduced into the Mediterranean area, where it affects several species of Eucalyptus. Psyllaephagus bliteus Riek (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) is a specialized parasitoid of this psyllid that was accidentally introduced into Italy in 2011. We developed a model of this host–parasitoid system that accounts for the influence of environmental conditions on the G. brimblecombei population dynamics and P. bliteus parasitism rates in the natural ecosystem. The Lotka–Volterra-based model predicts non-constant host growth and parasitoid mortality rates in association with variation in environmental conditions. The model was …

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Prove di efficacia del caolino nel controllo di Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in pescheti biologici

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Introduction into Italy of Gryon pennsylvanicum (Ashmead), an egg parasitoid of the alien invasive bug Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann

Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heteroptera, Coreidae), a Nearctic species, was accidentally introduced into Northern Italy in the late 1990s, from where it has spread throughout Europe. The bug causes abortion of immature cones of Pinus pinea L., with economic impact on the pine-nut industry. As part of a pest control research program, the egg parasitoid Gryon pennsylvanicum Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae) was collected from British Columbia, Canada, and legally introduced to a quarantine climatic chamber in Florence, Italy. The egg parasitoid will be tested against native nontarget heteropterans, an environmental impact assessment will be conducted, and a mass rearing method will be deve…

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A review on introduced alien insect pests and their associated parasitoids on eucalyptus trees in Sicily

A review is reported in the present paper on invasive alien insects introduced in Sicily on Eucalyptus trees, together with unpublished results from recent surveys. As to the latter ones, observations were conducted especially on Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Carpintero & Dellapé) (Hemiptera, Thaumastocoridae), the most recently introduced species. Overall, eight alien insect pests have been accidentally introduced in the island on Eucalyptus, belonging to the orders Hemiptera (Aphalaridae, 2 spp.; Thaumastocoridae, 1 sp.), Coleoptera (Cerambycidae, 2 spp.; Curculionidae, 1 sp.) and Hymenoptera (Eulophidae, 2 spp.). Two encyrtid parasitoids, Avetianella longoi Siscaro and Psyllaephagus bliteus…

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High quality extra virgin olive oil from olives attacked by the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera Tephritidae): which is the tolerable limit? Data from experimental ‘Nocellara del Belice’ and ‘Cerasuola’ olive groves in Sicily

The infestation due to the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), the key pest in most of world olive groves, has been monitored in six years, from 2004 to 2008 and in 2014, in eight coastal Sicilian olive groves consisting of ‘Cerasuola’ and ‘Nocellara del Belice’ cultivars. Infestation was recorded following the classical sampling method based on olive collection and dissection, in order to count live olive fruit fly instars (eggs, larvae and pupae) and exit holes. Four different infestation indexes, all of them calculated using data recorded at harvest, have been used to assess their relationship with the main three quality parameters of the olive oil obtained from the same olive sam…

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New records of Cynipidae (Hymenoptera) from Italy

New records of Cynipid gall wasps and inquilines for the Italian peninsula and Sicily and their new host plants for the Palaearctic Region are listed and commented on. Among them we find: Cerroneuroterus cerrifloralis (Mullner 1901) as new for Italy and new for the Palaearctic region as host on Quercus suber; Andricus multiplicatus Giraud 1859 on Q. suber, as new host for the Palaearctic region; Aylax papaveris (Perris 1839), reported in Italy over a century ago, but later overlooked; Cerroneuroterus minutulus (Giraud 1859), also reported more than a century ago from Sicily, but later overlooked. Among the inquilines are here listed: Synergus variabilis Mayr 1872, emerged from Janetia cerri…

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A simplified method of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) infestation analysis

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First record in Algeria of two eulophid wasps: Closterocerus chamaeleon (Girault) and its host, the eucalyptus gall wasp Ophelimus maskelli (Asmead) (Hymenoptera Eulophidae).

The endophagous parasitoid Closterocerus chamaeleon, released in Israel, Italy and Corsica, for classical biological control programs, and its host, the gall-maker Ophelimus maskelli, were recorded for the first time in Algeria, in a straight line 450 km far from the Sardinian release site and 700 km far from the closest Sicilian release site. Their presence is confirmed in Andalucia (Spain), about 2000 km far from release sites of Sicily and Campania. In about two years the parasitoid spread and was established in many Mediterranean countries.

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Relation of fruit color, elongation, hardness, and volume to the infestation of olive cultivars by the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae

The susceptibility of olive cultivars to the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae), has seldom been studied. This article examines factors associated with olive fruit fly infestation of 16 commonly planted Sicilian olive cultivars. Total infestation data were simultaneously correlated with categorical and quantitative factors using ordinal logistic regression. When all factors were included in the analysis, year, sampling date, cultivar, and fruit color were highly significant, but the quantitative factors fruit volume, fruit elongation, and fruit hardness were not. When the analysis was repeated excluding cultivar, all quantitative factors were significant, and e…

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Resistance to the attack of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) of some Sicilian olive cultivars

Genetic resistance of olive germplasm could be an important tool in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin), the key pest in the Mediterranean olive growing. Up to now, no study was carried out on olive cultivars stressed a complete resistance to the attack of B. oleae, and few scientific data are available on susceptibility to olive fruit fly of Sicilian cultivars, although differences among susceptibility of cultivars could be usefully considered to obtain quality productions and to reduce insecticides use both in organic and conventional olive growing. The present study was carried out at Castelvetrano (Trapani province, Sicily), in the olive germplasm collection of Ente di Sviluppo Agr…

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Biological activity of metabolites extracted from Citrus spp. on Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is one of the most injurious pest at global level. During the last years, several electrophysiological and behavioural studies have been carried out in order to investigate plant volatile compound-insect interactions with the aim to use this knowledge in sustainable control techniques. It has been observed that lemons are not attacked by medfly, probably because of the peel oil, that is toxic to other fruit flies. In the present paper electrophysiological recordings were conducted to evaluate the insect sensitivity to peel extract and peel oil of two Sicilian cultivars (Interdonato and Lunario) of C…

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OLIVE FRUIT FLY: A threat to the South African olive industry?

Olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) is the most serious pest of cultivated olives in the Mediterranean basin. to date we have not seen the same level of damage in south africa, but the question remained whether it poses a similar threat as the local olive industry expands. From this study it is clear that the climatic con- ditions during the period preceding harvest are un- favourable for rapid population growth of OFF in the Western Cape, in contrast to conditions in the coastal area of Trapani province in Sicily. Climate, and not parasitism, appears to be the main factor limiting OFF population levels in the Western Cape. While sporadic outbreaks of economically damaging OFF infestations c…

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Pre-release risk assessment of the egg-parasitoid Gryon pennsylvanicum for classical biological control of Leptoglossus occidentalis.

Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann (Heteroptera: Coreidae) is a North American conifer seed pest that was accidentally introduced to Europe. In the Mediterranean area, it threatens the production of Pinus pinea Linna- eus seeds. The egg-parasitoid Gryon pennsylvanicum (Ashmead) (Hymenop- tera: Platygastridae), the main natural enemy in the native range of L. occidentalis, was imported from British Columbia to Italy. Pre-release risk assessments were made under quarantine conditions by no-choice tests conducted with na€ıve and experienced G. pennsylvanicum offering single eggs of target and non-target species for varying exposure times (1, 4, 48 h). G. pennsylvanicum successfully parasitize…

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Rearing of Prays citri on callus derived from lemon stigma and style culture

A new method for rearing the citrus flower moth (Prays citri Mill.) (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae) on lemon [Citrus limon (L.) Burm.] callus is reported. In the present research callus (an undifferentiated mass of plant cells that can be grown under sterile conditions on an artificial medium in vitro) was induced from lemon stigma and style explants cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 500 mg l -1 malt extract, 13.3 μM 6-benzylaminopurine, and 146 mM sucrose. Also somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration were obtained from the cultures of styles and stigmas of lemon. Adults were obtained from larvae on infested flowers collected in the field. Different oviposition…

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Indagini di laboratorio sui composti che inducono l'aggregazione delle neanidi di I età in Leptoglossus occidentalis (Hemiptera, Coreidae)

Leptoglossus occidentalis è una cimice che si alimenta degli strobili e dei semi delle conifere appartenenti alla famiglia delle Pinaceae. Le neanidi di I età hanno un comportamento gregario che favorisce la sopravvivenza degli individui, in analogia a quanto visto in altre specie appartenenti allo stesso genere (Wheeler et al., 1990). L’individuazione dei composti semiochimici che influenzano questo comportamento potrebbe portare allo sviluppo di nuovi metodi di controllo di L. occidentalis. Le estrazioni (whole body) sono state realizzate su gruppi di 7-27 neanidi di I età per 30 minuti utilizzando un quantitativo di 40µl di esano o di acetone per neanide. Gli estratti sono stati biosaggi…

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On the presence in Sicily of Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera Psyllidae) on Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. Authors record the occurrence in Sicily of the red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera Psyllidae) attacking Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. (Myrtaceae). This species, native to Australia, has been first reported for the Palaearctic Region in 2008, when it has been recorded from the Iberian Peninsula. In 2010 it has been found also in Italy. It seems very difficult to control this insect without the diffusion of its specific antagonist Psyllaephagus bliteus Riek (Hymenoptera Encyrtidae), which resulted very effective in its biological control in North Ame…

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Susceptibilty to Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) of some Sicilian olive cultivars

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Role of spontaneous plants as a reservoir of alternative hosts for Semielacher petiolatus (Girault) and Citrostichus phyllocnistoides (Narayanan) (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) in citrus groves –

The role spontaneous plants could eventually play towards populations of two exotic parasitoids, Semielacher petiolatus (Girault) and Citrostichus phyllocnistoides (Narayanan), was investigated in five Sicilian citrus groves. Both species were obtained from two herbs typically living beneath the citrus trees in the period of scarce availability of P. citrella larvae on citrus plants, and precisely: S. petiolatus was reared from Cosmopterix pulcherimella Chambers, leafminer on Parietaria diffusa M. et K., while C. phyllocnistoides on the same species and on a Liriomyza species associated to Mercurialis annua L., these last two host records being new for the parasitoid. Vegetational diversity…

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Il controllo degli insetti fitofagi nell'olivicoltura biologica.

Puntuali strategie di controllo, campionamenti personalizzati e maggiore consapevolezza entomologica, insita nell’approccio del coltivatore biologico, consentono ottimi risultati quali-quantitativi ed economici nella difesa fitosanitaria in olivicoltura “organica” e in qualsiasi area olivicola italiana. Le minori spese fitosanitarie rispetto all’olivicoltura convenzionale inducono un sempre maggior numero di produttori alla conversione verso il bio. Gli autori illustrano le metodologie ammesse e consigliabili in regime di agricoltura biologica, per il controllo dei principali insetti fitofagi del olivo nel Mediterraneo, con particolare riferimento alla mosca delle oilve, Bactrocera oleae, e…

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Electrophysiological and Behavioral Responses of Oriental Fruit Moth to the Monoterpenoid Citral Alone and in Combination With Sex Pheromone

The monoterpenoid citral synergized the electroantennogram (EAG) response of male Grapholita molesta (Busck) antennae to its main pheromone compound Z8-12:OAc. The response to a 10-μg pheromone stimulus increased by 32, 45, 54, 71 and 94% with the addition of 0.1, 1, 10, 100 and 1,000 μg of citral, respectively. There was no detectable response to 0.1, 1, or 10 μg of citral; the response to 100 and 1,000 μg of citral was 31 and 79% of the response to 10 μg of Z8-12:OAc. In a flight tunnel, citral affected the mate-seeking behavior of males. There was a 66% reduction in the number of males orientating by flight to a virgin calling female when citral was emitted at 1,000 ng/min ≍1 cm downwind…

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Eupelmus spermophilus Silvestri (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), an Indigenous Olive Seed Wasp Potentially Harmful to Olive Growing in the Western Cape, South Africa

The objectives of this study were the specific taxonomic confirmation of the main olive seed wasp (OSW) attacking commercial olives in the Western Cape, to investigate monitoring methods and seasonal occurrence of OSW, to determine the potential economic damage of infestations, and to ascertain the geographic distribution of OSW in the regions where olives are cultivated in the Western Cape. Morphological and molecular methods were used to identify all the species obtained from cultivated olives at two trial sites near Stellenbosch and Agter-Paarl. Eupelmus spermophilus Silvestri (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) was by far the most frequent and widespread olive seed wasp. Monitoring with yellow …

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Damages and control of Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera Gracillariidae) in Sicilian citrus nurseries after 13 years of its arrival

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Studio dell'attività biologica di metaboliti di Citrus spp. su Ceratitis capitata

La mosca mediterranea della frutta, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera Tephritidae) è uno degli insetti maggiormente dannosi a livello mondiale. In anni recenti sono state condotte numerose ricerche sui semiochimici coinvolti nelle interazioni insetto-pianta ospite, avvalendosi di studi elettrofisiologici e comportamentali, con lo scopo di utilizzare le sostanze biologicamente attive eventualmente identificate in strategie di controllo innovative e sostenibili. È noto che i limoni non sono attaccati da C. capitata, molto probabilmente a causa degli oli essenziali dell’epicarpo, tossici per altre mosche della frutta. Nel presente lavoro sono state effettuate registrazioni elettrofisiolo…

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External and internal elimination of supernumerary larvae in the whitefly parasitoid Eretmocerus mundus Mercet (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae)

Abstract The solitary parasitoid Eretmocerus mundus Mercet (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) is one of the key biological control agents of the whitefly Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring, also known as B. tabaci (Gennadius) B-biotype (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). We present new information on its biology, and particularly about larval elimination during the first instar in cases of superparasitism. For the first time, physical elimination of supernumerary larvae was observed, both outside and inside the host. These findings are documented with confocal microscopy images and video recordings. We observed more than 350 B. argentifolii nymphs, parasitized with one, two or more than two larvae. Physi…

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Effectiveness of clays and copper products in the control of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in organic orange orchards

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Tests on the effectiveness of mass trapping by Eco-trap (Vioryl) in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)

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Description of Dryocosmus destefanii new species (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) from Quercus suber L. in Italy

A new species, Dryocosmus destefanii Cerasa & Melika n. sp. associated with a Cerris section oak, Quercus suber L., is described from Italy. Description, diagnosis, host associations and biology for the new species and an illustrated identification key to the Western Palaearctic Dryocosmus species are given. The description is supported by morphological and molecular data.  

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The effect of distance between parasitoid and host on the parasitism of Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) in organic olive orchards

Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) is a major pest of olive fruits. Biological control of olive fruit fly mainly relies on the activity of the Braconid species Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti), which parasitizes Bactrocera oleae at the larval stage. Parasitism tests have been carried out at the insect growing facility (insectariums) of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (C.I.H.E.A.M.). The critical point of the use of P. concolor as a biological control agent in organic olive crop is the assessment of its effectiveness against B. oleae. Its lower presence in fruits of cultivated olives rather than in small fruits of wild olives suggests an influence of the size of the fruit, and of the thic…

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Pathogenicity bioassays of isolates of Beauveria bassiana on Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

BACKGROUND The control of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), the main palm pest in the Mediterranean Basin, is problematic because of its biology and the current restrictions in many European countries on the use of chemical insecticides in urban areas. Entomopathogenic fungi have been studied as potential biological control agents, but information on their natural incidence is limited. Strains of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin were isolated from symptomatic insects collected on dead palms, and their pathogenicity against different instars of R. ferrugineus was evaluated in the laboratory. RESULTS The overall percentage of infected insects found in Canary palms was 7%. In laborato…

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The complete mitochondrial genome of Bactrocera biguttula (Bezzi) (Diptera: Tephritidae) and phylogenetic relationships with other Dacini

Bactrocera biguttula is an African olive fruit fly that does not attack cultivated olives but rather develops in the fruits of wild species of Olea and Noronhia. The complete mitochondrial genome of an individual specimen was characterized in comparison to other Bactrocera. The phylogenetic relationships of B. biguttula with other Dacini were investigated, with special focus on B. oleae, an agricultural pest known to attack cultivated and wild olives. The sequence had a total length of 15,829 bp, and included the typical features of insect mitogenomes, similarly to the other Bactrocera analysed. Start codons included ATG, ATC, ATT, and TCG (in COI). The majority of stop codons (TAA) were fu…

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Tests on the effectiveness of kaolin and copper hydroxide in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)

Repellent and antiovipositional products in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) finds a great interest in organic farming, because of the lack of effective products able to kill the olive fly preimmaginal stages. In 2003 in Castelvetrano (Trapani province, Sicily), tests on the effectiveness of Surround WP, a product containing 95% of kaolin, were carried out on three table olive cultivars, Nocellara del Belice, Moresca and Tonda Iblea. In 2004, in the same field and on the same cultivars, BPLK kaolin was tested too. In the second year the two products containing kaolin were also tested on Cerasuola cultivar in an organic olive grove located in Trapani, comparing them with copper hydro…

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Parasitoids of Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann (Heteroptera: Coreidae) recovered in western North America and first record of its egg parasitoid Gryon pennsylvanicum (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) in California

The parasitoid complex of the western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis, was studied in British Columbia and California on Pinus monticola and P. contorta var. latifolia. Three egg-parasitoid species were identified: Gryon pennsylvanicum (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae), Ooencyrtus johnsoni (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) and Anastatus pearsalli (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae). Leptoglossus occidentalis represents a new host record for O. johnsoni, and California is a new distribution record for G. pennsylvanicum. Gryon pennsylvanicum was the dominant species during the entire oviposition period of the bug, reaching peak parasitization levels in July (25%). Ooencyrtus johnsoni and A. pearsalli e…

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Laboratory trials were performed to evaluate the action of spinosad and mineral oil on eggs of Grapholita funebrana Treitschke, the key pest in plum orchards. Fruits of cultivars Angeleno, President and Stanley were used in the trials. The first set of tests was carried out by introducing two mated females of G. funebrana into a cage together with fruits of a single cultivar. The second set of trials tested the three cultivars simultaneously. In all trials, one third of the fruits of each cultivar was treated with mineral oil, another third with spinosad and the final third was left untreated. Treatments were carried out before introducing mated females into the cages. The number of fruits …

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Contributo alla definizione delle soglie di dannosità di Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Rhynchota Aleyrodidae) su melone d’inverno in Sicilia

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Mitogenomics of the Olive Seed Weevil, Anchonocranus oleae Marshall and Implications for Its Phylogenetic Position in Curculionidae

Anchonocranus oleae Marshall (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a seed-feeding weevil native to southern Africa; its larvae are known to develop in the fruits of the African Wild Olive and, more rarely, cultivated olives. The species has been mainly found in the Western Cape province of South Africa, but it has remained in relative obscurity because it does not seem to represent a current threat to commercial olive production. As part of an ongoing effort to produce baseline genetic data for olive-associated entomofauna in South Africa, we generated reference DNA barcodes for A. oleae collected from wild and cultivated olives and sequenced its mitogenome for assessment of the phylogenetic posit…

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Release and establishment of Closterocerus chamaeleon (Girault) in Sicily for Biological control of Ophelimus maskelli Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), exotic gall wasp on Eucalyptus trees

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The red gum lerp psyllid, Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera, Aphalaridae), is an Australian native sap-sucking insect pest of eucalypts that has been first reported for the West Palaearctic Region in 2008 and, in 2010, it has been found also in Italy. Subsequently its primary parasitoid, Psyllaephagus bliteus Riek (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), was also detected within the main European and North African infested areas, where no release of the parasitoid was ever performed. This study, carried out in 30 Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantations located along the coast, on the hills and the mountains in Mediterranean climatic areas of Sicily (Italy), aimed to determine the influence of environ…

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La lotta alla mosca mediterranea della frutta, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), nei frutteti biologici è considerata così problematica che il Reg. CE 889/08 ammette, soltanto per sfuggire agli attacchi di questo dittero tefritide, lo sverdimento degli agrumi con etilene e l'uso di due piretroidi, deltametrina e lambda-cialotrina, soltanto all'interno di trappole, in questo caso ammessi anche per la lotta a Bactrocera oleae (Rossi). Negli anni 2009 e 2010, in un aranceto biologico a maturazione precoce (cv Navelina) sito nel territorio di Sciacca (AG), sono state realizzate prove di lotta a C. capitata, utilizzando dispositivi sperimentali della ditta Agrisense denominati Magnet Med. Il dispo…

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Primi dati sulla suscettibilità di diverse cultivar di olivo siciliano nei confronti di Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)

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Barcoding of parasitoid wasps (Braconidae and Chalcidoidea) associated with wild and cultivated olives in the Western Cape of South Africa

Wild and cultivated olives harbor and share a diversity of insects, some of which are considered agricultural pests, such as the olive fruit fly. The assemblage of olive-associated parasitoids and seed wasps is rich and specialized in sub-Saharan Africa, with native species possibly coevolving with their hosts. Although historical entomological surveys reported on the diversity of olive wasp species in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, no comprehensive study has been performed in the region in the molecular era. In this study, a dual approach combining morphological and DNA-based methods was used for the identification of adult specimens reared from olive fruits. Four species of B…

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Studio sul controllo di Bactrocera oleae, di funghi agenti di filloptosi e carpoptosi anticipata, e sulle tecniche di propagazione e conservazione in vitro nell'olivicoltura da mensa e da olio in Sicilia

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Lotta alla mosca delle olive in olivicoltura integrata e biologica

Bactrocera oleae, fitofago chiave dell’agroecosistema olivo, è presente in Italia in tutti gli areali interessati dalla coltura, tranne in alcune aree caratterizzate da maggiore altitudine dove il fattore termico non consente lo sviluppo della specie. Il dittero è fortemente legato alle temperature che del resto condizionano anche la fenologia dell’olivo; in effetti il numero di generazioni che la mosca può completare nell’anno varia da 1 fino a 4-5 in zone con temperature medie annue elevate (zone costiere e/o meridionali). La pericolosità della specie è pertanto legata al numero di generazioni e all’andamento climatico che, a seconda dell’annata e della zona, possono variare sensibilmente…

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Psyllaephagus bliteus Riek (Hymenoptera Encyrtidae), parasitoid of the red gum lerp psyllid Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera Psyllidae), has been recorded for the first time in Italy in September 2011. The arrival of P. bliteus in Sicily is due to an accidental introduction, probably together with its host, as already happened in New Zealand, Brazil, Spain and Morocco.

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Wild olive seed weevil in South Africa, Anchonocranus oleae Marshall (Coleoptera Curculionidae), a rediscovery after a century

The wild olive seed weevil, Anchonocranus oleae Marshall, 1912 was not found after its description and the study of its biology by Silvestri in 1915. Recently, A. oleae larvae were found alive inside the kernels of wild olives (O. europaea subsp. cuspidata) collected from trees between 2009 and 2012 in the Western Cape, South Africa. No weevil larvae were found in cultivated olives collected during the same period. Only two adult weevils emerged from olives collected on the tree and on the ground. Over the sampling period 20 adults were collected directly on wild olive trees at different sites in the Western Cape and one in the Eastern Cape. All adults were shown to be conspecific with the …

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Prospettive di controllo dei principali fitofagi di alcune colture ortive nell’agricoltura biologica

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Susceptibility to Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) of some Sicilian olive cultivars.

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Il controllo di Aphis gossypii Glover e Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) su melone d'inverno(Cucumis melo L. var. inodorus) in Sicilia

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Contenimento naturale di Bactrocera oleae (Rossi): clima o parassitoidi? Confronto tra Western Cape (Sud Africa) e Sicilia

Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), mosca delle olive, è presente anche in Sud Africa, ma finora non si sono avute notizie di infestazioni economicamente rilevanti negli oliveti. L’accertata presenza di un maggior numero di braconidi parassitoidi della mosca delle olive rispetto alle aree mediterranee è stata ed è considerata da molti autori la principale causa di queste minori infestazioni, senza che però siano stati eseguiti in Sud Africa adeguati studi sulle infestazioni da B. oleae e sui fattori cli- matici delle aree interessate. Analizzando recenti dati sui livelli d’infestazione di B. oleae registrati su olivo coltivato e selvatico nel Western Cape e in Sicilia, appaiono simili in una norm…

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Ciclo biologico di Leptoglossus occidentalis ed effetti della diversa alimentazione sullo sviluppo degli stadi giovanili

Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heteroptera: Coreidae), rinvenuto in Italia nel 1999, completa una sola generazione nel suo areale di origine nord-americano, mentre nel nostro paese gliene sono state attribuite da 2 a 3. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quello di registrare la durata dei diversi stadi di sviluppo per individuare il numero di generazioni in differenti località della Sicilia e di analizzare gli effetti della diversa alimentazione sullo sviluppo degli stadi giovanili. Le prove sulla durata del ciclo biologico sono state condotte in laboratorio (22 °C ± 2, U.R. 80 %, 12:12), fornendo quale alimento pinoli, germogli e strobili di Pinus pinea L. Lo sgusciamento avviene in media dopo 11,…

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Le comunità di fillominatori e parassitoidi della Riserva Naturale “Bosco d’Alcamo” (Sicilia)

È stata studiata la comunità di fillominatori e parassitoidi su 16 specie di piante spontanee della Riserva Naturale “Bosco d’Alcamo”. Sono state rinvenute 17 specie di Lepidoptera e 7 specie di Diptera. Da queste sono sfarfallate circa 20 specie di parassitoidi, perlopiù rappresentate da Eulophidae e Braconidae. Viene confermata la presenza in Sicilia del Gracillariidae Phyllonorycter trifasciella Haworth e dell’Eulophidae Derostenus gemmeus Westwood. Per la prima volta Sympiesis notata (Zetterstedt) e Cirrospilus viticola (Rondani) sono stati rinvenuti come parassitoidi di Emme- tia marginea (Haworth). Inoltre S. notata è stata rinvenuta anche come parassitoide di P. trifasciella. Nel com…

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Il controllo dei fitofagi in agricoltura biologica: alcune problematiche e il caso studio dell'olivicoltura

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Il caolino e la mosca: come controllare quella dell’olivo e quella della frutta

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Survey on the control methods of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) in organic olive groves producing oil and table olives in Sicily

In Sicily there are several organic farms producing olive oil and the number of farms has grown in the last years. The control methods of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) used by Sicilian organic farms were surveyed in 2004 and 2005. After a bibliographic search on internet and by personal contacts, a sample of 30 organic farms in Sicily was chosen; 23 farms produce bottled extra-virgin oil and 7 produce table olives. Then farms were contacted by phone, some of them visited and olive growers were interviewed. For each farm were put together data about: interventions vs. the olive fruit fly, altitude, surface of the olive grove, olive cultivar, irrigation method, harvesting period, milling procedur…

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Rhagoletis cerasi (L.) in Western Sicily: presence, damages and control in cherry orchards.

The research was carried out from 2006 to 2010 in 12 cherry orchards in Western Sicily, were Rhagoletis cerasi (L.), the cherry fly, represents a problem for medium late ripening cultivars. Presence and infestation of the dipteran were monitored on local cultivars and effectiveness of some products allowed in organic farming was tested compared with net bags. The presence of the cherry fly was recorded in all cherry orchards except in two recently planted and isolated. The infestation on fruits was not very high until the end of May. Pyrethrum and spinosad did not lower the infestation, on the contrary nets reduced it.

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Barcoding of parasitoid wasps (Braconidae and Chalcidoidea) associated with wild and cultivated olives in the Western Cape of South Africa 1

Wild and cultivated olives harbor and share a diversity of insects, some of which are considered agricultural pests, such as the olive fruit fly. The assemblage of olive-associated parasitoids and seed wasps is rich and specialized in sub-Saharan Africa, with native species possibly coevolving with their hosts. Although historical entomological surveys reported on the diversity of olive wasp species in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, no comprehensive study has been performed in the region in the molecular era. In this study, a dual approach combining morphological and DNA-based methods was used for the identification of adult specimens reared from olive fruits. Four species of Br…

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Soglie di dannosità e strategie di controllo di Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) nell'olivicoltura biologica da tavola

Olive fly control is the main limit to the diffusion of organic table olives production, because of the lack of effective larvicides. Few studies on damages in table olives due to B. oleae and on applied damage thresholds are recorded. Results of this research show that sterile and fertile olive fly punctures are no more detectable by the naked eye on the surface of processed table olives; on the contrary exit holes are still clearly visible and affect the appearance of olives. Damage threshold applied before sizing and selection by processors of Nocellara del Belice cultivar ignores punctures and consists of 10% of 3rd instar larvae or 5% of exit holes; after sizing and selection exit hole…

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Control of Bactrocera oleae and Ceratitis capitata in Organic Orchards: Use of Clays and Copper Products.

Tests on the effect of clays (kaolin and bentonite) and copper products (hydroxide and oxychloride) in the control of olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), and Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), were carried out from 2003 to 2006 in olive groves and in organic citrus orchards (satsuma, clementine, ‘Navelina’ orange). Results demonstrate an efficacy of kaolin products in reducing attacks of B. oleae on olives and those of C. capitata on citrus fruits; in olive groves the clays gave similar or better results than copper hydroxide. Bentonite AG/8W showed a significant reduction in punctures by C. capitata. Bentonite products and BPLK kaolin are washed off by rainfall…

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Effectiveness of clays and copper products in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) – Proceedings of Olivebioteq 2006, Second International Seminar (2): 275-282.

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A morphological, biological and molecular approach reveals four cryptic species of Trissolcus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), egg parasitoids of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera)

Accurate identification of parasitoids is crucial for biological control of the invasive brown marmorated stink bug,Halyomrpha halys(Stål). A recent work by Talamas et al. (2017) revised the Palearctic fauna ofTrissolcusAshmead, egg-parasitoids of stink bugs, and treated numerous species as junior synonyms ofT. semistriatus(Nees von Esenbeck). In the present paper, we provide a detailed taxonomic history and treatment ofT. semistriatusand the species treated as its synonyms by Talamas et al. (2017) based on examination of primary types, molecular analyses and mating experiments.Trissolcus semistriatus,T. belenus(Walker),T. colemani(Crawford), andT. manteroi(Kieffer) are here recognized as v…

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Scolitidi e loro parassitoidi sfarfallati da piante esca di pino laricio e pino d'Aleppo sull'Etna e sui monti Iblei.

In due differenti pinete della Sicilia in cui si sono registrati recenti attacchi di scolitidi, in collaborazione con l’Azienda Foreste Demaniali, a fine autunno 2008 e 2009 alcune piante sono state abbattute e lasciate sul letto di caduta, intere e con chioma, fino alla primavera successiva in attesa della colonizzazione di coleotteri scolitidi. Nel demanio Sparano, (Noto, SR) a 620 m s.l.m., sui monti Iblei sono state abbattute piante esca di Pinus halepensis, mentre in due località del Parco dell’Etna, Passo Silletta (1200 m s.l.m.) e Secondo Monte (1600 m s.l.m.), sono state abbattute piante esca di Pinus laricio. A maggio dell’anno successivo, parti di fusto di diametro crescente lungh…

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Tests on the effectiveness of mass trapping by Eco-trap (Vioryl) in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)

Tests on the effectiveness of mass trapping by Eco-trap (Vyoril) in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) in organic farming were carried out in 2003 and 2004. The tests took place into two organic olive groves located in Agrigento and Trapani (Sicily); in both years the olive cultivar was Cerasuola. In Agrigento, it was considered the effectiveness of Eco-trap vs. bottle traps baited with diammonium phosphate; while in Trapani the effectiveness of Eco-trap added to other products admitted in organic farming (two products containing kaolin and one containing copper) was evaluated. In 2003, year with a low B. oleae population density, no statistically significant difference resulted among…

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Prove sull’efficacia del caolino e dell’idrossido di rame nel controllo di Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)

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New Mitochondrial Gene Rearrangement in Psyttalia concolor, P. humilis and P. lounsburyi (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Three Parasitoid Species of Economic Interest

The family Braconidae consists mostly of specialized parasitoids, some of which hold potential in biocontrol of agricultural pests. Psyttalia concolor, Psyttalia humilis and Psyttalia lounsburyi are parasitoids associated with Bactrocera oleae, a major pest of cultivated olives. The native range of Psyttalia concolor is the Mediterranean, and P. humilis and P. lounsburyi are native to sub-Saharan Africa. This study reports the mitochondrial genomes of the three species, thus laying the foundation for mitogenomic analyses in the genus Psyttalia. Comparative mitogenomics within Braconidae showed a novel gene arrangement in Psyttalia in involving translocation and inversion of transfer RNA gen…

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I parassitoidi di Leptoglossus occidentalis in Sicilia e nel suo areale di origine nordamericano

Sul coreide Leptoglossus occidentalis, cimice delle conifere di origine nordamericana, che in Italia ha fatto registrare un calo della produzione di pinoli di Pinus pinea, si sono finora registrati parassitoidi di ninfe e adulti, e parassitoidi oofagi. Al primo gruppo appartengono i Diptera Tachinidae: negli USA e in Canada è stata riscontrata Trichopoda pennipes, mentre nell’Italia centro-settentrionale pochi adulti sono stati parassitizzati da Ectophasia crassipennis e da tachinidi ancora non identificati. Tra i parassitoidi oofagi in Canada erano stati finora segnalati il Platygastridae Gryon pennsylvanicum, l’Eupelmidae Anastatus pearsalli e l'Encyrtidae Ooencyrtus sp.; nell’Italia cent…

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DNA-Based Identification of Larvae Offers Insights into the Elusive Lifestyles of Native Olive Seed Wasps in South Africa

Wild and cultivated olives in the Western Cape of South Africa are direct or indirect hosts to a high diversity of Braconidae and Chalcidoidea wasps. Olive-associated Braconidae are known to parasitise the larvae of Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), and probably also Bactrocera biguttula (Bezzi). The lifestyle of olive-associated Chalcidoidea is not fully understood, and may include phytophagous, parasitoid and hyperparasitoid species. Some chalcids could represent olive seed wasps (OSW), a generic term that designates the seed feeders responsible for losses in commercial olive production. In order to obtain direct DNA-based evidence for the lifestyle of four putative OSW – Eupelmus spermophilus Si…

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Dispersal rate and parasitism by Closterocerus chamaeleon (Girault) after its release in Sicily to control Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae)

Abstract Spread of the exotic parasitoid Closterocerus chamaeleon (Girault) and its parasitism on the Eucalyptus gall wasp Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) were studied in Sicily after C. chamaeleon introduction in May 2006. Parasitoid spread was evaluated by sampling sites at increasing distances from the five release sites. C. chamaeleon quickly established and spread; within 5 months, it caused 62% parasitism at release sites and 38% parasitism at sites 2 km from release sites. One year after its introduction (spring 2007), C. chamaeleon was detected more than 50 km distant from release sites. By winter 2007–08, the parasitoid was recovered throughout Sicily and in …

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Valutazione dell’attività antagonista di Psyllaephagus bliteus Riek (Hym. Encyrtidae) e caratterizzazione molecolare delle popolazioni.

L’attività di controllo operata da Psyllaephagus bliteus Riek, nei confronti dell’ospite specifico Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae), la psilla dal follicolo bianco ceroso, è stata valutata in Campania attraverso il monitoraggio dei livelli di infestazione di Eucalyptus spp. e ponendo a confronto questi ultimi con dati raccolti prima della diffusione accidentale dell’Encirtide avvenuta in Campania nel 2012. I dati relativi al livello di infestazione della psilla, espressi come media del numero di psille non parassitizzate per foglia, rilevati durante il 2014-2015 sono stati posti a paragone con quelli rilevati nel 2011, e quindi in assenza di attività di controllo speci…

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È possibile il biologico per le olive da mensa?

La frontiera dell’olivicoltura biologica da mensa passa attraverso il controllo della mosca delle olive in aree pandacie a forte pressione del dittero. In queste aree è di grande ausilio l’irrigazione, che facendo raggiungere prima la pezzatura desiderata, consente di sfuggire in parte alle più dannose infestazioni d’inizio autunno; in assenza d’irrigazione, spesso le drupe, all’arrivo delle piogge, aumentano in volume insieme alle infestazioni. I mezzi di controllo suggeriti sono quasi totalmente volti a evitare l’attacco, mediante l’uccisione degli adulti (catture massali o “attract and kill”) o la repellenza (argille e composti del rame); se si esclude l’uccisione delle larve di prima …

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Ampliamento dell'areale di Traumatocampa pityocampa in Sicilia

E' stato effettuato un monitoraggio della processionaria dei pini, Traumatocampa pityocampa (Denis et Schiffermüller), in tutta l'isola, con particolare attenzione alle aree presenti lungo il limite occidentale e meridionale dell'areale di distribuzione finora noto in Sicilia, al fine di registrare una sua eventuale espansione; tra il 2008 e il 2010, mediante il rilievo dei nidi invernali presenti sia nelle pinete che nelle aree residenziali, sono stati monitorati 209 quadranti UTM (che presentano 10 km di lato). L’areale di diffusione di T. pityocampa noto fino al 2007 in Sicilia includeva 26 quadranti di documentata presenza, nelle province di Catania, Messina, Enna, e Trapani (con la sol…

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Introduction into Italy of Gryon pennsylvanicum (Ashmead), an egg parasitoid of the alien invasive bug Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann

Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heteroptera, Coreidae), a Nearctic species, was accidentally introduced into Northern Italy in the late 1990s, from where it has spread throughout Europe. The bug causes abortion of immature cones of Pinus pinea L., with economic impact on the pine-nut industry. As part of a pest control research program, the egg parasitoid Gryon pennsylvanicum Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae) was collected from British Columbia, Canada, and legally introduced to a quarantine climatic chamber in Florence, Italy. The egg parasitoid will be tested against native non target heteropterans, an environmental impact assessment will be conducted, and a mass rearing method will be dev…

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Revision of Afrotropical Dyscritobaeus Perkins, 1910 (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)

A revision of Afrotropical species of Dyscritobaeus Perkins is presented with re-description of the four known species ( D. bicolor O’Connor et Ashe, D. comitans Perkins, D. parvipennis (Dodd) and D. sulawensis Mineo, O’Connor et Ashe) and description of six new species ( D. antananarivensis Tortorici et Caleca sp. nov., D. flavus Tortorici et Caleca sp. nov. , D. kilimanjarensis Tortorici et Caleca sp. nov. , D. madagascarensis Tortorici et Caleca sp. nov. , D. ndokii Tortorici et Caleca sp. nov. and D. tanzaniensis Tortorici et Caleca sp. nov.). Dyscritobaeus cerosus is considered to be a junior synonym of D. comitans , D. hannibal is considered to be a junior synonym of D. sulawensis and…

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World revision of the genus Encyrtoscelio Dodd (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)

The genus Encyrtoscelio Dodd is revised. E. apterus (Szelényi), E. mirissimus Dodd, E. turneri Waterston are redescribed, and six new species are described: E. cydni Caleca, E. japonicus Caleca, E. mediterraneus Caleca, E. miroides Caleca, E. spuratus Caleca and E. undecim Caleca. A key to separate females is presented, and is based on the number of antennomeres and claval sensillar formula, mandibular spurs and teeth, palpal formula and clypeus, and some cephalic characters. Morphological adaptations of the head and mandibles are discussed in relation to host habitat and oviposition site. Information on host associations, habitat preference, seasonal and daily occurrence of some species a…

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Prove di lotta a Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) con argille e prodotti rameici in aranceti biologici siciliani

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Primi risultati sullo studio di alcuni fattori fisico-chimici che influenzano la suscettibilità alla mosca delle olive di due cultivar siciliane di olivo

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Ophelimus maskelli, eulofide galligeno di Eucalyptus spp., introdotto in Italia nel 2000, provoca disseccamento e caduta anticipata delle foglie attaccate. Nel 2003 è stato avviato dal Volcani Center (ARO, Israele) e dal CSIRO (Australia) un programma di controllo biologico, introducendo nel 2005 in Israele il parassitoide eulofide Closterocerus chamaeleon (Girault). Nella primavera 2006 l’istituzione israeliana ha inviato al Dip. SENFIMIZO di Palermo foglie di Eucalyptus con migliaia di galle parassitizzate da C. chamaeleon. Dopo i necessari test sulla valutazione del rischio ecologico dell’introduzione, nella prima metà di maggio il parassitoide è stato rilasciato in Sicilia in cinque euc…

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Influence of Distance from the Host on Parasitisation by Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)

The olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae, is considered the main olive pest worldwide, and has been the target of biological control programmes through the release of the braconid parasitoid Psyttalia concolor. Laboratory tests were performed to evaluate the influence of distance from the host on parasitisation, placing larvae of the substitute host Ceratitis capitata at seven distances (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 mm) and four different time periods (7, 15, 30, 60 min). Moreover, field collected olives of Ogliarola Barese cultivar infested by B. oleae were exposed to P. concolor females to confirm its ability to parasitise B. oleae in small olives. Psyttalia concolor oviposition was inhibited a…

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Nel 2010, in serre del palermitano gestite secondo i canoni dell'agricoltura biologica, è stato condotto uno studio volto all'individuazione degli antagonisti naturali indigeni del lepidottero gelechide Tuta absoluta, fitofago esotico dannoso alle solanacee recentemente introdotto in Italia. Le piante campionate sono state il pomodoro, da gennaio a giugno, la melanzana, da fine marzo a giugno, e Solanum nigrum che cresceva spontaneamente all'interno delle serre in piccoli spazi liberi dalle solanacee coltivate. Per tenere sotto controllo il gelechide, il serricoltore ha effettuato tre trattamenti con Bacillus thuringiensis da metà marzo a fine aprile. Oltre al predatore Nesidiocoris tenuis,…

research product

Parassitizzazione di Bactrocera oleae su olivo coltivato e selvatico in Sicilia e nel Western Cape (Sud Africa)

Nel 2009 e nel 2010 in Sicilia e nella regione del Western Cape (Sud Africa) sono stati condotti studi sulla parassitizzazione della mosca delle olive, Bactrocera oleae, raccogliendo i frutti su piante di olivo coltivato (Olea europaea ssp. europaea) e selvatico (O. europaea ssp. oleaster in Sicilia, O. europaea ssp. cuspidata in Sud Africa); le piante delle due sottospecie erano non trattate e distanti pochi metri. I campioni sono stati raccolti nell’arco di quattro mesi in Sicilia e di due mesi in Sud Africa. Per i campioni di olive sono stati registrati gli attacchi di B. oleae (punture di ovideposizione e fori d’uscita) e il diametro equatoriale. Le olive attaccate da B. oleae in Sicili…

research product

Supplementary material 1 from: Tortorici F, Talamas EJ, Moraglio ST, Pansa MG, Asadi-Farfar M, Tavella L, Caleca V (2019) A morphological, biological and molecular approach reveals four cryptic species of Trissolcus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), egg parasitoids of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera). In: Talamas E (Eds) Advances in the Systematics of Platygastroidea II. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 153-200. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.73.39052

: Data type: species data

research product

Supplementary material 6 from: Tortorici F, Talamas EJ, Moraglio ST, Pansa MG, Asadi-Farfar M, Tavella L, Caleca V (2019) A morphological, biological and molecular approach reveals four cryptic species of Trissolcus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), egg parasitoids of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera). In: Talamas E (Eds) Advances in the Systematics of Platygastroidea II. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 153-200. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.73.39052

: Data type: species data

research product

Supplementary material 2 from: Tortorici F, Talamas EJ, Moraglio ST, Pansa MG, Asadi-Farfar M, Tavella L, Caleca V (2019) A morphological, biological and molecular approach reveals four cryptic species of Trissolcus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), egg parasitoids of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera). In: Talamas E (Eds) Advances in the Systematics of Platygastroidea II. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 153-200. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.73.39052

: Data type: species data

research product

Supplementary material 3 from: Tortorici F, Talamas EJ, Moraglio ST, Pansa MG, Asadi-Farfar M, Tavella L, Caleca V (2019) A morphological, biological and molecular approach reveals four cryptic species of Trissolcus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), egg parasitoids of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera). In: Talamas E (Eds) Advances in the Systematics of Platygastroidea II. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 153-200. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.73.39052

: Data type: species data

research product

Supplementary material 4 from: Tortorici F, Talamas EJ, Moraglio ST, Pansa MG, Asadi-Farfar M, Tavella L, Caleca V (2019) A morphological, biological and molecular approach reveals four cryptic species of Trissolcus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), egg parasitoids of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera). In: Talamas E (Eds) Advances in the Systematics of Platygastroidea II. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 153-200. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.73.39052

: Data type: species data

research product

Supplementary material 5 from: Tortorici F, Talamas EJ, Moraglio ST, Pansa MG, Asadi-Farfar M, Tavella L, Caleca V (2019) A morphological, biological and molecular approach reveals four cryptic species of Trissolcus Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), egg parasitoids of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera). In: Talamas E (Eds) Advances in the Systematics of Platygastroidea II. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 153-200. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.73.39052

: Data type: species data

research product