Ines Willershausen
Influence of a bioceramic root end material and mineral trioxide aggregates on fibroblasts and osteoblasts
The biocompatibility of materials used in endodontic treatment is of high importance, because they can come in contact with periradicular tissues and there is a risk of possible systemic toxicity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the in vitro reaction to a bioceramic based root end material in comparison to mineral trioxide aggregates (MTA) as the established gold standard.The root end materials grey MTA Angelus (GMTA), white MTA Angelus (WMTA), ProRoot MTA, and EndoSequence Root Repair Material (ERRM) were incubated with human periodontal ligament fibroblasts and osteoblasts (10(4)cells/ml) for up to 96h. Cell proliferation (RFU) was determined by means of the Alamar Blue as…
Impact of Green Vegetables and Green Smoothies on Enamel Mineral Composition In Vitro
Background: Recently, smoothies with a high vegetable content have become very popular, especially among young adults. Objectives: This in vitro study was conducted to determine the erosive potential of selected green vegetables and green smoothies on human dental enamel. Methods: A total of ten green smoothies and eight freshly mixed vegetables were chosen, and pH, calcium and oxalic acid contents were measured. The enamel specimens were obtained from wisdom teeth and incubated with 3 selected foods (spinach, parsley, or green smoothie) for 12 and 24 hours (N = 6). Control samples were incubated with a physiological salt solution. An electron probe microanalyzer (Jeol JXA 8900RL) was utili…
Effectiveness of a miswak extract-containing toothpaste on gingival inflammation: a randomized clinical trial.
Objectives In this study, the efficacy of a miswak extract-containing toothpaste (Salvadora persica) on gingival inflammation was compared with that of a herbal and a conventional toothpaste. Methods Non-smoking outpatients with sulcus bleeding index (SBI) ≥25% and with periodontal pocket depths ≤3 mm were randomly selected and divided into three groups: M-group, miswak extract-containing toothpaste; P-group, herbal toothpaste; and C-group, conventional toothpaste. After instructing the patients to brush their teeth twice a day for 3 weeks with the assigned toothpaste using a flat-trimmed manual toothbrush, a thorough oral examination was performed by a calibrated examiner (EH). The primary…
Tissue reaction to sealing materials: different view at biocompatibility
Abstract The biodegradability of root canal sealers in areas other than the root canal system is crucial to the overall success rate of endodontic treatment. The aim of the present study was to investigate, the cell and tissue reaction to GuttaFlow and AHPlus, both in vitro and in vivo. For the in vitro experiments the materials were incubated with Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts and cell proliferation and cytotoxicity analyses were performed. Additional fluorescence-microscope stainings were carried out in order to visualize cell growth and morphology. For assessment of the tissue reaction to the materials a subcutaneous implantation model in Wistar rats was employed and the inflamm…
Mundgesundheit von berufstätigen und nicht berufstätigen Frauen – Ergebnisse einer regionalen Untersuchung und Umfrage
ZusammenfassungIn der vorliegenden Studie sollte der Mundgesundheitszustand sowie Mundhygienemaßnahmen bei berufstätigen und nichtberufstätigen Frauen untersucht und miteinander verglichen werden. Neben einer zahnärztlichen Untersuchung wurden mittels Fragebogen sowohl Mundhygienemaßnahmen als auch soziodemografische Daten erhoben.Für die Studie konnten insgesamt 415 Frauen (210 berufstätige und 205 nicht berufstätige Frauen) der Altersgruppe 25–65 Jahre erfasst werden. Bei allen Frauen erfolgte eine zahnärztliche Untersuchung einschließlich einer radiologischen Befundung (Panoramaschichtaufnahme). Die zahnärztliche Untersuchung beinhaltete Anzahl der Zähne, Karieshäufigkeit (DMFT-Wert), Ar…
Association between chronic dental infection and acute myocardial infarction.
Introduction: In patients with cardiovascular diseases several risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking and drinking habits, genetic disposition, and chronic inflammation must be considered. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a correlation between dental origin infections and the presence of an acutemyocardialinfarction(AMI).Methods:Atotalof125 patients who had experienced a myocardial infarction and 125healthyindividualswereincludedinthisstudy.Theoral examination was carried out following the consent of the ethics committee and the National Board for Radiation Protection and included the number of teeth, endodontically treated teeth, periodontal sc…
Evaluation of the tissue reaction to a new bilayered collagen matrix in vivo and its translation to the clinic.
This study evaluates a new collagen matrix that is designed with a bilayered structure in order to promote guided tissue regeneration and integration within the host tissue. This material induced a mild tissue reaction when assessed in a murine model and was well integrated within the host tissue, persisting in the implantation bed throughout the in vivo study. A more porous layer was rapidly infiltrated by host mesenchymal cells, while a layer designed to be a barrier allowed cell attachment and host tissue integration, but at the same time remained impermeable to invading cells for the first 30 days of the study. The tissue reaction was favorable, and unlike a typical foreign body respons…
Influence of E-smoking liquids on human periodontal ligament fibroblasts.
Introduction: Over the last years, electronic cigarettes (ECs) have become more popular, particularly in individuals who want to give up smoking tobacco. The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of the different e-smoking liquids on the viability and proliferation of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts. Method and materials: For this study six test solutions with components from ECs were selected: lime-, hazelnut- and menthol-flavored liquids, nicotine, propylene glycol, and PBS as control group. The fibroblasts were incubated up to 96 h with the different liquids, and cell viability was measured by using the PrestoBlue® reagent, the ATP detection and the migration assay.…
Mundhygiene und Ernährungsgewohnheiten bei Jugendlichen mit festsitzenden kieferorthopädischen Apparaturen
Eine Vielzahl an Studien belegen, dass festsitzende kieferorthopadische Behandlungsmasnahmen (Multiband- oder Multibracket-Apparaturen) eine temporare Verschlechterung der Mundhygiene mit entsprechenden entzundlich bedingten Gingivaveranderungen hervorrufen konnen. Optimale Mundhygienemasnahmen und Anderungen der Ernahrungsgewohnheiten sind wesentliche Faktoren, um parodontale Entzundungen bei festsitzenden kieferorthopadischen (KFO-) Apparaturen zu vermeiden. In der vorliegenden Studie sollte uberpruft werden, inwieweit die Empfehlungen der behandelnden Kieferorthopaden von jugendlichen Patienten nachvollzogen werden. Insgesamt wurden 67 jugendliche Patienten mit festsitzenden KFO-Apparatu…
Development of a novel histological and histomorphometric evaluation protocol for a standardized description of the mid‐palatal suture – An ex vivo study
The hard palate and mid‐palatal suture are highly important for orthodontic treatment. In cases of transverse maxillary deficiency, palatal expansion is the treatment of choice. As nowadays a growing number of adult patients receive orthodontic treatment, an understanding of suture development throughout life is important to derive tailored orthodontic treatment techniques for each age group. Histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical stains (haematoxylin & eosin, Azan, Movat pentachrome, Masson–Goldner trichrome, Sirius Red, CD 31, osteopontin and TRAP) and histomorphometric analyses were re‐established to detect the structural conditions of the mid‐palatal suture in human cadaver…
Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite Bone Substitute Leads to Sufficient Bone Tissue Formation Already after 3 Months: Histological and Histomorphometrical Analysis 3 and 6 Months following Human Sinus Cavity Augmentation
Purpose: In this study the de novo bone formation capacity of a nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite bone substitute was assessed 3 and 6 months after its insertion into the human sinus cavity. Materials and Methods: Sinus cavity augmentation was performed in a total of 14 patients (n = 7 implantation after 3 months; n = 7 implantation after 6 months) with severely atrophic maxillary bone. The specimens obtained after 3 and 6 months were analyzed histologically and histomorphometrically with special focus on bone metabolism within the residual bone and the augmented region. Results: This study revealed that bone tissue formation started from the bone-biomaterial-interface and was directed into th…
Implantation of silicon dioxide-based nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite and pure phase beta-tricalciumphosphate bone substitute granules in caprine muscle tissue does not induce new bone formation
Abstract Background Osteoinductive bone substitutes are defined by their ability to induce new bone formation even at heterotopic implantation sites. The present study was designed to analyze the potential osteoinductivity of two different bone substitute materials in caprine muscle tissue. Materials and methods One gram each of either a porous beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) or an hydroxyapatite/silicon dioxide (HA/SiO2)-based nanocrystalline bone substitute material was implanted in several muscle pouches of goats. The biomaterials were explanted at 29, 91 and 181 days after implantation. Conventional histology and special histochemical stains were performed to detect osteoblast precurs…
Non-cross-linked collagen type I/III materials enhance cell proliferation: in vitro and in vivo evidence
Objective: To analyze Mucograft®(MG), a recently introduced collagen matrix, in vitro and in vivo, and compare it with BioGide®(BG), a well-established collagen membrane, as control. Material and Methods: A detailed analysis of the materials surface and ultra-structure was performed. Cellular growth patterns and proliferation rates of human fibroblasts on MG and BG were analyzed in vitro. In addition, the early tissue reaction of CD-1 mouse to these materials was analyzed by means of histological and histomorphometrical analysis. Results: MG showed a three-fold higher thickness both in dry and wet conditions, when compared to BG. The spongy surface of BG significantly differed from that of …
Bovine pericardium based non-cross linked collagen matrix for successful root coverage, a clinical study in human
Abstract Introduction The aim of this study was to clinically assess the capacity of a novel bovine pericardium based, non-cross linked collagen matrix in root coverage. Methods 62 gingival recessions of Miller class I or II were treated. The matrix was adapted underneath a coronal repositioned split thickness flap. Clinical values were assessed at baseline and after six months. Results The mean recession in each patient was 2.2 mm at baseline. 6 Months after surgery 86.7% of the exposed root surfaces were covered. On average 0,3 mm of recession remained. The clinical attachment level changed from 3.5 ± 1.3 mm to 1,8 ( ± 0,7) mm during the observational time period. No statistically signifi…
Survey of root canal irrigating solutions used in dental practices within Germany.
Aim Irrigant usage information in relation to years of professional experience was collected from general dentists in different German federal states by means of a questionnaire. Methodology A short survey concerning endodontic treatment and use of irrigants was mailed to 4240 dentists or delivered to 3720 dental offices as an extra page in a journal in eight German states. Detailed information concerning the most frequently used irrigants, their concentrations, the spectrum of disinfectants used in root canal treatment concepts for vital and nonvital pulps, main topics of continuing education as well as years of professional experience was collected. The statistical analysis of differences…
Oral Hygiene and Dietary Habits in Adolescents with Fixed Orthodontic Appliances: A Cross-sectional Study.
ABSTRACT Objectives Fixed orthodontic appliances (FOAs) may cause a temporary deterioration of oral hygiene with corresponding gingival inflammatory changes. Optimal oral hygiene and dietary changes are essential in order to avoid periodontal inflammation. The present study investigates to what extent the recommendations made by the orthodontist are followed by young patients. Materials and methods A total of 67 adolescent patients with FOA were examined and interviewed. The control group consisted of 70 patients of the same age who had not undergone any orthodontic treatment. A specific questionnaire (assessing dietary habits, oral hygiene measures) was used and comprehensive oral findings…
The influence of micronutrients on oral and general health
Abstract Objective The aim of the present clinical pilot study was to examine the influence of a combination of micronutrients on individuals with high stress experience. Methods 40 healthy students (28 female, 12 male) with a mean age of 27.1 ± 3.0 years, experiencing high examination stress, were chosen. After approval of the ethics commission, one group of students (n = 19) took a combination of micronutrients (Orthomol vital m/f) for three months, whereas other students (n = 21) served as control group. All participants underwent at the beginning and at the end of the trial a dental examination, a determination of 10 periodontal pathogens, a salivary and a blood analysis. In addition, t…
Histological and histomorphometrical analysis of a silica matrix embedded nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite bone substitute using the subcutaneous implantation model in Wistar rats.
The clinical suitability of a bone substitute material is determined by the ability to induce a tissue reaction specific to its composition. The aim of this in vivo study was to analyze the tissue reaction to a silica matrix-embedded, nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite bone substitute. The subcutaneous implantation model in Wistar rats was chosen to assess the effect of silica degradation on the vascularization of the biomaterial and its biodegradation within a time period of 6 months. Already at day 10 after implantation, histomorphometrical analysis showed that the vascularization of the implantation bed reached its peak value compared to all other time points. Both vessel density and vascula…
Possibilities of Dental Age Assessment in Permanent Teeth: A Review
The developmental stages of the first and second dentition, combined with abrasive wear of the dental hard tissue can be used for age determination in many mammal species and in humans. Concerning dental age determination, one has to distinguish between invasive techniques, which are mainly applied in dead individuals, and non-invasive methods suitable for living individuals. In contrast to in adults, where only few parameters are available for orientation, age determination in children and adolescents is in general fairly easy, and is facilitated by stereotypical biological growth patterns. In the present article, different methods for dental age determination are introduced, with a specia…
Influence of β-tricalcium phosphate granule size and morphology on tissue reaction in vivo.
In this study the tissue reaction to five different β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP)-based bone substitute materials differing only in size, shape and porosity was analyzed over 60 days, at 3, 10, 15, 30 and 60 days after implantation. Using the subcutaneous implantation model in Wistar rats both the inflammatory response within the implantation bed and the resulting vascularization of the biomaterials were qualitatively and quantitatively assessed by means of standard and special histological staining methods. The data from this study showed that all investigated β-TCP bone substitutes induced the formation of multinucleated giant cells. Changes in size, shape and porosity influenced the int…