Pekka Abrahamsson
How Do Software Companies Deal with Artificial Intelligence Ethics? : A Gap Analysis
The public and academic discussion on Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics is accelerating and the general public is becoming more aware AI ethics issues such as data privacy in these systems. To guide ethical development of AI systems, governmental and institutional actors, as well as companies, have drafted various guidelines for ethical AI. Though these guidelines are becoming increasingly common, they have been criticized for a lack of impact on industrial practice. There seems to be a gap between research and practice in the area, though its exact nature remains unknown. In this paper, we present a gap analysis of the current state of the art by comparing practices of 39 companies that …
Exploring the Critical Success Factors in Social and Health Care Information Systems Project Procurement
A welfare reform involving the mixing of social and health services is being introduced by the Finnish government. Several factors have been identified for this shift, the most relevant of which is that many information systems are not interoperable and data-related problems have been identified. Management and isolated offers of service. Digitalizing to solve these issues is part of the government’s policy. This paper outlines the change landscape and explores the architectural options of the proposed digitalisation process and crucial success factors. The Undertaking The design is applied to the largest county, which consists of over 1,900 information systems related to social support and…
Self-Sovereign Identity Ecosystems : Benefits and Challenges
Verifiable credentials, coupled with decentralized ledger technologies, have been potential providers of trustworthy digital identity for individuals, organizations, and other entities, and thus, potential enablers of trustful digital interactions. The rapid development of this technology—called self-sovereign identity (SSI)—and the ecosystems built around it have been fostered even more by the societal needs stemming from the current pandemic crisis, when governments, non-profit organizations, businesses, and individuals are working together on different aspects of SSI to enable mainstream adoption. In this study, we build on rich qualitative data gathered from SSI practitioners to give a …
Preface of the Workshop Organizers
The First International Workshop on Requirement Engineering for Software startups and Emerging Technologies (RESET) is a part of IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference 2021, held on 20th September, 2021. The workshop brought together requirements engineering researchers and practitioners to discuss the need for adapting conventional requirement engineering artifacts (i.e. requirement definition, metrics), processes and practices to software projects in startup context and/or dealing with emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain etc. Further, the workshop also presents research findings about designing AI powered software systems ethically. The work…
Business Model Canvas Should Pay More Attention to the Software Startup Team
Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a tool widely used to describe startup business models. Despite the various business aspects described, BMC pays a little emphasis on team- related factors. The importance of team-related factors in software development has been acknowledged widely in literature. While not as extensively studied, the importance of teams in software startups is also known in both literature and among practitioners. In this paper, we propose potential changes to BMC to have the tool better reflect the importance of the team, especially in a software startup environment. Based on a literature review, we identify various components related to the team, which we then further suppor…
Lean Internal Startups for Software Product Innovation in Large Companies: Enablers and Inhibitors
Context: Startups are disrupting traditional markets and replacing well-established actors with their innovative products.To compete in this age of disruption, large and established companies cannot rely on traditional ways of advancement, which focus on cost efficiency, lead time reduction and quality improvement. Corporate management is now looking for possibilities to innovate like startups. Along with it, the awareness and the use of the Lean startup approach have grown rapidly amongst the software startup community and large companies in recent years. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate how Lean internal startup facilitates software product innovation in large companies.…
ICO Crowdfunding: Incentives, Pricing Strategy, Token Strategy and Crowd Involvement
AbstractBlockchain technologies provide means to develop services that are secure, transparent and efficient by nature. Unsurprisingly, the emerging business opportunities has gained a lot of interest that is realized in form of successful Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) that are able to raise billions of USD through crowdfunding campaign. In this exploratory research we study 91 ICOs through content analysis in order to investigate the special characteristics of ICO crowdfunding as business models towards the possible investors. We found that ICOs can be described through (1) the model for providing incentives for investment, (2) the pricing strategy, (3) the token strategy and (4) the activ…
How to Write Ethical User Stories? : Impacts of the ECCOLA Method
AbstractArtificial Intelligence (AI) systems are increasing in significance within software services. Unfortunately, these systems are not flawless. Their faults, failures and other systemic issues have emphasized the urgency for consideration of ethical standards and practices in AI engineering. Despite the growing number of studies in AI ethics, comparatively little attention has been placed on how ethical issues can be mitigated in software engineering (SE) practice. Currently understanding is lacking regarding the provision of useful tools that can help companies transform high-level ethical guidelines for AI ethics into the actual workflow of developers. In this paper, we explore the i…
Ethical Requirements Stack : A framework for implementing ethical requirements of AI in software engineering practices
Internal Software Startups - A Multiple Case Study on Practices, Methods, and Success Factors
Startups are often seen as drivers of innovation. In an attempt to leverage this potential, larger business organizations have founded internal startups as a subset of internal corporate ventures (ICV). These smaller organizations are intended to be more agile than the parent organization, in order to produce new service and product innovations using their own methods and practices independently of the organizational culture and methods of the parent organization. However, our understanding of ICVs is still lacking in terms of processes and success factors, and especially the more recent internal startups have scarcely been studied thus far. To approach this novel area of research, we take …
The State of Self-Sovereign Identity in Spring 2021: Results of a Survey
A System-based View of Blockchain Governance
Abstract CONTEXT Governance is crucial in achieving the success and sustainability of blockchain systems. However, blockchain governance is multi-faceted, complex, dynamic, and challenging due to its decentralized nature and automatically enforced rules and mechanisms. OBJECTIVES This study aims to advance the theory of blockchain governance and support practitioners to deepen the researchers’ and practitioners’ understanding of blockchain governance. METHODS The study is a systematic literature review of 75 articles that applies systems theory to conceptualize blockchain governance as a system and parsimoniously organize its interrelated elements into a conceptual model. RESULTS The paper …
Using Blockchain in Digitalizing Enterprise Legacy Systems: An Experience Report
Blockchain technology and distributed ledger technology (DLT) offer a secure, distributed, and tamper-proof way to store and exchange information. However, apart from standard cryptocurrency-based networks, innovations and process improvements based on the blockchain technology have mostly remained on the conceptualizing stage and have not yet reached mass adoption. There is a high demand for practical experiences from developing blockchain and DLT based systems in various domains outside FinTech. This work seeks to contribute to this gap by presenting real-world experiences from developing a proof of concept for automatizing conditional payments in social benefits and healthcare domains. W…
Hypotheses engineering : first essential steps of experiment-driven software development
Recent studies have proposed the use of experiments to guide software development in order to build features that the user really wants. Some authors argue that this approach represents a new way to develop software that is different from the traditional requirement-driven one. In this position paper, we propose the discipline of Hypotheses Engineering in comparison to Requirements Engineering, highlighting the importance of proper handling hypotheses that guide experiments. We derive a set of practices within this discipline and present how the literature has tackled them up to now. Finally, we propose a set of research questions that could guide future work towards helping practitioners. …
Towards a Trustful Digital World : Exploring Self-Sovereign Identity Ecosystems
In the current global situation-burdened by, among others, a vast number of people without formal identification, digital leap, the need for health passports and contact tracking applications-providing private and secure digital identity for individuals, organizations and other entities is crucial. The emerging self-sovereign identity (SSI) solutions rely on distributed ledger technologies and verifiable credentials and have the potential to enable trustful digital interactions. In this human-centric paradigm, trust among actors can be established in a decentralized manner while the identity holders are able to own and control their confidential data. In this paper, we build on observations…
StartCards — A method for early-stage software startups
Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s) Context: Software startups are important drivers of economy on a global scale, and have become associated with innovation and high growth. However, the overwhelming majority of startups ends in failure. Many of these startup failures ultimately stem from software engineering issues, and requirements engineering (RE) ones in particular. Despite the emphasis placed on the importance of RE activities in the startup context, many startups continue to develop software without a clear market or customer, having never had meaningful contact with their would-be customer. Objective: We develop a method aimed at early-stage startups that is intended to help s…
AI ethics:an empirical study on the views of practitioners and lawmakers
Artificial intelligence (AI) solutions and technologies are being increasingly adopted in smart systems contexts; however, such technologies are concerned with ethical uncertainties. Various guidelines, principles, and regulatory frameworks are designed to ensure that AI technologies adhere to ethical well-being. However, the implications of AI ethics principles and guidelines are still being debated. To further explore the significance of AI ethics principles and relevant challenges, we conducted a survey of 99 randomly selected representative AI practitioners and lawmakers (e.g., AI engineers and lawyers) from 20 countries across five continents. To the best of our knowledge, this is the …
The Role of Explainable AI in the Research Field of AI Ethics
Ethics of Artiicial Intelligence (AI) is a growing research ield that has emerged in response to the challenges related to AI. Transparency poses a key challenge for implementing AI ethics in practice. One solution to transparency issues is AI systems that can explain their decisions. Explainable AI (XAI) refers to AI systems that are interpretable or understandable to humans. The research ields of AI ethics and XAI lack a common framework and conceptualization. There is no clarity of the ield’s depth and versatility. A systematic approach to understanding the corpus is needed. A systematic review ofers an opportunity to detect research gaps and focus points. This paper presents the results…
COVID-19 Remote Work : Body Stress, Self-Efficacy, Teamwork, and Perceived Productivity of Knowledge Workers
Due to COVID-19, companies were forced to adopt new work processes, and reduce modern work environments such as collaboration spaces. Professionals from many fields were forced to work remotely, almost overnight. Little is known about the impact of such non-volunteer remote work on productivity, stress, and other key aspects of work performance. To further our understanding of the impacts of this situation and remote work in general, we conducted an exploratory study by studying 28 knowledge work professionals (researchers, software developers, interior designers, service designers, and development consultants) from the viewpoint of perceived productivity and aspects affecting it in this un…
Software Startup ESSENCE : How Should Software Startups Work?
Software startups need to work in a systematic fashion just like mature organizations. However, existing software engineering methods and practices are not aimed at software startups. They do not account for the business aspect of startups and may not be well suited for software startups in general. The Lean Startup Methodology on the other hand contains some useful practices for software startups but is nonetheless impractical, offering little in the way of telling you what to do. Software startups are thus required to tailor their own method. Currently, many software startups simply work ad hoc or use various Agile methods and practices. In terms of Agile methods and practices, little con…
The Current State of Industrial Practice in Artificial Intelligence Ethics
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems become increasingly widespread, we have begun to witness various failures highlighting issues in these systems. These incidents have sparked public discussion related to AI ethics and further accelerated the on-going academic discussion in the area. High-level guidelines and tools for managing AI ethics have been introduced to help industry organizations make more ethical AI systems, but we currently know little about the state of industrial practice. Have these guidelines been adopted by the software industry for developing AI solutions? Are these failures that make the news just the tip of the iceberg? We provide insights into the current state of p…
Technical Briefing: Hands-On Session on the Development of Trustworthy AI Software
Following various real-world incidents involving both purely digital and cyber-physical Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, AI Ethics has become a prominent topic of discussion in both research and practice, accompanied by various calls for trustworthy AI systems. Failures are often costly, and many of them stem from issues that could have been avoided during development. For example, AI ethics issues, such as data privacy are currently highly topical. However, implementing AI ethics in practice remains a challenge for organizations. Various guidelines have been published to aid companies in doing so, but these have not seen widespread adoption and may feel impractical. In this technical …
Combining Social Service and Healthcare as the First Country in the World : Exploring the Impacts on Information Systems
The Finnish government has decided to implement a reform in the social and healthcare system by combining the two in the future. There are several drivers for this change that have been identified. Large number of information systems that are not interoperable, challenges in data management and isolated service offering are the most significant ones. In the government’s strategy for the future the digitalisation will provide tools to solve these challenges. In this paper the landscape is outlined and the architecture choices are discussed. The enterprise architecture is applied for the largest county comprising of over 1900 social service and healthcare related information systems. The targ…
A Tool-Based Approach for Essentializing Software Engineering Practices
Software Engineers work using highly diverse methods and practices, and general theories in software engineering are lacking. A recent attempt at creating a common ground in the area of software engineering methodologies has been the Essence Theory of Software Engineering. Essence is a method-agnostic progress management framework and a meta-method for Software Engineering (SE). However, tooling for Essence is still lacking. Without dedicated tools and other instruments, a meta-method such as Essence is cumbersome to utilize by practitioners and students. Indeed, Essence currently suffers from a lack of widespread practitioner adoption. In this paper, we thus present an Open Source tool for…
An Empirical Study on Female Participation in Software Project Courses
Gender issues in software engineering education are gaining research attention due to the desire to promote female participation in the field. The objective of this work is to enhance the understanding of female students' participation in software engineering projects to support gender-aware course optimization. Since 2015, we have investigated the participation of female students in terms of software engineering activities and team dynamics in a software project course that involves a real customer. We found that female students are more active with project management and requirement engineering, while they remain under-represented in highly complex or specific tasks, i.e. architecture wor…
Startup Metrics That Tech Entrepreneurs Need to Know
Metrics can be used by firms to make more objective decisions based on data. Software startups in particular are characterized by the uncertain or even chaotic nature of the contexts in which they operate. Using data in the form of metrics can help software startups to make the right decisions amid uncertainty and limited resources. However, whereas conventional business metrics and software metrics have been studied in the past, metrics in the specific context of software startups have not been studied. In this chapter, we present the results of a multivocal literature review to offer you 118 metrics practitioner experts think software startups should measure. These metrics can give you id…
Female Leadership in Software Projects—A Preliminary Result on Leadership Style and Project Context Factors
Women have been shown to be effective leaders in many team-based situations. However, it is also well-recognized that women are underrepresented in engineering and technology areas, which leads to wasted efforts and a lack of diversity in professional organizations. Although studies about gender and leadership are rich, research focusing on engineering-specific activities, are scarce. To react on this gap, we explored the experience of female leaders of software development projects and possible context factors that influence leadership effectiveness. The study was conducted as a longitudinal multiple case study. Data was collected from survey, interviews, observation and project reports. I…
Future directions in Agile research: Alignment and divergence between research and practice
Editorial article Since the publication of Agile Manifesto in 2001, agile methods have transited from a grass- root initiative among enthusiastic advocates and developers to a mainstream software development approach adopted by both small and large companies worldwide. Meanwhile research on agile methods has grown rapidly and steadily into an established research area, evidenced by dedicated conferences (e.g., XP conference series, research track of previous Agile Conference series), special issues and sections in top Information Systems and Software Engineering journals. However, practitioners and consultants have largely driven the advancement in agile field, and agile research has lagged…
Exploring Virtual Reality as an Integrated Development Environment for Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) development approaches tend to start from the physical (hardware) perspective, and the software is the final element in the process. However, this approach is unfit for the more software-intensive world that is increasingly iterative, connected, and constantly online. Many constraints prevent the application of iterative, incremental, and agile development methodologies, which now are the norm for many other fields of software. Time-consuming system validation can only start when both hardware and software components are ready, which implies that the software delivery and quality is almost always the final bottleneck in the CPS development and integration. Also …
Software startup education: gamifying growth hacking
Startups seek to create highly scalable business models. For startups, growth is thus vital. Growth hacking is a marketing strategy advocated by various startup practitioner experts. It focuses on using low cost practices while utilizing existing platforms in creative ways to gain more users for the service. Though topics related to growth hacking such as marketing on a general level have been extensively studied in the past, growth hacking as a practitioner-born topic has not seen much interest among the academia. To both spark interest in growth hacking, and to facilitate teaching growth hacking in the academia, we present two board games intended to serve as an engaging introduction to g…
Implementing AI Ethics: Making Sense of the Ethical Requirements
Society’s increasing dependence on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-enabled systems require a more practical approach from software engineering (SE) executives in middle and higher-level management to improve their involvement in implementing AI ethics by making ethical requirements part of their management practices. However, research indicates that most work on implementing ethical requirements in SE management primarily focuses on technical development, with scarce findings for middle and higher-level management. We investigate this by interviewing ten Finnish SE executives in middle and higher-level management to examine how they consider and implement ethical requirements. We use et…
Towards a Secure DevOps Approach for Cyber-Physical Systems
With the expansion of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) across critical and regulated industries, systems must be continuously updated to remain resilient. At the same time, they should be extremely secure and safe to operate and use. The DevOps approach caters to business demands of more speed and smartness in production, but it is extremely challenging to implement DevOps due to the complexity of critical CPSs and requirements from regulatory authorities. In this study, expert opinions from 33 European companies expose the gap in the current state of practice on DevOps-oriented continuous development and maintenance. The study contributes to research and practice by identifying a set of needs…
What happens when software developers are (un)happy
The growing literature on affect among software developers mostly reports on the linkage between happiness, software quality, and developer productivity. Understanding happiness and unhappiness in all its components -- positive and negative emotions and moods -- is an attractive and important endeavor. Scholars in industrial and organizational psychology have suggested that understanding happiness and unhappiness could lead to cost-effective ways of enhancing working conditions, job performance, and to limiting the occurrence of psychological disorders. Our comprehension of the consequences of (un)happiness among developers is still too shallow, being mainly expressed in terms of developmen…
Implementing Ethics in AI: Initial Results of an Industrial Multiple Case Study
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly widespread in system development endeavors. As AI systems affect various stakeholders due to their unique nature, the growing influence of these systems calls for ethical considerations. Academic discussion and practical examples of autonomous system failures have highlighted the need for implementing ethics in software development. However, research on methods and tools for implementing ethics into AI system design and development in practice is still lacking. This paper begins to address this focal problem by providing elements needed for producing a baseline for ethics in AI based software development. We do so by means of an industri…
Characteristics and Actors of Impact Investing Ecosystem from the Perspective of Technology Startups
Interest in impact investing within technology startup industry is in-creasing. Regardless of the growing interest in impact investing, there is a significant deficiency in research considering practice of impact investing in the field of technology. Also, technology startup perspective on impact investing ecosystem research is novel research stream which and the existing research on topic is very limited. Ecosystem paradigm is widely adopted in economics and management research and adopting it in impact investing research could increase the comprehension of the phenomenon. Again, it may result in better business decisions among startup company management and foster impact investments alloc…
Female Leadership in Software Projects : A Preliminary Result on Leadership Style and Project Context Factors
The Startup Scratch Book – Opening the Black Box of Startup Education
Teaching entrepreneurship and startups is a challenging task. Approaches using real or simulated entrepreneurship as a teaching method are also common in startup education. However, as educators and researchers, we typically only observe the outcomes of the startup journey between weekly lectures and other meetings, whereas the actions taken by the student teams can seldom be observed. This makes the process a black box. All valuable learnings, realizations, and big ideas happen in the students’ minds, and little evidence exists to say what happened during the course. As a result, we are entirely missing out on the most critical elements of the learning process. To remedy this issue, we pro…
The Personal Software Process, Experiences from Denmark
Software process improvement (SPI) research and practice is transforming from the traditional large-scale assessment based improvement initiatives into smaller sized, tailored initiatives where the emphasis is set on the development personnel and their personal abilities. The personal software process (PSPSM) is a method for improving the personal capabilities of a single software engineer. This paper contributes to the body of knowledge within this area by reporting experiences from Denmark. The results indicate an improvement in the effort estimation skills and a significant increase in the resulting product quality in terms of reduced total defect density. The data shows that with relati…
Do Software Firms Collaborate or Compete? A Model of Coopetition in Community-initiated OSS Projects
[Background] An increasing number of commercial firms are participating in Open Source Software (OSS) projects to reduce their development cost and increase technical innovativeness. When collaborating with other firms whose sought values are conflicts of interests, firms may behave uncooperatively leading to harmful impacts on the common goal. [Aim] This study explores how software firms both collaborate and compete in OSS projects. [Method] We adopted a mixed research method on three OSS projects. [Result] We found that commercial firms participating in community-initiated OSS projects collaborate in various ways across the organizational boundaries. While most of firms contribute little,…
A Multiple Case Study of Artificial Intelligent System Development in Industry
There is a rapidly increasing amount of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems developed in recent years, with much expectation on its capacity of innovation and business value generation. However, the promised value of AI systems in specific business contexts might not be understood, and further integrated into the development processes. We wanted to understand how software engineering processes and practices can be applied to develop AI systems in a fast-faced, business-driven manner. As the first step, we explored contextual factors of AI development and the connections between AI developments to business opportunities. We conducted 12 semi-structured interviews in seven companies in Brazi…
Taylorism on steroids or enabling autonomy? A systematic review of algorithmic management
AbstractThe use of algorithmic management systems is rapidly changing organizational models and practices, as millions of workers in multiple sectors worldwide are managed by computer software. Despite receiving increasing academic interest, little summarizing literature exist on the ways algorithmic systems are used in management. This article aims to fill this gap by systematically reviewing and qualitatively analyzing 172 articles on the topic. Our research contributes to the existent algorithmic management literature in three ways. First, we provide a descriptive overview of algorithmic management as a field of research. Second, we identify and synthesize the discussion on the key conce…
Containers in Software Development: A Systematic Mapping Study
Over the past decade, continuous software development has become a common place in the field of software engineering. Containers like Docker are a lightweight solution that developers can use to deploy and manage applications. Containers are used to build both component-based architectures and microservice architectures. Still, practitioners often view containers only as way to lower resource requirements compared to virtual machines. In this paper, we conducted a systematic mapping study to find information on what is known of how containers are used in software development. 56 primary studies were selected into this paper and they were categorized and mapped to identify the gaps in the cu…
Continuous experimentation on artificial intelligence software : a research agenda
Moving from experiments to industrial level AI software development requires a shift from understanding AI/ ML model attributes as a standalone experiment to know-how integrating and operating AI models in a large-scale software system. It is a growing demand for adopting state-of-the-art software engineering paradigms into AI development, so that the development efforts can be aligned with business strategies in a lean and fast-paced manner. We describe AI development as an “unknown unknown” problem where both business needs and AI models evolve over time. We describe a holistic view of an iterative, continuous approach to develop industrial AI software basing on business goals, requiremen…
Elements of Sustainability for Public Sector Software : Mosaic Enterprise Architecture, Macroservices, and Low-Code
Public sector is a large consumer for software. In countries such as Finland, many of the systems are made to order by consultancy companies that participate in public tenders. These tenders initiated by the state, cities, and other public sector organizations. Furthermore, as public sector tasks are often decomposed to various actors, each and every one of them makes their purchase based on their own needs. In this paper, we argue that to maintain software sustainability in this context, there is a need for three key elements. Firstly, there is a need for an enterprise architecture where independent services from various vendors are can be easily deployed and integrated. Secondly, these se…
ECCOLA : a Method for Implementing Ethically Aligned AI Systems
Various recent Artificial Intelligence (AI) system failures, some of which have made the global headlines, have highlighted issues in these systems. These failures have resulted in calls for more ethical AI systems that better take into account their effects on various stakeholders. However, implementing AI ethics into practice is still an on-going challenge. High-level guidelines for doing so exist, devised by governments and private organizations alike, but lack practicality for developers. To address this issue, in this paper, we present a method for implementing AI ethics. The method, ECCOLA, has been iteratively developed using a cyclical action design research approach. The method aim…
ECCOLA : a method for implementing ethically aligned AI systems
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are becoming increasingly widespread and exert a growing influence on society at large. The growing impact of these systems has also highlighted potential issues that may arise from their utilization, such as data privacy issues, resulting in calls for ethical AI systems. Yet, how to develop ethical AI systems remains an important question in the area. How should the principles and values be converted into requirements for these systems, and what should developers and the organizations developing these systems do? To further bridge this gap in the area, in this paper, we present a method for implementing AI ethics: ECCOLA. Following a cyclical action res…
Factors and actors leading to the adoption of a JavaScript framework
The increasing popularity of JavaScript has led to a variety of JavaScript frameworks that aim to help developers to address programming tasks. However, the number of JavaScript frameworks has risen rapidly to thousands of versions. It is challenging for practitioners to identify the frameworks that best fit their needs and to develop new ones which fit such needs. Furthermore, there is a lack of knowledge regarding what drives developers towards the choice. This paper explores the factors and actors that lead to the choice of a JavaScript framework. We conducted a qualitative interpretive study of semi-structured interviews. We interviewed 18 decision makers regarding the JavaScript framew…
The Key Concepts of Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
The growing influence and decision-making capacities of Autonomous systems and Artificial Intelligence in our lives force us to consider the values embedded in these systems. But how ethics should be implemented into these systems? In this study, the solution is seen on philosophical conceptualization as a framework to form practical implementation model for ethics of AI. To take the first steps on conceptualization main concepts used on the field needs to be identified. A keyword based Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) on the keywords used in AI and ethics was conducted to help in identifying, defying and comparing main concepts used in current AI ethics discourse. Out of 1062 papers retrieve…
Innovation Initiatives in Large Software Companies : A Systematic Mapping Study
Context: To keep the competitive advantage and adapt to changes in the market and technology, companies need to innovate in an organised, purposeful and systematic manner. However, due to their size and complexity, large companies tend to focus on the structure in maintaining their business, which can potentially lower their agility to innovate.Objective:The aims of this study are to provide an overview of the current research on innovation initiatives and to identify the challenges of implementing those initiatives in the context of large software companies.Method: The investigation was primarily performed using a systematic mapping approach of published literature on corporate innovation …
How modeling helps in developing self-sovereign identity governance framework: An experience report
Digital Identity has become a topic that attracts the attention of researchers due to the enormous number of services that have been provided online recently. Researchers face many obstacles regarding the security, privacy, and utility of digital identity. Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) ecosystems provide a solution for digital identity, in addition to providing a decentralized human-centric paradigm that enables users to own and control their identity. Governance framework (GF) is a key challenge in building SSI ecosystems for two reasons. First, the GF needs to address various aspects such as user needs, standards, laws, and business requirements in an ecosystem. Second, the ecosystem cons…
Gamifying the Escape from the Engineering Method Prison
Software Engineering is an engineering discipline but lacks a solid theoretical foundation. One effort in remedying this situation has been the SEMAT Essence specification. Essence consists of a language for modeling Software Engineering (SE) practices and methods and a kernel containing what its authors describe as being elements that are present in every software development project. In practice, it is a method agnostic project management tool for SE Projects. Using the language of the specification, Essence can be used to model any software development method or practice. Thus, the specification can potentially be applied to any software development context, making it a powerful tool. Ho…
The Essence Theory of Software Engineering – Large-Scale Classroom Experiences from 450+ Software Engineering BSc Students
Software Engineering as an industry is highly diverse in terms of development methods and practices. Practitioners employ a myriad of methods and tend to further tailor them by e.g. omitting some practices or rules. This diversity in development methods poses a challenge for software engineering education, creating a gap between education and industry. General theories such as the Essence Theory of Software Engineering can help bridge this gap by presenting software engineering students with higher-level frameworks upon which to build an understanding of software engineering methods and practical project work. In this paper, we study Essence in an educational setting to evaluate its usefuln…
Essencery - A Tool for Essentializing Software Engineering Practices
Software Engineering practitioners work using highly diverse methods and practices, and general theories in software engineering are lacking. One attempt at creating a common ground in the area of software engineering methodologies has been the Essence Theory of Software Engineering, which can be considered a method-agnostic project management tool for software engineering. Essence supports the use of any development practices and provides a framework for building a suitable method for any software engineering context. However, Essence presently suffers from low practitioner adoption that is partially considered to be caused by a lack of proper tooling. In this paper, we present Essencery, …
AI Ethics in Industry: A Research Framework
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems exert a growing influence on our society. As they become more ubiquitous, their potential negative impacts also become evident through various real-world incidents. Following such early incidents, academic and public discussion on AI ethics has highlighted the need for implementing ethics in AI system development. However, little currently exists in the way of frameworks for understanding the practical implementation of AI ethics. In this paper, we discuss a research framework for implementing AI ethics in industrial settings. The framework presents a starting point for empirical studies into AI ethics but is still being developed further based on its pr…
Ethically Aligned Design: An empirical evaluation of the RESOLVEDD-strategy in Software and Systems development context
Use of artificial intelligence (AI) in human contexts calls for ethical considerations for the design and development of AI-based systems. However, little knowledge currently exists on how to provide useful and tangible tools that could help software developers and designers implement ethical considerations into practice. In this paper, we empirically evaluate a method that enables ethically aligned design in a decision-making process. Though this method, titled the RESOLVEDD-strategy, originates from the field of business ethics, it is being applied in other fields as well. We tested the RESOLVEDD-strategy in a multiple case study of five student projects where the use of ethical tools was…
A preliminary study of agility in business and production - Cases of early-stage hardware startups
[Context] Advancement in technologies, popularity of small-batch manufacturing and the recent trend of investing in hardware startups are among the factors leading to the rise of hardware startups nowadays. It is essential for hardware startups, companies that involve both software and hardware development, to be not only agile to develop their business but also efficient to develop the right products. [Objective] We investigate how hardware startups achieve agility when developing their products in early stages. [Methods] A qualitative research is conducted with data from 20 hardware startups. [Result] Preliminary results show that agile development is known to hardware entrepreneurs, howe…
What Key Aspects Do ICOs Reveal About Their Businesses?
AbstractBlockchain technologies disrupt industries by enabling decentralized and transactional data sharing across a network of untrusted participants, among others. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are a novel form of crowdfunding through which hundreds of blockchain-enabled businesses manage to raise billions of dollars in total only in United States. However, there is a lack of understanding of the ICO phenomenon especially related to the business aspects. In this paper, we describe the results of an exploratory study of 91 ICOs and identify the key business model elements that ICOs reveal in their websites and whitepapers. Furthermore, we also note the immaturity and lack of transparency o…
Blockchain Governance : A Dynamic View
The governance of blockchain systems is unique due to its decentralized nature and automatically enforced rules and mechanisms. Moreover, blockchain governance is crucial in achieving success and sustainability. With this study, we aim to advance the theory of blockchain governance and support practitioners by defining blockchain governance from a holistic viewpoint and identifying its building blocks. As a result of a systematic literature review of 75 recent articles focusing on blockchain governance, we propose a dynamic model that deepens the researchers’ and practitioners’ understanding of blockchain governance. The conceptual model can serve as a reference framework and structured fou…
Software Startup Practices -- Software Development in Startups through the Lens of the Essence Theory of Software Engineering
Software startups continue to be important drivers of economy globally. As the initial investment required to found a new software company becomes smaller and smaller resulting from technological advances such as cloud technology, increasing numbers of new software startups are born. Typically, the main argument for studying software startups is that they differ from mature software organizations in various ways, thus making the findings of many existing studies not directly applicable to them. How, exactly, software startups really differ from other types of software organizations as an on-going debate. In this paper, we seek to better understand how software startups differ from mature so…
How do startups develop internet-of-things systems : a multiple exploratory case study
Internet-of-Things applications are not only the new opportunity for digital businesses but also a major driving force for the modification and creation of software systems in all industries and businesses. Compared to other types of software-intensive products, the development of Internet-of-Things applications lacks a systematic approach and guidelines. This paper aims at understanding the methodological commonalities among startups who are developing Internet-of-Things products. Using the SEMAT Essence framework, we captured common team compositions, common types of Minimum Viable Products and common way of working in early stage Internet-of-Things startups. We found that startups includ…
Startup Metrics That Tech Entrepreneurs Need to Know
Metrics can be used by firms to make more objective decisions based on data. Software startups in particular are characterized by the uncertain or even chaotic nature of the contexts in which they operate. Using data in the form of metrics can help software startups to make the right decisions amid uncertainty and limited resources. However, whereas conventional business metrics and software metrics have been studied in the past, metrics in the specific context of software startups have not been studied. In this chapter, we present the results of a multivocal literature review to offer you 118 metrics practitioner experts think software startups should measure. These metrics can give you id…
“This is Just a Prototype”: How Ethics Are Ignored in Software Startup-Like Environments
Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions are becoming increasingly common in software development endeavors, and consequently exert a growing societal influence as well. Due to their unique nature, AI based systems influence a wide range of stakeholders with or without their consent, and thus the development of these systems necessitates a higher degree of ethical consideration than is currently carried out in most cases. Various practical examples of AI failures have also highlighted this need. However, there is only limited research on methods and tools for implementing AI ethics in software development, and we currently have little knowledge of the state of practice. In this study, we expl…
Towards Understanding Startup Product Development as Effectual Entrepreneurial Behaviors
With the rapid development of technology and competitiveness of IT sectors, the speed of learning and evolving is vital for success of software startups. However, software startups often face with multiple technical and business challenges, which lengthen the duration of their idea-to-launch process. Little is known about the relation of entrepreneurial characteristics of software startups and their product development. We conducted an empirical study on twenty software startups to understand their challenges that leads long idea-to-launch processes. Six engineering-related challenges were identified and interpreted via a lens of an entrepreneurial behavior theory. Our main finding is that …
The entrepreneurial logic of startup software development : A study of 40 software startups
Context: Software startups are an essential source of innovation and software-intensive products. The need to understand product development in startups and to provide relevant support are highlighted in software research. While state-of-the-art literature reveals how startups develop their software, the reasons why they adopt these activities are underexplored. Objective: This study investigates the tactics behind software engineering (SE) activities by analyzing key engineering events during startup journeys. We explore how entrepreneurial mindsets may be associated with SE knowledge areas and with each startup case. Method: Our theoretical foundation is based on causation and effectuatio…