Giovanni Di Stefano
Atteggiamenti e comportamenti politici ed ideologia tradizionale familiare in Sicilia: un contributo empirico
I hate my workplace but I am very attached to it: workplace attachment style
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether different patterns of workplace attachment exist and to explore the relations between adult attachment styles and the level of workplace attachment. Design/methodology/approach Participants were 351 Italian employees who completed a questionnaire composed of the Workplace Attachment Scale and the Relationship Questionnaire. Data were analyzed using correspondence analysis. Findings The results showed that high scores on workplace attachment correlated significantly with secure attachment style, while low scores correlated with insecure attachment styles. These results shed light on different workplace attachment styles. Research l…
Tra identità personale e identità organizzativa: L'utilizzo del gruppo operativo in azienda da un vertice psicosocioanalitico
Agorazein: per una psicologia politica della convivenza
L'analisi del campo transferale istituzionale mediante il metodo del CCRT: uno studio pilota
L’obiettivo del contributo è quello di mostrare, partendo dai risultati di uno studio pilota, l’utilità e le possibilità applicative del metodo CCRT di Luborsky nell’analisi istituzionale di una struttura sociosanitaria. I risultati mostrano come, attraverso l’analisi del cliché relazionale dei membri dell’organizzazione considerata (14 medici) sia possibile indagare il campo trasferale istituzionale, inteso come insieme dei processi transferali condivisi dai soggetti che vivono e operano in una comune realtà organizzativa, contribuendo alla costruzione di un campo intersoggettivo comune che organizza la loro esperienza istituzionale in una rappresentazione condivisa. Parole chiave: Core Co…
The impact of adult attachment style on organizational commitment and adult attachment in the workplace
International audience; Adult attachment style has only recently been considered as having a role in explaining work behavior. The present research aimed to explore the impact of adult attachment style, assessed by the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI), on organizational commitment (OC) and on adult attachment in the workplace (AAW). We hypothesized that a secure attachment style would be positively related to affective and normative commitment, while preoccupied and avoidant styles would be negatively related to affective commitment; we also hypothesized that there would be a correspondence between the AAI categories and the AAW dimensions. Using the AAI categories as group variable, analys…
Un intervento sul benessere organizzativo nei contesti penitenziari
The role of organizational trust and organizational support on employees’ well-being
Introduzione: In letteratura l’impatto della fiducia organizzativa e del supporto organizzativo percepito sul be- nessere dei lavoratori è stato prevalentemente riconosciuto senza una chiara distinzione focalizzata sui diversi livelli su cui tali variabili possono avere un effetto. Obiettivi: L’obiettivo dello studio è quindi quello di verificare un più diretto ruolo di queste variabili come precursori del benessere, della soddisfazione lavorativa e dell’intenzione di tur- nover. Per questo si sono tenuti distinti, concettualmente ed empiricamente, due livelli di indagine sia per la fiducia che per il supporto: la dimensione del gruppo di lavoro, cioè il contesto nei confronti del quale il …
Dall'ideologia all'immaginario.Passato e presente della comunicazione politica.
Una ricerca-intervento sul benessere organizzativo
L'analisi del campo transferale istituzionale mediante il metodo del Core Conflictual Relationship Theme. Uno studio pilota
Qualità e cambiamento del ricordo autobiografico negativo e differenze individuali di personalità
Identity vicissitudes in work organizations
Today’s pressing scientific and technological changes, while having an impact on the organizational life of our post-industrial world, are producing drastic transformations within organizations, creating in workers new feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. The features of the present state of crises - instability, uncertainty, weakening of family bonds – define a peculiar social and psychological uneasiness, proper of our time, as a consequence of the technological business culture prevailing today, which is destabilizing the institutional role of organizations, namely fixing the various forms of personal identity. This contribution offers, also by presenting a training experience in a busin…
Il ruolo della dimensione ideologico-familiare e della collocazione valoriale nella rappresentazione e percezione del fenomeno mafioso in un gruppo di militanti politici
Dal curare al prendersi cura
Riferire gli eventi: La memoria nella testimonianza
Un primo contributo alla validazione italiana del Career Orientation Inventory (COI) di E. Schein
Associations of Job Insecurity With Perceived Work-Related Symptoms, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Leader–Member Exchange and the Moderating Role of Organizational Support
This study wants to examine effects of job insecurity on several work-related outcomes (perceived work-related symptoms, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions) by developing a moderated mediation model. The model emphasizes the role played by the quality of leader–member exchange (LMX) in mediating the relation between perceived job insecurity and outcomes related to work, and the moderating role of perceived organizational support (POS) in influencing the mediation. Survey data from 510 workers at Italian organizations were collected, and regression was used to evaluate the hypotheses. After age, gender, education, and organizational tenure were controlled, results showed that perceive…
La terapia di gruppo con bambini e adolescenti. Una rassegna bibliografica ragionata degli anni '90 (1988-1999)
Narrazioni e contesti nel colloquio psicologico
Una banca di item per misurare l'orientamento alla dominanza sociale in Italia
Developing professional identity through group experiential learning: A Group-Analytic experiential training approach for use with postgraduate clinical psychology students
This article describes a Group-Analytic, experiential and non-directive training approach taken with postgraduate clinical psychology students in training. Based on median/large group settings, it is aimed at promoting the development of psychology students’ professional identities. It uses a particular form of experiential learning beyond the rational and cognitive aspects of traditional didactic teaching in order to stimulate students’ own involvement in the integration of their thoughts, feelings and attitudes. From a Group-Analytic perspective, the group is conceived of as an organic entity. The convenor takes up a less intrusive and non-directive role in comparison to a traditional sem…
La psicologia sociale del pregiudizio tra limiti metodologici ed impegno "politico"
Burnout, autoefficacia percepita e soddisfazione lavorativa negli insegnanti
Che cos'è la psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni?
The chapter traces a brief historical review of the main contributions offered by psychology to work contexts, from Taylor to French psychosociology. A paragraph is also dedicated to the birth of work psychology in Italy.
Entrepreneurship on Social Networking Sites: The Roles of Attitude and Perceived Usefulness
Background: Social media platforms are a significant growth opportunity for enterprises, especially for microenterprises, due to the possibility of establishing direct contact with their customers. We investigate the psychological reasons that drive entrepreneurs towards the use of social networking sites (SNSs) for their business, following two important social psychology theories: the theory of planned behaviour and the technology acceptance model. We also tested for two personality traits: openness to experience and dominance. Methods: Data were acquired by examining 325 microentrepreneurs who decided to use either SNSs or traditional sales methods for their businesses. Results and concl…
To detach or not to detach? The role of psychological detachment on the relationship between heavy work investment and well-being: A latent profile analysis
AbstractThis study focuses on two types of heavy work investment, namely workaholism and work engagement, and on psychological detachment from work. Both workaholism and work engagement refer to an intense work effort, yet with a different impact on work and personal life. Building on Stressor–Detachment Model (SDM), we examine how different levels of workaholism, work engagement, and psychological detachment influence different outcomes related to employees’ well-being (i.e., perceived health, negative affectivity, positive affectivity). Data were collected from 342 employees via online survey and analyzed by mean of latent profile analysis. Five employee profiles were identified: High-Det…
A group-analytic experiential training model for undergraduates psychology programs
Pregiudizio manifesto e latente e ipotesi del contatto nelle professioni d'aiuto: un contributo di ricerca
The psychometric properties of the Adolescent Family Process measure in an Italian sample
Il presente lavoro ha l’obiettivo di tradurre, adattare e validare la versione italiana dell’Adolescent Family Process (AFP), strumento finalizzato a valutare la vicinanza genito-riale, il supporto, il monitoraggio, la comunicazione, il conflitto e l’approvazione dei pari. Le proprietà psicometriche dell’adattamento dell’AFP sono state indagate attraverso un campione non clinico di emerging adult italiani (n = 349). Le analisi fattoriali confermative hanno restituito soddisfacenti risultati psicometrici, evidenziando come questo strumento possa essere utilizzato anche nel contesto italiano per valutare dimensioni significative che contraddistinguono la relazione parentale. This paper aimed …
I comportamenti devianti nel contesto di lavoro
The main purpose of this chapter is exploring a review on the concept of organizational deviance, a series of behaviors promoted by individuals in contradiction with their own moral standards and in contrast to organizational rules.
La formazione degli Operatori dell'assistenza dei pazienti terminali attraverso l'esperienza del gruppo allargato
Le dinamiche dell'oppressione tra gruppi: la teoria della dominanza sociale
Pregiudizial-mente: una ricerca sulle forme "mascherate" di pregiudizio etnico negli adolescenti palermitani
La funzione riflessiva nelle organizzazioni. La capacità di mentalizzare come fattore di protezione del rischio stress lavoro-correlato
La teoria delle relazioni oggettuali e la psicologia del Sé
Waste management e comportamento ecologico nell’era del Covid-19: Dallo stigma dei rifiuti alla cittadinanza ambientale
La pandemia da Covid-19 ha avuto un forte impatto sulle vite dei cittadini, portandoli a ricontestualizzare il rapporto con l`ambiente e la concezione del waste management, un settore di servizi complesso la cui mission può essere raggiunta solo grazie alla co-partecipazione. Il presente lavoro traccia alcune ipotesi di ricerca circa il senso di cittadinanza ecologica nel post-Covid e su come i servizi di waste management possano ridurre, attraverso l'alleanza con l'utenza, le percezioni negative del proprio business. Dal momento che le organizzazioni stigmatizzate soffrono dei pregiudizi negativi, per i quali sono ritenute moralmente responsabili rispetto alla propria inefficienza, i servi…
L’assetto valoriale nei confronti della disabilità a lavoro: Una ricerca basata sul modello di orientamento culturale
La gestione delle diversità e delle disabilità a lavoro è espressione della dialettica fra l’unicità di ogni individuo e gli assetti organizzativi, plasmati su determinati valori, norme e credenze condivisi. Da questo punto di vista, conoscere qual è l’orientamento culturale di un’organizzazione nei confronti della disabilità è un momento preliminare funzionale per direzionare e sostenere pratiche proattive e a lungo termine di disability management. Il presente lavoro fornisce un primo contributo empirico di validazione di un modello originale di competenza culturale nei confronti della disabilità a lavoro, attraverso i dati provenienti da una indagine condotta presso un dipartimento della…
Quale identità per sopravvivere nell'Azienda del Nuovo Millennio? Organizzazioni ed individui nell'età della tecnica
Dimensione familiare e dimensione politica: La psicodinamica familiare ed il mondo sociale
"Bruciati, cortocircuitati, scoppiati, usurati, esauriti": riflessioni nomadi su stress e burn-out e condizione lavorativa nel contesto siciliano.
Integrated Geophysical Investigations at the Greek Kamarina Site (Southern Sicily, Italy)
Kamarina, located in southern Sicily (Italy), was an important Greek colony since its foundation in the sixth century BC. Archaeological excavations, carried out since the twentieth century, uncovered only limited portions of the site so far. Despite the importance of the Greek colony, the presence of remarkable buildings that archaeologists expected to bring to light has not found fully correspondence in the archaeological excavations. Consequently, the integrated geophysical prospection carried out in the study area is aimed to support and address the future archaeological investigations. After the photographic and thermographic survey obtained by an unmanned aerial vehicle, we performed …
Tra resistenza e cambiamento: identità politica e rappresentazione della mafia nei politici siciliani
Politica e comunicazione sociale: L'evoluzione del segno nella grafica elettorale
L'orientamento alla dominanza sociale, l'autoritarismo di destra e le loro relazioni con il pegiudizio manifesto e latente.
Il gruppo allargato nel contesto della formazione universitaria: esperienza e ricerca
Workaholism and Work Engagement: How Are They Similar? How Are They Different? A Meta-Analysis of Their Relation
Workaholism and work engagement can be depicted, respectively, as the pathological and the healthy form of heavy work investment. The former has been described as an addiction to work, yielded by the combination of excessive working hours and compulsive working style, whilst the latter has recently been introduced in workplace health literature as a pleasant mental state consisting of vigor, dedication, and absorption. In spite of their different definitions and outcomes on individual and organizational life, workaholism and work engagement are not clearly and adequately distinguished by scholars and researchers, since these two constructs seem to show some overlapping features. The aim of …
Mentalizing in Organizations: A Psychodynamic Model for an Understanding of Well-Being and Suffering in the Work Contexts
Moving from the paradigms of “mentalization” and “reflective function” (Fonagy and colleagues), this article develops the concept of “mentalizing” in organizations, understood as a process of construction of shared meaning in the work contexts, and whose absence or deterioration produces suffering in organizational experience, exposing individuals to significant psychosocial risks. This model converges in outlining a framework in which the absence of a reflective competence and the lack of symbolization of the experience of work fall on the perception of one's own job, and on the relationship with colleagues and management, producing unsustainability of the work experience. The availability…
Jacques Lacan e il ritorno a Freud
Senso e non senso del lavoro in C. Bukowski
Differential effects of workaholism and work engagement on the interference between life and work domains
This study analyzed the differences between workaholism and work engagement in relation to their influence on work–life interference. Workaholism is an addiction to work, characterized by obsessive attitude towards job, whereas work engagement concerns a positive pattern of thoughts and feelings about one’s job; these two constructs thus represent pathological and healthy forms of heavy work investment, respectively. As a consequence, it was expected that workaholism and work engagement would have different effects on perceived interference between work and life domains. We assessed levels of workaholism, work engagement, work-to-life interference, and life-to-work interference in a sample …
Videoconferencing analytic psychodrama in treating young adults’ psychological suffering: preliminary results
The study aims to explore the effects that videoconferencing Analytic Psychodrama (AP) has on the psychological wellbeing and emotional competence of young adults who are suffering from mental health problems. Twenty-two undergraduate students, asking for help at the Psychological Counselling Service of the University of Bologna for anxiety-depressive problems, took part in the three online groups that met weekly from October 2020 to July 2021. The Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation Outcome Measure, the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form, the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index, and the Group Climate Questionnaire were used as test–retest qu…
The client-oriented model of cultural competence in healthcare organizations
ABSTRACTThe paper aims to propose a new model of cultural competence in health organizations based on the paradigm of client orientation. Starting from a literature review, this study takes inspiration from dimensions that characterize the cultural competence of health organizations, and re-articulates them in more detail by applying a client orientation view. The resulting framework is articulated into six dimensions (formal references; procedures and practices; cultural competences of human resources; cultural orientation toward client; partnership with community; and self-assessment) that define the ability of a health organization to achieve its mission, acknowledging, understanding, an…
Il gruppo allargato nella formazione all'assistenza dei pazienti terminali
I processi dei large group di formazione per la professione di psicologo
Nuove tendenze antidemocratiche implicite nella società
Il ruolo della devianza costruttiva nella promozione della creatività organizzativa
Introduzione Le organizzazioni del nuovo millennio, al fine di adeguarsi alle esigenze del mercato, devono essere flessibili e innovative; per tale motivo ai dipendenti sono richieste sempre maggiore autonomia e responsabilità e una produzione di idee utili e innovative per l’organizzazione. In questo processo, la creatività e la proattività sembrano essere le più indicate a esplorare il continuum che va da una tipologia di comportamento deviante positivo- il cui fine è apportare un contributo nell’organizzazione- a uno negativo- disfunzionale, teso a danneggiarla. Obiettivi e metodi L’obiettivo di questo contributo è quello di esplorare il ruolo della devianza costruttiva nella determinazi…
Can Psychological Detachment, Emotions, and Health Make the Difference between Workaholism and Work Engagement?
Overlapping aspects between work addiction and work engagement make difficult distinguish the pathological forms of heavy work investment. Since workaholism and work engagement are responsible of different consequences on individual well-being, a source of distinction is searched among their relationships with affect, perceived health, and psychological detachment from work. Data were collected from 265 employees, through the administration of an online questionnaire containing scales of workaholism, work engagement, psychological detachment from work, positive and negative affect, and general health. Correlational analysis and structural equation modeling were conducted in order to study t…
This systematic review aims to individuate the main theories, types and levels in organizational stigma studies, in order to fix the state of the art about the topic and propose a synthesis of the perspectives re- viewed. Indeed, literature about organizational stigma is growing but suffers of a lack of categorization of the different theoretical frameworks, stigma types classifications and levels of analysis. So, this systematic review includes reviews about organizational stigma and original studies about stigma types and levels. After individuating eight main theoretical frameworks on which organizational stigma is based, we found eight organizational stigma’s classifications of types an…
I processi duali e pregiudiziali nel contesto italiano
L'effetto delle variabili di personalità e del contatto sugli atteggiamenti discriminatori manifesti e latenti.
Antidemocratic tendencies in democratic societies
The effect of transformational leadership on organizational evolutionary state and its relation with organizational creativity
I processi duali ideologici nel contesto italiano
Meaningfulness and Meaninglessness of Work in Charles Bukowski
In psychological and managerial literature, the meaning of work boasts a long tradition; in this topic, scholars and researchers have explored sources of meaning and meaningfulness of the working activity in workers' motivations, values, and beliefs. Less attention, however, is given to the function work has in terms of signifier of each individual's personal identity. This article aims at deeply examining the relationship between identity construction and meaning of work, focusing on this theme through the exploration of Charles Bukowski's narrative world. My attention was particularly focused on representations and emotional connotations characterizing the relationship between identity an…
Processi e fenomeni psicodinamici nei/dei gruppi allargati
Workaholism and work engagement: how are they similar? How are they different? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Workaholism and work engagement can be depicted, respectively, as the pathological and the healthy form of heavy work investment. In spite of their different definitions and outcomes on individual and organizational life, workaholism and work engagement are not clearly and adequately distinguished by scholars and researchers as they appear to show some overlapping features. The aim of this investigation was to meta-analyze available studies, selected by systematic review, on the relations between subdimensions of workaholism and work engagement. Thirty-five studies were eligible for analysis. Associations emerged between Working Excessively and Absorption (g = .34), Working Compulsively and…
Le relazioni tra autoritarismo di destra, orientamento alla dominanza sociale e struttura psicologica universale dei valori di Schwartz
A first study about the italian adaptation of the OQ-45.2
Dall'ideologia all'immaginario: passato e presente nella comunicazione politica
I processi duali e pregiudiziali nel contesto italiano. Replica ed estensione del modello di Duckitt
The effect of organizational culture on deviant behaviors in the workplace
This study investigated the impact of organizational culture (OC) on deviant behaviors in the workplace (workplace deviant behaviors: WDB). We tested the hypothesis that different types of OC (according to the Competing Values Framework model) had an impact on WDB, in addition to the effect of Big Five personality traits. Survey research was undertaken with 954 employees of 30 enterprises in the public and private field, using a hierarchical model approach (HLM) to test the effects of four types of OC (Clan; Adhocracy; Market, Hierarchy) on WDB, over and above the effect of Five Personality traits. The HLM results partially supported our hypotheses, showing that the OC had a significant eff…
Una ricerca-intervento sul benessere organizzativo: il caso di un’amministrazione pubblica
Il lavoro illustra i risultati di una ricerca-intervento condotta presso un’amministrazione pubblica. A seguito della richiesta dell’amministrazione committente, è stato elaborato un piano di lavoro con l’obiettivo di indagare, in prima istanza, le condizioni di benessere e di malessere organizzativo dell’organizzazione. La fase di indagine ha coinvolto tutti i 52 dipendenti ed è stato condotto attraverso l’utilizzo del MOHQ (Questionario Multidimensionale della Salute Organizzativa). I risultati emersi sono stati oggetto di restituzione al personale coinvolto, per esplicitare il modo in cui si è storicamente strutturata la loro convivenza organizzativa, e ai responsabili dell’amministrazio…
Burnout syndrome e soddisfazione lavorativa nelle organizzazioni: il ruolo dell'efficacia personale e collettiva
Valutare la devianza costruttiva nei contesti di lavoro
Il presente lavoro fornisce un contributo al tema della devianza organizzativa costruttiva, intesa come un insieme di comportamenti volontari di violazione delle norme organizzative e delle procedure di lavoro, con l’intento di rispondere efficacemente ai problemi organizzativi e finalizzati a conseguire una buona performance. Attraverso due studi indipendenti è stato proposto un adattamento italiano della scala di devianza organizzativa costruttiva (Galperin, 2012), che ha mostrato, tramite analisi esplorative e confermative, soddisfacenti risultati dal punto di vista psicometrico e della validità convergente e discriminante. Sono emerse inoltre le relazioni positive del costrutto con il p…