Andreas Defant

Vector-Valued Hardy Spaces

Given a Banach space X, we consider Hardy spaces of X-valued functions on the infinite polytorus, Hardy spaces of X-valued Dirichlet series (defined as the image of the previous ones by the Bohr transform), and Hardy spaces of X-valued holomorphic functions on l_2 ∩ B_{c0}. The chapter is dedicated to study the interplay between these spaces. It is shown that the space of functions on the polytorus always forms a subspace of the one of holomorphic functions, and these two are isometrically isomorphic if and only if X has ARNP. Then the question arises of what do we find in the side of Dirichlet series when we look at the image of the Hardy space of holomorphic functions. This is also answer…

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Hardy Spaces of Dirichlet Series

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Cotype 2 estimates for spaces of polynomials on sequence spaces

We give asymptotically correct estimations for the cotype 2 constant C2(P(mXn)) ofthe spaceP(mXn) of allm-homogenous polynomials onXn, the span of the firstn sequencesek=(\gdkj)j in a Banach sequence spaceX. Applications to Minkowski, Orlicz and Lorentz sequence spaces are given.

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The Dirichlet-Bohr radius

[EN] Denote by Ω(n) the number of prime divisors of n ∈ N (counted with multiplicities). For x ∈ N define the Dirichlet-Bohr radius P L(x) to be the best r > 0 such that for every finite Dirichlet polynomial n≤x ann −s we have X n≤x |an|r Ω(n) ≤ sup t∈R X n≤x ann −it . We prove that the asymptotically correct order of L(x) is (log x) 1/4x −1/8 . Following Bohr’s vision our proof links the estimation of L(x) with classical Bohr radii for holomorphic functions in several variables. Moreover, we suggest a general setting which allows to translate various results on Bohr radii in a systematic way into results on Dirichlet-Bohr radii, and vice versa

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Hardy–Littlewood Inequality

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We study the arithmetic Bohr radius of Reinhardt domains in ℂ n which was successfully used in our study of monomial expansions for holomorphic functions in infinite dimensions. We show that this new Bohr radius is different from the radii invented by Boas and Khavinson and Aizenberg. It gives an explicit formula for the n-dimensional hypercone (which means n-dimensional variants of classical results of Bohr and Bombieri), and moreover asymptotically corrects upper and lower estimates for various types of convex and non-convex Reinhardt domains.

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Unconditional Basis and Gordon–Lewis Constants for Spaces of Polynomials

Abstract No infinite dimensional Banach space X is known which has the property that for m ⩾2 the Banach space of all continuous m -homogeneous polynomials on X has an unconditional basis. Following a program originally initiated by Gordon and Lewis we study unconditionality in spaces of m -homogeneous polynomials and symmetric tensor products of order m in Banach spaces. We show that for each Banach space X which has a dual with an unconditional basis ( x * i ), the approximable (nuclear) m -homogeneous polynomials on X have an unconditional basis if and only if the monomial basis with respect to ( x * i ) is unconditional. Moreover, we determine an asymptotically correct estimate for the …

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Bohr radii of vector valued holomorphic functions

Abstract Motivated by the scalar case we study Bohr radii of the N -dimensional polydisc D N for holomorphic functions defined on D N with values in Banach spaces.

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Tensor products of Fréchet or (DF)-spaces with a Banach space

Abstract The aim of the present article is to study the projective tensor product of a Frechet space and a Banach space and the injective tensor product of a (DF)-space and a Banach space. The main purpose is to analyze the connection of the good behaviour of the bounded subsets of the projective tensor product and of the locally convex structure of the injective tensor product with the local structure of the Banach space.

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Functions of One Variable

A classical result of Fatou gives that every bounded holomorphic function on the disc has radial limits for almost every point in the torus, and the limit function belongs to the Hardy space H_\infty of the torus. This property is no longer true when we consider vector-valued functions. The Banach spaces X for which this property is satisfied are said to have the analytic Radon-Nikodym property (ARNP). Some important equivalent reformulations of ARNP are studied in this chapter. Among others, X has ARNP if and only if each X-valued H_p- function f on the disc has radial limits almost everywhere on the torus (and not only H_\infty-functions). Even more, in this case each such f has non-tange…

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Existence of Unconditional Bases in Spaces of Polynomials and Holomorphic Functions

Our main result shows that every Montel Kothe echelon or coechelon space E of order 1 < p ≤ ∞ is nuclear if and only if for every (some) m ≥ 2 the space ((mE), τ0) of m-homegeneus polynomials on E endowed with the compact-open topology τ0 has an unconditional basis if and only if the space (ℋ(E), τδ) of holomorphic functions on E endowed with the bornological topology τδ associated to τ0 has an unconditional basis (for coechelon spaces τδ equals τ0). The main idea is to extend the concept of the Gordon-Lewis property from Banach to Frechet and (DF) spaces. In this way we obtain techniques which are used to characterize the existence of unconditional basis in spaces of m-th (symmetric) tenso…

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Selected Topics on Banach Space Theory

Basic topics on Banach space theory needed for the text are reviewed. Hahn-Banach theorem, Baire’s theorem, uniform boundedness principle, closed graph theorem, weak topologies, Banach-Alaoglu theorem, unconditional basis, Banach sequence spaces, summing operators, factorable operators, cotype, Kahane inequality.

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Estimates for the first and second Bohr radii of Reinhardt domains

AbstractWe obtain general lower and upper estimates for the first and the second Bohr radii of bounded complete Reinhardt domains in Cn.

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Holomorphic Functions on Polydiscs

This is a short introduction to the theory of holomorphic functions in finitely and infinitely many variables. We begin with functions in finitely many variables, giving the definition of holomorphic function. Every such function has a monomial series expansion, where the coefficients are given by a Cauchy integral formula. Then we move to infinitely many variables, considering functions defined on B_{c0}, the open unit ball of the space of null sequences. Holomorphic functions are defined by means of Frechet differentiability. We have versions of Weierstrass and Montel theorems in this setting. Every holomorphic function on B_{c0} defines a family of coefficients through a Cauchy integral …

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Infinite Dimensional Holomorphy

We give an introduction to vector-valued holomorphic functions in Banach spaces, defined through Frechet differentiability. Every function defined on a Reinhardt domain of a finite-dimensional Banach space is analytic, i.e. can be represented by a monomial series expansion, where the family of coefficients is given through a Cauchy integral formula. Every separate holomorphic (holomorphic on each variable) function is holomorphic. This is Hartogs’ theorem, which is proved using Leja’s polynomial lemma. For infinite-dimensional spaces, homogeneous polynomials are defined as the diagonal of multilinear mappings. A function is holomorphic if and only if it is Gâteaux holomorphic and continuous…

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