M. Schneider
Monozygote, weibliche Zwillingsfrühgeborene diskordant für das seltene, schwere Fehlbildungssyndrom einer fetalen Megazystis mit Kloakenfehlbildung nach künstlicher Befruchtung – Fallbericht und Literaturübersicht
Monozygote Zwillinge gelten gemeinhin als „identische Klone“. Es gibt jedoch eine zunehmende Anzahl an Fallberichten uber diskordante eineiige Zwillinge und Ursachen fur Diskordanz werden vermehrt untersucht. Wir berichten uber monozygote Zwillingsfruhgeborene, diskordant fur die seltene fetale Megazystis bei Kloakenfehlbildung. Durch Konzeption mittels intrazytoplasmatischer Spermieninjektion entstand nach Transfer von 2 Embryonen ein monochoriales, diamniales Zwillingspaar. Im ersten Trimenon wurde eine diskordante fetale Megazystis mit konsekutivem Oligohydramnion und Lungenhypoplasie bei unauffalligem Karyotyp diagnostiziert. Das betroffene Kind wurde bei 25+3 SSW geboren, palliativ beh…
Efficient generation of energetic ions in multi-ion plasmas by radio-frequency heating
We describe a new technique for the efficient generation of high-energy ions with electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in multi-ion plasmas. The discussed ‘three-ion’ scenarios are especially suited for strong wave absorption by a very low number of resonant ions. To observe this effect, the plasma composition has to be properly adjusted, as prescribed by theory. We demonstrate the potential of the method on the world-largest plasma magnetic confinement device, JET (Joint European Torus, Culham, UK), and the high-magnetic-field tokamak Alcator C-Mod (Cambridge, USA). The obtained results demonstrate efficient acceleration of 3He ions to high energies in dedicated hydrogen–deuterium mixtures.…
Spectrum and Morphology of the Very-High-Energy Source HAWC J2019+368
The MGRO J2019+37 region is one of the brightest sources in the sky at TeV energies. It was detected in the 2 year HAWC catalog as 2HWC J2019+367 and here we present a detailed study of this region using data from HAWC. This analysis resolves the region into two sources: HAWC J2019+368 and HAWC J2016+371. We associate HAWC J2016+371 with the evolved supernova remnant CTB 87, although its low significance in this analysis prevents a detailed study at this time. An investigation of the morphology (including possible energy dependent morphology) and spectrum for HAWC J2019+368 is the focus of this work. We associate HAWC J2019+368 with PSR J2021+3651 and its X-ray pulsar wind nebula, the Drago…
Novel method for determination of tritium depth profiles in metallic samples
Tritium accumulation in fusion reactor materials is considered a serious radiological issue, therefore a lot of effort has been concentrated on the development of radiometric techniques. A novel method, based on gradual dissolution, for the determination of the total tritium content and its depth profiles in metallic samples is demonstrated. This method allows for the measurement of tritium in metallic samples after their exposure to a hydrogen and tritium mixture, tritium containing plasma or after irradiation with neutrons resulting in tritium formation. In this method, successive layers of metal are removed using an appropriate etching agent in the controlled regime and the amount of evo…
Overview of the JET results
Since the installation of an ITER-like wall, the JET programme has focused on the consolidation of ITER design choices and the preparation for ITER operation, with a specific emphasis given to the bulk tungsten melt experiment, which has been crucial for the final decision on the material choice for the day-one tungsten divertor in ITER. Integrated scenarios have been progressed with the re-establishment of long-pulse, high-confinement H-modes by optimizing the magnetic configuration and the use of ICRH to avoid tungsten impurity accumulation. Stationary discharges with detached divertor conditions and small edge localized modes have been demonstrated by nitrogen seeding. The differences in…
Compton scattering by the proton through θcms = 75° and 90° in the Δ-resonance region
Abstract Differential cross sections for Compton scattering by the proton have been measured in the energy interval between 200 and 500 MeV at scattering angles of θcms = 75° and θcms = 90° using the CATS, the CATS/TRAJAN, and the COPP setups with the Glasgow Tagger at MAMI (Mainz). The data are compared with predictions from dispersion theory using photo-meson amplitudes from the recent VPI solution SM95. The experiment and the theoretical procedure are described in detail. It is found that the experiment and predictions are in agreement as far as the energy dependence of the differential cross sections in the Δ-range is concerned. However, there is evidence that a scaling down of the reso…
Association Between Tumor Egfr and Kras Mutation Status and Clinical Outcomes in Nsclc Patients Randomized to Sorafenib Plus Best Supportive Care (BSC) or Bsc Alone: Subanalysis of the Phase III Mission Trial
ABSTRACT Background Tumor EGFR and KRas mutations are both predictive and prognostic biomarkers in patients with advanced NSCLC. We analyzed the correlation between these biomarkers and treatment outcomes in a phase III trial of 3rd/4th line sorafenib in patients with NSCLC. Methods The global, randomized, placebo-controlled MISSION trial enrolled 703 patients with advanced relapsed/refractory NSCLC of predominantly non-squamous histology. The primary study endpoint was overall survival (OS). EGFR and KRas mutations were analyzed in archival tumor samples and in circulating tumor DNA isolated from plasma. Results Tumor and/or plasma mutation data were available from 347 patients (49%). EGFR…
A high angular-resolution and time-of-flight detector system for recoil protons from the reactions p(γ, γ)p and p(γ, π0)p
Using the Mainz NaI(Tl)BaF2 photon spectrometer CATS (Compton And Two photon Spectrometer) together with the prototype of a universal spectrometer for recoil protons TRAJAN (TRAjectory ANalyser) we have studied different methods to disentangle Compton scattering by the proton from the large π0 background through the energy range of the Δ resonance. CATS is a modular 48 cm ⊘ × 64 cm NaI(Tl) detector with an energy resolution of 1.5% combined with a 2π array of 61 BaF2 detectors. TRAJAN consists of a hodoscope with two planes, a wire chamber with horizontal and vertical wires and a grid of horizontal and vertical plastic scintillator strips, followed by a wall of nine NaI(Tl) detectors. By t…
Impact of clinical phenotypes on management and outcomes in European atrial fibrillation patients: a report from the ESC-EHRA EURObservational Research Programme in AF (EORP-AF) General Long-Term Registry
Abstract Background Epidemiological studies in atrial fibrillation (AF) illustrate that clinical complexity increase the risk of major adverse outcomes. We aimed to describe European AF patients’ clinical phenotypes and analyse the differential clinical course. Methods We performed a hierarchical cluster analysis based on Ward’s Method and Squared Euclidean Distance using 22 clinical binary variables, identifying the optimal number of clusters. We investigated differences in clinical management, use of healthcare resources and outcomes in a cohort of European AF patients from a Europe-wide observational registry. Results A total of 9363 were available for this analysis. We identified three …
Comparison of the structure of the plasma-facing surface and tritium accumulation in beryllium tiles from JET ILW campaigns 2011-2012 and 2013-2014
In this study, beryllium tiles from Joint European Torus (JET) vacuum vessel wall were analysed and compared regarding their position in the vacuum vessel and differences in the exploitation conditions during two campaigns of ITER-Like-Wall (ILW) in 2011-2012 (ILW1) and 2013-2014 (ILW2) Tritium content in beryllium samples were assessed. Two methods were used to measure tritium content in the samples - dissolution under controlled conditions and tritium thermal desorption. Prior to desorption and dissolution experiments, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy were used to study structure and chemical composition of plasma-facing-surfaces of the beryllium sampl…
Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to a dark matter signal from the Galactic centre
Full list of authors: Acharyya, A.; Adam, R.; Adams, C.; Agudo, I.; Aguirre-Santaella, A.; Alfaro, R.; Alfaro, J.; Alispach, C.; Aloisio, R.; Alves Batista, R.; Amati, L.; Ambrosi, G.; Angüner, E. O.; Antonelli, L. A.; Aramo, C.; Araudo, A.; Armstrong, T.; Arqueros, F.; Asano, K.; Ascasíbar, Y. Ashley, M.; Balazs, C.; Ballester, O.; Baquero Larriva, A.; Barbosa Martins, V.; Barkov, M.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Barrio, J. A.; Bastieri, D.; Becerra, J.; Beck, G.; Becker Tjus, J.; Benbow, W.; Benito, M.; Berge, D.; Bernardini, E.; Bernlöhr, K.; Berti, A.; Bertucci, B.; Beshley, V.; Biasuzzi, B.; Biland, A.; Bissaldi, E.; Biteau, J.; Blanch, O.; Blazek, J.; Bocchino, F.; Boisson, C.; Bonneau Arbe…
Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall
Following the completion in May 2011 of the shutdown for the installation of the beryllium wall and the tungsten divertor, the first set of JET campaigns have addressed the investigation of the retention properties and the development of operational scenarios with the new plasma-facing materials. The large reduction in the carbon content (more than a factor ten) led to a much lower Zeff (1.2-1.4) during L- and H-mode plasmas, and radiation during the burn-through phase of the plasma initiation with the consequence that breakdown failures are almost absent. Gas balance experiments have shown that the fuel retention rate with the new wall is substantially reduced with respect to the C wall. T…
Photoemission of protons from4He in theΔ-resonance region
High resolution proton energy spectra from the4He(γ,p) reaction have been measured with tagged photons in the range Eγ = 130−525 MeV using the large Mainz NaI(T1) spectrometer atΘplab=37.1°. Three separate reaction channels were identified, viz.4He(γ,p)t two-body breakup,4He photodisintegration via two-nucleon photon absorption processes and the quasifree pion production channel. Differential cross sections are presented for each of these channels as a function of photon energy. The sum of the two-nucleon photon absorption and the quasifree pion production differential cross sections, in the CM system, resembles that of the corresponding free-nucleon differential cross section when Fermi mo…
Overview of the JET results in support to ITER
The 2014–2016 JET results are reviewed in the light of their significance for optimising the ITER research plan for the active and non-active operation. More than 60 h of plasma operation with ITER first wall materials successfully took place since its installation in 2011. New multi-machine scaling of the type I-ELM divertor energy flux density to ITER is supported by first principle modelling. ITER relevant disruption experiments and first principle modelling are reported with a set of three disruption mitigation valves mimicking the ITER setup. Insights of the L–H power threshold in Deuterium and Hydrogen are given, stressing the importance of the magnetic configurations and the recent m…
Technical challenges in the construction of the steady-state stellarator Wendelstein 7-X
The next step in the Wendelstein stellarator line is the large superconducting device Wendelstein 7-X, currently under construction in Greifswald, Germany. Steady-state operation is an intrinsic feature of stellarators, and one key element of the Wendelstein 7-X mission is to demonstrate steady-state operation under plasma conditions relevant for a fusion power plant. Steady-state operation of a fusion device, on the one hand, requires the implementation of special technologies, giving rise to technical challenges during the design, fabrication and assembly of such a device. On the other hand, also the physics development of steady-state operation at high plasma performance poses a challeng…
Field application of the juvenile hormone analogue fenoxycarb against hopper bands of Locusta migratoria capito in Madagascar
Summary Field trials have been carried out to examine the suitability of the JHA fenoxycarb in locust control. Laboratory tests have shown that a variety of JHAs, including fenoxycarb, applied to last instar larvae increased mortality, induced morphogenetic defects during metamorphosis, reduced fertility and provoked solitarisation of gregarious hoppers. The phase shift was indicated by green coloration and the acquisition of morphological and behavioural characteristics typical for solitary locusts. The present field experiments should clarify whether or not the effects observed in the laboratory are also observed with hopper bands in their natural habitat and if swarm formation and emigra…
Intoxication with a tropenol ester.
BACKGROUND While the effects of medicinal products are investigated in depth before approval, often very little is known about the intermediates occurring during synthesis. The pharmacological properties of these intermediates can differ substantially from those of the end product. AIMS To describe a work accident involving intoxication with such an intermediate, tropenol ester. CASE REPORT A healthy 40-year-old chemical-technical operative erroneously used a scrubbing brush that had just been used to clear up tropenol ester, contaminating his work clothes. Presumably, contact was made with his skin when removing his work clothes later. Shortly thereafter, he developed signs of anticholiner…
Morphometric assessment of testicular changes in drug-related fatalities.
Testicular sections of 50 deceased drug addicts were examined by light microscopy using morphometric methods and determining the extent of spermatogenesis by application of the Johnsen score count. Twenty cases of violent death served as reference sample. The study was aimed at obtaining data about the degree of germinal gland damage following the duration of the individual drug career, which was correlated to the histologic findings. Progressively reduced maturation of germinal cells, decrease of tubular diameter and height of sperm-producing epithelium were found the longer the individual case history has been. The results clearly indicated a substantial impairment of male fertility in th…
Push-and-Pull Enteroscopy using the Double-Balloon Technique: Method of Assessing Depth of Insertion and Training of the Enteroscopy Technique using the Erlangen Endo-Trainer
Background and study aims This study was conducted to test a method of measuring the depth of insertion into the small bowel during push-and-pull enteroscopy using the Erlangen Endo-Trainer. Furthermore, the Erlangen Endo-Trainer model for training in the new method of push-and-pull enteroscopy using the double-balloon technique was also evaluated. Materials and methods Specially prepared packages of porcine upper visceral organs were used, including the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, and small bowel, implanted into the Erlangen Endo-Trainer. In the first step of this study, all of the modifications needed to obtain a model useful for training in the new enteroscopy technique were tested, in…
Elastic and inelastic photon scattering from 12C
Abstract The elastic and inelastic photon scattering from 12 C was investigated in the energy range of the Δ-resonance ( E γ = 200–500 MeV) at a scattering angle of 40°. The experiment was performed with the tagged photon facility at the cw electron accelerator MAMI ( E e − = 855 MeV). By using a large NaI(Tl) detector having an energy resolution of 1.5%, the elastic scattering could be separated from the inelastic process to the first excited state ( E x = 4.44 MeV of 12 C. The differential cross section for the coherent scattering is compared with a simple static ansatz, that uses the known charge form factor, and with a recent Δ-hole calculation.
Association of central and peripheral pulse pressure with intermediate cardiovascular phenoytpes
Objective: We assessed the relationship between pulse pressure and intermediate cardiovascular phenotypes in a middle-aged cohort with high prevalence of hypertension. Background: It has been suggested that central pulse pressure (cPP) is a better predictor of cardiovascular outcome than peripheral pulse pressure (pPP), particularly in the elderly. Yet, it is unclear if cPP provides additional prognostic information to pPP in younger individuals. Methods: In 535 individuals we assessed cPP and pPP as well as the intermediate cardiovascular phenotypes pulse wave velocity (PWV; SphygmoCor, Complior, PulsePen), carotid intima-media thickness (C-IMT; carotid ultrasound), left-ventricular mass i…
Scientific Proceedings Second International Symposium on Cytostatic Drug Resistance
Modelling of JET hybrid plasmas with emphasis on performance of combined ICRF and NBI heating
International audience; During the 2015--2016 JET campaigns, many efforts have been devoted to the exploration of high-performance plasma scenarios envisaged for DT operation in JET. In this paper, we review various key recent hybrid discharges and model the combined ICRF NBI heating. These deuterium discharges with deuterium beams had the ICRF antenna frequency tuned to match the cyclotron frequency of minority H at the centre of the tokamak coinciding with the second harmonic cyclotron resonance of D. The modelling takes into account the synergy between ICRF and NBI heating through the second harmonic cyclotron resonance of D beam ions, allowing us to assess its impact on the neutron rate…
Gamma-Ray spectral energy in HAWC J1825-134 region
The Earth is bombarded by ultrarelativistic particles, known as cosmic rays (CRs). CRs with energies up to a few PeV (=1015eV), the knee in the particle spectrum, are believed to have a Galactic origin. One or more factories of PeV CRs, or PeVatrons, must thus be active within our Galaxy. The direct detection of PeV protons from their sources is not possible since they are deflected in the Galactic magnetic fields. Hundred TeV {gamma}-rays from decaying {pi}0, produced when PeV CRs collide with the ambient gas, can provide the decisive evidence of proton acceleration up to the knee. Here we report the discovery by the High Altitude Water Cerenkov (HAWC) observatory of the {gamma}-ray source…
3rd HAWC cat. of VHE gamma-ray sources (3HWC)
We present a new catalog of TeV gamma-ray sources using 1523 days of data from the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory. The catalog represents the most sensitive survey of the northern gamma-ray sky at energies above several TeV, with three times the exposure compared to the previous HAWC catalog, 2HWC. We report 65 sources detected at >=5{sigma} significance, along with the positions and spectral fits for each source. The catalog contains eight sources that have no counterpart in the 2HWC catalog, but are within 1{deg} of previously detected TeV emitters, and 20 sources that are more than 1{deg} away from any previously detected TeV source. Of these 20 new sources, 14 have a p…
HAWC Gamma-Ray survey, AGNs at TeV photon energies
The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Gamma-Ray Observatory continuously detects TeV photons and particles within its large field of view, accumulating every day a deeper exposure of two-thirds of the sky. We analyzed 1523days of HAWC live data acquired over four and a half years, in a follow-up analysis of 138 nearby (z<0.3) active galactic nuclei from the Third Catalog of Hard Fermi-LAT sources culminating within 40{deg} of the zenith at Sierra Negra, the HAWC site. This search for persistent TeV emission used a maximum- likelihood analysis assuming intrinsic power-law spectra attenuated by pair production of gamma-ray photons with the extragalactic background light. HAWC clearly detec…
CCDC 258871: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: V.Bohmer, B.Costisella, J.Gloede, S.Ozegowski, M.Schneider, I.Thondorf|2005|Eur.J.Org.Chem.|2005|2788|doi:10.1002/ejoc.200400906