Antonio Lleó-pérez
Quantitative corneal anatomy in emmetropic subjects.
PURPOSE Currently there is little information available about the corneal thickness values of healthy emmetropic subjects. Therefore, the authors decided to analyze the corneal thickness in healthy emmetropic subjects. METHODS The authors analyzed the difference in thickness values between the thinnest corneal site and the central and paracentral cornea in 124 eyes of 124 healthy emmetropic white subjects. RESULTS The mean difference between the thinnest site of the cornea and the thickness values obtained in the areas analyzed was as follows: 12+/-6 microm center; 140+/-19 microm superonasal; 133+/-23 microm nasal; 117+/-26 microm inferonasal; 122+/-19 microm superotemporal ; 89+/-22 micro…
Sistemas genéticos para un nuevo abordaje del riesgo de progresión de la retinopatía diabética
Resumen Objetivo Evaluar el riesgo de progresion de la retinopatia diabetica (RD) utilizando nuevas estrategias para obtener informacion genetica en diabeticos tipo 2 (DT2) basadas en interferencia por acido ribonucleico (ARN). Material y metodos Estudio multicentrico, prospectivo de casos-controles en 132 participantes divididos en: grupo DT2 (GDT2) con RD (+RD) y sin RD (−RD) (n = 77) y grupo control (GC) (n = 55). Tras entrevista personal y examen oftalmologico, se extrajeron lagrimas para analisis molecular (expresion de micro-ARN [miARN] [miRCURY™ ARN Isolation Kit, Qiagen]). En 18 muestras (GDT2+RD = 6; GDT2–RD = 6; GC = 6) obtuvimos librerias de 137 vs. 140 pares de bases (GeneMapper…
Anatomic study of the corneal thickness of young emmetropic subjects.
PURPOSE To study the corneal thickness of young emmetropic subjects. METHODS One thousand eyes of 1000 young healthy emmetropic subjects were analyzed with the Orbscan Topography System II (Orbscan, Inc, Salt Lake City, UT) from January 2001 to May 2003. The age of the subjects ranged from 20 to 30 years old (mean +/- SD = 27.12 +/- 2.86). The mean of 5 consecutive measurements of the corneal thickness in the center of the cornea and at temporal, superotemporal, inferotemporal, nasal, inferonasal, and superonasal cornea were recorded. RESULTS The corneal thickness at the following areas ranged as follows: 518 to 589 microm center; 603 to 678 microm nasal; 620 to 689 microm superonasal; 600 …
Enhanced Oxidative Stress and Other Potential Biomarkers for Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetics: Beneficial Effects of the Nutraceutic Supplements
We have studied the global risk of retinopathy in a Mediterranean population of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients, according to clinical, biochemical, and lifestyle biomarkers. The effects of the oral supplementation containing antioxidants/omega 3 fatty acids (A/ω3) were also evaluated. Suitable participants were distributed into two main groups: (1) T2DMG (with retinopathy (+DR) or without retinopathy (−DR)) and (2) controls (CG). Participants were randomly assigned (+A/ω3) or not (−A/ω3) to the oral supplementation with a daily pill of Nutrof Omega (R) for 18 months. Data collected including demographics, anthropometrics, characteristics/lifestyle, ophthalmic examination (best cor…
Quantitative anatomical differences in central corneal thickness values determined with scanning-slit corneal topography and noncontact specular microscopy.
PURPOSE This study was designed to analyze the differences in central corneal thickness values determined with noncontact specular microscopy and scanning-slit corneal topography. The measurements were performed on the same eye. METHODS We analyzed the central corneal thickness values of 93 patients (n = 93) by means of noncontact specular microscopy (Topcon SP-2000P noncontact specular microscope, Topcon Corp., Tokyo, Japan) and scanning-slit corneal topography (Orbscan Topography System II, Orbscan Inc., Salt Lake City, UT). One experienced physician performed 3 consecutive central corneal thickness measurements with both devices. RESULTS The central corneal thickness values obtained by m…
Biomarcadores de peroxidación lipídica en el humor acuoso de pacientes con glaucoma primario de ángulo abierto
Resumen Objetivo Investigamos la peroxidacion lipidica (PEROX) en el glaucoma primario de angulo abierto (GPAA) y si este mecanismo puede relacionarse con su progresion. Material y metodos Estudio prospectivo observacional, transversal, analitico no experimental de casos y grupo comparativo, con seleccion de 175 pacientes quirurgicos, distribuidos en: 1) grupo diagnosticado de GPAA (GG; n = 88) y 2) grupo comparativo de pacientes con cataratas (GC; n = 87). Se han obtenido datos demograficos, caracteristicas de los participantes y estilo de vida. Se realizo un examen oftalmologico centrado en GPAA. Se obtuvieron muestras de humor acuoso al principio de la cirugia programada, que fueron proc…
Glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase (ADH3) and low km mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2). New evidence for differential expression in the rat retina in response to oxidative stress.
Epidemiological and experimental studies support the involvement of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in retinal diseases. In addition to other pathogenic mechanisms not fully understood, the possibility remains that peroxidic aldehydes, acting as cytotoxic chemicals, mediate in the progression of chronic ocular disorders.To test proper mechanisms involved in removing peroxidic aldehydes from the retina, in an attempt to understand long-lasting changes induced by LPO, the oxidative and antioxidant enzymatic activities, as well as the retinal distribution and activity of glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase (ADH3) and low km mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2), were studied and c…
Inter-observer variability of central corneal thickness measurements using non-contact specular microscopy after laser in situ keratomileusis.
BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to investigate the inter-observer variability of central corneal thickness measurements carried out with a non-contact specular microscope in patients who had undergone myopic laser in situ keratomileusis. METHODS Twenty-six eyes of 26 subjects who had undergone myopic laser in situ keratomileusis were studied with the Topcon SP-2000P non-contact specular microscope (Topcon Corp, Tokyo, Japan). The mean of three consecutive measurements of the central corneal thickness was recorded by two investigators prior to and one month after myopic laser in situ keratomileusis. Results obtained by each of the two physicians were compared. RESULTS Prior to surgery t…
Orbscan Pachymetry: Differences between observers when carrying out measurements of the corneal thickness
espanolObjetivo: Estudiar el espesor corneal y la variabilidad entre observadores de las mediciones del espesor corneal empleando paquimetria Orbscan. Metodos: Analizamos el espesor corneal central y paracentral de 30 sujetos (n=30) cuya edad oscilaba entre 19 y 38 anos (media 27,27 D.E. 5,25) con el Sistema Topografico Orbscan II (Orbscan, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT, USA). La media de cinco mediciones consecutivas del espesor corneal fue obtenida por dos diferentes observadores. Los resultados obtenidos por los dos observadores se compararon. Resultados: No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los valores medios del espesor corneal de los observadores en la cornea central (p=0,749…
Biomarkers of lipid peroxidation in the aqueous humor of primary open-angle glaucoma patients
Objective To investigate the lipid peroxidation (PEROX) processes in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) patients, and whether this mechanism may be related to disease progression. Material and methods A prospective, observational, cross-sectional, non-experimental, and analytical study was conducted on a case and a comparison group, consisting of 175 surgical patients divided into: (1) POAG group (GG; n = 88) and (2) comparison group of patients with cataracts (CG; n = 87). Demographic data, patient characteristics, lifestyle data, as well as ophthalmological examination were registered in an Excel spreadsheet. Biochemical data were obtained by processing the aqueous humor collected at the …
Retinal nerve fibre layer and brain grey substance as early prognostic factors for disability in multiple sclerosis.
We read with interest the article by Bock et al ,1 in which the association between retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) and total macular volume (TMV) was analysed by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and contrast sensitivity was measured by functional acuity contrast testing in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. The authors found that the functional contrast vision in MS is influenced by morphological changes in the anterior visual pathway. This work emphasised that contrast sensitivity is reduced in MS, and that RNFL and TMV, as morphological measures of retinal axon loss, are predictors of contrast sensitivity. Ophthalmological examinations were the basis of the Bock et …
Goldmann Tonometry After Hyperopic Laser In Situ Keratomileusis
PURPOSE To identify differences in applanation tonometry between retreated and nonretreated eyes (primary LASIK eyes) 6 months after hyperopic laser in situ keratomileusis. METHODS In a prospective study 100 eyes (100 patients) underwent conventional hyperopic laser in situ keratomileusis under a 160-microm flap. Central Goldmann applanation tonometry was determined before and 6 months after surgery in 78 (78%) primary LASIK eyes and before surgery and 6 months after the retreatment date in 22 (22%) retreated eyes. RESULTS Preoperative mean tonometry was 14.96 +/- 1.96 mm Hg and 15.30 +/- 1.95 mm Hg in primary LASIK and retreated eyes, respectively. Six months after surgery it was 12.99 +/-…
Reduced corneal thickness values in postmenopausal women with dry eye.
To study and compare the corneal thickness values of postmenopausal women with dry eye and postmenopausal women without dry eye.The corneal thickness value of 30 postmenopausal women with dry eye (dry eye group; aged 52 to 55 years) and 32 postmenopausal women without dry eye (normal group; aged 51 to 55 years) was analyzed with the Orbscan Topography System II. Each woman underwent a tear breakup test, the Schirmer test, fluorescein staining of the cornea, and an analysis of the meibomian gland by slit lamp before corneal thickness measurement. The statistical analysis was performed by means of the unpaired Student t test.The mean corneal thickness value was significantly decreased in post…
Changes in the visual field following laser in situ keratomileusis for myopia
Purpose: To assess the changes of the visual field (VF) caused by transient intraocular pressure (IOP) peaks during laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery for myopia using automated perimetry. Methods: This prospective study involved 94 eyes of 94 patients who underwent a conventional LASIK procedure. A complete eye examination was carried out in which the IOP measurement, and Humphrey 24-2 SITA standard VF were tested prior to LASIK and 6 and 12 months after LASIK. Patients were divided into two subgroups according to their refractive error. VF global indices, Glaucoma Hemifield Test and the number of depressed points deviating at p < 5%, p < 2%, p < 1% and p < 0.5% on the Pattern …
Relationship Between Visual Field Sensitivity and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness Measured by Scanning Laser Polarimetry and Optical Coherence Tomography in Normal, Ocular Hypertensive and Glaucomatous Eyes
Purpose: To evaluate the correlation between automated achromatic perimetry (AAP) and the output of two retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) analysers: scanning laser polarimetry (GDx-VCC) and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Methods: Quantitative RNFL measurements with GDx-VCC and Stratus-OCT were obtained in one eye from 52 healthy subjects, 38 ocular hypertensive (OHT) patients and 94 glaucomatous patients. All patients underwent a complete examination, including AAP using the Swedish interactive threshold algorithm (SITA). The relationship between RNFL measurements and SITA visual field global indices were assessed by means of the following methods: analysis of variance, bivariate Pearso…
Genetic systems for a new approach to risk of progression of diabetic retinopathy.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the risk of progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR) using new strategies to obtain genetic information in type 2 diabetes (T2D) based on interfering ribonucleic acid (RNA). MATERIAL AND METHODS: A prospective multicentre case-control study of 132 participants was distributed into: T2D with (+DR) or without (-DR) (T2DG; n=77), and a control group (CG; n=55). After an eye examination and personal interview, tears were collected for molecular analysis (expression of microRNAs [miRNAs] (miRCURY ARN Isolation Kit, Qiagen)]. Libraries, 137 vs. 140bp (GeneMapper, Applied Biosystems), were obtained in 18 samples (T2DG+DR=6; T2DG-DR=6; CG=6) by performing next-generation sequ…