Adriano Azaripour
Undergraduate Students’ Acceptance of a Reciprocating One-File System for Endodontic Treatment
Abstract Objectives Reciprocating endodontic one-file systems are a comparatively new method for root canal shaping. Even though the mechanical properties are comparable to modern rotating mechanical systems, data about subjective assessment and application quality are scarce. This study evaluates the reciprocating one-file system in undergraduate education. Materials and Methods A total of 42 undergraduate students without experience regarding reciprocating file systems filled in a questionnaire in four different points in time (t 1–t 4) anonymously. The questionnaire was based on a numerical rating scale ranging from 0 to 10. Statistical Analysis A least significant difference post-hoc an…
Impact of Green Vegetables and Green Smoothies on Enamel Mineral Composition In Vitro
Background: Recently, smoothies with a high vegetable content have become very popular, especially among young adults. Objectives: This in vitro study was conducted to determine the erosive potential of selected green vegetables and green smoothies on human dental enamel. Methods: A total of ten green smoothies and eight freshly mixed vegetables were chosen, and pH, calcium and oxalic acid contents were measured. The enamel specimens were obtained from wisdom teeth and incubated with 3 selected foods (spinach, parsley, or green smoothie) for 12 and 24 hours (N = 6). Control samples were incubated with a physiological salt solution. An electron probe microanalyzer (Jeol JXA 8900RL) was utili…
A survey of clearing techniques for 3D imaging of tissues with special reference to connective tissue
AbstractFor 3-dimensional (3D) imaging of a tissue, 3 methodological steps are essential and their successful application depends on specific characteristics of the type of tissue. The steps are 1° clearing of the opaque tissue to render it transparent for microscopy, 2° fluorescence labeling of the tissues and 3° 3D imaging. In the past decades, new methodologies were introduced for the clearing steps with their specific advantages and disadvantages. Most clearing techniques have been applied to the central nervous system and other organs that contain relatively low amounts of connective tissue including extracellular matrix. However, tissues that contain large amounts of extracellular mat…
Effectiveness of a miswak extract-containing toothpaste on gingival inflammation: a randomized clinical trial.
Objectives In this study, the efficacy of a miswak extract-containing toothpaste (Salvadora persica) on gingival inflammation was compared with that of a herbal and a conventional toothpaste. Methods Non-smoking outpatients with sulcus bleeding index (SBI) ≥25% and with periodontal pocket depths ≤3 mm were randomly selected and divided into three groups: M-group, miswak extract-containing toothpaste; P-group, herbal toothpaste; and C-group, conventional toothpaste. After instructing the patients to brush their teeth twice a day for 3 weeks with the assigned toothpaste using a flat-trimmed manual toothbrush, a thorough oral examination was performed by a calibrated examiner (EH). The primary…
Die zahnärztliche selektive Intensivprophylaxe in Rheinland-Pfalz: Untersuchungen an Erstklässlern im Schuljahr 2013/2014
Ziel der Studie: Fur Kinder und Jugendliche mit stark erhohtem Kariesrisiko wurde durch die LAGZ (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Jugendzahnpflege) Rheinland-Pfalz im Jahr 2004 die selektive Intensivprophylaxe (SIP) etabliert. Vergleichbare Programme existieren in den meisten deutschen Bundeslandern in unterschiedlicher Auspragung. Die Ergebnisse der schulzahnarztlichen Untersuchungen der Erstklassler im Bundesland Rheinland-Pfalz im Schuljahr 2013/2014 werden nach Prophylaxeprogramm („Aktivprogramm Jugendzahnpflege“ [SIP] gegenuber Standardprogramm [SP]) betrachtet. Hierbei sollen die innerschuljahrlichen Auswirkungen auf das teilnehmende Kollektiv beleuchtet werden. Des Weiteren soll untersucht…
Computer guided immediate implant placement into fresh extracted socket and soft tissue augmentation using a three-dimensional collagen matrix and immediate provisional restoration in the esthetic zone- 12-month results
Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy using diode laser activated indocyanine green as an adjunct in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: A randomized clinical trial.
Abstract Introduction Clinical studies have shown the usefulness of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) as an adjunctive in periodontal therapy. These studies did not utilize indocyanine green (ICG) as a recently introduced photosensitizer. The aim of this study was to perform a full-mouth double-blind randomized controlled clinical study to test the efficacy of adjunctive aPDT with ICG compared with scaling and root planing (SRP) alone in chronic periodontitis treatment. Materials and methods Fifty patients were selected for this study. All patients received SRP. Then, each patient was randomly assigned to either the test group (aPDT + SRP) or the control group (SRP). aPDT was perfor…
Comparison of conventional twist drill protocol and piezosurgery for implant insertion: an ex vivo study on different bone types.
Objective The aim of this ex vivo study was to compare implant insertion procedures using piezosurgery and conventional drilling in different qualities of bone. Implant bed preparation time, generated heat, and primary implant stability were analyzed. Material and methods Fresh ex vivo porcine bone block samples (cancellous, mixed, and cortical bone) were obtained. The bone quality was quantified by ultrasound transmission velocity (UTV). Each bone sample received three implants of the same diameter using each of the techniques of piezosurgery and conventional twist drills. Time for preparation was taken and the temperature while performing the osteotomy was measured using infrared spectros…
Root coverage with connective tissue graft associated with coronally advanced flap or tunnel technique: a randomized, double-blind, mono-centre clinical trial
Aim: The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to compare the coronally advanced flap (CAF) with the modified microsurgical tunnel technique (MMTT) for treatment of Miller class I and II recessions. Material and Methods: Forty patients with 71 gingival recessions were recruited and randomly assigned to either CAF or to MMTT. In both groups, a connective tissue graft was applied. Clinical evaluations were performed after 3, 6, and 12 months. Impressions were taken and digitally scanned three-dimensionally to evaluate the quantitative soft tissue changes in the operative region. Patient satisfaction was measured with the root coverage aesthetic score (RES). Results: After a period of 12 m…
Mundhygiene und Ernährungsgewohnheiten bei Jugendlichen mit festsitzenden kieferorthopädischen Apparaturen
Eine Vielzahl an Studien belegen, dass festsitzende kieferorthopadische Behandlungsmasnahmen (Multiband- oder Multibracket-Apparaturen) eine temporare Verschlechterung der Mundhygiene mit entsprechenden entzundlich bedingten Gingivaveranderungen hervorrufen konnen. Optimale Mundhygienemasnahmen und Anderungen der Ernahrungsgewohnheiten sind wesentliche Faktoren, um parodontale Entzundungen bei festsitzenden kieferorthopadischen (KFO-) Apparaturen zu vermeiden. In der vorliegenden Studie sollte uberpruft werden, inwieweit die Empfehlungen der behandelnden Kieferorthopaden von jugendlichen Patienten nachvollzogen werden. Insgesamt wurden 67 jugendliche Patienten mit festsitzenden KFO-Apparatu…
Anwendungsbeobachtungsstudie mit Ubistesin 1 : 400 000
In der vorliegenden klinischen Anwendungsbeobachtungsstudie wurde die Wirkdauer des Lokalanasthetikums Ubistesin 1: 400 000 getestet. Ziel der Studie war, den klinischen Nutzen hinsichtlich Wirkdauer und Einsatzbereiche zu prufen. Insgesamt sind 515 Zahne (380 Patienten) behandelt worden. Die Hauptindikationsbereiche waren Parodontalbehandlungen (n = 245), gefolgt von Kavitatenpraparationen (n = 162) und Legen von Fullungen (n = 39). Die mediane Anasthesiedauer betrug 162 min. Die individuelle Schmerzempfindung der Patienten lag jedoch zwischen 37 min und 7,5 h. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden klinischen Anwendungsbeobachtung zeigten, dass das verwendete Anasthetikum mit geringer Vasokonstr…
Oral Hygiene and Dietary Habits in Adolescents with Fixed Orthodontic Appliances: A Cross-sectional Study.
ABSTRACT Objectives Fixed orthodontic appliances (FOAs) may cause a temporary deterioration of oral hygiene with corresponding gingival inflammatory changes. Optimal oral hygiene and dietary changes are essential in order to avoid periodontal inflammation. The present study investigates to what extent the recommendations made by the orthodontist are followed by young patients. Materials and methods A total of 67 adolescent patients with FOA were examined and interviewed. The control group consisted of 70 patients of the same age who had not undergone any orthodontic treatment. A specific questionnaire (assessing dietary habits, oral hygiene measures) was used and comprehensive oral findings…
Odontogenic Infections: A 1-year Retrospective Study.
ABSTRACT Objectives The purpose of this study was to analyze the prevalence, demographic patterns and management of odontogenic infections in patients undergoing treatment in an outpatient dental emergency service of a university hospital. Materials and methods In a retrospective study of the year 2012, all patients suffering from odontogenic infections were included. Demographic data, diagnosis and the conducted treatment were analyzed. Odontogenic infections were defined as pulpitis, apical and marginal periodontitis, abscesses and pericoronitis. Results A total of 2,058 out of 4,209 emergency patients suffered from odontogenic infections. The majority (45.0%) had an apical periodontitis,…