Giovanni Augusto Carlesimo

Loss of spatial learning in a patient with topographical disorientation in new environments

The case is described of a patient who, following cerebral hypoxia, developed severe difficulty in orienting himself in new environments in the context of a mild global amnesic syndrome. Some episodes he related suggested that his main difficulty was remembering the spatial/directional value of landmarks he recognised. A neuroradiological examination documented severe bilateral atrophy of the hippocampi associated with atrophic changes in the cerebral hemispheres, most marked in the dorsal regions. Neuropsychological and experimental evaluation showed a severe deficit of spatial learning with substantially preserved ability to learn verbal and visual-object information. He was also virtuall…

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Lexical and conceptual components of stem completion priming in patients with Alzheimer's disease

This study evaluated the hypothesis of dissociation between normal lexical but deficient conceptual repetition priming in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). For this purpose, we administered to patients with AD and age-matched normal controls the Stem Completion task. In Experiment 1, the level of word processing during study was manipulated by requiring subjects to count vowels (graphemic condition) or generate meanings (semantic condition) of target words. In Experiment 2, the presentation modality was varied during the study to obtain an intramodal and crossmodal repetition priming. Probably due to a floor effect of performance in the graphemic condition, in Experiment 1, AD patient…

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Recognition memory for single items and for associations in amnesic patients

Recognition memory performance reflects two distinct processes or types of memory referred to as recollection and familiarity. According to theoretical claims about the two types of memory, single item and associative recognition tasks can be used as an experimental method to distinguish recollection and familiarity processes. Associative recognition decisions can be used as an index of recollection while memory for single items is mostly based on familiarity judgement. We employed this procedure to examine a possible dissociation in the memory performance of amnesic patients between spared single item and impaired associative recognition. Twelve amnesic patients, six with damage confined t…

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rTMS evidence of different delay and decision processes in a fronto-parietal neuronal network activated during spatial working memory.

The existence of a specific and widely distributed network for spatial working memory (WM) in humans, involving the posterior parietal cortex and the prefrontal cortex, is supported by a number of neuroimaging studies. We used a repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) approach to investigate the temporal dynamics and the reciprocal interactions of the different areas of the parieto-frontal network in normal subjects performing a spatial WM task, with the aim to compare neural activity of the different areas in the delay and decision phases of the task. Trains of rTMS at 25 Hz were delivered over the posterior parietal cortex (PPC), the premotor cortex (SFG) and the dorsolateral …

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Selective sparing of face learning in a global amnesic patient

Objective - To test the hypothesis that visual memory for faces can be dissociated from visual memory for topographical material. Method - A patient who developed a global amnesic syndrome after acute carbon monoxide poisoning is described. A neuroradiological examination documented severe bilateral atrophy of the hippocampi. Results - Despite a severe anterograde memory disorder involving verbal information, abstract figures, concrete objects, topographical scenes, and spatial information, the patient was still able to learn previously unknown human faces at a normal (and, in some cases, at a higher) rate. Conclusions - Together with previous neuropsychological evidence documenting selecti…

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Recognition memory and prefrontal cortex: Dissociating recollection and familiarity processes using rTMS

Recognition memory can be supported by both the assessment of the familiarity of an item and by the recollection of the context in which an item was encountered. The neural substrates of these memory processes are controversial. To address these issues we applied repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the right and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of healthy subjects performing a remember/know task. rTMS disrupted familiarity judgments when applied before encoding of stimuli over both right and left DLPFC. rTMS disrupted recollection when applied before encoding of stimuli over the right DLPFC. These findings suggest that the DLPFC plays a critical role in recog…

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Recollection and familiarity in hippocampal amnesia

Currently, there is a general agreement that two distinct cognitive operations, recollection and familiarity, contribute to performance on recognition memory tests. However, there is a controversy about whether recollection and familiarity reflect different memory processes, mediated by distinct neural substrates (dual-process models), or whether they are the expression of memory traces of different strength in the context of a unitary declarative memory system (unitary-strength models). Critical in this debate is the status of recognition memory in hippocampal amnesia and, in particular, whether the various structures in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) contribute differentially to the recol…

research product

Developmental dissociation between visual and auditory repetition priming: The role of input lexicons

Contrasting theories posit the source of verbal repetition priming in the activation of preexisting memory representations in the input lexicons or, alternatively, in the formation of new episodic memory traces. The two hypotheses predict different outcomes from the comparison of developmental rates of visual and auditory verbal repetition priming. The activation theory predicts a developmental dissociation between the early maturation of auditory priming and the later maturation of visuo-verbal priming, contingent upon the discrepant acquisition rates of the auditory and visual input lexicons. The episodic theory, instead, does not make such an assumption. We administered visual and audito…

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Keeping memory for intentions: A cTBS investigation of the frontopolar cortex

The present study aimed to investigate the role of frontopolar cortex in prospective memory (PM) by means of inhibitory theta-burst stimulation (cTBS). "Experiment 1"-8 volunteers were evaluated after inhibitory cTBS over left Brodmann area (BA) 10, right BA10, and Cz. In the PM procedure, sequences of 4 words each were presented. During the intersequence delay, subjects had to repeat the sequence in the observed order (ongoing task forward) or in the reverse order (backward). At the occurrence of a target word, subjects had to press a key on the keyboard (PM task). Recall and recognition of the target words were also tested. PM accuracy was lower after cTBS over left BA10 compared with Cz …

research product

Selective proper name anomia in a patient with asymmetric cortical degeneration

All cases of selective anomic deficit for proper names described until now are a consequence of focal cerebral lesions. In the present paper, we report the case of a patient, AF, with a deficient access to proper names of persons and normal access to common names probably subsumed by a degenerative process of the left cerebral hemisphere. MRI evidenced an atrophy of the left temporal lobe and SPECT highlighted hypoperfusion of the left hemisphere. Neuropsychological examination documented a deficient production of proper names belonging to famous personalities both on visual presentation and verbal definition. Moreover, on verbal fluency tasks, AF was poor for the categories of famous peopl…

research product

The Right Frontopolar Cortex Is Involved in Visual-Spatial Prospective Memory

The involvement of frontopolar cortex in mediating prospective memory processes has been evidenced by various studies, mainly by means of neuroimaging techniques. Recently, one transcranial magnetic stimulation study documented that transient inhibition of left Brodmann Area (BA) 10 impaired verbal prospective memory. This result raises the issue of whether the BA 10 involvement in prospective memory functioning may be modulated by the physical characteristics of the stimuli used. The present study aimed to investigate the role of the frontopolar cortex in visual-spatial PM by means of the application of inhibitory theta-burst stimulation. Twelve volunteers were evaluated after inhibitory t…

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Integration of cognitive allocentric information in visuospatial short-term memory through the hippocampus

Visuospatial short-term memory relies on a widely distributed neocortical network: some areas support the encoding process of the visually acquired spatial information, whereas other ares are more involved in the active maintenance of the encoded information. Recently, in a pointing to remembered targets task, it has been shown in healthy subjects that, for memory delays of 5 s, spatial errors are affected also by cognitive allocentric information, i.e., covert spatial information derived from a pure mental representation. We tested the effect of a lesion of the hippocampus on the accuracy of pointing movements toward remembered targets, with memory delays falling in the 0.5-30 s range. The…

research product

Brain activity during intra- and cross-modal priming: new empirical data and review of the literature

A positron emission tomography (PET) study was conducted to investigate the neurofunctional correlate of auditory within-modality and auditory-to-visual cross-modality stem completion priming. Compared to the auditory-to-auditory priming condition, cross-modality priming was associated with a significantly larger regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) decrease at the boundary between left inferior temporal and fusiform gyri, brain regions previously associated with modality independent lexical retrieval and reading. Instead, within-modality auditory priming was associated with a bilateral pattern of prefrontal rCBF increase. This was likely the expression of more efficient access to output lex…

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Impaired reproduction of second but not millisecond time intervals in Parkinson's disease

The basal ganglia have been associated with temporal processing in ranges of milliseconds and seconds. However, results from PD patient studies are elusive. Time perception in these patients has been tested with different approaches including repetitive movement tasks (i.e. finger tapping) and cognitive tasks (i.e. time reproduction), and both abnormal and normal performances have been reported for different time intervals. Furthermore, when PD patients were required to learn two target durations in the same session when they were off medication, they overestimated the short duration and underestimated the long duration in the seconds range. This pattern of temporal accuracy was described a…

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Remembering what but not where: independence of spatial and visual working memory in the human brain

We report the neuropsychological and MRI investigation of a patient (MV) who developed a selective impairment of visual-spatial working memory (WM) with preservation not only of verbal, but also of visual shape WM, following an ischemic lesion in the cerebral territory supplied by one of the terminal branches of the right anterior cerebral artery. MV was defective in visual-spatial WM whether the experimental procedure involved arm movement for target pointing or not. Also, in agreement with the role generally assigned to visual-spatial WM in visual imagery. MV was extremely slow in the mental rotation of visually and verbally presented objects. In striking contrast with the WM deficit, MV'…

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Parieto-frontal interactions in visual-object and visual-spatial working memory: Evidence from transcranial magnetic stimulation

This study aimed to investigate whether transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can induce selective working memory (WM) deficits of visual-object versus visual-spatial information in normal humans. Thirty-five healthy subjects performed two computerized visual n-back tasks, in which they were required to memorize spatial locations or abstract patterns. In a first series of experiments, unilateral or bilateral TMS was delivered on posterior parietal and middle temporal regions of both hemispheres after various delays during the WM task. Bilateral temporal TMS increased reaction times (RTs) in the visual-object, whereas bilateral parietal TMS selectively increased RTs in the visual-spatial W…

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Intact cross-modality text-specific repetition priming in patients with Alzheimer’s disease

This study was aimed at investigating the basic mechanisms of the normal repetition priming evoked by text re-reading procedures in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients (Monti, Gabrieli, Wilson, & Reminger, 1994; Monti et al., 1997). For this purpose, we contrasted the reading facilitation elicited by previous reading or listening to a text in a sample of AD patients and a group of age-matched normal controls. Consistent with previous evidence in normal undergraduates (Levy & Kirsner, 1989), previous listening to a text decreased the successive reading time of the same text (cross-modality priming). However, the reading facilitation elicited by previous reading of the same text (within…

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