Shuaiqiang Wang
Vectors of Pairwise Item Preferences
Neural embedding has been widely applied as an effective category of vectorization methods in real-world recommender systems. However, its exploration of users’ explicit feedback on items, to create good quality user and item vectors is still limited. Existing neural embedding methods only consider the items that are accessed by the users, but neglect the scenario when a user gives high or low rating to a particular item. In this paper, we propose Pref2Vec, a method to generate vector representations of pairwise item preferences, users and items, which can be directly utilized for machine learning tasks. Specifically, Pref2Vec considers users’ pairwise item preferences as elementary units. …
User session level diverse reranking of search results
Most Web search diversity approaches can be categorized as Document Level Diversification (DocLD), Topic Level Diversification (TopicLD) or Term Level Diversification (TermLD). DocLD selects the relevant documents with minimal content overlap to each other. It does not take the coverage of query subtopics into account. TopicLD solves this by modeling query subtopics explicitly. However, the automatic mining of query subtopics is difficult. TermLD tries to cover as many query topic terms as possible, which reduces the task of finding a query's subtopics into finding a set of representative topic terms. In this paper, we propose a novel User Session Level Diversification (UserLD) approach bas…
Challenges of Serendipity in Recommender Systems
Most recommender systems suggest items similar to a user profile, which results in boring recommendations limited by user preferences indicated in the system. To overcome this problem, recommender systems should suggest serendipitous items, which is a challenging task, as it is unclear what makes items serendipitous to a user and how to measure serendipity. The concept is difficult to investigate, as serendipity includes an emotional dimension and serendipitous encounters are very rare. In this paper, we discuss mentioned challenges, review definitions of serendipity and serendipity-oriented evaluation metrics. The goal of the paper is to guide and inspire future efforts on serendipity in r…
How does serendipity affect diversity in recommender systems? A serendipity-oriented greedy algorithm
Most recommender systems suggest items that are popular among all users and similar to items a user usually consumes. As a result, the user receives recommendations that she/he is already familiar with or would find anyway, leading to low satisfaction. To overcome this problem, a recommender system should suggest novel, relevant and unexpected i.e., serendipitous items. In this paper, we propose a serendipity-oriented, reranking algorithm called a serendipity-oriented greedy (SOG) algorithm, which improves serendipity of recommendations through feature diversification and helps overcome the overspecialization problem. To evaluate our algorithm, we employed the only publicly available datase…
Listwise Collaborative Filtering
Recently, ranking-oriented collaborative filtering (CF) algorithms have achieved great success in recommender systems. They obtained state-of-the-art performances by estimating a preference ranking of items for each user rather than estimating the absolute ratings on unrated items (as conventional rating-oriented CF algorithms do). In this paper, we propose a new ranking-oriented CF algorithm, called ListCF. Following the memory-based CF framework, ListCF directly predicts a total order of items for each user based on similar users' probability distributions over permutations of the items, and thus differs from previous ranking-oriented memory-based CF algorithms that focus on predicting th…
Social Collaborative Viewpoint Regression with Explainable Recommendations
A recommendation is called explainable if it not only predicts a numerical rating for an item, but also generates explanations for users' preferences. Most existing methods for explainable recommendation apply topic models to analyze user reviews to provide descriptions along with the recommendations they produce. So far, such methods have neglected user opinions and influences from social relations as a source of information for recommendations, even though these are known to improve the rating prediction. In this paper, we propose a latent variable model, called social collaborative viewpoint regression (sCVR), for predicting item ratings based on user opinions and social relations. To th…
Listwise Recommendation Approach with Non-negative Matrix Factorization
Matrix factorization (MF) is one of the most effective categories of recommendation algorithms, which makes predictions based on the user-item rating matrix. Nowadays many studies reveal that the ultimate goal of recommendations is to predict correct rankings of these unrated items. However, most of the pioneering efforts on ranking-oriented MF predict users’ item ranking based on the original rating matrix, which fails to explicitly present users’ preference ranking on items and thus might result in some accuracy loss. In this paper, we formulate a novel listwise user-ranking probability prediction problem for recommendations, that aims to utilize a user-ranking probability matrix to predi…
A survey of serendipity in recommender systems
We summarize most efforts on serendipity in recommender systems.We compare definitions of serendipity in recommender systems.We classify the state-of-the-art serendipity-oriented recommendation algorithms.We review methods to assess serendipity in recommender systems.We provide the future directions of serendipity in recommender systems. Recommender systems use past behaviors of users to suggest items. Most tend to offer items similar to the items that a target user has indicated as interesting. As a result, users become bored with obvious suggestions that they might have already discovered. To improve user satisfaction, recommender systems should offer serendipitous suggestions: items not …
Learning to Rank Images for Complex Queries in Concept-based Search
Concept-based image search is an emerging search paradigm that utilizes a set of concepts as intermediate semantic descriptors of images to bridge the semantic gap. Typically, a user query is rather complex and cannot be well described using a single concept. However, it is less effective to tackle such complex queries by simply aggregating the individual search results for the constituent concepts. In this paper, we propose to introduce the learning to rank techniques to concept-based image search for complex queries. With freely available social tagged images, we first build concept detectors by jointly leveraging the heterogeneous visual features. Then, to formulate the image relevance, …
Improving Serendipity and Accuracy in Cross-Domain Recommender Systems
Cross-domain recommender systems use information from source domains to improve recommendations in a target domain, where the term domain refers to a set of items that share attributes and/or user ratings. Most works on this topic focus on accuracy but disregard other properties of recommender systems. In this paper, we attempt to improve serendipity and accuracy in the target domain with datasets from source domains. Due to the lack of publicly available datasets, we collect datasets from two domains related to music, involving user ratings and item attributes. We then conduct experiments using collaborative filtering and content-based filtering approaches for the purpose of validation. Ac…
Finding Tours for a Set of Interests
This paper addresses a novel tour discovery problem in the domain of travel search. We create a ranking of tours for a set of travel interests, where a tour is a group of city documents and a travel interest is a query. While generating and ranking tours, it is aimed that each interest (from the interest set) is satisfied by at least one city in a tour and the distance traveled to cover the tour is not too large. Firstly, we generate tours for the interest set, by utilizing the available ranking of cities for the individual interests and the distances between the cities. Then, in absence of existing methods directly related to our problem, we devise our novel techniques to calculate ranking…
Cross-Domain Recommendations with Overlapping Items
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in cross-domain recommender systems. However, most existing works focus on the situation when only users or users and items overlap in different domains. In this paper, we investigate whether the source domain can boost the recommendation performance in the target domain when only items overlap. Due to the lack of publicly available datasets, we collect a dataset from two domains related to music, involving both the users’ rating scores and the description of the items. We then conduct experiments using collaborative filtering and content-based filtering approaches for validation purpose. According to our experimental results, the sourc…
The Issue Arena of a Corporate Social Responsibility Crisis : The Volkswagen Case in Twitter
This paper explores the online debate in a corporate social responsibility crisis, where multiple actors communicate through social media, each representing different interests and views pertaining to the crisis. The study utilizes Twitter data relating to the recent case of the falsified Volkswagen diesel emissions that became public in 2015. To better understand the online interaction, use is made of issue arena theory and insights on CSR crises. The focus is on capturing the issue as it evolved over time, the actors and sentiments expressed, and the responses of the organization. The findings show that after the case became public, the emissions issue received massive attention in Twitte…
CitySearcher: A City Search Engine For Interests
We introduce CitySearcher, a vertical search engine that searches for cities when queried for an interest. Generally in search engines, utilization of semantics between words is favorable for performance improvement. Even though ambiguous query words have multiple semantic meanings, search engines can return diversified results to satisfy different users' information needs. But for CitySearcher, mismatched semantic relationships can lead to extremely unsatisfactory results. For example, the city Sale would incorrectly rank high for the interest shopping because of semantic interpretations of the words. Thus in our system, the main challenge is to eliminate the mismatched semantic relationsh…
Linear Feature Extraction for Ranking
We address the feature extraction problem for document ranking in information retrieval. We then propose LifeRank, a Linear feature extraction algorithm for Ranking. In LifeRank, we regard each document collection for ranking as a matrix, referred to as the original matrix. We try to optimize a transformation matrix, so that a new matrix (dataset) can be generated as the product of the original matrix and a transformation matrix. The transformation matrix projects high-dimensional document vectors into lower dimensions. Theoretically, there could be very large transformation matrices, each leading to a new generated matrix. In LifeRank, we produce a transformation matrix so that the generat…
Behavior-based personalization in web search
Personalized search approaches tailor search results to users' current interests, so as to help improve the likelihood of a user finding relevant documents for their query. Previous work on personalized search focuses on using the content of the user's query and of the documents clicked to model the user's preference. In this paper we focus on a different type of signal: We investigate the use of behavioral information for the purpose of search personalization. That is, we consider clicks and dwell time for reranking an initially retrieved list of documents. In particular, we (i) investigate the impact of distributions of users and queries on document reranking; (ii) estimate the relevance …
A Hybrid Multigroup Coclustering Recommendation Framework Based on Information Fusion
Collaborative Filtering (CF) is one of the most successful algorithms in recommender systems. However, it suffers from data sparsity and scalability problems. Although many clustering techniques have been incorporated to alleviate these two problems, most of them fail to achieve further significant improvement in recommendation accuracy. First of all, most of them assume each user or item belongs to a single cluster. Since usually users can hold multiple interests and items may belong to multiple categories, it is more reasonable to assume that users and items can join multiple clusters (groups), where each cluster is a subset of like-minded users and items they prefer. Furthermore, most of…
A Serendipity-Oriented Greedy Algorithm for Recommendations
Most recommender systems suggest items to a user that are popular among all users and similar to items the user usually consumes. As a result, a user receives recommendations that she/he is already familiar with or would find anyway, leading to low satisfaction. To overcome this problem, a recommender system should suggest novel, relevant and unexpected, i.e. serendipitous items. In this paper, we propose a serendipity-oriented algorithm, which improves serendipity through feature diversification and helps overcome the overspecialization problem. To evaluate our algorithm and compare it with others, we employ a serendipity metric that captures each component of serendipity, unlike the most …
A Cooperative Coevolution Framework for Parallel Learning to Rank
We propose CCRank, the first parallel framework for learning to rank based on evolutionary algorithms (EA), aiming to significantly improve learning efficiency while maintaining accuracy. CCRank is based on cooperative coevolution (CC), a divide-and-conquer framework that has demonstrated high promise in function optimization for problems with large search space and complex structures. Moreover, CC naturally allows parallelization of sub-solutions to the decomposed sub-problems, which can substantially boost learning efficiency. With CCRank, we investigate parallel CC in the context of learning to rank. We implement CCRank with three EA-based learning to rank algorithms for demonstration. E…
Ranking-Oriented Collaborative Filtering: A Listwise Approach
Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most effective techniques in recommender systems, which can be either rating oriented or ranking oriented. Ranking-oriented CF algorithms demonstrated significant performance gains in terms of ranking accuracy, being able to estimate a precise preference ranking of items for each user rather than the absolute ratings (as rating-oriented CF algorithms do). Conventional memory-based ranking-oriented CF can be referred to as pairwise algorithms. They represent each user as a set of preferences on each pair of items for similarity calculations and predictions. In this study, we propose ListCF, a novel listwise CF paradigm that seeks improvement in bot…