Laura Lorente

Measurement of Hedonic and Eudaimonic Orientations to Happiness: The Spanish Orientations to Happiness Scale.

AbstractUnderstanding happiness and well-being has been one of the central issues for psychologists in recent decades. Happiness orientations have been identified as important pathways toward different types of well-being, and so the development and validation of scales for their measurement is an important step in their study. The present research aims to adapt and validate the Spanish Orientations to Happiness Scale (SOTH), a 6-item scale based on the Orientations to Happiness Questionnaire. This brief scale, which measures hedonic and eudemonic orientations, was administered to 1,647 Spanish workers. Scale structure was subjected to exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analysi…

research product

La Promoción y Educación para la Salud desarrollada desde los centros educativos como herramienta clave de las intervenciones de salud

ABSTRACT Promotion and Health Education developed from Schools is one of the key tools of health interventions. Access to children and young people is almost complete because of the obligatory education. In the period of the obligatory people education are more receptive for the learning, being the period of the vital development in which acquire major life habits that are consolidated with the years (physical activity, food, etc.) It also is an area of social intervention that counts with health workers who have high qualifications from the pedagogical point of view. In this context, the main objective of ESP is to develop activities and encourage the students to achieve the highest attain…

research product

How Work Characteristics Are Related to European Workers’ Psychological Well-Being. A Comparison of Two Age Groups

This study aimed to analyze the mechanisms through which work characteristics are related to psychological well-being, exploring the mediational role of work meaningfulness and job satisfaction, and investigating differences in the patterns of relationships between two age groups. The sample was composed of 36,896 workers from the 5th European Working Conditions Survey. Structural equation modeling analyses and multiple group analyses were performed. The results revealed a parallel mediational model, in which work meaningfulness and general job satisfaction mediate the relationships between work characteristics and well-being. Additionally, job satisfaction partially mediates the relationsh…

research product

The COVID-19 Crisis: Skills That Are Paramount to Build into Nursing Programs for Future Global Health Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic started at the end of 2019 and can be considered one of the most difficult health crises of the past century. It has had a devastating effect around the world, not only for public health, but also for the economy, labor market, and other facets of individual and societal life. Health systems have been put under high strain, and health professionals have experienced unusual and stressful work circumstances. With the aim of drawing lessons for nursing education, the present study analyzed, during the weeks of peak infection in Spain, the stress experience and coping strategies of a sample of 403 nurses from the Spanish health system. Specifically, we analyzed how tenure,…

research product

Linking transformational leadership to nurses’ extra-role performance: the mediating role of self-efficacy and work engagement

salanova m., lorente l., chambel m.j. & martinez i.m. (2011) Linking transformational leadership to nurses’ extra-role performance: the mediating role of self-efficacy and work engagement. Journal of Advanced Nursing 67(9), 2256–2266. Abstract Aims.  This paper is a report of a social cognitive theory-guided study about the link between supervisors’ transformational leadership and staff nurses’ extra-role performance as mediated by nurse self-efficacy and work engagement. Background.  Past research has acknowledged the positive influence that transformational leaders have on employee (extra-role) performance. However, less is known about the psychological mechanisms that may explain the lin…

research product

La educación para la salud en la escuela en la adquisicion de estilos de vida saludables

ABSTRACT: The main objective of ESP is to develop activities and encourage the students to achieve the highest attainable standard of health, through the acquisition of knowledge and skills that promote choice and adoption of healthy lifestyles, seeking the participation, the interaction and social integration and the ability to work critically and creatively, and the search for solutions. Promotion and Health Education developed from Schools is one of the key tools of health interventions. Access to children and young people is almost complete because of the obligatory education. In the period of the obligatory people education are more receptive for the learning, being the period of the v…

research product

Competencias tecnológicas en estudiantes de Educación Superior

En las últimas décadas las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación se han incorporado en todos los ámbitos de forma extensiva, y también ha influido en el ámbito educativo, aunque todavía queda mucho recorrido para la totalidad de su implantación. Los/as estudiantes son la pieza clave para comprobar el proceso de integración de las TIC en el sistema educativo, por ello, este artículo se centra en realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre  las competencias en TIC de los estudiantes universitarios, y para ello se establecen dos ámbitos: competencias tecnológicas y competencias pedagógicas y la relación que existen entre ellas, y a su vez, con el uso de las mismas, y la inf…

research product

Psychological contract profiles among permanent and temporary agency workers

Purpose– Based on the psychological contract (PC) theory, the purpose of this paper is to identify PC profiles, differentiating between permanent and temporary agency workers (TAW). Moreover, the authors analyzed whether different profiles presented different levels of work engagement.Design/methodology/approach– A cross-sectional survey data analysis of 2,867 workers, of whom 1,046 were TAW, was analyzed using latent profile analyses.Findings– Four PC profiles were identified, which differed quantitatively in terms of the overall dimension levels (i.e. balanced, relational and transactional) for PC (i.e. content and fulfillment). ANCOVAs showed that the relational/balanced dominant and tra…

research product

Challenges influencing the safety of migrant workers in the construction industry: A qualitative study in Italy, Spain, and the UK

Abstract The construction industry is notoriously high risk for accidents, injuries, and deaths, particularly for non-national or migrant workers, who comprise a significant proportion of the workforce. This paper presents an international, qualitative study focused on exploring the challenges which influence the safety of migrant construction workers in Italy, Spain, and the UK. Based on a comprehensive review of the literature, we formulated two research questions about the challenges relating to safety that migrant workers face and the challenges to safety training effectively improving migrant workers’ safety behaviours. We present our template analysis of semi-structured interviews and…

research product

How personal resources predict work engagement and self-rated performance among construction workers: A social cognitive perspective

Traditionally, research focussing on psychosocial factors in the construction industry has focused mainly on the negative aspects of health and on results such as occupational accidents. This study, however, focuses on the specific relationships among the different positive psychosocial factors shared by construction workers that could be responsible for occupational well-being and outcomes such as performance. The main objective of this study was to test whether personal resources predict self-rated job performance through job resources and work engagement. Following the predictions of Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory and the motivational process of the Job Demands-Resources Model, we exp…

research product

The predicting role of self-efficacyin the Job Demands-Resources Model: A longitudinal study

AbstractTaking Albert Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory as our starting point, we analysed the predicting role of self-efficacy in the Job Demands-Resources Model. We tested longitudinally the two underlying psychological processes, namely: 1) the motivational process, in which job resources (i.e., job autonomy and social support climate) foster engagement, and 2) the erosion process, in which high job demands (i.e., quantitative overload and role conflict) lead to burnout. Structural equation modelling in a sample of 274 secondary-school teachers confirmed both processes, as well as the powerful predicting role of self-efficacy. Finally, we discuss the theoretical findings and the practica…

research product

La educación para la salud en la escuela como intervención social

ABSTRACT Schools with families are socializing areas where it takes place the development of people in their early stages, exerting an important role in the configuration of behavior and social values of children and adolescents. When we consider the health as understood by the WHO, that is, as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellness and not only as the absence of disease we see that the attainment of good educational results by a school save a very close relationship with the attainment of optimal levels of health within the educational community. According to this fact schools that incorporate the health promotion as part of its educational are building the bases that wil…

research product

Nurses´ stressors and psychological distress during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The mediating role of coping and resilience

This study analyses the cross-sectional effect of sources of stress during the peak of COVID-19 pandemic on nurses´ psychological distress, focusing on the mediating role of coping strategies, both problem focused and emotion focused and resilience.Cross-sectional and quantitative analyses.Structural equation modelling was performed using survey data obtained during the period between 1 April-25 May 2020 in a sample of 421 nurses from 39 Spanish provinces.Results confirmed that: (a) All the stressors have a significant, direct, and negative relationship with nurses´ psychological distress; (b) Emotion-focused strategies is negatively related to nurses´ psychological distress directly and in…

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