Rosario Perricone
Introduzione ad Arte : Artworks, mimesis, agency
Il volume raccoglie alcune delle relazioni tenute all’interno del ciclo di seminari Antropologia dell’arte, organizzato nel 2019 dall’Associazione per la conservazione delle tradizioni popolari in collaborazione con l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo e curato da Rosario Perricone. Il seminario comprendeva diversi incontri durante i quali studiosi di diversi ambiti disciplinari hanno dibattuto su concetti, nozioni e oggetti che si pongono al crocevia tra le discipline dell’antropologia, della storia dell’arte, della semiotica, degli studi culturali, della visual culture, delineando talvolta fenomeni di ibridazione delle pratiche artistiche ed etnografiche e, talvolta, di dissolvenza delle …
L'oralità dell'immagine. Etnografia visiva nelle comunità rurali siciliane
L’opposizione ipotizzata fra tradizioni orali e scritte, che prevale in antropologia, è ingannevole: in primis perché tende ad annullare l’orale nel contrario dello scritto, e non ne comprende il modo di funzionare specifico; in secondo luogo perché non contempla la possibilità che, tra gli estremi dell’orale puro e dello scritto puro, esistano molte situazioni intermedie. Paradossalmente oggi, nella nostra società così impregnata di immagini, l’oralità è ritornata ad assumere un ruolo centrale proprio per la produzione e la comprensione del codice visivo. Questa «oralità dell’immagine» è connaturata nei nostri comportamenti quotidiani e per questo motivo risulta difficile individuarla e an…
Sulla memoria, la rappresentazione, il simbolico. Ripensando lo “statuto inquieto” delle immagini
Recensione del volume di Francesco Faeta "La passione secondo Cerveno. Arte, tempo, rito", Ledizioni, Milano 2019. Review of the volume by Francesco Faeta "Passion according to Cerveno. Art, time, ritual", Ledizioni, Milan 2019.
The Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum
The Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum
Il mangiare di san Giuseppe nel comprensorio delle Alte Madonie. Pietanze rituali e produzioni locali nel calendario festivo madonita
La ricerca si incentra su una festa legata al solstizio di primavera, con mensa rituale, in un'area montana della Sicilia A study on a traditional feast, with ritual eating, celebrated in connection with springtime in Madonie mountains (Sicily)
Immagini devote del popolo indiano
This volume, with the preface by Giovanni Filoramo, collects some of the sacred images of "Hinduism" of other religions born in India (Shikism, Buddhism), exhibited during the exhibition of the same name at the Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum from November 22 to December 31. 2007. These cult images are venerated in temples, in private homes and on the streets throughout India. The central idea was to show the iconographic path that these paintings (or photographs) have had in the popular imagination. An informative caption corresponds to each "portrait".
Forma e linguaggi del teatro dei pupi
The work of Sicilian puppets, not unlike the "total social facts" postulated by Marcel Mauss, is a "total" theatrical performance. It incorporates a series of collective representations able to account for the way Sicilian society was structured up to the second half of the twentieth century. In Sicily, the transmission of folklore knowledge was the result of constant interference between ancient and modern models, coexisting in different socio-cultural environments. This has given to the folkloristic practices (rites, techniques, expressive manifestations, etc.) a peculiar physiognomy, not reducible to clear oppositions between different social layers (hegemon / subaltern, rural / urban) o…
Pasqualino Contemporaneo
A Museum that tells stories. A Museum that houses ideas – not only things. A Museum that, going beyond the simple act of collecting, acquires a narrative dimension and turns into a meta-narrative, into an “Open Work”. This performance museum, which is the Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum, focuses on narration and trans- forms itself into a mnestic image, becomes a tool for intercultural mediation through the use of different artistic languages. This long tradition of study and research is the frame of the Pasqualino Museum’s contemporary art projects realized in the past ten years.
Artificazioni della performance: il caso del Museo Pasqualino
This paper analyzes the process, dating back to the last 50 years, which has seen the work of art approaching everyday life, with critical perspectives increasingly focused on processuality and performance. Therefore, a notion such as that of artification – “process of processes”, according to Heinich and Shapiro – signals the paradox of the success of art at the time of its deconstruction. In this cultural climate, ethnographic museums reproduce, rework or draw on the languages of contemporary art, making them tools to overcome an essentialist notion of heritage but also to present multivocal interpretations and reflect on the processes that underlie “showing the difference”. The “Antonio …
Bandi vivi
The processes of institutionalization and objectification of post-agricultural can be made clearer by deconstructing and making the procedures triggered by the application of rules imposed by the transnational bureaucratic machine of the European Union problematic and conflicting. The construction of competitive narratives between local and global, which according to the dominant rhetoric would produce unequivocal locality, defined in its relational and contextual aspects, are the basis of the institutionalized development aid system which, just like in colonialism, becomes a field of cultural protest and construction of the neighborhood ethnorami.
L’alto e puro Maestro. Giuseppe Pitrè vs Lamberto Loria: tre lettere inedite
This paper explores the relationship, contradictory and of intense scientific rivalry, between Giuseppe Pitrè and Lamberto Loria. I will analyze the studies conducted on the subject from Giuseppe Cocchiara up to Sandra Puccini, through the funds of the Historical Archives of the "Giuseppe Pitrè" Ethnographic Museum in Palermo and the National Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions in Rome
This work explores the contradictory relationship of intense scientific rivalry between Giuseppe Pitré and Lamberto Loria. To do this, the author analyzes the correspondence collections of the Historical Archives of the “Giuseppe Pitrè” Ethnographic Museum of Palermo and of the National Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions in Rome, crossing them with other sources already analyzed in previous studies.
Giuseppe Cocchiara, il fascismo e il razzismo
In questo saggio viene ricostruito il rapporto tra Giuseppe Cocchiara e il fascismo. L’antropologo visse in pieno la sua formazione culturale all'interno del regime al quale aderì con convinzione e slancio, militando sempre nelle sue fazioni più radicali, condividendone fedelmente le scelte più tragiche come la guerra d’Etiopia, sottoscrivendo le leggi razziali, impegnandosi nella seconda guerra mondiale con le armi culturali dell’antisemitismo e della lotta senza tregua contro la democrazia. Così quando, come in un «mondo alla rovescia», sconfitto il fascismo sotto il peso di un’umiliante e sanguinosa disfatta, saranno proprio gli odiati inglesi a valorizzarne la statura intellettuale e la…
Recuerdos figurados. "Fotos de familia" en Sicilia
“Life is not what you have lived, but what you remember and how you remem- ber it to tell”. Taking cue from the words of Gabriel García Márquez, the essay analyzes a gallery of photographic images portraying “family photos”, made in Sicily between the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, which are placed in an inter- mediate space between oral and written traditions becoming “biographical object”. The analysis of the photographic corpus searches for the connections between the different events that the image has gone through (production, transmission, fruition). It is in his “life story”, in his passage from one generation to the other, from one type of represe…
Death and Rebirth: Images of Death in Sicily
Photographs were often taken during funerary ceremonies in Sicily. Local photographers were commissioned to document funerals as if they were christenings, communions or wedding ceremonies; and it is no mere coincidence that in funeral portraits the relatives arranged around the coffin assumed postures similar to those seen in photos of festivities. This tradition of taking photos during such “mixed occasions” gives the images a profound significance and highlights the archaic roots of the popular ideology of death as a continuum of life.
Il Museo Pasqualino. Museo internazionale delle marionette
The volume consists of an anthology of texts intended to provide an introduction to the various aspects of traditional culture in Sicily, trying to combine clarity, conciseness and scientific rigor. The selected contributions present in fact a popular tone, with a writing accessible to anyone, without particular technicalities.
La ricerca sul campo come extraordinary experience. Una proposta di ricerca multidisciplinare
Reflexive criticism focused its attention on writing texts, neglecting the experience of observation, on which the practice of field research is built, and it rarely paid attention to the experience of researchers. The triple relationship established between the anthropologist, the world and the “other” reveals the deep interrelation between the three levels of this “complex isotopy”. This essay addresses the problem of how a person can interact with another within the ethnographic practice. Ethnographic research doesn’t consist only in dialogues but also in bodily experiences that have a key role in the production of ethnographic representations. Experiential anthropologists believe that w…
I ricordi figurati: «foto di famiglia» in Sicilia
Today we are witnessing the increasingly insistent formation of visual stereotypes. The continuous repetition of these modules, used in similar situations, makes it easier to interpret them, so much so that they can now be considered elements of a common language: a figurative language to be investigated in the context of the anthropology of visual communication. The Sicilian family photos collected in this essay belong to this category of cultural products and allow us to reflect on the different articulations of cultural phenomena.
Immagini fuori posto. Nodi e intrecci iconografici
The essay summarizes a field research work started in 1998 in Calamonaci (AG). Through the discovery of the diversity and alterity of the endotic, between the known and the familiar, continuously discovered and enriched, the author develops a careful analysis of family images that become the premise and purpose of the research. This field research involved about 300 families and then became a photographic exhibition, with a catalog, experienced, shared and participated by the community. In this work, the author has adopted a participatory research method trying to understand how the photographic image, almost always thought of as the referent of the reality represented, with each new vision…
Etnografie del contemporaneo. Una introduzione siciliana
The metalessic manipulation of space / time and its chronological relationships, the construction of competitive narratives between local and global, that according to the dominant rhetoric would produce unequivocal locality, defined in its relational and contextual aspects, are at the base of the "neo modern" society "Which becomes a field of cultural contestation and construction of the ethnorami of the neighborhood. The locality is a historical product and "the stories through which the localities emerge are eventually subject to the dynamics of the global" 9.
Opra i pupi siciliana: Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity
In the first decades of the nineteenth century a form of puppet theater was established in Sicily, specialized in the staging of epic-chivalrous events: the opra î pupi (work of the puppets), which has since enjoyed enormous success among the working classes Sicilians. The work of the pupi has the merit of imploding an articulated complex of traditionally formalized competences (from the material to the expressive level) and at the same time reflecting the socio-symbolic values on which until recently the Sicilian popular culture was founded. For this reason, in 2001, the title of "Masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity" was recognized by UNESCO. The central role attr…
Ethnographies of the contemporary is the name chosen for this new magazine, in which we will try to explain phenomena of permanence and change through the priority recourse to ethnographic practice. The magazine takes up some of the talks held on the occasion of the permanent Ethnographies of the contemporary seminar, conceived and coordinated by the writer, which is based at the Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum in Palermo. The Permanent Seminar was established on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the Association for the Conservation of Popular Traditions, responding to one of the main wishes of its founders: that the Museum could become a place and…
Are the traditional Sicilian funerary uses therefore comparable with that of ancient Rome? If so, what role has the long duration of the "conflict" between the Catholic Church and pre-Christian and / or "popular" funeral rites played and still does, a moment that is also unavoidable for comparative purposes "? The attitudes assumed by the Churches regarding the expressions of the so-called "popular piety" have not been from time to time, from place to place, neither homogeneous nor constant.
L’immaginario custodito. Catalogo delle raccolte 1-2-3 dell’Archivio etnofonico del Folkstudio
The essay contains the catalog of sound recordings relating to field surveys conducted from 1966 to 1970, constituting the first collections of the Ethnophonic Archive of the Folkstudio of Palermo, formed thanks to the initial donation of Elsa Guggino and implemented with the researches of his students.
Post-fotografia etnografica
È evidente come la nostra società tecnologica sia legata senza alcun dubbio alla diffusione delle immagini. Autori come Gottfried Boehm, John Mitchell, Hans Belting hanno indagato la natura dell'immagine ponendo le basi, negli anni Novanta, per l'idea di un pictorial turn, di una cultura totalmente dominata dalle immagini che è diventata adesso una possibilità tecnica reale su scala globale. Un nuovo statuto dell'immagine che si usa raccogliere sotto l'etichetta di iconic turner inserito nel più vasto campo visual culture studies. L'uso del termine cultura accanto a quello di visuale è indicativo dell'ampiezza del campo d'indagine che visual culture studies si prefiggono di ricercare: essi …
Epifanie dell’alterità, strumenti politici, totem identitari. Forme e funzioni dei simulacri e dei fantocci animati nelle feste siciliane
A survey of the choreutic-dramatic actions with statues and / or puppets present in the Sicilian festivals. These are puppets representing "giants" (saints or founding heroes), "animals" (camel, snake, horse) and "wild men" or statues of the Crucifix and the Madonna with the articulated arms that are used during the festive rituals in Sicilia. These animated figures represent a unique cultural model that combines play, theater, parties and religion.
Ierogamie, euritmie e ierotopie mariane in Sicilia. Il "case study" della Madonna dei Miracoli di Caltabellotta (Ag)
Qual’è immagine venerata che resta come traccia mestica nella mente dei fedeli? Quella che tutto l’anno si può osservare sull’altare della chiesa o quella che solo una volta l’anno si può vedere durante la festa patronale? Partendo da queste domande in questo saggio si tracciano le origini di alcune raffigurazioni mariane siciliane, e in particolare del simulacro della Madonna del Soccorso o dei Miracoli di Caltabellotta (AG). È una ricerca ancora in nuce che propone una chiave di lettura dell’iconografia mariana inedita che partendo dall’analisi morfologica e iconografica, passando per la biologia delle immagini di warburghiana memoria, approda all’animismo e alla performance rituali. What…
Garibaldi popolare. Politiche novecentesche dell’icona risorgimentale
«Hero of the People». Political uses of Garibaldi’s image in the XXth century · Garibaldi epitomizes Italian Risorgimento also on an iconographical level. With particular reference to Sicily in the XXth century, the article aims at analyzing first some aspects of an often thaumaturgic Garibaldi’s figure within subaltern culture, chiefly through handcratfs, political tattoos, painted scenes pertaining to traditional puppet theatre as well as to ornate carts. All these contexts show a dense circulation between ‘high’ and ‘low’ culture. The elections for the regional parliament in 1947 are characterized by the massive use of Garibaldi in the frame of Communist propaganda; we try to shed light …
I ferri dell'Opra. Il teatro delle marionette siciliane
Abstract – IT L'Opera dei pupi siciliana costituisce una preziosa testimonianza dell'intricata eredità storico-culturale della Sicilia. Le proclamazioni dell'Unesco e l'attenzione rivolta alle modalità di patrimonializzazione delle pratiche tradizionali, hanno favorito lo sviluppo di un'analisi, sia di tipo diacronico che sincronico, con una prospettiva antropologica tesa ad indagare le strategie di invenzione e costruzione della tradizione e della sua problematizzazione con particolare riferimento al concetto di “memoria culturale”. È con queste premesse che il presente lavoro si pone come obbiettivo di analizzare le strutture fondamentali, la grammatica e la sintassi dello spettacolo di O…
L’Opera dei pupi
The volume consists of an anthology of texts intended to provide an introduction to the various aspects of traditional culture in Sicily, trying to combine clarity, conciseness and scientific rigor. The selected contributions present in fact a popular tone, with a writing accessible to anyone, without particular technicalities.
Editorial of the second issue of the magazine Ethnographies of the contemporary
“Se aveste dovuto trottare, non aveste avuto il ghiribizzo di marcarvi come cavalli!”. Francesco Bertè e del “Tatuaggio di Sicilia ...”
This text focuses on Francesco Bertè's essay Tattoo of Sicily in relation to psychic resistance, published in 1892 in the Archives for Anthropology and Ethnology, organ of the Italian Society of Anthropology, Ethnology, founded and directed by Paolo Mantegazza.
“Life is not what you have lived, but what you remember and how you remember it to tell“. Taking cue from the words of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the essay analyzes a gallery of photographic images portraying «family photos», made in Sicily between the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, which are placed in an intermediate space between oral and written traditions becoming «biographical object». The analysis of the photographic corpus searches for the connections between the different events that the image has gone through (production, transmission, fruition). It is in his «life story», in his passage from one generation to the other, from one type of representat…
Una sonora improvvisata. Dalla disputa sui canti di carcere di Pitrè e Lombroso all’oralità contemporanea
In questo articolo illustreremo alcuni esempi di canti di carcere riportati da Giuseppe Pitrè e Cesare Lombroso che diedero spunto a una polemica scientifica tra i due studiosi. L’analisi delle varianti che stanno alla base della disputa scientifica dei due fondatori della Demopsicologia e dell’Antropologia criminale, momento fondamentale della storia degli studi antropologici italiani dell’Ottocento, ci permetterà di comprendere come la trasmissione orale della cultura sia ancora oggi permeata dalle stesse modalità performativa che affondano le loro radici nei racconti dei miti.
Per un museo dei mondi possibili
Recensione del volume di Vito Lattanzi "Musei e Antropologia. Storia, esperienze, prospettive" (Carocci, 2021)
Etnografie ad arte : agency, mimesis, creatività e pratica degli artworks
Il volume raccoglie alcune delle relazioni tenute all’interno del ciclo di seminari Antropologia dell’arte, organizzato nel 2019 dall’Associazione per la conservazione delle tradizioni popolari in collaborazione con l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo e curato da Rosario Perricone. Il seminario comprendeva diversi incontri durante i quali studiosi di diversi ambiti disciplinari hanno dibattuto su concetti, nozioni e oggetti che si pongono al crocevia tra le discipline dell’antropologia, della storia dell’arte, della semiotica, degli studi culturali, della visual culture, delineando talvolta fenomeni di ibridazione delle pratiche artistiche ed etnografiche e, talvolta, di dissolvenza delle …