Daniele Enea


Il progetto sostenibile dell’edificio, per la complessità tecnologica delle esigenze da soddisfare, l’ingente impiego di energia e il conseguente impatto sull’ambiente, impone una strategia progettuale integrata tra le diverse discipline e aspetti coinvolti (architettonico, tecnologico, impiantistico, ambientale, etc.). I caratteri morfologici e tecnologici del progetto e la natura dei materiali influiscono fortemente sull’efficienza energetica, il comfort interno e l’impatto ambientale durante il ciclo di vita, aspetti tra loro fortemente interdipendenti, su cui ormai da tempo è rivolta l’attenzione della comunità scientifica e degli enti normatori nazionali ed internazionali. L’articolo p…

research product

Effects of weathering on the performance of self-cleaning photocatalytic paints

Abstract The use of photocatalytic products for the surface coating of buildings is spreading more and more, because of the reduction of atmospheric pollutants and the colour maintenance of the paints over time with reduction of the maintenance costs and the improvement of the aesthetic appearance. The study reports the evaluation of the effects of the atmospheric conditions on three commercial photocatalytic paints containing TiO2. In particular tests were carried out by using samples subjected to accelerated aging inside a climate chamber and naturally aged by exposure for two years to the external environment of the city of Palermo (representative of a coastal environment of the Mediterr…

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La qualità tecnologica utile di prodotti edilizi innovativi

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Materiali cementizi fotocatalitici per il rivestimento superficiale di edifici

Innovative cement-based pre-mix products developing photocatalytic activity for surface coating of buildings is a particularly interesting way to improve environmental conditions in urban centres. These products are particularly suited to be used in the historical centres of cities, where, by necessity tied to the movement of people and goods, it is not possible to close the streets to vehicular traffic, so determining a substantially condition of air pollution. The study describes some pre-mix products, containing mineral pigments, the assessment of their photocatalytic activity, using a well-established testing method and shows how the results are influenced by different aging conditions …

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Valutazione sperimentale della durabilità di intonaci finalizzata alla manutenzione programmata

La Legge 109/94 ha imposto per i nuovi interventi pubblici, la programmazione della manutenzione da redigersi in fase di progettazione esecutiva. La fase di gestione del bene edilizio assume, infatti, un’importanza strategica, nell’ottica di una ragionevole durata di vita utile espletata in un equilibrato rapporto qualità-costo globale, per la sostenibilità dell’intervento. Un contributo in tal senso è costituito dal contenimento nel consumo di risorse e di materie prime conseguibile attraverso il miglioramento del requisito di durabilità dell’edificio e delle sue parti, cosa possibile se si conosce il comportamento nel tempo di componenti e sistemi edilizi contestualizzati. Ciò vale anche …

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Nanostructured protective for historical-artistic stone materials: evaluation of effectiveness and persistence by non invasive techniques

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Tecnologie e materiali innovativi per il restauro strutturale di edifici in c.a. di interesse storico – il teatro Finocchiaro a Palermo

La premessa fondamentale per la redazione di un progetto di restauro è la conoscenza del fabbricato, oggetto di intervento, delle sue evoluzioni nel tempo, dei materiali e delle tecnologie impiegate durante la sua realizzazione. Soltanto l’approfondimento di questa fase preliminare salvaguarda il progettista dal commettere errori e valutazioni sbagliate circa i materiali e le tecnologie da impiegare nel rapporto di compatibilità con l’esistente che si va a modificare, spesso integrare, comunque alterare. Per il teatro Finocchiaro a Palermo si è resa necessaria un’attenta e minuziosa indagine preliminare, culminata nel rilievo geometrico della fabbrica, con particolare attenzione alla valuta…

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Evolved factor method for service life prediction of building components

Key issues in the production process associated with construction are the implementation of quality and sustainability principles. Indeed, it is increasingly important in the maintenance of quality levels provided by materials, components and building structures, especially after the recent Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011. This document introduced the seventh requirement for the sustainable use of natural resources, guaranteeing the durability of construction products, thus being planned. The international standard for the assessment of durability of building materials and components is the ISO 15686 - Buildings and constructed assets - Service life planning, providing the definition of the Re…

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The main objective of this study is to evaluate the opportunities offered by nanotechnologies to the production of innovative mortars with enhanced performances for the reconfiguration of walls ridges in the archaeological field. In particular, an already existing additive, based on silica nano-particles in aqueous solution, was tested mixing it in varying percentages to a hydraulic lime mortar and pozzolana. The following tests were carried out on different samples: resistance to bending and compression, adhesion to the surface, water absorption coefficient through capillarity, accelerated ageing test using salt mist. In the final stage, some comparative considerations among the different …

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Il vetromattone è un prodotto da costruzione che ha trovato molteplici applicazioni nel campo della progettazione edilizia per la realizzazione di involucri traslucidi. La necessità di adeguare il prodotto alle sempre più stringenti normative in materia di risparmio energetico e sostenibilità ambientale ha portato alla definizione di configurazioni innovative, tramite integrazione di sub-componenti in grado di migliorarne le prestazioni energetiche: una “cintura termica” e celle solari di terza generazione. Queste innovazioni tecniche, brevettate ed in fase di prototipazione da parte della SBskin. Smart Building Skin s.r.l., spin off accademico dell’Università di Palermo, necessitano di ade…

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Metodi per la valutazione dei calcestruzzi autocompattanti - Methods to evaluate self compacting concretes

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Photocatalytic properties of cement-based plasters and paints, containing mineral pigments

Innovative cement-based pre-mix products, for surface coating of buildings, possessing photocatalytic activity, arouse great interest due to achievable results in terms of reduction of the air pollution and in the maintenance of aesthetics.The photoactivity is induced by the presence of a photocatalyst, titanium dioxide, which can accelerate the oxidation processes of air pollutants, particularly nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), mainly produced by incomplete combustion of fuel and present in urban environment through the exhaust gases of motor vehicles. The surfaces which are coated with these products acquire a self-cleaning characteristic (maintenance of origin…

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Il Castello di Inici

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Le istanze di conservazione nel restauro della chiesa di S. Nicola a Campofelice di Fitalia (PA)

La conservazione dei beni monumentali è spesso oggetto di dibattito per quanto riguarda l’applicazione di nuove tecniche di intervento. Un aspetto fondamentale consiste nella compatibilità tra i materiali di nuovo impiego e gli elementi che necessitano di recupero, in quanto in stato di degrado. Lo studio attento dei caratteri della fabbrica, la conoscenza delle tecnologie e dei materiali impiegati per la sua realizzazione, l’approfondimento delle vicende storiche che hanno condotto alla sua genesi permettono di avere un quadro cognitivo indispensabile per la redazione del progetto di restauro. La chiesa cinquecentesca di San Nicola è un bene monumentale per il quale questa metodologia di r…

research product


The aim of this study is the formulation of a special mortar with improved adhesion, elasticity, workability, water resistance compared to traditional mortars. This has been achieved thanks to the addition of nanostructured products able to influence the reaction of water with the hydraulic binder, in order to reduce the drying shrinkage and the subsequent micro-cracks, increasing the elasticity of the material and favoring the anchoring to the surface application. The study focused on laboratory testing of innovative mortars, based on a mixture of hydraulic lime, pozzolana and a nanostructured additive based on silica nanoparticles in aqueous solution. The physical and mechanical character…

research product

The durability of carbon fiber/epoxy composites under hydrothermal ageing

Studies on fibre reinforced composites are now receiving greater attention. Industrial applications have been successful in areas like aerospace, automobile, marine, construction and sporting goods. The first generation of epoxy resins for use in carbon fibre composites are able to achieve optimized high stiffness modules and high heat resistance by a high crosslink density, reached through thermal curing. However, these formulations can be very toxic and brittle with low crack resistance, which was a major disadvantage for structural applications. In the last years the use of ionizing radiation as alternative to thermal curing has been proposed as an environmentally friendly process. Furth…

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L’architettura del polo universitario di via Archirafi

The architecture of the university site of via Archirafi was conceived in the first twenty years of the 20th century by the technical office of the Regia Università di Palermo, chaired by Ernesto Basile, leader of a group of young engineers from the "Scuola d'Applicazione per gli Ingegneri". The style of the buildings was influenced by the architectural climate of Palermo at the beginning of the century, dominated by the schools of Damiani Almeyda and Ernesto Basile, heralds of different instances, the classical one and the modernist one. This contribution will analyse the historical events, the construction typologies and the technological solutions of such buildings, emphasizing their ana…

research product

Aging resistance of bio-epoxy jute-basalt hybrid composites as novel multilayer structures for cladding

Abstract Aging resistance of jute reinforced laminates is compared with two jute/basalt hybrid laminates prepared with different stacking sequences (i.e., sandwich and intercalated configuration). To this aim, composites are exposed to cyclic conditions comprising hygrothermal stress and UV radiation to promote an accelerated aging, for a period of 84 days. Specimens of each laminate are tested after 14, 28, 56 and 84 days, respectively. Quasi-static flexural tests, Charpy impact tests and dynamic mechanical tests are performed according to international ASTM and ISO standards. Furthermore, scanning electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry are used to evaluate the morpholog…

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Esperienze di laboratorio per la preparazione di calcestruzzi autocompattanti con filler siciliani

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Experimental evaluation of plasters durability aimed at maintenance planning and scheduling

The phase of building management has a strategic importance because of the necessary scheduling of maintenance during executive planning. Moreover, in order to obtain the greatest sustainability of the intervention, a reasonable duration of service life must be balanced with global quality-cost ratio. A contribution towards this objective is given by the reduction in the achievable resources and raw materials consumption through the improvement of the durability requirement of building and its parts. This is true even for the interventions on the existing public building stock, especially if there is lacking of maintenance planning and scheduling. This work, taking cues from a maintenance i…

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Experimental evaluation of the durability of innovative cementitious coatings: photocatalytic activity and colour

Today, in a world context characterized by high pollution levels and increasingly limited natural resources, even in the building sector, focusing on environmental issues, through energy saving and a more rational use of these resources, both during construction and management, is fundamental. An important contribution in this direction is given by the knowledge of the durability of products and building components, especially when innovative products are applied and no information are available on the reliability and service life. The research concerns the evaluation of the durability of cement-based photocatalytic coatings ("rasanti" in the Italian diction), containing different types of …

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SCC-S (self compacting concrete siciliano) ovvero calcestruzzo autocompattante realizzato con filler naturale di provenienza vulcanica

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Una griglia prestazionale per la definizione della vita utile del pannello sandwich - A performance grid for the definition of the sandwich panel service life

In a context of increased demands for sustainability of the built environment, it is essential the maintenance of specific quality levels provided by the building organisms and their parts. The knowledge of the service life of products and building components, imposed by the recent EU Regulation 305/2011, is a requirement that is spreading in the world market, between manufacturers and designers, users and operators. The international reference standard for the evaluation of the durability of materials and building components, is the ISO 15686 defining the Reference Service Life (RSL) and identifying the procedures for the estimation of the Estimated Service Life (ESL), referring to context…

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L’ICT a supporto degli Eco-Regolamenti Edilizi - ICT for Eco-Building Regulations

The issue of the Smart Cities as a model of sustainable urban future is preminent in the objectives of Horizon 2020 and the Technology Platform for Italian and European Construction. The main actor of this change is the Public Administration, which, through the Building Regulation, has to promote building processes, both new construction projects, but especially the requalification of the existing building stock, focusing on energy efficiency and sustainability. This implies the use of innovative technologies and new materials, components and systems (distributed micro-generation, solar cooling, etc.), Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to improve the rational use of energy re…

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In order to reach the sustainability of building interventions, the knowledge of the performance over time of materials and building components is necessary according to the new EU Regulation No. 305/2011, which introduced for construction works, the seventh requirement on their sustainability and particularly their durability. The paper wants to describe the instruments and methods to evaluate the durability of building components, used in the Laboratorio di Edilizia of the UniNetLab, the laboratory net of the University of Palermo. The methodology is based on the ISO 15686 and consists in monitoring the most significant selected parameters, during laboratory accelerated aging tests and na…

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Innovative Siloxane Coating Formulations: The Experimental Assessment of the Durability of Colour

Maintenance programming of civil and industrial buildings is a relevant problem, especially in a global situation where natural resources are increasingly limited. Accurately knowing the durability of building products and components, essential for a sustainable use of resources, becomes more and more important after the recent 18 January 2011 resolution of the European Parliament, which introduced the seventh requirement on construction products, specifically regarding the sustainability and therefore the durability of such. This study concerns the evaluation of the durability of some innovative coatings based on acrylic-siloxane resins containing several pigments, used for building extern…

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SCC-S or: Self Compacting Concrete realized with Sicilian fillers

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An integrated analytical approach can be useful to study the effectiveness of preservation treatment for Carrara marble surfaces, carried out for testing commercial products which are based on nano-structured silica oxides. Variation in hydrophobic properties, porosity distribution, and chemical composition of treated surfaces have been studied. With this aim, contact angle evaluation, NMR, XRF measurements have been used. Changes of above mentioned physical and chemical characteristics have been evaluated before and after aging in saline chamber of the treated and untreated samples. Moreover, the effectiveness of ultrasonic treatment in “safe” removal of the products from treated surfaces …

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The use of nanoproducts in the Cultural Heritage (CH) field requires great sensitivity and responsibility and, above all, analytical research and studies evaluating effectively their potential use. In order to evaluate the capability of nanostructured protective in the CH field, limestone materials of historical-artistic interest were treated and then studied. The study focuses on the non-invasive evaluation of samples stone, of interest in the CH field, their surface has been tested with nanostructured products. In particular, samples of limestone of Favara (Sicily) have been studied, before and after artificial aging. The analytical methodology involved X-ray fluorescence measurements, in…

research product


Today, in a world context characterized by high pollution levels and increasingly limited natural resources, even in the building sector, focusing on environmental issues, through energy saving and a more rational use of these resources, both during construction and management, is fundamental. An important contribution in this direction is given by the knowledge of the durability of products and building components, especially when innovative products are applied and no information are available on the reliability and service life. The research concerns the evaluation of the durability of cement-based photocatalytic coatings (“rasanti” in the Italian diction), containing different types of …

research product

The effects of a saline environment on the durability of commercial photocatalytic paints

The use of photocatalytic products for surface coating of buildings ensures the reduction of certain air pollutants and greater duration of color over time, due to the reduced attitude of air particulate to adhere to the treated surfaces. The world market is producing a wide range of coatings, transparent and opaque, high initial performance, but there is a lack of data on their durability. The knowledge of performance over time of these new products is at the basis of the Regulation (EU) no. 305/2011, which repealed Council Directive 89/106/EEC and introduced the seventh requirement regarding the sustainability and particularly durability of construction works. This study focuses on the as…

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I musei universitari hanno problematiche singolari intimamente legate alle cattedre ed alle strutture che li ospitano. L’Università di Palermo, fin dalla data della sua fondazione, avvenuta nel 1805, ha seguito l’evolversi delle teorie scientifiche sviluppatesi in un periodo particolarmente fecondo. La Zoologia è, in particolare, un settore che, anche per motivi legati alle caratteristiche del territorio siciliano, ha suscitato un notevole interesse ed ha avuto la sua genesi, come disciplina accademica a Palermo, soltanto nel 1862, grazie al Prof. Pietro Doderlein, trasferito dall’Università di Modena per istituirne la cattedra e per fondare un museo zoologico. L’attuale organizzazione univ…

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The durability of basalt fibres reinforced polymer (BFRP)

The technology of dry assembly for the production of multi-layer panels has evolved over the past 30 years, becoming an efficient alternative to traditional systems. The direction taken by the market has been increasingly drawn to eco-sustainable systems and in this way, the interest in the use of laminated composite panels for cladding, basalt fibres based. Basalt is a natural rock, silica based, which is produced through a variety of industrial processes into filaments, wool, chopped strands and fabrics. It is characterized by high resistance in chemically aggressive environments, high fire resistance, high mechanical resistance to compression and bending. The study focuses on two types o…

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Prodotti innovativi premiscelati per il rivestimento superficiale di edifici: attività fotocatalitica ed influenza dei pigmenti minerali

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Service Life of Cementitious Photocatalytic Paints Newly Formulated

The use of photocatalytic products for surface coating of buildings contributes to the sustainability of building interventions, due to the reduction of some atmospheric pollutants and self-cleaning attitude. The world market produces a wide range of coatings, applied in limited thickness, transparent and opaque, high initial performance, although data on their durability are still missing. The knowledge of the performance over time of such innovative products is necessary according to the new EU Regulation No. 305/2011, which introduced for construction works, the seventh requirement on their sustainability and particularly their durability. The study concerns the evaluation of the durabil…

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The assessment over time of the performance of jute-basalt hybrid composites for cladding panels

The technology of dry assembly to produce multi-layer panels is an efficient alternative to traditional systems. Eco-sustainable systems are increasingly studied, particularly fiber reinforced composites for external cladding, based on natural fibers. Nevertheless, durability data on these composites are still lacking, being this is a really actual theme, especially for their potential use in outdoor applications. In this way, hybridization of natural fibers with mineral fibers as basalt ones appears promising. In the present paper, the performance of jute-reinforced laminate was compared with those of two jute/basalt reinforced hybrid laminates. The laminates were manufactured by means of …

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Calcestruzzo autocompattante siciliano: un'esperienza con il filler vulcanico dell'Etna

Self compacting concrete is one of the last developments in the technology of concrete, being studied and improved from the first '70es. Its production is connected with the use of fillers, most of which coming from iron metallurgy, scarsely present on Sicilian territory. So, the aim of the risearch was to realize self compacting concrete using exclusively local filler, particularly the Etna ashes with a strong pozzolanic connotation, pointing out the use of useless at the moment natural resource. The study relates to the verification of the more appropriate mix-designs and the tests on compressive strength of specimens to early curing and after 28 days. Different characterization tests wer…

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Photocatalytic Properties of Cement-Based Plasters and Paints Containing Mineral Pigments

Innovative cement-based premix products for surface coating of buildings that possess photocatalytic activity arouse great interest because of the results they can achieve in reducting air pollution and maintaining aesthetics. This photoactivity is induced by a photocatalyst, titanium dioxide, that can accelerate the oxidation processes of air pollutants, particularly nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds, which are mainly produced by incomplete combustion of fuel and are present in urban environments through the exhaust gases of motor vehicles. Surfaces that are coated with these products acquire a self-cleaning characteristic (maintenance of original color) because the decomposi…

research product


Energy saving and the rational use of natural resources in the building process, nowadays, are very debated environmental issues, involving researchers and companies in the production and testing of innovative materials. Reducing the consumption of resources means more durable buildings, thus an important contribution in this way is given by the knowledge of the durability of products and building components. This is fundamental when innovative products are applied and no information are available on their service life. The research concerns the evaluation of the durability of cement-based photocatalytic coatings, containing different types of pigments, used for external finishing of buildi…

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Experimental Study on the Performance of Timber Frame Wall Panels in Mediterranean Construction

Only recently, the use of wooden buildings is spreading in the central and southern parts of the Italy due to national and EU policies on eco-sustainability and energy saving. Knowledge of the durability of the building envelope elements, generally made with dry assembled stratified systems, is still insufficient. The paper presents the first results of a durability evaluation of multilayer timber panel applied to Platform Frame System buildings, focusing on the variation of energy performance over time. The case study describes the construction of two single-family houses in the municipality of San Cataldo (Sicily, Italy). The used timber multilayer panel presents a stratigraphy suitable f…

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Recent Development on Self-Cleaning Cementitious Coatings

The recent improvements in nano-technologies applied to building coatings are reported, starting from the historical origins of the research on photocatalysis. The description of the main air pollutants and the chemical mechanism of photocatalysis introduce to self-cleaning surfaces and the super-hydrophilic and hydrophobic attitude. Self-cleaning cementitious surfaces, due to nano-structured photocatalysts, mainly titanium dioxide, show environmental benefit in reduction of air pollutants and many experimental evidences are reported together with several applications on building construction. International standards and main spectroscopic techniques aim to evaluate the benefit in terms of …

research product

The assessment of the reliability of an innovative 3rd generation solar cell integrated with “thermal belt” glass block

Glass block is a building product widely used for the construction of translucent building façades and roofs. The need to adapt the product to the regulations in the field of energy saving and environmental sustainability has led to the design of innovative configurations, through the integration of different sub-components. These ones are able to improve its energy performance by means of the integration of a“thermal belt”, cold glued to the glass shells, which constitute the traditional glass block, and 3rd generation solar cells. This paper reports the first results of the experimental program designed to assess some durability components: inherent and critical reliability. <div id="g…

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Experimental evaluation of the reliability of the adhesive joint in a 3rd-generation-solar-cell-integrated glass block

Glass block is a building product that has been widely used since the mid-1800s for the construction of natural light capturing technical elements and, in the last decades, of translucent building envelopes. In a framework of increased quality requirements in terms of energy saving and environmental sustainability, innovations have been introduced to its standard configuration, including the integration of 3rd generation solar cells within the glass block, in order to improve its performance and make it capable of producing clean energy. Indeed, one of the two constituting glass shells has been integrated with a pre-assembled photovoltaic module and then bonded to a plastic “thermal belt” a…

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The durability of basalt fibres reinforced polymer (BFRP) panels for cladding

The study focuses on two basalt composite laminate panels for cladding, produced by means of vacuum bagging technique. In particular, unidirectional and random basalt fabrics, with different areal weights, using epoxy resin as matrix, were used. According to the ISO 15686 methodology for the evaluation of durability, samples were subjected to cycles of artificial aging in climatic chamber and outdoor exposure, carrying out mechanical (i.e. quasi-static and dynamic) and calorimetric tests. The results show the effectiveness over time of produced basalt composite laminates and the initial increase of the mechanical performances after the first steps of accelerated aging.

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