Dandison C. Ukpabi

Consumers’ acceptance of information and communications technology in tourism: A review

The review provides a conceptual framework on e-tourism research.Research on e-tourism is grouped into three classifications.Research on these three groups are uneven.Synthesis of theories, theories and frameworks provided. The impact of information and communications technology (ICT) in tourism (e-tourism) has altered the ways tourism services are accessed and consumed. Ubiquitous and highly innovative ICTs provide different channels for consumers to use tourism services; thus, studies on e-tourism are numerous and fragmented. Different factors account for how consumers embrace these channels. The purpose of this study is to review studies on consumers acceptance or adoption of e-tourism i…

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Application of information and communication technology for internationalization of Nigerian small- and medium-sized enterprises

Information and communication technology (ICT) has fundamentally transformed business transactions. While its uses have become ubiquitous in the advanced economies, emerging and developing economies are still struggling with the mode and manner of the deployment of ICT for business. Thus, this study seeks to investigate how small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) utilize ICT in Nigeria for business internationalization. To achieve the goal of the study, a mixed‐method was employed. A questionnaire was administered to 265 people consisting of SMEs staff, managers, and owners. Similarly, interviews were conducted with seven SME decision makers. Findings revealed that Nigerian SMEs used ICT…

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Examining Consumer-Brand Relationships in the UK Energy Sector A Social Media Perspective

With social media transforming how customers interact with brands, this study explores the consumer –brand relationship in UK energy sector which has a reputation for lack of trust by customers. Using user-generated contents on Facebook pages of the ‘big six’ UK energy companies, the study qualitatively operationalised and applied three consumer-brand relationships construct, exploring the interplay between the brands and the consumer. Findings revealed various indications of brand trust, satisfaction and affiliation but overall customers are not satisfied with their relationship with energy companies, they want to know there is a brand on their side, who takes an interest in their complain…

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Social Media Usage for Computing Education : The Effect of The Strength and Group Communication on Perceived Learning Outcome

Social media has become an important platform where users share, comment, discuss, communicate, interact, and play games. Aside from using social media for personal, social, and business purposes, the use of social media has gained attention, particularly for collaborative learning in the educational sector. This paper examines the role of social media in computing education based on the use of WhatsApp social media group. Additionally, the study explores how social media usage by students influences their perceived learning outcomes. Given these aims, the study formulated four research hypotheses and tested using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling. With the participants of …

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Do Online Travel Communities Matter? A Literature Review

The emergence of social media has migrated consumers from peripheral stakeholders to strategic partners whose inputs are critical for successful product and service innovation. Online communities provide a platform for aggregation of consumers from diverse backgrounds; online travel communities (OTCs) have recently attracted growing interest in the information systems and tourism literature because their unofficial boundary spanning role influences consumer interest in destinations. Importantly, this literature remains largely fragmented because of conflicting findings. The present study seeks to integrate prior OTC research in order to understand the motivations and consequences (negative …

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Smartphone Usage Among Millennial in Finland and Implications for Marketing Segmentation Strategies: Lessons for Nigeria

The study examines smart phone usage by millennials based on different criteria of operating system, Wi-Fi, text messaging, internet surfing and social media. The study used quantitative methodology and data were gathered with online questionnaires with 391 young smartphone users in Finland. The Millennial were clustered into five levels. The results reveal the prominent status of profiling in a developed market and how marketers in emerging markets can apply segmentation and targeting strategies using instant messaging, text messages, email, mobile app, gamification and social media based on the profile of each segment. Nigerian policy makers should adopt a framework to make smartphone aff…

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Assessment of Mobile Money Enablers in Nigeria

This chapter describes how mobile money is an emerging and innovative financial service delivery mechanism. With huge success, recorded mostly in the developing economies, it is scholarly unclear the antecedents of its adoption. Using a survey of 151 respondents comprising both the banked and underbanked in the South-Western part of Nigeria, the authors used the PLS-SEM to test the research hypothesis. The results reveal the enablers of mobile money, which are social influence, performance expectancy, security and effort expectancy, and inhibitors such as system anxiety and cost. Privacy, trust, image and convenience were not found significant in this study. Social influence, performance ex…

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Unemployment, Personality Traits, and the Use of Facebook

Different personality traits respond differently to unfavourable life situations. Unemployment can have several negative social, economic, and domestic consequences. Many people use social media for a variety of reasons. The aim of this study is to examine the way different personality traits respond to Facebook in the period of unemployment. Data was obtained from 3,002 unemployed respondents in Nigeria. The study used regression model to analyse the data. Among the five personality traits, results indicated that the relationship between neuroticism and online social support was negative. However, the relationship between online social support and satisfaction was positive. The study highl…

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Influence of Offline Activities and Customer Value Creation on Online Travel Community Continuance Usage Intention

The purpose of this study is to empirically test a model that examines the roles of offline activities and customer value creation on tourists’ continuance use of online travel communities (OTCs). Hypotheses were tested through a sample of 251 respondents on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). SmartPLS structural equation modelling was used to test the structural model. Results indicated that offline activities significantly influence hedonic and social values, while this support was not found with functional value. Similarly, while offline activities positively influence continuance usage intention, no positive relationship was established between offline activities and recommendation intentio…

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The Influence of Social Vision, Social Networks, and Financial Return on Social SME Sustainability

Social entrepreneurship is one of the catalysts of poverty reduction and sustainable development, but its impact in developing countries is not rapid in comparison to traditional entrepreneurship. The idea is to explain the phenomenon from an entrepreneurial perspective and to focus on entrepreneur sustainability. The data for this study was collected at the firm level with questionnaires through Qualtrics online survey platform. The structured questionnaires target the Social Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Nigeria. This study provides a fundamental understanding of structural relationships that exist between the social vision, social network, financial return, innovation, an…

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What drives travelers' adoption of user-generated content? : A literature review

User-generated content (UGC) has become an important part of travel planning, as travelers evaluate travel products based on past reviews. However, different factors account for why tourists utilize UGC. The aim of this study is to review extant studies on UGC to identify the antecedents of UGC utilization for travel planning and the theories, models, and frameworks used in these studies. A total of 54 studies from 2005 to 2016 were found. This study found that UGC adoption is determined by attributes relating to the user, the source, the content, and response variables. It also found distinct and heterogeneous theories and frameworks mainly drawn from the information systems, socio-psychol…

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Factors influencing tourists’ intention to use COVID-19 contact tracing app

AbstractThe purpose of this study was to develop and test a model that explores the antecedents of tourists’ acceptance of COVID-19 contact tracing app (CTA). Data was obtained from a crowdsourcing platform (Pollfish), in which 400 respondents answered the questionnaire. We used SmartPLS to analyse the data. Results reveal that trust and structural assurance have the strongest relationship. Furthermore, the relationship between trust and destination safety was positive. Finally, self-efficacy moderated the relationship between trust and intention, implying that trust was stronger for tourists who have higher levels of self-efficacy. Recommendations are offered.

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Augmented Reality Applications: The Impact of Usability and Emotional Perceptions on Tourists’ App Experiences

There is a rising amount of research contributing to the knowledgebase of Augmented Reality (AR) application usage. However, up until now there is no sound understanding about how the emotional perception of AR application users impact on different types of experience. This paper aspires to contribute to this gap by analysing the link between usability, emotional perception (i.e. entertainment, playfulness and enjoyment), two types of experience viz. action- and emotional experience and users’ intention to use the app in a travel context. 796 questionnaires show that emotional experience is driven by entertainment while action experience is mainly triggered by playfulness. However, only emo…

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Female unemployment in an emerging economy : A study of online social support as a coping strategy

The increased use of social media has resulted in active participation of women on social media platforms, specifically Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. However, very little research has been carried out, specifically, on how women cope with the challenges of unemployment using social media networks. Thus, many women resort to different means as a coping strategy during their unemployment. In the face of rapid diffusion of social platforms, it is unclear how women personality traits influence their use of the social media. Similarly, it is also unclear how women’s experiences with these social networks, as a medium of online social support, serve as a coping strategy in the period of unemp…

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Insights into online reviews of hotel service attributes: A cross-national study of selected countries in Africa

Online travel reviews are paramount to trip planning because they help consumers’ form images of destinations. Despite ample studies on hotel service attributes, knowledge is scarce regarding culturally nuanced attributes, including security perceptions. This study examines consumers’ perceptions of service attributes and security/safety concerns of hotels in Africa. Data were extracted from three hotel categories (3, 4, and 5-stars), which were based on TripAdvisor rankings from Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. A hybrid analysis revealed that hotel service attributes and security/safety are cardinal evaluation criteria for visitors to Africa. Additionally, our study reveals …

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Citizen Engagement and Entrepreneurship: Implications for Sustainable Tourism Development

Research has not investigated the use of competitions-hackathons as a citizen engagement tool to motivate and activate citizen's engagement in entrepreneurship driving sustainable tourism development. This paper fills in this gap by using the SHARE Challenge as a case study. SHARE is a competition-based crowdsourcing project launched by the Government of South Australia aiming to engage citizens in sharing economy entrepreneurial ventures. The competition received 88 eligible ideas from different stakeholders, and the study conducted a content analyses of these ideas for investigating the profile of the citizens and the type of the sharing economy ideas that were inspired by the SHARE. Tour…

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The Role of Reputation on Trust and Loyalty : A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Tablet E-Tailing

The purpose of this article is to empirically examine the role of online retailer's website reputation on tablet commerce and to compare the trust arbitration between reputation and loyalty in two cultures - Finland and Nigeria. Data was collected from Finland and Nigeria, using purposive and snowball sampling methods. This article uses Structural Equation Modelling and mediation analysis. The results reveal that the reputation of online retailer's website is not a direct determinant of loyalty for online shopping while trust colligates with ease of use. The effect of an online retailer's website reputation is stronger in Nigeria than in Finland and trust is a strong predictor of ease of us…

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Customer Value Framework and Recommendation Intention: The Moderating Role of Customer Characteristics in an Online Travel Community

The aim of this study was to develop and test a model that examined the interactions among the customer value framework, recommendation intention and customer characteristics in an online travel community (OTC). Data were obtained using Amazon Mechanical Turk from 251 members of an OTC as a sample. The partial least squares method was used to analyse the data. We found that all the variables of the customer value framework, including functional value, hedonic value and social value, were positively related to recommendation intention. In addition, using multi-group analyses, the study found differences between how different customer segments perceive each of the value dimensions and their e…

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Chatbot Adoption in Tourism Services: A Conceptual Exploration

Originality/value: This study is one of the earliest studies that advances firm-level adoption of chatbots by integrating two key organizational theories.

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Influence of Social Media on Corporate Heritage Tourism Brand

Heritage tourism is an established research canon. However, corporate heritage tourism is an emerging research stream that integrates the heritage tourism canon and corporate brand attributes. This study, utilising a conceptual approach and proposing a conceptual model, explicates the role of social media (marketer and consumer-generated media) in fostering a sense of community among the corporate heritage tourism brand adherents and visit intention among members of the community. In addition, this study incorporates social identity theory to dilate group dynamics and to foster strong feelings and sense of identity among its community. peerReviewed

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Using AI to personalise emotionally appealing advertisement

Personal data and information collected online by companies can be used to design and personalise advisements. This chapter extends existing research into the online behavioural advertising by proposing a model that incorporates artificial intelligence and machine learning into developing emotionally appealing advertisements. It is proposed that big data and consumer analytics collected through AI from different sources will be aggregated to have a better understanding of consumers as individuals. Personalised emotionally appealing advertisements will be created with this information and shared digitally using pragmatic advertising strategies. Theoretically, this chapter contributes towards…

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Understanding technology diffusion in emerging markets

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to use the consumer-based discrepancy theory to examine consumers’ behavioral motivations for using mobile devices and the factors that influence the rapid diffusion of Chinese mobile devices in Nigeria.Design/methodology/approachData were collected using focus group interviews with samples cutting across users, technicians and experts from Port Harcourt, Nigeria’s industrial capital. This study conducted a thematic analysis of the data with NVivo Pro 11 for deductive coding.FindingsThe authors found that weak regulatory environment opened the Nigerian mobile market to the influx of mobile devices from Chinese local manufacturers. Though largely absent in…

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