Coralie Biguzzi
Perception sensorielle et appréciation de biscuits réduits en lipides et en sucres
Communication orale ; http://www.qualiment.fr/
Effect of sensory exposure on liking for fat- or sugar-reduced biscuits
This study investigates the effect of exposure to fat- or sugar-reduced biscuits on liking for these products. Two sets of biscuits were manufactured, each including a standard variant and 4 variants differing by the level of reduction of either fat or sugar content, to 33% of fat content or 28% of sugar content. Biscuit consumers were recruited to eat either the fat (n ¼ 113) or the sugar-reduced set of biscuits (n ¼ 106). They participated in 5 testing sessions, once a week, in laboratory conditions. During each session, they rated their liking of the 5 variants. At the end of each of the 4 first sessions, consumers were given 16 biscuits for their home consumption during the week. Partic…
Can improving a biscuit's nutritional characteristics be compatible with maintaining it sensory quality?
Poster (1 page) ; http://www.pangborn2013.com/; International audience; Authorities encourage people to reduce fat and sugar consumption in public campaigns such as the National Nutritional Health Program in France. French producers are also encouraged to improve the nutritional composition of well-known commercial products by reducing fat and/or sugar contents. The objective of our study was to determine whether it was possible to do so while maintaining the sensory quality of the reformulated products. The study dealt with the impact of fat and sugar reduction on liking and sensory perception of 6 types of French commercial biscuits and cakes. For each type of product, one example of the …
L'amélioration de la qualité nutritionnelle est-elle compatible avec le maintien de la qualité sensorielle ? L'exemple des biscuits
Communication orale ; 29 pages
Is the improvement of the nutritional quality compatible with the maintenance of the sensory quality? : the example of biscuits
French biscuit producers are willing to improve the nutritional composition of their products. The. objective of this work was to determine whether it was possible while maintaining the sensory. quality of the reduced product. The first study dealt with the impact of fat and sugar reduction on liking and sensory perception of. 9 types of biscuits and cakes. Results show that children perceived almost no difference and liked. equally the standard and the fat- and/or sugar-reduced variants for most types of biscuits. For. products reduced without adding polyols, adults less like fat- or sugar-reduced variants than. standard ones mainly when they were perceived as less sweet, and to a lesser e…
L'amélioration de la qualité nutritionnelle est-elle compatible avec le maintien de la qualité sensorielle ? : l'exemple des biscuits
French biscuit producers are willing to improve the nutritional composition of their products. The objective of this work was to determine whether it was possible while maintaining the sensory quality of the reduced product.The first study dealt with the impact of fat and sugar reduction on liking and sensory perception of 9 types of biscuits and cakes. Results show that children perceived almost no difference and liked equally the standard and the fat- and/or sugar-reduced variants for most types of biscuits. For products reduced without adding polyols, adults less liked fat- or sugar-reduced variants than standard ones mainly when they were perceived as less sweet, and to a lesser extent …
Effet de la perception en gras/sucré sur l'appréciation des biscuits
Communication orale. Le Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs est une manifestation scientifique annuelle qui a lieu sur deux jours et qui permet aux doctorants de l'Ecole Doctorale Environnement, Santé, STIC de Dijon (ED E2S) et de l'Ecole Doctorale Homme, Environnement, Santé (ED HES) de Besançon de présenter leurs travaux de thèse lors de sessions de communications scientifiques orales ou affichées. Les deux écoles doctorales organisent à tour de rôle cet évènement. (https://sites.google.com/site/fjc2011dijon/)
Perception sensorielle et appréciation de biscuits réduits en lipides et en sucres
Poster ; http://www.qualiment.fr/
The effect of Fat and Sweetness Perception on Biscuit Liking
International audience
Reducing Fat or Sugar Content in Biscuits: Does it Impact Liking? Should Nutritional Claims Be Added to Packagings?
Poster ; http://www.eurosense.elsevier.com/
Can we increase liking of fat or sugar reduced biscuits by either a progressive or a direct exposure?
International audience
Qualité et représentation nutritionnelles, perception sensorielle et acceptabilité des biscuits
National audience
Relating biscuit preference to expectation and perception of fat and sweetness
International audience; Twenty-four types of well-known biscuits and cakes were sampled to represent as much as possible the wide range of products available on the French market and their variations in fat and sugar contents. First, 62 consumers recorded their liking while tasting the products in laboratory conditions. Then, they judged the sweetness and fattiness of the products in two manners: (1) using a home-based questionnaire showing product pictures (expected intensities), (2) after tasting the products in laboratory conditions (perceived intensities). To compare nutritional contents with intensity scores, Pearson correlations were calculated. Furthermore, expected and perceived int…
The impact of sugar and fat reduction on perception and liking of biscuits
Abstract Reducing the fat and/or sugar content in biscuits can be a way to improve their nutritional composition. Seventy-nine consumers of biscuits were recruited to study the impact of these reductions on liking and perception. Four categories of products were selected from a wide range of biscuits available at the French market. Three to six variants of each type of biscuit were produced based on reduced content of sugar, fat or both. Consumers tested the samples under laboratory conditions (6 sessions), recording their liking during initial sessions and crispiness, sweetness and fat perception during latter sessions. Sugar-reduced biscuits were perceived as less sweet than standard bisc…
Effet de la perception en gras/sucré sur l’appréciation des biscuits
National audience