Marja Kokkonen

Effectiveness of a creative physical education intervention on elementary school students’ leisure-time physical activity motivation and overall physical activity in Finland

This study investigated the effectiveness of a creative physical education (CPE) intervention on students’ perceptions of motivational climate in physical education (PE), leisure-time physical activity (PA) motivation, and overall PA. A sample of 382 fourth to sixth grade students ( Mage= 10.87[.93]) from two elementary schools were assigned to the CPE intervention ( n = 196; Mage= 10.84[.95]) and control ‘PE-as-usual’ ( n = 186; Mage= 10.90[.90]) groups. Students’ perceived task- and ego-supportive climate in PE, leisure-time PA motivation, and overall PA were measured before and after the one-year intervention. Analyses of covariance and path analyses were implemented to test the effectiv…

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Parempaa työkykyä ja henkistä hyvinvointia miesvaltaisille aloille : pelastajat ja urheiluvalmentajat ryhmätyönohjauksessa yhdessä ja erikseen : tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeen loppuraportti

research product

”Et olis sekaryhmät, unisex-pukuhuone ja et opettajia olis jotenkin perehdytetty asiaan” : sateenkaarinuoret, koululiikunta ja liikuntaharrastukset

Tarkastelemme sateenkaarinuorten kokemuksia syrjinnästä koululiikunnassa ja liikuntaharrastuksissa, heidän näkemyksiään koululiikunnan ja liikuntaharrastusten käytännöistä sekä heidän esittämiään keinoja koululiikunnan ja liikuntaharrastusten yhdenvertaisuuden ja tasa-arvon edistämiseksi. Aineistona käytämme kymmenen 13–17-vuotiaan sukupuoli- ja/tai seksuaalivähemmistöön kuuluvan nuoren haastatteluita. Analyysitapamme on outouttava luenta. Tarkastelemme koululiikunnan ja liikuntaharrastusten itsestään selvinä pidettyjä käytäntöjä sekä sateenkaarinuorten näissä konteksteissa kokemaa ja havaitsemaa oudoksuntaa. Jotkut nuoret eivät olleet kokeneet syrjintää koululiikunnassa ja liikuntaharrastu…

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Väkivaltaa, stressiä ja seksuaalista häirintää

Ulkomaan uutiset? Viikon tv-ohjelmat? Poliisin viikkotiedote? Ei, vaan katsaus suomalaisten liikunnanopettajien kokemuksiin liikuntatunneilla ilmenevästä opettajaan kohdistuvasta sekä oppilaiden välisestä seksuaalisesta ja fyysisestä väkivallasta sekä niiden seurauksista. nonPeerReviewed

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Extraversion and Neuroticism as antecedents of emotion regulation and dysregulation in adulthood

This longitudinal study examined the role of Extraversion and Neuroticism as antecedents of emotion regulation and dysregulation among 89 women and 81 men. When participants were 27 years old, their Extraversion and Neuroticism were assessed with the standardized version of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. At age 33, they completed the Big‐Five Personality Inventory, an authorized adaptation of the NEO Personality Inventory. Emotion regulation, operationalized as an active attempt to turn a negative emotion toward a more positive direction, and measured by the Repair subscale of the Meta‐Regulation Scale, and emotional social support, as measured by the Life Situation Questionnaire, …

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Associations between Teacher- and Student-directed Sexual and Physical Violence in Physical Education

This study examined relationships between teachers’ perceptions of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment and physical violence against teachers and among students in physical education (PE). Participants were 175 (females 122, males 53) Finnish PE teachers between 27 and 62 years (M = 44.8 ± 9.2 years). The cross-sectional data were collected by an anonymous online survey in the fall semester 2018. The findings showed that (a) higher levels of verbal sexual harassment and physical violence among students were associated with higher levels of equivalent types of violence against PE teachers, (b) higher levels of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment among students were associated with hi…

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Association of emotional intelligence with resilience and work engagement in sports coaches

Problem statement. Sports coaching is recognized as a stressful and challenging profession due to several different aspects such as organizational, performance, contextual, interpersonal, and intrapersonal stressors that coaches face. High level of work stress is a risk factor for decreased well-being at work. Sports coaches’ wellbeing not only matters to coaches themselves but plays a significant role in athlete performance and well-being as well. Approach. There is research evidence on sports coaches’ stress and burnout. There is, however, little knowledge on personal resources that enhance sports coach’s well-being at work. Therefore, studies that examine personal resource factors that f…

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Contribution of Motivational Climates and Social Competence in Physical Education on Overall Physical Activity: A Self-Determination Theory Approach with a Creative Physical Education Twist

Using a cross-sectional study design, we tested a structural equation model of hypothesized relationships among a group of variables: motivational climate in physical education (PE), students&rsquo

research product

“Just Existing Is Activism”: Transgender Experiences in Martial Arts

This study focuses on transgender experiences in martial arts. Interviews with three Finnish and two British transgender martial artists were thematically analyzed, and findings were interpreted through the lens of queer theory. Two themes were identified related to the ways that transgender martial artists experience their sporting contexts, namely martial arts as an empowering and inclusive context and the challenges related to being transgender in martial arts. Two themes were also identified when it comes to participants’ strategies for coping with cis-/heteronormativity in martial arts. Whenever possible, participants employed social change strategies, whereas other times, they drew on…

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Perceived teaching efficacy and coeducational vs. single-sex grouping in physical education teachers

In many countries, sex equality is an essential aim of physical education (PE) curricula, while the PE grouping practices are widely hetero-normative. As far as there is a discrepancy between the curricula and practice, equality will not fully take place. This study examined the associations between PE teachers’ perceived teaching efficacy (student engagement, instruction, class management) and preferences for single-sex (i.e. juridical sex) vs. coeducational grouping in PE. The analysis, based on a cross-sectional online survey of 175 Finnish PE teachers, showed that higher perceived class management was associated with the stronger preferences for single-sex PE. Associations of teacher’s …

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Soidensuojelutyöryhmän ehdotus soidensuojelun täydentämiseksi

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Valmentajan vuorovaikutustapojen yhteydet joukkuevoimistelijoiden harjoituskokemuksiin

Tarkastelimme valmentajien ja joukkuevoimistelijoiden sanallisia vuorovaikutustapoja ja niiden yhteyksiä joukkuevoimistelijoiden arvioimaan motivaatioilmastoon, osallistumisaktiivisuuteen ja viihtymiseen harjoituksissa. Tutkimusaineisto koostui 4 naisvalmentajan videokuvatuista harjoituksista ja heidän 37 joukkuevoimistelijansa kyselyaineistosta. Aineistoja käsittelimme systemaattisesti havainnoiden sekä kuvailevien tilastomenetelmien ja korrelaatiokertoimien avulla. Videohavaintoihimme pohjautuvista vuorovaikutuskirjauksista suurin osa oli valmentajan antamaa palautetta. Korjaava palaute (2/3 palautteesta) korreloi voimistelijoiden vähäiseksi arvioimaan osallistumisaktiivisuuteen ja viihty…

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Tackling discrimination in grassroots sports : a handbook for teachers and coaches

The purpose of this handbook is to provide the definitions and the different kinds of discrimination, racism, harassment, and violence (e.g. ethnic, sexual etc.). After reading this handbook, coaches and PE teachers will be able to identify/recognize critical incidents. The handbook is a tool designed to be used by teachers and coaches. It gives information about different types of discrimination and presents ideas and resources for dealing with these items when working with children and young athletes. It aims to increase the awareness of discrimination problems in youth sport, report their consequences, propose measures and practices that can be used in the sports field to prevent discrim…

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Traits and emotions

This paper reviews literature on traits and emotions focusing on both structure and management, or 'having' and 'doing'. The cognitive perspective of this paper implies that traits and emotions are viewed as provisions to frame people and their behaviours in situations in meaningful ways. The focus on the structure of traits thus implies considering the now broadly acknowledged Big Five model as a dimensional framework by which traits of people can be meaningfully organized. A similar position is taken with respect to emotions, given the recurrent finding of a two-dimensional model of emotions with Positive Affect and Negative Affect (PA and NA). Maintaining relevant distinctions between tr…

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Emotion regulation strategies in relation to personality characteristics indicating low and high self-control of emotions

Abstract The study was part of the Jyvaskyla Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development, in which children's (196 boys, 173 girls) behavioral characteristics indicating the self-control of emotions were studied at age 8 using teacher ratings. At age 36, 140 men and 128 women filled in several inventories, including the Meta-Regulation Scale [Mayer, J. D., & Stevens, A. A. (1994). An emerging understanding of the reflective (meta-)experience of mood. Journal of Research in Personality , 28 , 351–373] and the Karolinska Scales of Personality [Af Klinteberg, B., Schalling, D., & Magnusson, D. (1986). Childhood behavior and adult personality in male and female subjects. European J…

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Three- to four-year-old children’s socioemotional competencies assessed by kindergarten teachers in general and physical education settings, and by parents at home

Summary. Early childhood education programs represent a valuable early learning opportunity for promoting the socioemotional skills. The aims of the study were to validate the socioemotional skills observation scale, to compare 3-4 year-old children’s socioemotional competencies in general kindergarten settings and in a PE session, separately by gender, and to compare 3-4 year-old children’s socioemotional competencies in general kindergarten settings and at home. The participants were 59 children (23 girls, 36 boys) from six communal kindergartens in Finland, their parents, and early educators. The data were analyzed using the confirmatory factor analysis and t-tests. The results showed th…

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The role of leadership in a national team’s success

Every elite football team wants to maximize their success. Especially in international football, smaller footballing countries need to perform well as underdogs when pursuing qualification to the group stage phase of international tournaments. With limited player options, development of leadership within the team might be one solution to achieve better results. The purpose of this study was to find out team members’ perceptions on what kind of leadership behaviours and leadership structures occur in a men’s football national team participating in the UEFA Euro 2020 and how those are connected to the team’s success. Due to the precise nature of the target sample, we applied a qualitative app…

research product

Associations between Teacher- and Student-directed Sexual and Physical Violence in Physical Education.

This study examined relationships between teachers’ perceptions of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment and physical violence against teachers and among students in physical education (PE). Participants were 175 (females 122, males 53) Finnish PE teachers between 27 and 62 years ( M = 44.8 ± 9.2 years). The cross-sectional data were collected by an anonymous online survey in the fall semester 2018. The findings showed that (a) higher levels of verbal sexual harassment and physical violence among students were associated with higher levels of equivalent types of violence against PE teachers, (b) higher levels of verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment among students were associated with …

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Emotional Intelligence

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"Ei tehdä mitään numeroo" : heteronormatiivisuus ja sukupuolen moninaisuus liikunnanopettajien puhetavoissa seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöihin kuuluvista oppilaista

Tutkimme tässä artikkelissa liikunnanopettajien puhetapoja seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöihin kuuluvista oppilaista koululiikunnassa. Aineisto koostuu kymmenen opettajan haastatteluaineistosta sekä 105 opettajan verkkokyselyaineistosta. Analysoimme laadullisella sisällönanalyysilla puhetavoista heteronormatiivisuutta sekä sukupuolen moninaisuutta. Hallitsevan puhetavan seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöihin kuuluvien oppilaiden ja opetuskäytäntöjen näkökulmasta muodostavat sukupuolitetut käytännöt, joita liikunnanopettajat haastavat pyrkimällä ei-sukupuolittavaan kielenkäyttöön ja ryhmäjakojen ylityksiin. Parhaiksi tavoiksi edistää seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöjen yhdenvertaisuutta ja…

research product

Associations Between Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment by a Coach and Psychological Ill-Being Amongst Gender and Sexual Minority Sport Participants in Finland

This study surveyed 155 gender and sexual minority (GSM) sport participants to examine 1) nonverbal and verbal gender-based and sexual harassment by a coach in relation to psychological ill-being, ...

research product

Liikunta ja urheilu - sukupuoleen perustuva ja seksuaalinen häirintä : mitä siitä tiedetään tutkimuksen valossa?

Kansainvälisten tutkimusten pohjalta tiedämme, että yleisesti ottaen naiset joutuvat miehiä enemmän häirityiksi urheilu- ja liikuntasektorilla. Tutkimukset ovat pääsääntöisesti kohdistuneet tyttöihin ja naisiin. Ainoastaan muutamat tutkimukset ovat tarkastelleet urheilua ja liikuntaa harrastavien miesten kokemuksia seksuaalisesta häirinnästä. Harrasteliikunnan ja kilpaurheilun puolella sukupuoleen perustuvan ja seksuaalisen häirinnän tutkimus on Suomessa vasta alkutaipaleella. Sosiaalisessa mediassa urheilijoihin yhä enenevissä määrin kohdistuva virtuaalinen seksuaalinen häirintä on viime aikoina huolestuttanut tutkijoita. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Social Competence and Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity of School-Aged Children through a Creative Physical Education Intervention

Traditional school physical education focuses on physical skills or strategies with an expectation that learning these skills lead to healthier lifestyle outside physical education classes, while children’s overall moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) is widely decreasing. Creative Physical Education (CPE) understands physical education more holistically, as the central pedagogical element of movement is social learning. The current study examined the development of social competence in school physical education (PE) and total moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) participation through a CPE-based intervention. Participants were 363 (177 intervention, 186 control) children …

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Factors contributing to verbal self-disclosure

The phenomenon of self-disclosure has been actively studied in several sub-discliplines of psychology from the 1970s on, and neighbouring disciplines, such as social and communication sciences, have enriched the psychological understanding of the topic. The psychological literature on self-disclosure, which is viewed, sometimes as a trait-like construct, varying in degree from one person to another, and sometimes as an interpersonal process which occurs when individuals interact with each other, has addressed, in particular, the issues of reciprocity effect, sex differences, self-disclosure in intimate vs. non-intimate relationships, the benefits to be derived from disclosing, and the emoti…

research product

“Some Women Are Born Fighters”: Discursive Constructions of a Fighter’s Identity by Female Finnish Judo Athletes

Martial arts and combat sports have been traditionally associated with masculinity, and a range of contradictory meanings have been attached to women’s engagement and experiences. The present study draws on cultural praxis and feminist poststructuralist frameworks to explore how female martial artists are subjectified to dominant cultural discourses surrounding fighting and competition. Interviews with nine female judoka (judo athletes) were gathered in Finland and analyzed using Foucauldian Discourse Analysis (FDA). The FDA revealed that in female judoka talk, judo was constructed as a sport for all, but also as a male domain and a manly sport with fighting and competition as innate mascul…

research product

What do we know about the sporting experiences of gender and sexual minority athletes and coaches? A scoping review

Scholarship on gender and sexual diversity in sport has advanced during the last decade and it is nowadays recognised that we need a better understanding of how to facilitate inclusive sport cultures that allow all people to participate as themselves. The purpose of this scoping review was to map research activity on the sporting experiences of gender and sexual minority (GSM) athletes and coaches, identify gaps in the literature and provide suggestions for future research, policy and practice. Our literature search in four different databases yielded 58 relevant studies. Based on their focal areas, five dominant interconnected themes were identified: (1) identity, (2) discrimination, (3) c…

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Women fighters as agents of change: A Brazilian jiu jitsu case study from Finland

Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ), a grappling system of combat, evolved from the teachings of a Japanese judoka who moved to Brazil in the 1920s. Focusing on ground fighting, BJJ is rapidly evolving into a combat sport with competitions taking place worldwide (Hogeveen and Hardes, 2014; Spencer, 2014). Unique to the BJJ culture is the way that the ‘secrets’ of the sport are transferred from expert to novice and from one club to the other. Clubs are organised into international ‘teams’, shaping global communities of practitioners that share techniques and philosophies. Unlike many other martial arts that insist on the traditional way of passing knowledge from one teacher to many students behind the…

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Examination of the paths between personality, current mood, its evaluation, and emotion regulation

In an ongoing longitudinal study, a Big Five Personality Inventory was completed by 122 men and 126 women at age 33. At age 36, the Brief Mood Introspection Scale, the Meta‐Evaluation Scale, and the Meta‐Regulation Scale were administered to 140 men and 127 women. The results, based on path analyses, lent support to a hypothesized model, according to which current mood (Negative, Positive, Active, Calm) and mood evaluation (Mood Influence, Typicality and Acceptance, Clarity) mediate the relationship between the Big Five personality traits and emotion regulation strategies (Repair, Dampening, Maintenance). For both sexes, Neuroticism was the most significant trait in terms of emotion regulat…

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Low Self-Control of Emotions as an Antecedent of Self-Reported Physical Symptoms: A Longitudinal Perspective

The study was part of the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development, underway since 1968, in which children's low self-control of emotions was studied using teacher ratings at age 8 in terms of inattentiveness, shifting moods, aggression, and anxiety. The study was based on data from 112 women and 112 men who participated in the previous data collections at ages 8, 27, and 36. At age 27, the participants had been assessed in Neuroticism (N) using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire , and at age 36 they filled in several inventories measuring, among others, conscious and active attempts to repair negative emotions in a more positive direction as well as physical s…

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”V….n homosta” yhdenvertaiseksi Lätkäjätkä-Villeksi

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“Just Existing Is Activism” : Transgender Experiences in Martial Arts

This study focuses on transgender experiences in martial arts. Interviews with three Finnish and two British transgender martial artists were thematically analyzed, and findings were interpreted through the lens of queer theory. Two themes were identified related to the ways that transgender martial artists experience their sporting contexts, namely martial arts as an empowering and inclusive context and the challenges related to being transgender in martial arts. Two themes were also identified when it comes to participants’ strategies for coping with cis-/heteronormativity in martial arts. Whenever possible, participants employed social change strategies, whereas other times, they drew on…

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The use of reflection-card by elite youth basketball players, head coach and team manager : effects on players’ performance and perceptions of users

AbstractThe purpose of the present paper was to test the effectiveness of the r-cards in sport performance, and to examine what kind of benefits and challenges the head coach, team manager and female basketball players (N = 12) faced when using the r-cards. Mixed methods were employed to gather specific data to answer the research questions. Inferential statistical analyses were conducted to examine whether players’ performances in terms of their targeted defensive rebound percentage and free-throw percentage differed across the five matches played. No significant differences were found. However, evidence from the qualitative data provides a contrasting but insightful perspective. Subjectiv…

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Syrjimätön ja yhdenvertainen opetusviestintä

Yhdenvertaisuuslaki (1329/2014) ja laki naisten ja miesten välisestä tasa-arvosta (1329/2014) velvoittavat koulutuksen järjestäjiä edistämäään yhdenvertaisuutta ja tasa-arvoa ja huolehtimaan koulutuksen järjestäjän tai oppilaitoksen toiminnan syrjimättömyydestä. Tasa-arvon tavoite ja laaja yhdenvertaisuusperiaate ohjaavat myös perusopetuksen kehittämistä (Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet 2014, 16). Kirjallisten yhdenvertaisuus- ja tasa-arvosuunnitelmien lisäksi opettajien opetusviestintää kannattaa tarkastella yhdenvertaisuuden ja tasa-arvon näkökulmasta. nonPeerReviewed

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Psychological Research on Martial Artists

In this article, we problematize sport psychology research on martial artists and offer some suggestions for advancing our knowledge in this area of research and practice. First, we review the previous research in the field. Then we introduce “cultural praxis” as a theoretical framework that will guide our analysis. Finally, we engage sociological studies of female fighters in conjunction with the adopted theoretical lens to outline the limitations of sport psychological research with regards to the experiences of women. It seems that the majority of the studies have used the male athlete as the norm, while research on the female athlete remains limited and focused on “differences”. Focusin…

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Peers as Teachers in Physical Education Hip Hop Classes in Finnish High School

In this case study, theoretically rooted in peer-assisted learning (PAL), ten female high school students, acting as peer teachers, taught hip hop dance in a voluntary physical education course. The data, derived from questionnaires and interviews with the peer teachers, were analysed using content analysis. The results showed that the peer teachers considered dance an important subject in the weekly curriculum. On the one hand, peer teachers enjoyed the freedom of making the class look like their own, the fast learning of their students, and the increased self-confidence acquired over the course. On the other hand, most of them were self-critical and felt ashamed when making mistakes. They…

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Teachers' Behavior and Pupils' Achievement Motivation as Determinants of Intended Helping Behavior in Physical Education

The present two-wave longitudinal study examined the extent to which physical education (PE) teachers' democratic and socially supportive behavior, pupils' goal orientations, and the perceived motivational climate in PE explained differences in pupils' intended helping behavior by gender in PE classes. The results of 105 boys and 109 girls based on structural equation modeling revealed at both time points that the PE teachers' democratic and socially supportive behavior was positively related to pupils' concurrent perceptions of the motivational climate as task-involving as well as their higher concurrent intended helping behavior in PE. Pupils' prior perceptions of the motivational climate…

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Children's help seeking and impulsivity

Abstract The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between students' (100 children aged 8 to 12) help-seeking behavior and impulsivity. Help-seeking behavior was evaluated using a naturalistic experimental paradigm in which children were placed in a problem-solving situation and had the opportunity to seek help from the experimenter, if needed. Impulsivity was analyzed using the Hyperactivity–Impulsivity Scale from the Teacher Rating Form of the Multidimensional Peer Nomination Inventory (TR-MPNI), Circle Tracing Task (CTT), Matching Familiar Figures (MFF), and Impulsiveness and Venturesomeness scales from the Eysenck Junior I 6 questionnaire. Structural equation modeling…

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Suomen CDG-malli : oppilaiden kokemukset oppijakeskeisestä liikunnanopetusinterventiosta

Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkoituksenamme oli selvittää, eroavatko oppilaslähtöiseen liikunnanopetusinterventioon osallistuneiden alakoululaisten kokemukset koetusta autonomiasta sekä liikuntaa opettavan luokanopettajan demokraattisesta käyttäytymisestä ja hänen tarjoamastaan sosiaalisesta tuesta verrattuna kontrollikoulun oppilaiden kokemuksiin. Halusimme myös selvittää, erosivatko interventioon osallistuneiden tyttöjen ja poikien kokemukset toisistaan. Tutkimuksemme oli Jyväskylän yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen ja liikuntakasvatuksen laitoksen yhteistyönä toteuttaman Liikuntatunnit kaikille aktiiviseksi – CDG-malli opetuksen tukena -hankkeen osatutkimus, joka toteutettiin marraskuun 201…

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The Effects of Intensive Weight Reduction on Body Composition and Serum Hormones in Female Fitness Competitors.

Worries about the potential negative consequences of popular fat loss regimens for aesthetic purposes in normal weight females have been surfacing in the media. However, longitudinal studies investigating these kinds of diets are lacking. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of a 4-month fat-loss diet in normal weight females competing in fitness-sport. In total 50 participants finished the study with 27 females (27.2 +/- 4.1 years) dieting for a competition and 23 (27.7 +/- 3.7 years) acting as weight-stable controls. The energy deficit of the diet group was achieved by reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing aerobic exercise while maintaining a high level of…

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Physical Education Teachers’ Perceived Sexual and Physical Violence and Work-related Stress

This study investigated the relationships between sexual (verbal and non-verbal sexual harassment) and physical violence against physical education (PE) teachers and work-related stress. Participants were 175 (females 122, males 53) Finnish PE teachers aged between 27 and 62 years. The findings showed that 1) higher perceived physical violence was positively associated with higher perceived non-verbal sexual harassment and work-related stress; 2) teachers with a sport science degree perceived higher work-related stress mediated by physical violence than other teachers; 3) longer-serving PE teachers reported lower verbal sexual harassment than teachers with less teaching experience; and 4) f…

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Coaches’ implementation strategies in providing social support to Singaporean university athletes: A case study

Coaches are effective providers of social support to their athletes. Although sport-specific measures of social support have been developed to better understand athletes’ perceptions of available support, limited amount of research has addressed how sport coaches implement specific social support strategies. The purpose of this study was to examine university coaches’ implementation strategies in providing various forms of social support to their athletes. A total of eight sport coaches from team and individual sports (four from each sport) were purposefully selected for this study. Coaches were individually interviewed. The interview transcripts were analysed using a thematic analysis. Th…

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Finnish interpretations of Creative Physical Education

ABSTRACTWhen physical education (PE) teachers change their programs to incorporate something new, the process always involves some effort at interpretation and adaptation. The perceived benefits must outweigh the labour required to think through the possibilities and to then manage the political and logistical challenges that go hand in hand with achieving change of this magnitude. This paper tells the story of one such change process, which involved the interpretation by a small group of teachers in Finland of a set of pedagogical ideas and practices developed in Australia known as Creative Physical Education. The story involves a range of characters (including the authors) and conveys the…

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The perception of elite athletes’ guided self-reflection and performance in archery

AbstractSelf-reflection has been shown to enhance professional development in clinical, counselling and educational settings. Recent research found that self-reflection can enhance performance in elite sports. The purpose of this intervention study was two-fold: Firstly, to examine whether a guided reflective diary was effective in enhancing accuracy in elite archery, and secondly, to identify factors facilitating and hindering the usage of the guided reflective diary. Eight Singaporean elite archers (four females, four males), aged 20–24 years, reflected on their training using the diary for a period of five weeks. Their pre- and post-intervention performance scores were collected and qual…

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Heteronormativity meets queering in physical education : the views of PE teachers and LGBTIQ+ students

Background and purpose: In school physical education (PE) lessons, gender is often produced heteronormatively. Lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, intersexual, and queer (LGBTIQ+) students have reported experiences of discrimination and obstacles to participation. This study analyzed Finnish PE teachers and LGBTIQ+ students’ talk about discrimination and problematic practices in PE and how equality in PE might be improved. Theoretical background: We draw on the concepts of heteronormativity and habitus. Habitus provides insight on how gendered norms and inequalities become embodied and contested in different social fields. In the PE context, we define social on the one hand as the heteronormativ…

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The associations of emotion regulation and dysregulation with the metabolic syndrome factor

Abstract Objective Emotion regulation has been associated with good, and dysregulation with poor subjective health; but it is unclear if emotion regulation is related to metabolic syndrome. Methods Associations between the metabolic syndrome factor (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, waist circumference, high-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, and glucose), emotion regulation (the strategies of repair and maintenance, self-perceived emotion regulation) and dysregulation (emotional ambivalence); and subjective health (self-rated health and psychosomatic symptoms) were studied using a structural equation modelling (SEM) approach. The participants (96 women, 85 men) were drawn from the Jy…

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Seksuaalivähemmistöjen häirintä joukkueessa tai liikuntaryhmässä : henkisen pahoinvoinnin näkökulma

Tämä tutkimus kohdistui seksuaalivähemmistöihin kuuluviin urheilijoihin ja liikkujiin (N = 155, juridisesti 93 naista ja 62 miestä) ja heidän kokemaansa sukupuoleen perustuvaan ja seksuaaliseen häirintään joukkueessa tai muussa liikuntaryhmässä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, 1) kuinka joukkueurheilun tai ryhmäliikunnan parissa koettu sukupuoleen perustuva ja seksuaalinen häirintä olivat yhteydessä seksuaalivähemmistöön kuuluvien urheilijoiden ja liikunnan harrastajien stressinä, psykosomaattisina oireina ja masentuneisuutena ilmenevään henkiseen pahoinvointiin ja 2) erosivatko häirintäkokemukset sukupuolen ja seksuaalisen suuntautuneisuuden mukaan. Seksuaalivähemmistöön kuuluvien urheilijoiden…

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Viesteissä on voimaa valmennuksessa

Valmentajan sanallinen ja sanaton viestintä vaikuttavat vahvasti valmennettavien urheilusuoritukseen ja hyvinvointiin kasvokkain taphtuvissa valmennustilanteissa. nonPeerReviewed

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Training and motivation in childhood and adolescence in Finnish elite footballers at different phases of their athletic careers

This study retrospectively explored 1) early specialization and hours of training in childhood and adolescence and 2) the interrelations of different types of motivation in four samples of elite male footballers in different phases of their athletic careers (N=91): Finnish first-tier players (n=23), youth national team players (U19 and U21; n=33), national team players (n=22), and Finland’s so-called Golden Generation players of the 1990s and 2000s (n=13). For this study, the Golden Generation was defined by FAF as footballers who had played at least ten official World cup or European championship qualifying games between the years 1996‒2008 and played in international top leagues during th…

research product

Examination of Goal Orientation, Sense of Coherence, and Motivational Climate as predictors of Perceived Physical Competence

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the extent to which children's goal orientation, sense of coherence (SOC), and perceptions of the motivational climate in PE accounted for their perceived physical competence. The variable measures were conducted with the participants (382 boys, 389 girls), aged 15-16, who completed a set of self-reported questionnaires. The hierarchical multiple-regression results showed that all steps lead to significant change in the models and accounted for 20.2 % of the variance in perceived physical competence. More specifically, the inclusion of task and ego orientation resulted in an additional 11.4 % of explained variance and the inclusion of SOC …

research product