Carmen Candel

The role of perspective on students’ use of multiple documents to solve an openended task

Resumen basado en el de la publicación Título, resumen y palabras clave en inglés y español McCrudden & Schraw (2007) muestran cómo las instrucciones de perspectiva asignada promueven a los lectores a utilizar el conocimiento previo cuando interaccionan con un texto. Se demuestra que los lectores otorgan relevancia a segmentos del texto que son consistentes con la perspectiva asignada (Pichert y Anderson, 1977). Se ponen a prueba los efectos de la perspectiva cuando se lee información contradictoria de múltiples documentos, al igual que si la fiabilidad de una fuente ejerce alguna influencia en la decisión de los estudiantes de cara a utilizarla información de un documento en particular. Lo…

research product

The role of perspective on students’ use of multiple documents to solve an openended Task

AbstractMcCrudden & Schraw (2007) show how students’ interaction with a text is mediated by the instructions they are presented with. Specifically, perspective instructions prompt readers to use background knowledge to evaluate text from an assigned point of view. Research on perspective in single texts has demonstrated that readers confer relevance on text segments that are consistent with the assigned perspective (Pichert & Anderson, 1977). This work has tested the effects of perspective when reading conflicting information from multiple documents to perform an open-ended task, as well as has studied if the trustworthiness of a source exerts any influence on students’ decision to use info…

research product

Selection Task and Computer-Based Feedback to Improve the Searching Process in Task-Oriented Reading Situations

Adaptive feedback has showed to be effective to enhance strategic reading behaviors and performance in task-oriented reading situations, but it is difficult to be implemented in classroom environments. Computer-based systems allow overcoming these challenges. We conducted an experiment in which secondary-school students read two texts, answered comprehension questions and selected relevant text information while receiving automatic feedback about selection accuracy and performance. Two experimental conditions were designed to assess the effects of feedback and selection attempts. Then, students perform a transfer task without any of these elements. We found that one-attempt and two-attempt …

research product

Delaying elaborated feedback within computer‐based learning environments: The role of summative and question‐based feedback

research product

Cognitive Load and Learning in the Study of Multiple Documents

This study had two main purposes. First, to test how the availability of documents in multiple document reading might affect students’ levels of cognitive load. Secondly, to develop an instrument that captures the different sources of load when working with multiple documents. A total of 125 secondary school students read four short texts on transgenic foods and subsequently responded to an open-ended question that required them to write an essay expressing their personal stance towards the topic. Participants in the experimental treatment condition (n = 54) were allowed to go back to the texts any time during the essay task, whereas their peers in the control condition (n = 71) were not al…

research product

Effects of timing of formative feedback in computer‐assisted learning environments

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