E. Muscholl
Vergleichende Untersuchung der Blutdruckwirkung, Aufnahme und Speicherung von Dihydroxyephedrin (?-Methyladrenalin) und Dihydroxypseudoephedrin
Die Wirkung sympathomimetischer Amine auf den sympathischen Reizerfolg am perfundierten A. mesenterica-Pr�parat der Ratte
�ber den nachweis und die bedeutung von ?-methylnoradrenalin im harn von hypertonikern bei verabreichung von ?-methyldopa
An 13 Hypertonikern wurde die Harnausscheidung von α-Methyldopa, α-Methyldopamin und Katecholammen wahrend einer Dauerbehandlung oder nach einer Einzeldosis von α-Methyldopa untersucht. Die im Harn enthaltenen Substanzen werden durch Ionenaustausch- und Papierchromatographie voneinander getrennt und fluorometrisch oder biologisch bestimmt. — Von alien Patienten wurde auser freiem und konjugiertem α-Methyldopa und α-Methyldopamin auch α-Methylnoradrenalin ausgeschieden. Gleichzeitig nahm die Ausscheidung von Noradrenalin gegenuber der Vor-und Nachperiode bei fast allen Patienten ab. Es kann ausgeschlossen werden, das die bei der Behandlung durch die Nieren ausgeschiedenen Mengen von α-Methyl…
Inhibition by parasympathetic nerve stimulation of the release of the adrenergic transmitter
Isolated rabbit atria were perfused with Tyrode solution containing (+)-amphetamine. Electrical stimulation of the right postganglionic sympathetic fibres caused an output of noradrenaline which was significantly decreased by simultaneous stimulation of the vagus nerves.
Über einen durch Nicotinreceptoren vermittelten Block an der postganglionären sympathischen Nervenfaser
A muscarinic inhibition of the noradrenaline release evoked by postganglionic sympathetic nerve stimulation
1. The noradrenaline output from isolated rabbit hearts perfused with Tyrode solution was estimated fluorimetrically. The postganglionic sympathetic nerves of the heart were stimulated (10 shocks/sec; 1 msec) for three 1 min periods with intervals of 10 min. 2. The noradrenaline output evoked by 3 consecutive stimulation periods decreased exponentially. 3. Acetylcholine (10−9–10−6 g/ml) administered continuously one min before to one min after the second stimulation caused a dose-dependent reduction of the noradrenaline output evoked by the second stimulation to as low as 19% of the normal value. Acetylcholine in the concentrations applied did not cause a noradrenaline output by itself. 4. …
Die Ausscheidung von ?-Methylnoradrenalin im Harn von Hypertonikern w�hrend einer Behandlung mit ?-Methyldopa
Die Ausscheidung von Katecholaminen und Aminmetaboliten von α-Methyldopa in den Harn zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten nach der letzten verabreichten Dosis
Die Wirkung von Ouabain auf die Elimination von Noradrenalin aus der Perfusionsfl�ssigkeit des isolierten Kaninchenherzens
Isolated rabbit hearts were perfused with Tyrode solution containing 10 ng/ml (-)-noradrenaline for 20 min. The uptake by the heart of noradrenaline was calculated by estimating the percentage of amine removed from the perfusion fluid during a single passage through the heart. Previous experiments have shown that the amount of noradrenaline removed from the perfusion fluid corresponds well to the amount retained by the heart. In control experiments, the mean removal (elimination) of noradrenaline was 50±1.7% of the amount infused as measured biologically and 46±2.2% as measured fluorimetrically. Ouabain was added to the perfusion fluid at concentrations ranging from 2.74·10−7 to 2.0·10−6 mo…
Elektrophysiologische Untersuchung der einzelnen Faseranteile des isolierten Rattenzwerchfelles
Cholinergic-Adrenergic Interactions at the Presynaptic Level as Studied in the Heart
Funktionelle Bedeutung der Freisetzung von Dihydroxyephedrin und Dihydroxypseudoephedrin als ?falschen? sympathischen �bertr�gerstoffen am Herzen
The experiments were carried out in order to investigate the functional significance of substitution of noradrenaline by amines known to exert actions weaker than those of the natural transmitter. On the isolated rabbit heart the potency relative to noradrenaline of (±)-dihydroxyephedrine to increase the rate was 1/4 and the potency to augment the contractile amplitude was 1/6. The corresponding values for (±)-dihydroxypseudoephedrine were 1/67 and 1/140, respectively.
Wirkungen von threo-1-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1-hydroxy-2-aminopropan, dem Diastereomeren von Corbadrin
The role of vagus activity in the presynaptic control of noradrenaline release from rabbit atria.
Abstract On various heart preparations with the autonomic innervation left intact, vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has been found to reduce the amount of noradrenaline (NA) that is released in response to sympathetic nerve stimulation (SNS). The following experiments were carried out on an innervated rabbit perfused atria preparation in which the overflow of NA and acetylcholine (ACh) could be determined simultaneously. VNS impulses applied at a fixed time interval before the corresponding SNS impulses reduced NA overflow when the interval was 3–10 ms (early peak) or 200–283 ms (late peak of inhibition). VNS applied 30–167 ms before SNS had no significant effect (“ineffectual period”). Both i…
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the release of catecholamines from the heart. The isolated heart of the rabbit with the sympathetic nervous supply from the right stellate ganglion intact was set up according to Hukovio and Muscholl. The ganglion was stimulated for 30 s at supramaximal voltage with rectangular impulses of 3–5 ms duration a frequency of 10 shocks/s. Each stimulation period was followed by a resting period of 30 s. In the rabbit, four doses of 50 mg/kg l-α-methyldopa decreased the noradrenaline concentration in auricles, right, and left ventricles by 38–60%. An equimolar amount of α-methyl noradrenaline was detected in the tissues. Reserpine and guanethidine in doses,…
Pharmakologische Grundlagen der Receptorenblockade
Wenn ich im folgenden uber pharmakologische Grundlagen der adrenergen Receptorenblockade berichte, so mochte ich zunachst einige physiologische Wirkungen besprechen, die durch adrenerge Receptoren vermittelt warden. Daran anschliesend werde ich den Einflus der Receptorenhemmstoffe auf Organfunktionen besprechen.
Die Hemmung der Noradrenalin-Abgabe durch Acetylcholin am sympathisch gereizten, isolierten Kaninchenherzen / The Inhibitory Effect of Acetylcholine on the Release of Noradrenaline from Isolated Rabbit Hearts Stimulated Sympathetically
Nicotinartig wirkende Substanzen setzen aus chromaffinen Zellen und aus sympathischen Nervenendigungen Noradrenalin (NA) frei. Am isolierten Saugetierherzen wird diese NA-Freisetzung aber gehemmt, wenn gleichzeitig Muscarinreceptoren z. B. durch Acetylcholin (ACh) oder Methacholin erregt werden (Lindmau Loffelholz u. Muscholl