Turo Uskali
Big Data ja mediasuhteet : miten suuret data-aineistot mullistavat taas
Voidaan perustellusti väittää, että digitaalisten data-aineistojen merkitys yhteiskunnassa kasvaa koko ajan. Jos sosiaalisen median nopea nousu uudeksi keskeiseksi viestinnän muodoksi tuli monille yllätyksenä viime vuosikymmenen aikana, sama muutos on toistumassa nyt laajojen data-aineistojen kanssa. Datan määrän lisääntyessä koko ajan tarvitaan eri aloilla uudenlaista viestinnällistä osaamista, sillä datajournalismi on tiimityötä. Tarvitaan työkäytäntöjen kehittämistä muun muassa data-aineistojen visualisoinnin suuntaan. Uudessa ympäristössä viestinnän ammattilaiset kohtaavat sekä datajournalisteja, jotka hyödyntävät suuria aineistoja, että data-aktivisteja, jotka vaativat suurempaa läpinä…
From Censoring to Self-censorship : The Work of Finnish Moscow Correspondents 1957–1975
Innovation Journalism
Journalismin tutkimus tähtää tulevaisuuteen – heikot signaalit apuna
The Networked Utilisation of Satellite Images and Geospatial Technology in Journalism
Satellite technology has become increasingly affordable and accessible in the past few decades. This has enabled many newsrooms to engage with genuinely remote journalism. This chapter explores the networked nature of satellite journalism and investigates its inclusion of experts and citizens outside newsrooms. Satellite journalism uses satellite-borne technology either as a (1) part of storytelling or (2) source of information. Academic research on the topic is scarce, so this chapter builds a base of knowledge on the contemporary practices, limitations and ethics—as well as directions of future development—of satellite journalism. By interviewing six journalists and one earth observation …
The impact of emotions in immersive journalism
One of the starting motivations for developing the very concept and practice of immersive journalism was concern about the audiences’ general apathy toward news reporting. As Nonny de la Peña et al. (2010, 298) stated in their seminal paper, “An important role of immersive journalism could be to reinstitute the audience’s emotional involvement in current events”. As a documentarist, de la Peña was more familiar with “emotional literacy” than an average news reporter, for example (see Pantti 2010, 176). peerReviewed
Periodismo de datos iberoamericano: desarrollo, contestación y cambio social. Presentación
espanolA medida que el foco de la investigacion del periodismo de datos se desplaza hacia el Sur Global, Iberoamerica es una region que permanece relativamente poco explorada. Sin embargo, no solo ha sido un espacio pionero en las practicas de periodismo de datos sino que posee un enorme potencial de cambio social y desarrollo a traves de datos abiertos. De hecho, Iberoamerica ha destacado en muchas areas relacionadas con este campo. El periodico argentino La Nacion tiene hasta la fecha una de las unidades de periodismo de datos mas innovadoras en el ambito internacional. Ademas, La Nacion, junto con el periodico espanol El Pais, The Guardian, The New York Times y Spiegel, fue una de las pr…
Onko media ja journalismin tulevaisuus Googlen ja Facebookin käsissä?
Models and Streams of Data Journalism
This paper presents the initial results of a two-year research project, the Data Journalism Work Practices, which focuses on newsrooms in Finland, UK and US. Data journalism or data-driven journalism has been defined simply as journalism based on large data sets (or big data) Rogers 2011; Bounegru et al. 2012). According to our ongoing research on data journalism work methods, we can claim this has been an oversimplification. In this paper we will argue that all the brief definitions of data journalism lack nuances, and the multiple layers that contemporary data journalism already consists of in newsrooms. Based on six interviews of leading Finnish, American and British data journalists we …
Crashing a National Media Event : Circulation of Social Imaginaries in the Gatecrashers Riots in Finland
What is immersive journalism?
Immersive technologies are opening gateways to virtual realities that might change journalism forever. In the virtual world, journalism balances on the edge between imaginary approaches to fact-based creation and extended options for fakes. The journalistic maneuverings between reality and virtual reality are particularly intriguing to work with because they put the truth-seeking values of journalism into play. How can immersive technologies be applied to improve meaningful reporting and investigate storytelling in journalism? How can skills and knowledge of virtual reality empower news professionals? And how can journalism codes of ethics help shape the new platforms, shape a future in whi…
Diffusion of Drone Journalism: the Case of Finland, 2011-2020
This article details Finnish news organizations’ adoption of drones for journalistic purposes from 2011 to 2020. The theoretical starting point of the article is Rogers’ (1962) diffusion of innovations theory, which explains how new ideas and technologies spread in societies. The main empirical data for the study were derived from a phone survey conducted among the 80 most popular newspapers in Finland. The findings reveal that drone journalism in Finland has already diffused from a few pioneering organizations to a large number of newsrooms, including regional, mid-sized newspapers. Most of the newspapers are either using in-house drones, buying commissioned images, or using both strategie…
Chances and Challenges of Computational Data Gathering and Analysis
Digital and social media and large available data-sets generate various new possibilities and challenges for conducting research focused on perpetually developing online news ecosystems. This paper presents a novel computational technique for gathering and processing large quantities of data from Facebook. We demonstrate how to use this technique for detecting and analysing issue-attention cycles and news flows in Facebook groups and pages. Although the paper concentrates on a Finnish Facebook group as a case study, the demonstrated method can be used for gathering and analysing large sets of data from various social network sites and national contexts. The paper also discusses Facebook pla…
Virtual Reality Journalism
Teaching immersive journalism
This chapter adds value by offering an overview and fresh insights from some of the leading journalism educators in the world, focusing on the interplay of emergent technologies and journalism, especially in relation to immersive journalism. So far, journalism educators have not been at the forefront of immersive journalism studies, although journalists, content, and audiences, especially students, have received attention. The chapter maps the journalism educators that have been teaching Immersive Journalism courses. Associate Professor of Practice Robert Hernandez from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles has been teaching immersive technologies for journalism since 2012. He …
Assisting immersive virtual reality development with user experience design approach
In our study we explored how to design a biography of a late Finnish artist as a VR experience. We conducted a development process assisted by user experience (UX) design methods, which increased the process efficiency, and resulted in a research prototype. Through previous research and our development process, we identified components affecting the user experience. These components are: Immersion, Presence, Disorientation, Sense of Control, Pleasantness, Exploration and Simulator Sickness. From our user study with 13 participants, we were able to draw implications that relate to these components. While the set of components could be incomplete or subject to change, shows that further resea…
Facebook’s Emotional Contagion Experiment as a Challenge to Research Ethics
This article analyzes the ethical discussion focusing on the Facebook emotional contagion experiment published by the <em>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</em> in 2014. The massive-scale experiment manipulated the News Feeds of a large amount of Facebook users and was successful in proving that emotional contagion happens also in online environments. However, the experiment caused ethical concerns within and outside academia mainly for two intertwined reasons, the first revolving around the idea of research as manipulation, and the second focusing on the problematic definition of informed consent. The article concurs with recent research that the era of social med…
Drones, teaching and the value of the explorative player-coach
What is responsible drone journalism?
Augmented reality as news
If you are building complex, expensive VR today for the limited number of people, who get VR headsets, and [are] willing to scratch up on their heads to have the experience, experimentation is great, nice, but […] I think augmented reality is actually more interesting and has more potential for news. peerReviewed
A Pilot Study on Developing Newsgames in Collaboration between Journalism and Computer Science Students
Abstract Producing digital and interactive journalistic products offers unique and important new learning opportunities for journalism education. This study analysed the experiences of two pilot courses on so-called ‘newsgames’ in a Finnish university in 2015 and 2017. The data consisted of the newsgames and other materials produced by the students, student feedback concerning the course and observations of teachers throughout the project. Our analysis demonstrates how producing newsgames in the context of higher education may foster project-based learning experiences, something that has been relatively rare in traditional journalism education. Collaboration with media companies also offere…
Facebook’s ad hoc groups: a potential source of communicative power of networked citizens
Ad hoc groups (sporadically formed on social network sites for achieving particular common objectives) have been seen as a public space for citizen participation and debate. This study focuses on Facebook’s ad hoc groups in Finland. The aim is to detect the potential of these groups to enhance networked citizens’ communicative power for raising societally important issues to public agenda and initiate changes in society. We suggest a categorization of the groups according to their missions, and present their members’ specific motivations and objectives through an online survey. Despite the general entertainment-orientation and self-referential nature of social media, the results show that a…
Uutisia ranteessa? : älykellojen soveltuvuus journalismiin. Loppuraportti
Tämän tutkimushankkeen päätarkoituksena oli selvittää älykellojen soveltuvuus journalismiin, sen uutena sisällönjulkaisupaikkana sekä työvälineenä. Keskeisinä tiedonhankinnan menetelminä olivat journalistisen ja tutkimuksellisen aineiston jatkuva monitorointi, asiantuntijahaastattelut (N=6) sekä älykellojen testaus koeryhmien avulla. Vähintään kuukauden mittaisen testijakson teki yhteensä yhdeksän testaajaa. Tutkimuksen keskeisenä tuloksena oli, että älykellot eivät ole ainakaan vielä vuonna 2016 nousseet uudeksi varteenotettavaksi viestinnän laitekategoriaksi eivätkä ne siten ole korvaamassa esimerkiksi älypuhelimia. Suurin hyöty älykelloista on breaking news -uutistilanteissa, jolloin uut…
"Älä kirjoita itseäsi ulos" : suomalaisen Moskovan-kirjeenvaihtajuuden alkutaival 1957-1975
Turo Uskalin väitöstutkimuksen mukaan Moskovan-kirjeenvaihtajat ovat olleet tärkeimpiä Neuvostoliittokuvan välittäjiä. Tähän vaikutti kirjeenvaihtajien taito lukea rivien väleistä ja kirjoittaa rivien väleihin, sekä se, että osa heistä teki työtään Moskovan-kirjeenvaihtajien kultakauden 1962-1966 aikana, jolloin neuvostolehdistö kritisoi monia yhteiskuntansa epäkohtia. Uskali tutki väitöskirjassaan Kansan Uutisten, Uuden Suomen, Yleisradion, Suomen Tietotoimiston (yhteispohjoismainen), Helsingin Sanomien ja Tiedonantajan Moskovan-kirjeenvaihtajuuksien alkutaipaleet. Tutkimusmateriaalina hän käytti kirjeenvaihtajien journalistisia juttuja, henkilöhaastatteluja sekä joukkoviestinten ja kotima…
Immersive journalism as storytelling
The first wave of drone journalism : From activism tool to global game changer
Ilmakuvausjournalismin uudet ulottuvuudet : Drooneista satelliitteihin
Ilmakuvausjournalismin uudet ulottuvuudet: Drooneista satelliitteihin -tutkimus- ja kehityshankkeen (DroSat) loppuraportissa kerrotaan projektin tärkeimmät tulokset. Hanke toteutettiin vuosien 2020–2021 aikana Jyväskylän yliopiston kieli- ja viestintätieteen laitoksella Media-alan tutkimussäätiön rahoituksella. Muun muassa koronapandemian takia alunperin yksivuotiseksi tarkoitettu hanke venyi käytännössä monivuotiseksi. Tutkimusaineiston kerääminen, live-etäkoulutuksen pilotointi sekä ensimmäinen tutkimusjulkaisu ajoittuivat vuoteen 2020. Tutkimustulosten esittely alan tieteellisissä konferensseissa tapahtui kuitenkin pääasiassa vasta vuoden 2021 aikana, ja tutkimustulosten tieteellinen jul…
Yleisradion audio-on-demand (AOD) : tarjonta ja julkinen palvelu
Yleisradio tilasi tutkimusryhmältämme laajan katsauksen Ylen audio-on-demand (AOD) -tarjonnan merkityksestä julkisen palvelun tehtävän toteuttamiselle. Raporttimme nojaa 1) aiempaan tutkimukseen ja jo olemassa olleisiin data-aineistoihin, 2) väestöllisesti edustavaan uuteen kyselytutkimukseen, 3) lähes 60 AOD-sisältötunnin analyysiin, sekä 4) kymmeneen tutkimushaastatteluun suomalaisten audiomedian asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Raporttiin pyydettiin selvittämään AOD-sisältöjen ja lineaarisen radion eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä. Keskityimme erityisesti podcastien ja radion erotteluun, koska podcast-sisältöjen tuominen radiosisältöjen rinnalle edustaa Ylen tarjonnassa laajempaa muutosta kuin radio-ohje…
Droonijournalismi : kauko-ohjattavien kamerakopterien toimituskäyttö
Camera drones (remotely piloted aircrafts or unmanned aerial vehicles) open up new and exciting possibilities for journalistic newsgathering and video and photo shooting. The current report describes and analyses the results of the research project called “Drone Journalism: UtilizingRemotely Piloted Aircrafts (RPA) in Journalistic Purposes”. The project lasted 12 months (1.4.2015-31.3.2016) and was funded by Helsingin Sanomat Foundation. The project was carried out at the Department of Communication of the University of Jyväskylä. The aim of the project was to clarify the problems and possibilities of utilizing camera drones for journalistic purposes. The project focused on: 1) national and…
Journalism in virtual reality : opportunities and future research challenges
This paper presents a state-of-the-art overview on journalism and its opportunities and challenges in virtual reality. First we take a look at what kind of real-life journalistic experiments there have been made in this field so far, then we analyze the research literature on journalistic VR. The paper proceeds to discuss the emergence of virtual reality and immersive journalism explored in the latest reports in the fields of HCI and VR design. In order to analyse VR-journalism further, early draft of analysis model is being developed based on sample of three VR-productions and four VR-applications. The paper concludes to discuss the results of the analysis and outlines more advanced and in…
Forecasting future trajectories for immersive journalism
In this book we have critically explored the emerging practices of immersive journalism. In the news business, experimenting with new forms of storytelling has become the new normal. After spending a decade to get familiar with simple virtual reality tools, however, the future of immersive journalism is still considered uncertain. Immersive storytelling appears to become more concentrated on special events and locations. Journalistic virtual reality skills are increasingly crafted away from the newsrooms by small and specialized subcontractors. Sponsoring VR by the big tech companies tends to diminish in parallel with a growing move towards augmented reality investments. peerReviewed
Exploring the immersive journalism landscape
Current drivers of 360-degree journalism have been mostly curious about the new medium, its possibilities, and are exploring business opportunities. The early adoption of such technology is often a matter of brand-building – that is, news organizations experimenting with virtual reality (VR) want to demonstrate that their digital strategies are forward-thinking (Watson 2017). After interviewing representatives from leading US newspapers, Bosworth and Sarah (2019, 226) also conclude, “among major media companies that failing to experiment in immersive and experimental stories will mean losing a race”. peerReviewed