Sabrina David
The Role of the Heme Oxygenase System in the Metabolic Syndrome
Molecular chaperones and the heat shock response play a major role in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis under various pathological conditions. In particular, their role is to regulate protein conformation, protect proteins from misfolding and aggregation, and maintain signalling and organellarnetworks. Among variousheat shock proteins, Hsp32 also known as heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), has demonstrated an important role in metabolic syndrome. In particular, the HO system seems to play a major role in the complex pathophysiological cascade involved in insulin resistance mechanisms, and adipocyte functions as measured by the release of important adipokynes. The aim of the present review is to…
Effects of P53 and HSP70 expression in a model of oxidative-stress induced apoptosis in tumoral cells
Chaperonology: A novel research field for experimental medicine in the XXI century.
Hsp60 quantification in human gastric mucosa shows differences between pathologies with various degrees of proliferation and malignancy grade
Background: Stomach diseases are an important sector of gastroenterology, including proliferative benign
Expression of Heat Shock Protein in bladder cancers.
Expression of Heat Shock Protein in bladder cancers.
Hsp60 is actively secreted by human tumor cells
Background Hsp60, a Group I mitochondrial chaperonin, is classically considered an intracellular chaperone with residence in the mitochondria; nonetheless, in the last few years it has been found extracellularly as well as in the cell membrane. Important questions remain pertaining to extracellular Hsp60 such as how generalized is its occurrence outside cells, what are its extracellular functions and the translocation mechanisms that transport the chaperone outside of the cell. These questions are particularly relevant for cancer biology since it is believed that extracellular chaperones, like Hsp70, may play an active role in tumor growth and dissemination. Methodology/Principal Findings S…
Hsp60 and Hsp10 down-regulation predicts bronchial epithelial carcinogenesis in smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
BACKGROUND. The relation between smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer (LC) is an open field of investigation. A higher frequency of adenocarcinoma has been reported in patients with COPD. Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are implicated in tumoral cell growth and differentiation. The aim of the present study was to investigate the expression of Hsp60 and Hsp10 in bronchial biopsies from smokers with COPD and in 10 lung cancer patients and to evaluate the association between Hsps expression and carcinogenetic steps of LC. METHODS. An immunohistochemical study was performed for Hsp60 and Hsp10 in bronchial biopsies from 35 COPD (postbronchodilator forced expiratory …
Oxidative Stress Upregulates eNOS and Myeloperoxidase (MPO) immunoexpression in hydrogen peroxide (H202) exposed HUVEC cells
The Odyssey of Hsp60 from Tumor Cells to Other Destinations Includes Plasma Membrane-Associated Stages and Golgi and Exosomal Protein-Trafficking Modalities
BACKGROUND: In a previous work we showed for the first time that human tumor cells secrete Hsp60 via exosomes, which are considered immunologically active microvesicles involved in tumor progression. This finding raised questions concerning the route followed by Hsp60 to reach the exosomes, its location in them, and whether Hsp60 can be secreted also via other mechanisms, e.g., by the Golgi. We addressed these issues in the work presented here. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that Hsp60 localizes in the tumor cell plasma membrane, is associated with lipid rafts, and ends up in the exosomal membrane. We also found evidence that Hsp60 localizes in the Golgi apparatus and its secretion is prevent…
Upon oxidative stress, the antiapoptotic Hsp60/procaspase-3 complex persists in mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells.
Hsp60, a mitochondrial chaperonin highly conserved during evolution, has been found elevated in the cytosol of cancer cells, both in vivo and in vitro, but its role in determining apoptosis during oxidative stress (OS) has not yet been fully elucidated. The aim of the present work was to study the effects of OS on Hsp60 levels and its interactions with procaspase- 3 (p-C3) and p53 in tumor cells. NCI-H292 (mucoepidermoid carcinoma) cells were exposed to various concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for 24 hours. Cell viability was determined by Trypan blue and MTT assays. DNA damage was assessed by the Comet assay, and apoptosis was measured by the AnnexinV cytofluorimetric test. Expos…
Hsp60 secretion and migration from cancer cells: a proposal for a multistage pathway
Comparative analysis of Hsp10 and Hsp90 in large bowel healthy mucosa and adenocarcinomas
Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are an important class of molecules with various functions. Their classic role is to assist other proteins in folding and re-folding and, when proteins are defective or irreversibly misfolded, to drive their degradation. For this reason, some Hsps are also named molecular chaperones. During evolution, this class of proteins has also acquired extrachaperoning roles such as participation in immune system regulation, cell differentiation, programmed cell death and carcinogenesis. Hsp10 is a partner of Hsp60 in the Hsp60/10 folding machine, but numerous scientific studies have shown that Hsp10 may also play other roles. In fact, Hsp10 seems to have an immunomodulatory…
Crohn's disease (CD) is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and its etiology is multifactorial and involves a combination of genetic environmental factors. The interaction of these factors causes an imbalance of the microbiota, leading to the activation of several immunological and inflammatory mechanism. From an immunological point of view, there seems to be an involvement of the TIM-3/GALECTIN-9 pathway and of the autoregulation of lyTh1. These studies show that in patients with CD the autoregulation of lyth1 is lost due to a reduced concentration of galectin-9 and a reduced TIM-3 expression in LyTh1. This could be one of the reason for the state of perpetual activation of lyTh1, r…
Ten kilodalton heat shock protein (HSP10) is overexpressed during carcinogenesis of large bowel and uterine exocervix
In the present study, we evaluated the presence and the level of expression of HSP10 in two carcinogenetic models: the 'adenoma-carcinoma sequence' of large bowel and the 'dysplasia-carcinoma sequence' of uterine exocervix. We found HSP10 was overexpressed during the carcinogenesis of both organs. In particular, HSP10 was overexpressed early in large bowel carcinogenesis, while the expression of this protein in exocervical carcinogenesis gradually increased from normal through dysplastic to neoplastic tissues. The quantitative analysis of immunohistochemistry and the Western blotting confirmed these results. Our previous observations showed overexpression of HSP60 in the same carcinogenetic…
Distinctive patterns of Hsp60 levels and localization in human colon mucosa.
Hsp60 and Hsp10 overexpression in metastatic colon cancer.
Changes in immunohistochemical levels and subcellular localization after therapy and correlation and colocalization with CD68 suggest a pathogenetic role of Hsp60 in ulcerative colitis.
In an earlier work, the role of heat shock protein (Hsp60) in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis (UC) was suggested by its significant increase in the pathological mucosa parallel with an increase in inflammatory cells. More data in this direction are reported in this work. We analyzed by immunohistochemistry biopsies of colon tissue from 2 groups of patients with UC and treated with either 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) alone or in combination with a probiotic. We looked for inflammatory markers and Hsp60. Both the treatments were effective in reducing symptoms but the group treated with both 5-ASA and probiotics showed better clinical results. Amelioration of symptoms was associated wi…
During embryonic development, a pool of cells may become a reserve of undifferentiated cells, the embryo-stolen adult stem cells (ESASC). ESASC may be responsible for adult tissue homeostasis, as well as disease development. Transdifferentiation is a sort of reprogramming of ESASC from one germ layer-derived tissue towards another. Transdifferentiation has been described to take place from mesoderm to ectodermal- or endodermal-derived tissues and viceversa but not from ectodermal- to endodermal-derived tissues. We hypothesise that two different populations of ESASC could exist, the first ecto/mesoblast-committed and the second endo/mesoblast-committed. If confirmed, this hypothesis could le…
Research of cardiomyocyte precursors in adult rat heart
Recent reports supported the existence of stem cells in adult hearts. However, phenotype and localization of these cells have not been completely described and it is unknown if cardiac regenerative potential differs from one subject to another. The aims of our work were to identify different populations of cardiac stem cells by the analysis of specific markers and to evaluate the expression variability of these markers in 12 adult rat hearts. The expression of CD9, taube nuss and nanog suggests the presence of stem cells from the earliest stages of embryogenesis in adult myocardium. Their different expression could be associated to the degree of stem cell differentiation. CD34 and c-Kit ant…
CD1a expression in primary breast cancer and lymph nodes: correlation with clinicopathological parameters.
Quantitative immunomorphological analysis of heat shock proteins in thyroid follicular adenoma and carcinoma tissues reveals their potential for differential diagnosis and points to a role in carcinogenesis
Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90 are chaperones that play a crucial role in cellular homeostasis and differentiation, but they may be implicated in carcinogenesis. Follicular neoplasms of the thyroid include follicular adenoma and follicular carcinoma. The former is a very frequent benign encapsulated nodule, whereas the other is a nodule that infiltrates the capsule, blood vessels and the adjacent parenchyma, with a tendency to metastasize. The main objective was to assess the potential of the Hsps in differential diagnosis and carcinogenesis. We quantified by immunohistochemistry Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90 on thin sections of human thyroid tissue with follicular adenoma or follicular ca…
With this invited commentary we want to draw the attention of young medical doctors, the main readers of this journal, towards the existence and importance of a group of nanovesicles released by human cells: the exosomes. These vesicles are incontinently se-creted as a mean of cell-to-cell communication. They are involved in a number of physiol-ogic processes as well as in the pathogenesis of, virtually, all human diseases. They can be isolated from all biological fluids, like blood, urine, sweat, sperm, crevicular fluid, bile, etc., and their composition in terms of proteins, RNA and lipids is different in pathology that in physiologic conditions. It is therefore possible to predict that t…
Hsp60 and Hsp10 increase in colon mucosa of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.
The purpose of this work was to determine in colon mucosa of Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) in relapse: a) the levels of the chaperonins Hsp60 and Hsp10; b) the quantity of inflammatory cells; and c) if the levels of chaperonins parallel those of inflammation cells. Twenty cases of CD and UC and twenty normal controls (NC) were studied using immunohistochemistry, Western blotting and immunofluorescence. Immunohistochemically, Hsp60 and Hsp10 were increased in both inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) compared to NC. These results were confirmed by Western blotting. Hsp60 and Hsp10 occurred in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells in CD and UC but not in NC. Hsp60 and Hsp10 co-loc…
Hsp60 from cancer cells can reach near and distant targets: A proposal for a multistage pathway
Cancer cells have means to influence other cells in their vicinity and distant, and in this signal-delivering mechanisms the chaperonin Hsp60 plays a role, which is currently being recognized as potentially crucial for the growth and dissemination of at least certain types of tumors. In order to arrive at its destination, Hsp60, a typical resident of mitochondria in normal and tumor cells, leaves the organelle and reaches the blood. In the latter, Hsp60 can travel and arrive at targets situated far away from its origin. The details of the route followed by Hsp60 and their molecular mechanisms have not yet been fully elucidated. We investigated Hsp60 levels and secretion in normal and tumor …
60KDa chaperonin (HSP60) is over-expressed during colorectal carcinogenesis
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the expression of the heat shock protein 60 (HSP60), a mitochondrial matrix-associated protein belonging to the chaperonin family, in colorectal adenomas and cancers, comparing them to normal colonic tissues and hyperplastic polyps. We performed both immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis for HSP60. Immunohistochemistry resulted positive in all tubular adenomas and infiltrating adenocarcinomas. By contrast, normal tissues and hyperplastic polyps were negative. Quantitative analysis showed that tubular adenomas with different levels of dysplasia did not present statistical differences concerning HSP60 positivity. In addition, carcinomas al…
Heat shock protein 60 levels in tissue and circulating exosomes in human large bowel cancer before and after ablative surgery
BACKGROUND: Heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60) is a chaperonin involved in tumorigenesis, but its participation in tumor development and progression is not well understood and its value as a tumor biomarker has not been fully elucidated. In the current study, the authors presented evidence supporting the theory that Hsp60 has potential as a biomarker as well as a therapeutic target in patients with large bowel cancer. METHODS: The authors studied a population of 97 subjects, including patients and controls. Immunomorphology, Western blot analysis, and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction were performed on tissue specimens. Exosomes were isolated from blood and characterized by electr…
Role of Adrenomedullin in LSP-mediated lung injury
Exosomal HSP60 levels and related miRNAs in brain tumors
In cancer, Extracellular Vesicles (EVs), such as exosomes, contribute to tumor progression by regulating local and systemic parameters. Since exosomes are released into body fluids, they may be used in nanomedicine as a valuable source of diagnostic biomarkers. The prognosis of brain tumors is poor even after surgical resection followed by post-operatory chemo- and radio-therapies and it is cogent to find innovative treatments. The discovery that molecular chaperones can be determinant factors in tumorigenesis and the increasing understanding of exosomes, particularly in what refers to their release by tumor cells and contents, including chaperones and miRNA, provide elements to develop nov…
Circulating exosomal Hsp60 as a new marker of colon cancer.
Anatomy of cochlea and round window
One of the most important functions of the ear is sound recepction, particularly the detection of amplitude and frequency of the sound waves by Corti's organ. The latter is a sensory structure located in the cochlear duct (middle scale), consisting of hair cells lying above the basilar membrane. The cochlear duct is surrounded by two cavities containing perilymph: the scala vestibularis and the scala tympani. The sound reception mechanism involves several other components of the ear such as malleus, incus and stapes, in the tympanic cavity, and the oval and round windows. The movement of the stapes on the oval window, that is adjacent to the scala vestibularis, generates pressure waves in t…
Hsp60 and hsp10 expression in advanced colorectal cancer
Studying embrionic lung development by tissue engineering.
Changes in immunohistochemical levels and subcellular localization after therapy and correlation and colocalization with CD68 suggest a pathogenetic role of Hsp60 in ulcerative colitis.
In an earlier work, the role of heat shock protein (Hsp60) in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis (UC) was suggested by its significant increase in the pathological mucosa parallel with an increase in inflammatory cells. More data in this direction are reported in this work. We analyzed by immunohistochemistry biopsies of colon tissue from 2 groups of patients with UC and treated with either 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) alone or in combination with a probiotic. We looked for inflammatory markers and Hsp60. Both the treatments were effective in reducing symptoms but the group treated with both 5-ASA and probiotics showed better clinical results. Amelioration of symptoms was associated wi…
The expression of HSP60 and HSP10 in large bowel carcinomas with lymph node metastase
Abstract Background The involvement of Heat Shock Proteins (HSP) in cancer development and progression is a widely debated topic. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the presence and expression of HSP60 and HSP10 in a series of large bowel carcinomas and locoregional lymph nodes with and without metastases. Methods 82 Astler and Coller's stage C2 colorectal cancers, of which 48 well-differentiated and 34 poorly-differentiated, were selected along with 661 lymph nodes, including 372 with metastases and 289 with reactive hyperplasia only, from the same tumours. Primitive tumours and both metastatic and reactive lymph nodes were studied; specifically, three different compartment…
Exosomal Heat Shock Proteins as New Players in Tumour Cell-to-cell Communication
Exosomes have recently been proposed as novel elements in the study of intercellular communication in normal and pathological conditions. The biomolecular composition of exosomes reflects the specialized functions of the original cells. Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are a group of chaperone proteins with diverse biological roles. In recent years, many studies have focused on the extracellular roles played by Hsps that appear to be involved in cancer development and immune system stimulation. Hsps localized on the surface of exosomes, secreted by normal and tumour cells, could be key players in intercellular cross-talk, particularly during the course of different diseases, such as cancer. Exoso…
The Challenging Riddle about the Janus-Type Role of Hsp60 and Related Extracellular Vesicles and miRNAs in Carcinogenesis and the Promises of Its Solution
Hsp60 is one of the most ancient and evolutionarily conserved members of the chaperoning system. It typically resides within mitochondria, in which it contributes to maintaining the organelle’s proteome integrity and homeostasis. In the last few years, it has been shown that Hsp60 also occurs in other locations, intracellularly and extracellularly, including cytosol, plasma-cell membrane, and extracellular vesicles (EVs). Consequently, non-canonical functions and interacting partners of Hsp60 have been identified and it has been realized that it is a hub molecule in diverse networks and pathways and that it is implicated, directly or indirectly, in the development of various pathological co…
Effects of antioxidants on CSE-induced cell death in human asthmatic primary bronchial epithelial cells
The link between cigarette smoke (CS) and lung inflammation is quite strong, however relatively little is still known on the effects of CS on human bronchial epithelial cells survival during asthma. In this study we focused our attention on the apoptotic effects of CS on healthy (HC) and asthmatic (AS) primary bronchial epithelial cells (PBEC) and on the role of antioxidants to protect epithelial cells from CSE-induced apoptosis. Twenty subjects (10 HC and 10 AS) were recruited for this study and PBEC were obtained by bronchoscopy. PBEC were treated with oxidants (H2O), anti-oxidants (GSH and AA) and cigarette smoke extracts (CSE). Early apoptosis (EA) and necrosis were measured by flow cyt…
Human primary macrophages scavenge AuNPs and eliminate it through exosomes. A natural shuttling for nanomaterials.
Abstract The use of nanomaterials is increasing but the real risk associated with their use in humans has to be defined. In fact, nanomaterials tend to accumulate in organs over a long period of time and are slowly degraded or eliminated by the body. Exosomes are nanovesicles actively shuttle molecules, including chemical products and metals, through the body. Macrophages scavenge the body from both organic and inorganic substances, and they use to release high amounts of exosomes. We hypothesized that macrophages may have a role in eliminating nanomaterials through their exosomes. We treated human primary macrophages with 20 nm gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), analyzing the presence of AuNPs in…
Hsp10: Anatomic distribution, functions, and involvement in human disease
There is growing evidence that molecular chaperones/heat shock proteins are involved in the pathogenesis of a number of human diseases, known as chaperonopathies. A better molecular understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms is essential for addressing new strategies in diagnostics, therapeutics and clinical management of chaperonopathies, including those in which Hsp10 is involved. This chaperonin has been studied for a long time as a member of the mitochondrial protein-folding machine. However, although in normal cells Hsp10 is mainly localized in the mitochondrial matrix, it has also been found during and after stress in other subcellular compartments, such as cytosol, vesicles and sec…
L'hsp60 e l'hsp10 sono iperespresse durante la cancerogenesi prostatica
HSP60 is a ubiquitous player in the physiological and pathogenic interactions between the chaperoning and the immune systems
HSP60 participates in many interactions between the system integrated by all chaperones and closely associated molecules (chaperoning system or CS) and the immune system (IS). These interactions occur constantly to maintain normal cell physiology but, occasionally, they are perturbed and become mediators of pathologic events that may lead to disease. This switch to pathology may be initiated by various factors, genetic or acquired, which cause qualitative and/or quantitative modifications of HSP60, or immune crossreactivity between the human and microbial chaperonin orthologs, or a break in the balance between the pro- and anti-inflammatory actions of the chaperonin. Thus, autoimmune and ch…
Angiotensin II dependent cardiac remodeling in the eel Anguilla anguilla involves the NOS/NO system
Angiotensin II (AngII), the principal effector of the Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS), plays an important role in controlling mammalian cardiac morpho-functional remodelling. In the eel Anguilla anguilla, one month administration of AngII improves cardiac performance and influences the expression and localization of molecules which regulate cell growth. To deeper investigate the morpho-functional chronic influences of AngII on the eel heart and the molecular mechanisms involved, freshwater eels (A. anguilla) were intraperitoneally injected for 2 months with AngII (1 nmol g BW-1). Then the isolated hearts were subjected to morphological and western blotting analyses, and nitrite measurements.…
Medium-term culture of embryonic lungs: a novel three-dimensional model
Is chlamydial heat shock protein 60 a risk factor for oncogenesis?
Heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) plays an important role in the protein folding of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Most of the papers published on chlamydial HSP60 concern its role in immune response during infection. In the last decade, exposure to Chlamydia trachomatis has been consistently associated with the development of cervical and ovarian cancer. Moreover, it has been suggested that chlamydial HSP60 may have an anti- apoptotic effect during persistent infection. We hypothesize that the accumulation of exogenous chlamydial HSP60 in the cytoplasm of actively replicating eukaryotic cells may interfere with the regulation of the apoptotic pathway. The concomitant expression of viral onc…
Exosomal Hsp60 levels and related miRNA in brain tumor cells
One of the many pathologic conditions still without a satisfactory solution is that of brain tumors. The prognosis is poor even after surgical resection followed by post-operatory chemo- and radio-therapie (1). It is, therefore, cogent to find innovative treatment tools. Three recent developments may provide elements to discover novel treatment strategies and means. These developments are: the discovery that molecular chaperones can be determinant factors in the process of tumorigenesis (2); the elucidation of the role of miRNAs in gene regulation and determination of protein functions, including molecular chaperones; in the various cell compartments (3);the increasing understanding and cha…
Silybin enhances mitochondrial function and inhibits NFkB activation in murine nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, Vol 115, No 1/2 (Supplement) 2010
CD40 ligation protects bronchial epithelium against oxidant-induced caspase-independent cell death.
KEYWORDS CLASSIFICATION: 7,8-Dihydro-7,8-dihydroxybenzo(a)pyrene 9,10-oxide;Antigens,CD40;Apoptosis;Bronchi;cytology;Caspases;Cell Cycle;Cell Death;Cell Line,Transformed;Cell Survival;Cell Transformation,Viral;Cytoprotection;drug effects;Epithelial Cells;Humans;Italy;mechanisms of carcinogenesis;metabolism;Oxidants;pharmacology;physiology;Research;Simian virus 40;toxicity;Transcription Factor AP-1. CD40 and its ligand regulate pleiotropic biological responses, including cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. In many inflammatory lung diseases, tissue damage by environmental or endogenous oxidants plays a major role in disease pathogenesis. As the epithelial barrier is a major t…
Hsp60 molecular anatomy and role in colorectal cancer diagnosis and treatment
Quantitative changes in Hsp60 during the development of some tumors suggest that this chaperonin plays a role in carcinogenesis. A description of the specific role(s) of Hsp60 in tumor-cell growth and proliferation is still incomplete, but it is already evident that monitoring its levels and distribution in tissues and fluids has potential for diagnosis and staging, and for assessing prognosis and response to treatment. Although Hsp60 is considered an intramitochondrial protein, it has been demonstrated in the cytosol, cell membrane, vesicles, cell surface, extracellular space, and blood. The knowledge that Hsp60 occurs at all these locations opens new avenues for basic and applied research…