André Grandgirard
Heat treatment of vegetable oils. II. GC-MS and GC-FTIR spectra of some isolated cyclic fatty acid monomers
Gas liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) showed that the cyclic fatty acid monomers (CFAM) isolated from a heated linseed oil have two ethylenic bonds, while the CFAM isolated from heated sunflower oils were saturated and monoethylenic isomers. GC-MS studies also showed the presence of cyclohexenic derivatives in the case of linseed oil.
Trans isomers of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are formed during heat treatment of oils. In the present work, the effect of dietary geometrical isomers of α-linolenic acid (18:3 n-3) on the Δ6 desaturation of all cis 18:3 n-3 was investigated, using rat liver microsomes. The desaturation rates were higher in microsomes from animals fed a cis n-3 deficient diet, as compared to those from the control group or those from rats fed 18:3 n-3 and its trans isomers. These data and the incorporation of long chain trans PUFA in microsomal lipids suggest that geometrical isomers of 18:3 n-3 are probably slowly desaturated and elongated into long chain trans polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to…
Lymphatic absorption of phytosterol oxides in rats
Two of the main classes of oxyphytosterols (7-keto and epoxides) were synthesized from sitosterol and campesterol and given to mesenteric duct-cannulated adult male rats. Lymph was collected during 24 h and was analyzed for oxysterols. The results showed that the lymphatic recovery of the phytosterol oxides was low: 4.7% of the given dose for epoxy derivatives and 1.5% for 7-keto compounds. The campesterol oxides presented a better absorption than the sitosterol oxides. During the process of absorption, the epoxyphytostanols were also partly transformed in campestanetriol and stigmastanetriol.
Oxyphytosterols are present in plasma of healthy human subjects
The oxidised derivatives of phytosterols (oxyphytosterols) were identified in plasma samples from thirteen healthy human volunteers, using MS. All the samples contained noticeable quantities of (24R)-5b,6b-epoxy-24-ethylcholestan-3b-ol (b-epoxysitostanol) and (24R)-ethylcholestan-3b,5a,6b-triol (sitostanetriol) and also trace levels of (24R)-5a,6a-epoxy-24-ethylcholestan-3b-ol (a-epoxysitostanol), (24R)-methylcholestan-3b,5a,6b-triol (campestanetriol) and (24R)-ethylch olest-5-en-3b-ol-7-one(7-ketositosterol). The amounts of these oxyphytosterols in plasma varied from 4·8 to 57·2 ng/ml. There are two possibilities concerning the origin of these compounds. First, they could come from the sma…
Effect of 18:3 n-3 geometrical isomers of heated linseed oll on the biosynthesis of arachidonic acid in rat
Abstract The influence of dietary heated linseed oil on the fatty acid composition of rat liver, platelet and plasma phospholipids (PL) with particular reference to the metabolism of linoleic acid (18:2 n-6) were studied. Δ6 and Δ5 desaturase activities and fatty acid composition of hepatic microsomal total lipids (TL) also were determined. Two groups of male weanling rats were fed, for 6 weeks, diets containing 10% (in weight) of a fresh linseed oil (LO group) and of a heated linseed oil (HLO group). The contents of geometrical isomers of linolenic acid (18:3 n-3) were high in the oil heated at 240°C for 10 hours. The pattern of arachidonic acid (20:4 n-6) in the different lipid fractions …