Jean-michel Boucheix
Emergency medical triage decisions are swayed by computer-manipulated cues of physical dominance in caller’s voice
AbstractIn humans as well as other animals, displays of body strength such as power postures or deep masculine voices are associated with prevalence in conflicts of interest and facilitated access to resources. We conduct here an ecological and highly critical test of this hypothesis in a domain that, on first thought, would appear to be shielded from such influences: access to emergency medical care. Using acoustic manipulations of vocal masculinity, we systematically varied the perceived level of physical dominance of mock patients calling a medical call center simulator. Callers whose voice were perceived as indicative of physical dominance (i.e. those with low fundamental and formant fr…
Learning from Animated Diagrams: How Are Mental Models Built?
Current approaches to the design of educational animations too often appear to be largely founded upon intuition rather than research-based principles. Animated diagrams designed to be behaviourally realistic run the risk of learners overlooking vital high relevance information that has low intrinsic perceptual salience. The information that learners extract from such representations is a poor basis upon which to build high quality dynamic mental models. For animated diagrams to be effective as tools for learning, their design should be based upon explicit and principled modeling of the way learners process such depictions. This paper synthesizes recent research to propose a theoretical fra…
‘Acting-out’ dynamics : Can physical manipulation foster building of mental models from animation?
International audience; The effects of (i) learner demonstration (using a manipulable model) and (ii) writing for understanding on learning from an animation of a Scotch Yoke mechanism were compared in a time-controlled investigation. Post-tests assessed the quality of the Scotch Yoke mental model acquired in the two learning conditions. On the basis of the Animation Processing Model (Lowe & Boucheix, 2008), we hypothesized that participants in the demonstration condition should outperform those in the writing condition because having to demonstrate the behaviors of the Scotch Yoke would result in deeper processing of crucial dynamic information in the animation. Results of the investigatio…
Quel format visuel adopter pour informer les sourds et malentendants dans les transports collectifs ?
Some information is not accessible to the deaf and hard-of-hearing in public transportation because it is diffused in an auditory mode with loud speakers. The present study aims to transcribe graphically five messages of disruption and test their understanding by an audience of people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Four graphic formats, more or less involving animation techniques have been developed. Messages have been tested experimentally to determine what format is the most adapted, i.e. the most understandable (understanding task), and to find out the favorite among the four proposed (judgment task). Three groups of subjects were involved in the experimentation: 36 born deaf people, 3…
Quality control in the optical industry: From a work analysis of lens inspection to a training programme, an experimental case study
A cognitive work analysis of quality inspection in the optical industry has been carried out in order to devise a training programme. The task concerned the inspection of high quality human eyeglass lenses. We conducted an experimental investigation of defect detection and acceptability decision-making tasks in 18 experts and novice inspectors. Detection and decision-making were investigated together and separately in two experimental sessions. We showed the effect of expertise on reaction times and errors, and we described the cognitive processes of novice inspectors. On the basis of the processing differences between the two groups, a training programme for new inspectors was devised and …
One Line processing of a complex animation: Eye Tracking investigation during verbal description
International audience
A Composition Approach to Design of Educational Animations
International audience; The educational effectiveness of conventionally designed animations that portray complex, unfamiliar subject matter in a behaviorally realistic fashion too often falls well short of expectations. Previous research indicates that the veridical dynamic properties of these comprehensive animations make a major contribution to their lack of effectiveness. Due to these dynamics, there is a substantial mismatch between the processing demands these animations impose on learners and the characteristics of the human information processing system. As a result, the quality of the mental models that learners are able to construct is compromised. Interventions intended to improve…
Principled animation design improves comprehension of complex dynamics
International audience; Learners can have difficulty in decomposing conventionally designed animations to obtain raw material suitable for building high quality mental models. A composition approach to designing animations based on the Animation Processing Model was developed as a principled alternative to prevailing approaches. Outcomes from studying novel and conventional animation designs (independent variable) were compared with respect to mental model quality, knowledge of local kinematics, and capacity to transfer (dependent variables). Study of a compositional animation that presented material in a contiguous fashion resulted in higher quality mental models of a piano mechanism than …
Supporting Relational Processing in Complex Animated Diagrams
The psychological utility of different approaches to cueing key information within complex animated diagrams remains relatively unexplored. Because of the varied processing demands required to comprehend such representations, it is likely that providing a range of different cue types would be best for supporting effective user information extraction. Traditional cueing approaches used with static diagrams may need to be reconsidered in order to meet the new design challenges associated with their animated counterparts.
L'obtention de l'examen du code de la route pour les personnes avec difficulté linguistique : un parcours fastidieux
Entretien Jacques Cartier, Bruxelles, BELGIQUE, 25-/11/2015 - 26/11/2015; En théorie, l'examen du code de la route peut être présenté par tous les publics quel que soit le niveau socioculturel, scolaire ou intellectuel. Les supports d'apprentissage ainsi que l'outil de contrôle des connaissances devraient être abordables par tous. Or, dans la pratique, l'examen du code de la route reste difficile d'accès à un nombre important de candidats, en particulier à ceux présentant des lacunes vis-à-vis du langage écrit tels que certains sourds ou malentendants, les personnes non francophones, dyslexiques ou encore dysphasiques. Selon un rapport parlementaire, le taux de réussite à l'examen du code d…
Demonstration as an aid to learning from animation
Communication donnée le 1er septembre 2017 lors du symposium : Learning with dynamic media in formal and informal contexts (session K 26); International audience; The effectiveness of requiring learners to generate operational demonstrations while viewing an animation of a working mechanism was explored as a means of improving their animation processing. We assumed that the demonstration requirement would enhance learner extraction of key dynamic information needed for building a high quality mental model. It is expected that compared with note-taking controls, those in the demonstration group will give more attention to the spatiotemporal relationships amongst the mechanism’s components. T…
Cueing animations: Dynamic signaling aids information extraction and comprehension
The effectiveness of animations containing two novel forms of animation cueing that target relations between event units rather than individual entities was compared with that of animations containing conventional entity-based cueing or no cues. These relational event unit cues (progressive path and local coordinated cues) were specifically designed to support key learning processes posited by the Animation Processing Model (Lowe & Boucheix, 2008). Four groups of undergraduates (N ¼ 84) studied a usercontrollable animation of a piano mechanism and then were assessed for mental model quality (via a written comprehension test) and knowledge of the mechanism’s dynamics (via a novel non-verbal …
Psycholinguistic norms for 320 fixed expressions (idioms and proverbs) in French
International audience; We provide psycholinguistic norms for a new set of 160 French idiomatic expressions and 160 proverbs: knowledge, predictability, literality, compositionality, subjective and objective frequency, familiarity, age of acquisition (AoA), and length. Different analyses (reliability, descriptive statistics, correlations) performed on the norms are reported and discussed. The norms can be downloaded as supplemental material.
Towards more Valid Assessment of Learning from Animations
Animated explanations have become an ubiquitous feature of modern educational practice. They provide a distinctive, non-verbal means of presenting information that is particularly appropriate for dynamic subject matter. However, the prevailing approaches used to assess learning from educational animations are almost exclusively verbal. There is thus a clear disconnect between the form of representation students encounter during their learning activity and the very different form of representation used to assess the resulting learning outcomes. This fundamental inconsistency undermines the validity of current assessment approaches and signals the need for a fresh look at how learning from an…
L’usage des écrits techniques : le cas de l’activité de transmission écrite au cours des relèves de poste des infirmières
International audience
Alternative Strategies in Processing 3D Objects Diagrams: Static, Animated and Interactive Presentation of a Mental Rotation Test in an Eye Movements Cued Retrospective Study
Spatial abilities involved in reasoning with diagrams have been assessed using tests supposed to require mental rotation (cube figures of the Vandenberg & Kruse). However, Hegarty (2010) described alternative strategies: Mental rotation is not always used; analytical strategies can be used instead. In this study, we compared three groups of participants in three external formats of presentation of the referent figure in the Vandenberg & Kruse test: static, animated, interactive. During the test, participants were eye tracked. After the test, they were interrogated on their strategies for each item during the viewing of the replay of their own eye movement in a cued retrospective verbal prot…
Un dispositif de prévisualisation qui améliore la navigation : comparaison entre une tablette tactile et une souris 3 D.
International audience; C’est dans le cadre d’une action de recherche pluridisciplinaire (Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication, Psychologie, Ergonomie cognitive) que nous avons voulu vérifier l’hypothèse qu’un dispositif de prévisualisation pouvait améliorer les performances en recherche d’information pour des utilisateurs. L’objectif poursuivi est de tester une condition de prévisualisation en la déclinant sur une tablette tactile (expérience 1) et une souris 3 D incluant des fonctions de navigation modifiées (expérience 2). Deux modalités de recherche sont testées afin de pouvoir analyser les effets de ce dispositif. La première « normale » présente les caractéristiques classi…
Compréhension d’animations et mouvements oculaires : rôle du contrôle et de l’orientation de l’attention
On line elaboration of a mental model during the understanding of an animation This experiment aimed at studying how high and low spatial abilities adult learners understood an animation. Two factors were manipulated when learners were studying a threepulley system device: the controllability of the animation and the orientation of the attention of the participant by an explicit task. Off-line (comprehension questions) and on-line (eye tracking) measures were used. The comprehension test results indicated that, more than controllability, the specific orientation of the attention of the participant on the relevant features of the animation had a positive effect on the elaboration of a high q…
Manipulatable Models for Investigating Processing of Dynamic Diagrams
Existing approaches for collecting process data on human diagram comprehension have limited effectiveness. Analogue models that allow participants to manipulate diagram components offer powerful ways to capture the non-verbal and dynamic aspects of processing that are not available with some other approaches. Examples drawn from a variety of different domains illustrate the utility of model manipulation for revealing otherwise inaccessible aspects of how people process animated diagrams of complex content.
Young learners’control of technical animations
International audience; This chapter deals with the effect of user control on learning from technical animations. First, the concept of user controllability is explored and possible reasons for the varied research findings concerning its effectiveness in supporting learning are considered. Second, an empirical study is reported in which young learners studied the operation of gear systems from animated instruction featuring different levels of user control. Finally, results of the study are discussed and related to processing constraints that may influence the educational effectiveness of user controllable animations.
Demonstration Tasks for Assessment
International audience; Learning from animations is conventionally measured using static assessment tools such as multiple choice tests or extended answer questions. These tools tend to rely heavily on textual information both for presenting the assessment items and as the medium for learner response. However, such assessments are not well aligned with the defining dynamic, pictorial characteristics of animated learning materials. This chapter considers the potential of demonstration tasks to offer more appropriate assessments of learning from animation. In these tasks, learners interact with a manipulable model of the animation’s subject matter to provide an explanatory account of how it c…
Analysis of the written handover process during shift changes within the hospital
This study assesses the ergonomic quality of a new writing format used for the written transmission of activity during a nurse’s handover in a hospital. This format called “targeted or focussed transmission” comes from a new prescription of hospital management designed to improve the written handover process. Our research focused on the information filtering process for each patient concerned by a shift handover. A three step methodology was designed, with the participation of 9 nurses in charge of 70 patients : (1) nursing work analysis before the handover, (2) oral handover analysis, (3) written handover analysis. Results show that the new writing format does not match the nurses’ needs t…
The Effects of the Use of Serious Game in Eco-Driving Training
International audience; Serious games present a promising approach to training and learning. The player is engaged in a virtual environment for a purpose beyond pure entertainment, all while having fun. In this paper, we investigate the effects of the use of serious game in eco-driving training. An approach has been developed in order to improve players’ practical skills in terms of eco-driving. This approach is based on the development of a driving simulation based on a serious game, integrating a multisensorial guidance system with metaphors including visual messages (information on fuel consumption, ideal speed area, gearbox management, etc.) and sounds (spatialized sounds, voice message…
How Do Viewers Spontaneously Segment Animated Diagrams of Mechanical and Biological Subject Matter?
A challenges for learning from animated diagrams is to first parse the continuous flow of information into discrete event units. Inadequacies in this parsing process can prejudice the quality of the mental model constructed from the depiction. One approach that has been proposed for ameliorating such problems is for the designer to pre-segment the animation. However, the pre-segmentation techniques used tend to be either intuitive or based on an expert's understanding of the subject matter. Neither of these approaches takes proper account of the psychological processing that must occur for an external animation to be properly internalized. This poster reports a study of the processes that l…
Contrôle d’animations multimédias par des enfants de dix à 11 ans : quel effet des dispositifs de contrôle ?
Resume Cette recherche etudie l’effet du controle interactif d’animations techniques multimedias sur la comprehension. D’abord, le concept de controlabilite des animations est defini ainsi que les raisons des resultats contradictoires qui ont ete observes concernant l’interactivite dans l’apprentissage de documents multimedias. Ensuite, une experience est rapportee dans laquelle des enfants etudient le fonctionnement de systemes techniques d’engrenage a partir d’animations multimedias offrant a l’utilisateur plusieurs niveaux de controle. Enfin, les resultats sont discutes en liaison avec les contraintes cognitives qui peuvent influer sur l’efficacite des animations interactives chez des en…
Benefits of learning technologies in medical training, from full-scale simulators to virtual reality and multimedia presentations
The rapid growth of technology provides a wide range of new learning tools such as multimedia presentations of materials, interactive animated images for anatomy learning, 3-D models, full-scale (FS) patient simulators, and microworld training software, which are virtual reality tools that include high-level interactive haptic properties. These new learning approaches have been recently used in medical training and education.
Comparaison ergonomique de deux systèmes de recherche d'information
Etude expérimentale avec 56 participants. Comparaison des temps de recherche d'information et mesure de la charge cognitive dans le cadre d'une tâche de recherche d'information dans deux sites internet fictifs d'agence immobilière. L'un des sites est dit "classique" et l'autre dispose d'une possibilité de prévisualisation des pages web grace à un bouton dédié de la souris. Les résultats montrent que le système dit "transparent" est beaucoup plus efficace dans cette expérience y compris pour les publics les plus âgés.
Cueing complex animations: Does direction of attention foster learning processes?
Abstract The time course of learners’ processing of a complex animation was studied using a dynamic diagram of a piano mechanism. Over successive repetitions of the material, two forms of cueing (standard colour cueing and anti-cueing) were administered either before or during the animated segment of the presentation. An uncued group and two other control conditions were also employed. Development of an internal representation of the movements depicted in the animation was evaluated through participant demonstrations of the mechanism’s operation on a replica piano mechanism. Eye tracking (fixation lengths) indicated that overall, conventional visuospatially-based cueing was largely ineffect…
Can animation compensate for temporal processing difficulties in deaf people?
International audience; This article addresses the issue of animation as an aid for temporal processing difficulties in deaf people learning the Highway Code. A decision‐making task involving static or animated road situations was performed by 21 deaf and 24 hearing participants. They were confronted with four types of driving situations (overtaking, negotiating roundabouts, highways, and intersections) and had to decide whether or not to proceed. Participants were presented with two different formats (static vs. animated) and two levels of difficulty (simple vs. complex). Results showed that deaf participants had poorer performances in the static condition than hearing participants. Perfor…
Innovative visual design to assure information for all in transportation
ICAP 2014, 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, PARIS, FRANCE, 08-/07/2014 - 13/07/2014; This research aims to propose alternative visual design of audio railway disruption announcements in order at reducing handicap situations encountered by travelers who can't hear or understand oral messages (deaf, hearing-impaired or foreign people). Five announcements were translated into two visual modes: in French sign language (with a sign language avatar named Jade) and in animated graphical designs. Different combinations were tested in order to find the better compromise between spatial and temporal organization for the both visual messages. For spatial parameter, messages were eith…
Les animations graphiques sont-elles vraiment bénéfiques à la compréhension ?
International audience
Analyser les situations de service : questions de méthodes
International audience
Attention Direction in Static and Animated Diagrams
Two key requirements for comprehending a diagram are to parse it into appropriate components and to establish relevant relationships between those components. These requirements can be particularly demanding when the diagram is complex and the viewers are novices in the depicted domain. Lack of domain-specific knowledge for top-down guidance of visual attention prejudices novices' extraction of task-relevant information. Static diagrams designed for novices often include visual cues intended to improve such information extraction. However, because current approaches to cueing tend to be largely intuitive, their effectiveness can be questionable. Further, animated diagrams with their percept…
Demonstrating dynamics to support learning from complex animations
International audience; This round table will explore the potential of learner demonstrations to be a more effective alternative support strategy than self-generated drawing for improving learning from complex animations. Discussion will be stimulated by three presentations reporting recent work of the EARLI Center for Innovative Research ‘Drawing for Learning from Animation’ and key focus questions arising from that research. The presentations will cover the processing challenges posed to learners by requiring them to self-generated drawings from complex animations, how these challenges may be ameliorated by instead having learners perform demonstrations with manipulable models, and empiri…
Does Animation Facilitate Comprehension of Public Information Graphics? Evidence from Eye Tracking.
Graphic information displays have the potential to communicate public information in situations where normal announcement types are ineffective. This study used eye tracking techniques to analyze comprehension mechanism of event-related information on railway traffic disruptions presented via different graphic formats. One hundred thirteen participants were asked to understand and compare series of traffic disruption messages delivered via three purely visual formats. Animated displays were the most effective presentation type. Eye tracking data showed why an animation facilitates comprehension: it enhances processing strategies which provide the best condition for segmenting the causal cha…
Simuler pour aider à comprendre. Relier des modèles mentaux selon une hiérarchie d’abstraction
International audience
Hollywood et l’ergonomie des vidéos pour la formation: Effet de la continuité des points de vue de la caméra dans l’apprentissage d’une procédure médicale
International audience; La conception de vidéos éducatives selon des principes cinématographiques peut affecter leur efficacité potentielle pour l'apprentissage. L'objectif de la présente expérience était d'étudier l'effet de la continuité filmique dans l'apprentissage d'une procédure médicale dans la formation aux soins infirmiers. Nous avons testé l'effet de la violation de la règle des 180° qui propose que la caméra doit rester du même côté d'un axe imaginaire de 180° lorsqu'un événement en cours est filmé. Dans une expérience de type pré-post tests, 56 étudiants en soins infirmiers ont été répartis en deux groupes pour apprendre une procédure de réanimation cardiopulmonaire à partir d'u…
Nouvelles technologies et aide à la compréhension de documents techniques : Construction et expérimentation d'un simulateur de fonctionnement de grues à tours pour l'apprentissage de la notion de courbe de charge chez des grutiers peu lettrés
Reading skills are more and more required to succeed professional examination. French crane drivers are concerned with this problem. In order to help them, we have conducted a study with three main steps. First, we carried out a cognitive work analysis. Second, we test several analogical modalities of written presentations focusing on the construction of a specific simulator. Finally, two experiments are presented showing a significative effect of this simulator on the comprehension of cranes technical documentation.
What animated illustrations conditions can improve technical document comprehension in young students? Format, signaling and control of the presentation
We study the comprehension of a multimedia technical document about gear functioning by young pupils. The research is focused on the effect of three factors on the construction of a mental model: illustration format (animated versus static) signaling cues (presence versus absence) learner-control of information delivery (three rhythms of presentation: speed, slow and self-controlled). The experimental procedure, conducted with 123 children, follows three phases: pre-test, individual passation of the lesson, comprehension test, delayed post-test. The goal of the pre-test is the evaluation of prior knowledge about gears, but also the control of spatial and verbal working memory aptitude and r…
L'intérêt de l'animation comme support au code de la route pour les candidats sourds
Entretiens Jacques Cartier, LYON, FRANCE, 13-/11/2018 - 14/11/2018; This article focuses on the interest of using dynamic Highway Code learning materials, particularly for deaf people who present low temporal skills. Twenty-one deaf and 24 hearing candidates of Highway Code were involved in a decision-making task. Four types of driving situations (overtaking, insertion on roundabout, insertion on highway and crossing an intersection) from which participants have to decide to go or not to go were presented in two different formats (static vs animated) and in two level of difficulty (simple vs complex). Results showed better performance in animated than in static condition, especially in deaf…
Animation in public transports: can it facilitate information accessibility for elderly people?
Cognitive functions could be affected by aging: speed processing, inhibition abilities, working memory, visuo-spatial abilities. Nevertheless, these functions could also be involved in comprehension of graphic information. In this paper we examined whether in public transports, animated graphic information instead of spoken information, could facilitate the comprehension of disruption messages. Such alternative, could improve public transport accessibility for elderly people by compensating cognitive decline due to aging. Fifty-two participants, two groups of young and older people, were asked to understand and compare series of train traffic disruption messages delivered via three differen…
Etat émotionnel du conducteur et détection d’usagers vulnérables : Validation d’une méthode d’induction émotionnelle
International audience
Recherche d'information dans les documents numériques : vers une variation des modalités d'exécution procédurale
National audience; L'objectif de la recherche présentée est de tester l'efficacité cognitive d'un nouveau système technique facilitant la recherche d'information dans les documents numériques. Ce système utilise un dispositif de prévisualisation par transparence permettant à l'utilisateur de consulter aisément des pages en profondeur. Une étude expérimentale a été conduite auprès de 36 participants, dont 26 étudiants et 10 personnes âgées. La tâche de recherche d'information consistait à trouver un appartement cible possédant un ou plusieurs critères spécifiques dans un site web d'agence immobilière spécialement conçu et contrôlé pour l'étude. Deux versions de ce site ont été testées. L'une…
The effectiveness of compositional animation design: Evidence from eye tracking
Communication donnée le 1er septembre 2017 lors du symposium : Eye tracking as a method in learning and testing with different representations(session L 8); International audience; Learners have difficulty in decomposing conventionally designed animations to obtain raw material suitable for building high quality mental models. A composition approach to designing animations based on the Animation Processing Model was developed as a principled alternative to prevailing approaches. It provides learners with pre-decomposed material that is structured and sequenced to facilitate the relation building required for effective mental model construction. Study of a compositional animation that presen…
Analyser les situations de services : questions de méthodes
National audience
L’activité d’accueil : Orientation courtoise ou activité collaborative de résolution de problème dans un contexte de régulation des « mondes »
International audience
Benefits of computer screen-based simulation in learning cardiac arrest procedures
Medical Education 2010: 44: 716–722 Objectives What is the best way to train medical students early so that they acquire basic skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation as effectively as possible? Studies have shown the benefits of high-fidelity patient simulators, but have also demonstrated their limits. New computer screen-based multimedia simulators have fewer constraints than high-fidelity patient simulators. In this area, as yet, there has been no research on the effectiveness of transfer of learning from a computer screen-based simulator to more realistic situations such as those encountered with high-fidelity patient simulators. Methods We tested the benefits of learning cardiac arre…
Static and animated presentations in learning dynamic mechanical systems
Abstract In two experiments, we investigated how learners comprehend the functioning of a three-pulley system from a presentation on a computer screen. In the first experiment (N = 62) we tested the effect of static vs. animated presentations on comprehension. In the second experiment (N = 45), we tested the effect of user-control of an animated presentation on comprehension. In both experiments the participants were university students. Comprehension was measured with a test including three comprehension indicators. The first experiment indicated that an animation as well as integrated sequential static frames enhanced comprehension. The second experiment showed that a controllable animati…
How not to give up on train travel when you are deaf ?
TRANSED 2015 - 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons, LISBONNE, PORTUGAL, 28-/07/2015 - 31/07/2015; The SUrDyn project aims at the design of an innovative visual information system, dedicated to travelers who cannot hear or understand audio disrupted announcements (e.g. cancellation, delay...) when they are in train stations. It is based on two previously developed systems: the Jade signer avatar, which informs travelers in French Signs Language, and an animated graphics translation. The objective is to combine these two approaches, in an optimal manner. We proposed a comprehension task to 159 participants divided in three groups: 53 deaf p…
Dynamic Diagrams: A Composition Alternative
A major problem that learners face in comprehending animated diagrams is in decomposing the presented information into a form that furnishes appropriate raw material for building high quality mental models. This paper proposes an alternative to existing design approaches that shifts the prime focus from the nature of the external representation to the internal composition activity learners engage in during mental model construction.
Animer le matériel d'apprentissage du code de la route pour une meilleure compréhension et réussite à l'examen
29èmes Entretiens du Centre Jacques-Cartier. Facteurs humains, technologies embarquées et numériques : quel rôle pour les politiques de sécurité routière ?, LYON, FRANCE, 21-/11/2016 - 23/11/2016; Des travaux sur l'intérêt d'animer le matériel du code de la route pour des publics en difficulté linguistique sont présentés et discutés.
Age Differences in Learning from Instructional Animations
Summary: The present study tests the effects of the decline of executive functions and spatial abilities with aging on the comprehension of a complex instructional animation. An animation of a piano mechanism was presented individually to 33 young adults and 31 elderly participants. Two presentation speeds of the animation (normal and slow) were compared in a 2×2 experimental design. Eye movements were recorded during the learning time. Then, four executive function tests (inhibition, shifting, updating, and processing speed) and a spatial ability test (differential aptitude test) were undertaken by each participant. Results showed that the comprehension of animations was significantly affe…
L'animation 3D comme support au code de la route. Intérêt pour les candidats sourds
9ème conférence de Psychologie Ergonomique (EPIQUE) : Ergonomie des technologies pour le développement des compétences, DIJON, FRANCE, 05-/07/2017 - 07/07/2017; La réussite à l'examen du code de la route est un facteur facilitant l'insertion sociale et professionnelle. Avec un taux de réussite largement inférieur aux candidats entendants, les individus sourds éprouvent de nombreuses difficultés. Le matériel actuel composé d'images statiques ne serait pas compatible avec des habiletés temporelles dégradées dues à l'absence d'audition. La présente étude s'intéresse au bénéfice d'un matériel dynamique basé sur des animations 3D dans une tâche de prise de décision. Les résultats mettent en évid…
The influence of seductive details and animated versus static illustrations on children’s performances.
Rendre dynamique le matériel d'apprentissage du code de la route : un intérêt particulier pour les sourds
Entretiens Jacques Cartier, QUEBEC, CANADA, 16-/10/2017 - 18/10/2017; ACOSUR : Accès au Code de la route et SURdité. Contexte : La réussite à l'examen du code de la route est un facteur facilitant l'insertion sociale et professionnelle. Avec un taux de réussite largement inférieur aux candidats entendants, les individus sourds éprouvent de nombreuses difficultés. Le matériel actuel composé d'images statiques ne serait pas compatible avec des habiletés temporelles dégradées dues à l'absence d'audition. Objectif : La présente étude s'intéresse au bénéfice d'un matériel dynamique basé sur des animations 3D par rapport à un matériel statique dans une tâche de prise de décision. Méthode : 21 can…
Apprendre le réel sans les risques du réel. L'apprentissage sur simulateur comme prévention
International audience
An eye tracking comparison of external pointing cues and internal continuous cues in learning with complex animations
Abstract Two experiments used eye tracking to investigate a novel cueing approach for directing learner attention to low salience, high relevance aspects of a complex animation. In the first experiment, comprehension of a piano mechanism animation containing spreading-colour cues was compared with comprehension obtained with arrow cues or no cues. Eye tracking data revealed differences in learner attention patterns between the different experimental conditions. The second experiment used eye tracking with synchronized and non-synchronized cues to investigate the role of dynamic direction of attention in cueing effectiveness. Results of Experiment 1 showed that spreading-colour cues resulted…
Formation en médecine d'urgence: évaluation d'un transfert d'apprentissage sur simulateur de patient pleine échelle
International audience; Les travaux portant sur l’apprentissage grâce à la simulation pleine échelle en médecine sont rares car nécessitant des investissements humains et financiers importants. Nous nous sommes interrogés sur le nombre de séance de formation sur simulateur pleine échelle nécessaire à la mesure d’un transfert d’apprentissage ainsi que l’impact du niveau de complexité des cas vus en formation sur ce transfert d’apprentissage. Nous montrons qu’il est nécessaire de s’entraîner au minimum trois fois sur le simulateur pour permettre un apprentissage objectivement mesurable. En outre, le transfert d’apprentissage est plus important lorsqu’il se fait à partir de situations de référ…
Don’t miss your train! Just follow the computer screen animation: Comprehension of animated public information graphics
Computer graphic animated information displays have the potential to communicate public information in situations where normal announcement types are ineffective. This study used eye tracking techniques to analyze comprehension mechanism of event-related information on railway traffic disruptions presented via different graphic formats presented on computer screen. 86 participants were asked to understand series of traffic disruption messages delivered via four purely visual formats: Static simultaneous, Static sequential, Animated simultaneous and Animated sequential. Across these four conditions, and contrary to the most common materials used in the studies on animation comprehension, the…
On Line Elaboration of a Mental Model During the Understanding of an Animation
This experiment examines how, high and low mechanical and spatial abilities, learners understand an animation. Two variables were manipulated: the controllability of the animations and the task type of the learners to study the device. The comprehension test results indicated a positive effect of a fully controllable animation and also a positive effect of task type, when the attention of the learner is focused on the functional model and on local kinematics. The eye tracking data indicated that the learners attend more to the areas of the animations where a great amount of motion is involved along the causal chain of events. We show an effect of the controllability of the system and of the…
Perceptual Processing and the Comprehension of Relational Information in Dynamic Diagrams
International audience; To date, research on the processing involved in comprehending and learning from animated diagrams has accorded a minor role only to perceptual operations in general and peripheral processing in particular. For those aspects where the role of perception is acknowledged, it is foveal rather than peripheral processing that is regarded as the main player. In this paper, we use the results from additional finer grained analysis of data collected in a recent empirical study to suggest that information from a viewer’s peripheral field can play a much more central role in animation processing than has previously been recognized. It appears that if the dynamic information com…
Animer le matériel d'apprentissage du code de la route, une solution pour les personnes sourdes et malentendantes.
Séminaire ARPEGE, PARIS, FRANCE, 05-/12/2016 - 05/12/2016; L'examen du code de la route est actuellement sources de difficultés pour la population sourde. Les supports statiques mériteraient d'être animé pour transmettre les rapport temps-vitesse distance, notions fondamentales pour transmettre les notions de sécurité routière. Les résultats de plusieurs travaux sont présentés et discutés.